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Ukraine-Russia Situation

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How can this war be stopped, that is the questions that comes back in my mind, and I always end with two options : The Russian people stop with a rebellion, or by escalation. Putin will not pull back, and the Ukraines will keep fighting, even if the whole country is occupied .

Putin does not even need to use Nuclear bombs, just destroy the concrete walls in Chernobyl , and having wind coming from the east....

I am still scarred , I also saw the astrologers video that was posted here, and saw how fearful he was. Since the war started I have difficulties to concentrate on work, and feel a heavy weight on my shoulders. Let us hope that we get through this week , and that the Ukraine will keep fighting, this week is crucial I believe ( and i have my 24th wedding anniversary on 3.3. , not a very cheerful time for that , we decided to have fun that day no matter what)

Maybe we just need to stay positive ....

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Regarding Putin's fall, I got the vision of Putin getting surrounded by men with heads shaped as currency symbols where Putin gets the crap beaten out of.

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These are very disturbing times.  I, too, am distracted by worry and general anxiety related to the world's conditions.  I remind myself, whenever I am able, of all of the times, and there are a multitude, that I felt catastrophe was imminent.  Yet, something intervened, and the crises I feared were averted.  I  think of the entire four years that Trump was president, for example.  I have no idea how this current crisis will resolve, either in peace or war.  Maybe love and balance will prevail, as it has so often in my lifetime.  Understand that you are not alone in your fears.  It would, in fact, be odd if you didn't feel fear at this time.  But just maybe, maybe Light will win the day.  Happy anniversary.  Twenty-four years of marriage is itself a victory of love.

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Your question of "How can this war be stopped?" gave me an idea....

As an empath, I have been anxiously checking various news feeds all day, consumed by worry but I finally decided that I cannot help by wallowing in fear and anxiety.  Instead, I recognized that since I am not in personal danger, I can better use my energy to send encouragement and love to those who are... Ukrainians, Zelensky, the Russian soldiers and the Russian people. 

Then a simple idea occurred to me; why don't we use quantum physics to work in the world's favor? 

I will communicate with Jeanne and get back to you.

November, Frank, Maggieci and 25 people reacted
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There is an altercation with Ukraine again, an assassination attempt. (Rowsella) Predicted 2.1.22 for April 2022

November, Seeker4, CC21 and 19 people reacted
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I've been stressed and anxious all week. I'm a little more hopeful this afternoon though. I feel like most of the world is doing everything possible to help Ukraine. Everyone is pulling weight to shift the tides, and I hope that its enough. Looking forward to Friday and with what it comes.

I also truly hope that many more countries follow Denmark's lead and create volunteer "foreign brigades". 

Could be just me but I'm breathing a tiny bit easier now. 

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@blackandwhite American veterans are going by the hundreds.

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Idk if anyone saw the video of the Ukrainian snake island guards that cussed out the Russian after being threatened but apparently they survived. So that's nice. 


November, Stillnessnmind, Seeker4 and 13 people reacted
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Funny scene with Zalensky in a movie he's playing the President of Ukraine, some salty language (f-word). 

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This conversation filled me with a lot of hope yesterday. My biggest fear is still what Putin will do with his back against the wall.

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We will send protection and healing to Ukraine tonight in our weekly 50 minute  Circle of Light tonight at 4 pm pacific time/7 pm Eastern.   The meditation always begins as a Vipassana meditation (to relax and focus you on the present moment), then moves into a Loving Kindness meditation where you give healing to yourself, then your loved ones, then we join hands and form a circle of light to surround the whole world. Finally, once we are truly filled with light,  we focus on specific groups. Tonight we will focus on Ukraine. It is powerful.  It requires concentration.  Please arrive on time, shut your door, and turn off all distractions so you can help with this healing event. 

Please note: There is no admittance for late comers.  If you have never done Zoom, you must register, then download and sign into Zoom to get into this event, so do that early.

If you miss the event and/or want to try my Loving Kindness meditation on your own, you can go here for a recording. It is quite blissful and powerful.

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Similar; my great-grandparents came over with some siblings while others, including parents, stayed behind.

I think P. badly underestimated the will of the Ukrainians to fight and die for their land.

Not on Twitter so can't post the link, but did you see the video of the citizen-captured Russian soldier? They fed him tea and bread, patted him on the back, and allowed him to video-chat his mother. He was in tears.

Kid (soldier) looks seventeen if he's a day. That's who they are as a people.

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The companies that are pulling out of Russia are to numerous to post.  

