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Ukraine-Russia Situation

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Here is an astrological take on the situation from a British astrologer:

Some interesting astrological alignments in the coming days and months ahead.

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What a tragedy the Russian people, most of whom are simply trying to survive, will be forced to pay the price if Russia sinks into a depression and the value of their savings evaporates. I know there has been some protesting in Russia but perhaps it needs to be on a yet bigger, more national scale to register the disconnect between Putin's personal War of Grievance and the needs of the nation?  Also, mass scale protesting in Russia might embolden his inner circle to do what they have to do: initiate a coup or take him out by whatever means necessary. It also might provide an opportunity for the West to step in afterward (after Putin is deposed) and offer help as in WWII increasing our sphere of influence there?  I do seriously wonder whether Putin will eventually commit suicide if cornered rather than give in to our Western sanctions and determined global unity? He might see that as "a hero's death"? He is lost in an obsessive haze of long-held grievances and a desire to "become the glorious legend who re-built the Russian Empire" and his defeat will be unbearable.  Like Hitler or Epstein, these pathological "control freaks" often would rather kill themselves upon defeat than "face the music".

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An addendum to the previous post; it isn't clear how the US should best deal with Putin, especially now. And, I don't know if I agree with him 100% but very much worth listening to for a more complete picture and as a cautionary tale.


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Pro Putin Russian artists have been disinvited to perform in the U.S. Their concerts have been cancelled by the venues or committees that invited them to perform. This is one example.

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I had a dream this morning that felt like it was about the US and the Ukraine situation.  I don't have time to write the whole dream out and if I did it would probably sound very vague...but the more I thought about it the more I felt I knew what it meant.

I think the US is being slow to act considering they had some idea this attack was likely to happen.  Our government doesn't  want to be involved in a war with Russia but there was probably many things they could have done to help the Ukraine prepare.  That is my opinion.

The dream suggested the US reaction will cause our allies to mistrust us in the future.  We act like we want to lead the world but our political divisions and weak actions regarding Ukraine will make the US seem unreliable in their eyes (I think much of Europe thinks this).  European countries are more likely to suffer so they hoped our reaction would be stronger...

I think my guides feel that if we let Putin do these acts of aggression we look weaker and weaker and he will try to intimidate us more...we will feel more fearful of the bully even if he doesn't directly attack us.  He will look to cyber attacks and other aggressive means that don't involve soldiers or physical weapons...

Our country will have some guilt perhaps that we didn't do more.  Our guilt will be seen by the world.

We need to be strong and stand by our allies.  Putin is like a mad dog right now.  He craves the blood and fury of gnashing teeth.  He is more animal than human in my mind...he is no longer playing like the world is a chess game.  Now the power struggle will be fought more physically and brutally until he gets satisfaction or is forced to step back.  


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I was going to make a long post about the financial corruption and laundering that has been happening with Russian money in London for years, but I don't have the energy for it right now. 

We have big problems in the UK with Russian money, oligarchs, and corrupted politicians. We are starting to deal with it now somewhat because of the Putin situation and they have been forced to, but there is much more that is needed and the Conservatives who are in government are still trying to avoid it.

I am not going to turn this thread into a UK politics thread, but just know that you are not alone in the US with your GOP and their dodgy Russian connections.

I hope and pray for the day the whole world is cleared of this corruption of power, but for the UK nothing will change until we can kick these corrupted politicians out. We are still waiting 12 years on and counting.

Here are some videos about the Russian money laundering in London that explains it better than I can right now:

/end of rant.

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@luminous "Most of the Russians are teenagers and don't have a bloody clue what they're doing there."  Even that is sad....prayers for ALL....

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Posted by: @luminous

Here is an astrological take on the situation from a British astrologer:

Some interesting astrological alignments in the coming days and months ahead.

Yes, interesting and rather ominous alignments.  I like this astrologer though--  I like his straightforward attitude.   He says that this week is going to be difficult but things will look clearer by Friday, one way or another. 

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Something I forgot to mention is the fact that we have been encouraging Ukraine to be like us (the western countries) and led them to believe that we got their back in a sense.  They want to believe the US and other western countries will stand by them in a way that will ensure their survival as a people.  

Praying about it and hoping for peace soon.


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I would like to draw people's attention to the Dreams thread Dreams, Transpersonal, Share with us Here where people started posting dreams in January that appear to be about the Ukraine situation.