Besides the oil companies pulling out and as as many tech companies, this one stands out to me.

Boeing and Airbus will no longer supply even airplane parts to Russia.  Good thing nobody is allowing the planes to fly into their countries, no need for maintenance right?

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@polarberry I saw that video and it just made me want to cry. Apparently, the evil one, conscripted these young kids into the army, and lied to them telling them they were going into the Ukraine for training exercises. Now those soldiers who surrendered will never be able to go back home because they will be shot for treason. I wake up thinking about Ukraine, and think of this terribleness all day long. I pray over and over for that country. I try hard not to hate putin and his cronies, but it is difficult because my emotions go into overdrive when I think or see anything he is doing to Ukraine and his own people. They too will suffer.

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It makes me think of two references. One is something I read in a book, years ago, written by noted Civil War author Bruce Catton-he wrote that the men who fought in the war, left alone together with out all the rhetoric, enjoyed each other's company and got along pretty well. He was referencing the time(s) on the James River, when there was a lull in fighting and the two sides traded coffee & tobacco. 

And, of course, the iconic scene in Rocky 4 where Rocky says two guys fighting it out is better than twenty million.

The Russian people, I think, are pretty much like us, and I venture to guess-hope?- that most don't support what is going on.

2ndfdl, Stillnessnmind, Vesta and 9 people reacted
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Israel has a Russia problem.

There are movements to protect a major Russian Oligarch who donates to Jewish causes,  and in general Israel is walking  a diplomatic tightrope in its response to the war in Ukraine.

Perhaps Israel also has an Israel problem because they are not looking very good right now in the eyes of many across the globe. 


Israeli officials have said that they support Ukraine, a country with the only other Jewish head of state in the world and what they call a liberal democratic ally. But they are wary of provoking Russia, which backs the Syrian regime on Israel’s northern border and has unofficially allowed Israel to carry out strikes against efforts to transfer weapons to Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shiite group, in Lebanon.

Jerusalem has refused several requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, including the transfer of military equipment.

Israel’s ambiguity about the Ukraine invasion was on display Wednesday, when Israeli and German leaders gathered at the Yad Vashem memorial vowing to prevent the loss of life in Ukraine — without publicly mentioning Russia.

Bennett also did not mention the Russian missile that smashed into Ukraine’s own Holocaust memorial in Kyiv the night before. The strike killed at least five people.

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In response to your Rocky reference, "ADRIAN!!!!!!!!" ;)

But seriously, you are correct about Russians in that many of them are not so different than us.  Yes, some of them have bought into the big lie and will never be redeemed (much like the pro-Trump terrorists on our own side of the pond).  But many just want to go about their business.  They want to work, raise families, and basically live their lives in relative normalcy and security.

And I suspect that this will be Putin's ultimate downfall.

I don't see Putin backing down now.  I see him doing everything possible to take over Ukraine and put a puppet government in power.  But his actions will ensure that millions of Ukrainians will hate him forever and do whatever it takes to take him down.

I don't see Putin being overthrown yet.  I really don't.  Don't forget that Putin still has allies in the world.  Already, Trump is making suggestions that China should attack Tiawan.  Some of Putin's little allies (Fox News) are temporarily shocked by recent events, but I guarantee that they will either try to pivot the issue and try to make Russia somehow sympathetic.  Also, the Russian people are having their own Fox News lying to them about what is going on. 

But even if the Republicans win control of the House and Senate, they can't stop the sanctions right now.  Indeed, there are still many pro-war militaristic Republicans from the old guard who will actually take the Democrats' and Ukraine's side on this issue.  The reason is purely selfishness.  Basically, after the Iraqi War and the intelligence problems concerning Saddam Hussain's WMD, the American public has become less desirous of war in general.  As a result, national spending on military and defense has been scaled back.

And then comes Ukraine.  And all of a sudden military spending to combat the threat that is Russia has become a priority.  Do you see these war hawks siding with the Trump wing of the party in an attempt to "humanize" Putin and make him less of a threat when Trump did all he could to hurt the military when he was in office?  No, I suspect that they will put aside their differences with the Democrats long enough to ensure that the sanctions remain to squeeze the life out of Russia, as well as ensure that they get a surplus of military and intelligence spending.  

The Republicans will play this out as long as possible.  On one hand, the Trump wing will try to downplay Putin's threats and continue to spout the big lie.  On the other hand, the pro-war hawks will tell the public how dangerous Putin is, if only to regain the money and prestige they lost.  The two sides ultimately won't be able to survive together, in part because of Trump's desire to punish anyone who disagrees with him.  But McConnell and others like him believe that they can play both sides and reap the benefits.

HOWEVER, I don't think Russia will last long enough to make Trump a president by 2024.  At best, Putin may beat Ukraine and win his little war.  But then what?  Yes, there are still some countries who havn't taken action on Putin (China, Mexico, etc.)  BUT...all countries are not created equal when it comes to consumer prosperity.  Basically, the main consumer countries are in Europe and, of course, the US.  Think about how many times we buy a phone (probably a new one ever few years), whereas people in other countries are lucky to buy the most basic necessities.  And these billionaires who have had free reign for the last few decades?  They don't deal in necessities that can be sold cheaply.  They sell products that we, in the US, buy without a thought.  So Russia will ultimately suffer as a result of the sanctions.  They will try to do what they can to stop the pain, but seriously, what can they do?  China doesn't buy that many products from Russia.  At least, not the products that need the Russian labor force.  So the rich will continue to make money, while the ordinary citizen will suffer horribly.  

And that is how it will happen.  At some point, the horrible pain of hunger and the despair of poverty will cause many Russian citizens to rise up.  Yes, some may still blame the West for their problems, but many simply won't care at that point.  Because all they will see is their own suffering while their leaders continue to live in their palaces and yachts.  This will cause them to lash out.  Also, some of Putin's own people are probably waiting in the wings, ready to step in and become the new hero and leader of the country (that is how Putin got power in the first place).  Never underestimate the power of personal ambition.  

If I were to guess, I would say that as long as Europe's and the US's alliance still holds firm, the Russian people may finally rise up next year, in 2023, because it takes that long before things really hit rock bottom (this, of course, is based on my own experiences of living through many recessions brought about by the Republican party over the years.)  There are so many factors that come in play here, particularly how long our resolve can hold and how successful Putin's puppets will be at switching the narrative.  But I seem to recall a prediction that someone saw sunflowers everywhere.  This gives me hope, because sunflowers are the national flower of Ukraine.  So if there are visions here where sunflowers take over the landscape, then surely that is a good sign for Ukraine.  I hope so, anyway.

And I think it goes without saying that if Putin falls, then Trump is "dead meat" (Tennessee's word for "done."  Pun intended, of course).  You know that if you separate the snake's head from the body, the snake dies?  Same principal.  If Putin, the architect of the entire covert operation to weaken the West and democracy suddenly falls, then his people will eventually fade out as well.

Any thoughts?  Comments?  

Isabelle, Stillnessnmind, JKL1907 and 9 people reacted
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An assassination plot in play against Zelensky was thwarted with the help of Russian Security Services (the FSB) who decided they did not want to take part in this bloody war. They acted as double agents:

Jeanne Mayell, Stillnessnmind, lenor and 11 people reacted
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Israel has a delicate balancing act to deal with right now.  They require Russia's "blind eye" in Syria so that they can protect their borders and have offered to act as an intermediary for Russia and Ukraine. They've also offered to take in thousands of Ukrainian Jews and have sent tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.  They have condemned the bloodshed but short of identifying "Russia" or Putin as the source because they have an unusually complicated border situation to deal with. They are a small country surrounded by enemies and are walking a tightrope as best they can.  Please see article below.

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As I've said previously, this ends because of the people, not the politicians. We're witnessing soldiers giving up because they don't believe in what they're doing. They recognize they've been lied to. We're seeing civilians face down armies. We're seeing foreigners volunteering to go to battle in another country to support the cause & allow all the current b peace keeping agreements intact (UN, NATO, EU). We're seeing many remembering what happened when bystanders erroneously stayed as bystanders. There has never been such a union of nations as was seen this morning at the UNs vote to denounce Russia.

When I got home yesterday at dinner time after taking dad to the cardiologist,  I took time to say a few prayers. I visualized the sight of Archangel Michael from last week as well. But something changed as I visualized. St. Michael's Monastery faded from view almost instantly. Archangel Michael seemed to be standing alone in the countryside, or in a meadow. He lowered his raised sword and drew a line in the earth. I'm still gathering myself trying to get ready for dad's cardioversion on Friday,  so yet again,  I'm a little flummoxed on its meaning. I kind of thought at the moment it was sort of "they'll get this far,  but no further." Unfortunately,  there were no buildings to use as a reference to know where that may be. Maybe it means he's doing what he can for the average rural Joe who's doing what they can?  Anyone get something different, or more detail? 

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