It started with @sistermoon asking if anyone was getting travel dreams. I wonder if that was because people were traveling in their dreams from the U.S. to the location where this big world event was unfolding.

@pamp had a dream about impending cyber attacks, another prophetic dream that is unfolding in Russia.

A few people, @ana, for example,  started having dreams involving bears. 

The bear is a symbol of Russia, and in these dreams, it seems the bears are the Russian people who are friendly to us. They are friendly bears.

I don't want to move those predictions from where they were placed, because they belong in the dreams thread. But these dreams provide insight and perhaps predictions that we all need right now, if they can be interpreted correctly. 

Thank you @sistermoon, @ana @cc21 @April-rosa @lovendures and anyone else I've missed for posting your prophetic dreams. 

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I believe when @sistermoon asked about travel dreams awhile back I mentioned that I had worked on a dream project several years ago, similar to RTFN but with dreams.  I can't remember the exact year, but we  asked people to dream about what the headlines would be for that September which was about 3-4 months into the future.  Many people were getting traveling dreams.  Many of those travel dreams were about people who seems to be forced to leave their homes and were displaced, perhaps by war. 

Then when September arrived we realized what we foresaw was explosion of the Syrian crisis and the refugees leaving their homes.

So, it seems interesting that this may also have happened again.  @Sistermoon and others may have been picking up on a massive refugee crisis which is now unfolding in Ukraine. 

Travel dreams can have many meanings.

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I want to share this piece of information with everyone.  

It has been confirmed that Zelensky was the voice for the Ukrainian version of 2 Paddington Bear films.  So, there  could be a BEAR prediction that is referring to him/Ukraine and not Russia.  

Just when you thought you knew who the bear was, you might not.

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Please disregard my previous post recommending the talk by journalist, Pozner. While he does provide some interesting background to Putin's thinking and to some of US errors, I decided even before reading Fiona Hill's analysis that he is too much of a Putin apologist.

Former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, Fiona Hill quoted in Politico:

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Yesterday on Twitter someone posted pictures of Russian MREs . The expiration date was 2015. Then there was a text from a young Russian soldier to his mother, saying that the Ukrainians were not “meeting them with flowers and gratitude but with guns and calling them fascists”. He said he was scared and wanted to come home. Reports said later that he was killed. Lawrence O’Donnell read the text on his show last night and also said the young soldier was killed.

I am having a difficult time not feeling total unadulterated hate for putin, trump and his republican cronies. There was a news article that showed Rubio got 1.5 million from russian oligarchs. 

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Some updates that hopefully change the game in Ukraine:

There is a international court probe on the war crimes committed by Russians on Ukrainians, such as it's indiscriminate attacks/bombing on civilians and Russian use of a vaccuum bomb. 

Denmark is allowing its citizens to join "foreign brigades" and fight along side Ukraine. 

Ukraine officially petitioned to join the EU late yesterday afternoon. 

Hopefully this is the turn of the tide that begins to shift over to Ukrainian favor. 

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Also, according to Anne Applebaum, American journalist and historian, in this excellent interview with the The Atlantic, the EU has provided some fighter jets to Ukraine.

In this same interview, Tom Nichols, an expert in military matters, says that the chain of command for a nuclear deployment order is much longer in Russia that it is in the US. Whew!

The military intelligence branch the GRU, is not only separate from the KGB from which Putin emerged, but also competes with it. One hopes that the GRU has some independent thinkers and actors.



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@lenor 😢  the world is on fire... we are being refined in the forge 💔 that so many are suffering for greed,avarice and power hungry patriarchs consumed with their " never enoughness" is so painful to watch and experience. 


I am choosing to focus on sending as much Light and Divine Love to the Collective as possible and to storm Heaven with prayers for our world on this cusp and precipice we stand at.


I invite all so moved to join in with prayer morning noon and night as we face this together... one race... the human race.... citizens of the world.

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I truly hope that Ukraine gets accepted to the Union but it will be difficult to be accepted right now. That will mean directly engaging the Russian nuclear bombs. I spent part of my morning watching the EU Council emergency meeting live, on YouTube. I heard Zelensky speak live. It was moving, so much so that the translator choke a couple of times. I also saw when 90% of the Council stood up and left the room when one of the Russian ministers was speaking in favor of the invasion. The ones that spoke in favor of Putin were heckled by some members in attendance. What I distinctively understood is that the EU will apply the same restrictions applied to Russia to its puppet country, Belarus (in my opinion this was long overdue).

Finland's Parliament is right now discussing whether or not to apply to become a member of NATO, and it is expected Sweden will do the same. Putin is outraged because he always thought that these two nations were neutral and that Russia would be able to do whatever they wanted with them. Sweden, Finland, and Norway (Norway is already part of NATO) were his exit to the North Sea, in case he (Putin) wanted to attack the northern flank of Europe. If they become NATO, it would be extremely difficult for Russia to invade Northern Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Iceland.

On another note, Ukraine says that they are finding abandoned tanks on their roads. The tanks are intact and have cans of not consumed food that have been expired for five or six years. This means that those Russian soldiers do not want to fight with Ukraine, and that they are demoralized... imagine... sending your troops to fight with expired food and against their own flesh and blood, because a big chunk of those Russian soldiers have family in Ukraine.

Sometimes I think it is a shame that the world had to unite when these terrible things happen. I know, it is a blessing that it is happening now... but I think we should do it all the time. I mean, we must do it when things are going great too. Can you imagine how many good things we can do in terms of medicine, technology, animal rights, and Green Earth preservation? But this present union tells me that most of the World's heart is in the right place, now we need to put our minds together to advance this beautiful planet. 


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I have been watching the Ukraine-Russian Situation unfold for almost a week now, and I would like to say my thoughts here.

1.  Although I understand some of our members frustrations with our government, I am going to defend Biden here.  I feel that people saying "we need to do more" should look at the big picture.  First, although America is a leader, this battle is happening in Europe.  If America is the first to put troops on the ground, then it is playing right into Russia's hands.  Putin can argue that America is a Western bully who is trying to hurt Russia, blah, blah, blah!  But Ukraine is in EUROPE.  If we want to circumvent Russia propaganda, it needs to be Europe to lead the charge on military action.  I think countries that have dealt with Russian aggression in the past (Poland, Romania, Finland) need to lead the charge and ask everyone in the EU to send troops.  Then, and only then, should America send troops.

2. Despite the lives lost, the human suffering, and the pain of millions of uprooted civilians, can we just take a minute to say just how incredible Ukrainians are?!  Putin thought he could stroll in Kiev, cause the Ukrainian President to flee (or, barring that, privately execute him), and put his own puppet in while he makes plans to attack the next country.  WRONG!!!!!  These Ukrainians, many of them without military experience at all, are fighting for their lives against a larger and supposedly more sophisticated army.  It is a week now (the fighting started 2/24/22), and they are no closer conquering the country that they were when this started.  Even unarmed civilians are standing in front of tanks in an attempt to stop the Russians.  But my favorite is the Ukrainian woman who gave sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers and told them to put them in their pockets so that when they (the Russian soldiers) were killed, sunflowers would grow where they fell. (On a side note, wasn't there a vision or prediction on this site somewhere about sunflowers?  I think it said "Sunflowers!  Sunflowers everywhere!")  Now, maybe Putin will unleash his WMD on the citizens of Ukraine and maybe he will take it over, but he has hardened the hearts of Ukrainians and their neighbors against Russia for at least the next generation.  By winning the battle, Putin may lose the war.

3.  And speaking of losing, the Russian attack on Ukraine has done something incredible for the world.  the nations of Europe, usually at each other's throats over petty conflicts, have suddenly united in a way that was unheard of since WWII.  Germany, haunted by its past with Nazism and thus always hesitant to spend much on military and security, is now putting its foot down and sending equipment to the Ukrainians, as well as refuse to take part in Russian's oil pipeline.  Switzerland, of all people, has now gotten involved and will no longer protect Russian assets in its borders!  So instead of making the EU and NATO weaker, Putin has made them stronger.

4.  The mood of the collective has changed dramatically too!  Remember a few years ago when many conservatives in Europe would be upset about migration and attack people (side note-although the conservative party won't admit it, one of the reasons Britain left the EU was anti-immigration sentiment, not unlike the sentiment that exists in America).  Now, suddenly, these anti-immigrant people have gone silent!  Also, these pro-Putin, pro-dictator lovers who are out there (*cough* "Trump" *cough*) are suddenly not as vocal as they usually are (or in Trump's case, try to walk back from "Putin is a genius" to "thanks to me, Ukraine is strong").  These Russian billionaires, who have been the power behind the scenes, are suddenly being made to pay for their own involvement by having their assets seized in other countries.  And they cry how they are the innocent victims?!  Somehow, the idea of a rich bureaucrat having his yacht taken does not inspire the level of sympathy that a Ukrainian forced to flee an invading army would have, you know?

5. Finally, even if Putin does eventually bomb Ukraine and take over, he has lost in one important aspect.  Basically, he has shown just how weak his army actually is.  Because if a bunch of out-gunned civilians can hold out against this army, just imagine what will happen when they meet up against another professional army.  Methinks China is starting to question whether Putin can be depended on or indeed if Putin can be trusted to not invade them, as China and Russia do share a sizable border.  

So, what is Putin going to do now?  If he continues this war, his country's economy is going to take a hit.  Yes, we will all suffer along as well, but we have allies and we have a righteous cause.  He may try to bomb the heck out of Russia, but then he will never escape the harm caused to his country.  Instead of fighting Nazis, Putin will be viewed as the new Hitler.  Then the EU and NATO will unite as never before to protect themselves.  Putin will have no choice but to get more money to fund his army and weaponry (which, as we can see from the state of his army, is not as strong as many believed it to be).  The Russian citizens, already stretched to the breaking point, will have no money to pay.  So Putin will go after the Russian billionaires, who have until recently been shielded from sanctions and repercussions, in order to help fund his military operations.   The billionaires, who care nothing except amassing their own wealth and power, will flee from Putin (reports are showing this is already happening.)  And eventually things will come to a breaking point.

In many ways, the Ukrainian invasion may be the rallying cry for us in America.  Yes, the economy will be difficult, but it was bound to be anyway thanks to Republican obstructionism.  So Russia is a convenient scapegoat right now ("Yes, gas prices are high!  But it is Russia's fault!  Blame them and their stupid war!")  The Republicans lovefest with Putin is now coming back to bite them.  If they try their delaying tactics now, Democrats can use their pro-Putin love against them and accuse them of siding with the enemy as opposed to the usual culture wars.  The confirmation fighting that Republicans no doubt planned for the Supreme Court will look petty in the face of the danger that Putin has presented.  And Democrats may use anti-Putin hatred to keep a few seats.  Commercials showing Ukrainians suffering in the face of Russian aggression alongside Republicans openly talking about how much they hate democracy and how Putin is a genius would cause some voters to pause before giving control of congress back to the Republicans, at least.  Indeed, Democrats need to get nasty for once and say "If you vote for "insert name here" after they publicly supported Putin in the past, you are basically voting for Putin!  Keep Russian hands off America!  Support Ukraine!"

Also, point out Trump's own involvement in this matter.  Who kept military aid from Ukraine in 2019 unless Ukraine agreed to launch a fake investigation into Biden?  Who held secret talks in back rooms with Putin and who may have given away security codes and other information to someone who was ultimately planning our demise?  Who has publicly called upon Russia to hack the Democratic database to hurt Hillary Clinton?  Even the 1/6 terrorist attack needs to be looked upon with a fresh set of eyes to see if any of the people advising Trump had contact with someone in the days leading up to 1/6 (and we know that some of his advisers are pro-Putin puppets).  Make Republicans cringe even more by suggesting that 1/6 was secretly supported by Putin in a bid to take over America.  Basically, accuse the 1/6 instigators of not only trying to overturn the election for Trump, but also because they were doing it at the behest of Putin.  Technically, Democrats don't have to prove it, but if they can convince enough voters that Putin possibly had some involvement in the 1/6 attack, if only by advising some of Trump's inner circle, then it becomes more difficult for Republicans to continue their ludicrous "Stop the Steal" propaganda.  

I still stick with what I posted a few days ago.  While I am heartbroken that this is occurring and despairing as to why no one is taking physical action to stop Putin, I am still filled with a strong and hardened resolve to fight in every way I can beside my fellow light warriors and to NEVER STOP FIGHTING!  Even if Putin razes Ukraine to the ground, he loses.  Thanks to the unity of the world right now, Putin will find himself accomplishing everything that he fought so hard to keep from happening.  A united Europe that will now arm itself and keeps their guns trained at Putin at all times.  A world where his agents are suddenly being rendered silent.  A world that now realizes that the Russian military is much weaker than previously thought.  A world where the Russian people and Russian billionaires alike are feeling the affects of Putin's aggression (and thus makes Putin's position far more precarious.)  So even if I am dead and gone by the time this is all over, I am firm in my knowledge that this is a battle that the light will ultimately win.  Putin and his allies have already lost.  Because we will never stop fighting until our light swallows their darkness.

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