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[Closed] Kim Jung Un's fate

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The Internet is filled with reports of extensive footage released today on North Korean state television, showing Kim walking around, looking normal, joking, and smoking.  Health experts consulted by main stream media observing the videos could not detect anything wrong with him other than the fact that he is obese, smokes four packs a day, and his family has a history of heart disease. One site pointed to a scar under his arm, that, if not photoshopped, which it could be, indicates a stent procedure. I couldn't find any mainstream media reporting the scar, for what it is worth.

Given he is high risk for getting dangerously ill  if he catches the virus, it could be that he was sheltering from the virus.  North Korea doesn't like to say they even have the virus, but in the videos released, everyone but Kim and his chiefs were wearing masks.

Satellite images showed Kim’s personal train arrived at a railway platform reserved for his use in the coastal resort of Wonsan sometime between April 15 and April 21. His presence at Wonsan was also suggested by the fact that luxury boats owned by Kim were spotted outside his personal villa.


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I read through The Afterlife of Billy Fingers this week and loved it! What a fascinating account and so different from anything else I have read. Thank you so much for suggesting it. An aside: My daughter and I are currently watching an episode about Life After Death on The Unexplained (the new series hosted by William Shatner.) It starts with Dr. Eben Alexander's experience and I thought of you and this thread. :)

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@cc21 So glad you enjoyed Billy Fingers! I finished my 3rd read a few days ago and paid more attention to the details -especially the discussion of soul tribes. A wonderful synchronicity to see an episode on Dr Alexander on TV! Dr Alexander has 3 books in total - he veers towards the intellectual but perspective-enhancing all the same. Any books you would recommend?

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I look forward to reading it again - I can see how you could focus on different details each time. I have read a lot of the mainstream near-death experience books. One I found interesting was Dr. Mary C. Neal's book "To Heaven and Back". "Near Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story" by PMH Atwater is also interesting. There was one I cannot recall that described the experiences of people who witnessed their loved ones dying and had strange/interesting glimpses of the beyond, which was really interesting since it was not a direct NDE, but I think they called it a near-life experience. If I can find that, I will send along the info.

Jeanne Mayell, lenor, Unk p and 7 people reacted
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@cc21 Wonderful recommendations! I have not come across them before so I now have something to look forward to. I had signed up for Dr Alexander’s free webinar United in Hope and Healing, designed to offer support during the pandemic, but one of the more recent guests was Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel who wrote Consciousness Beyond Life. To access the archive, you’ll need to create an account at

Hope this is of some interest. 

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Been following this site throughout the Trump nightmare years. I am not really qualified to be one of the intuitives here, but when I read through your vision it felt true, and even when the photos returned, I still had the strong sense that your vision was on target and that he is comatose if not dead. We will learn eventually. 

It does remind me of film noir/farce the Death of Stalin, but even bleaker. One can only hope that a North Korean Khrushchev will emerge ...

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Posted by: @kerry


Been following this site throughout the Trump nightmare years. I am not really qualified to be one of the intuitives here, but when I read through your vision it felt true, and even when the photos returned, I still had the strong sense that your vision was on target and that he is comatose if not dead. We will learn eventually. 

It does remind me of film noir/farce the Death of Stalin, but even bleaker. One can only hope that a North Korean Khrushchev will emerge ...

Hi @kerry. Thanks so much for posting your thoughts.

I sincerely believe that the individual in question has recently had a Near Death Experience because it was shown to me, as clearly as if I'd been present in the flesh to witness it. I observed a number of details that are highly symbolic and meaningful to North Koreans, particularly as they pertain to the death rites of the ruling classes. I had zero knowledge of those things going in, and it was quite beautiful, if I'm honest.

The particular practice I used has never failed me, though this is certainly only the case because my teachers and guides are extremely committed to their work. They're also extremely dedicated to my learning process, which means I'm allowed to swim into shark infested waters if I insist on observing a captivating jellyfish. With this particular journey, I hadn't done my research in advance (and shame on me), so I didn't realize going in that the Koreas are steeped in ancient and continuing shamanic folk traditions, ones that feel very warrior-like. I'd incorrectly assumed N. Korea to be largely atheist because it's a communism that punishes religious ideology and practice, right? Well, I learned otherwise the hard way, and that's really all I intend to say about it here, except that the majority of their shamans are female and they are FIERCE. 

I don't know what's happening with this individual now, or whether he'd had a medical procedure which precipitated the NDE, but I do feel he was being cared for by concerned medical staff for a period of time. It appears that he's rallied, which means he elected to return to his body. (I sensed him being given the choice.) I haven't read any of the news about his return other than seeing headlines saying that he had. I also know that some people were initially questioning whether it was really him or not. All I can say is that I do feel strongly that he's indeed back on this side of the veil, and that whatever "life of the SL as usual" things he might be doing, or however he might appear outwardly, he's deeply afraid right now. He's feeling wounded, vulnerable, and more paranoid than ever. He's an injured animal and I don't think that will go very well for the people around him—or ultimately, for him.

I still see a coming disruption in power there, like the knocking down and moving of chess pieces on a grid. I was also shown the number 3 at one point, but I'm not sure what it could mean. Three months? Three years? Three people? Three nations? I just don't know. I suspect that you're underrating your own intuitive abilities, so maybe you'll get a flash of insight into this and share. 


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As I was just about to leave this thread to get back to work, I had a sudden flash. I knew about a woman who'd apparently gone to the dentist's office and died in his chair shortly after being given local anesthetic and a nitrous oxide mask. She had an NDE before she was revived. An impression of that story just leaped back into my awareness.

Maybe it's suggesting that he went in for some kind of routine, normally non death-threatening procedure, and experienced some kind of collapse but was quickly revived. I have no idea what that would have been and don't think it matters much in any case because we will almost certainly never discover the truth about it from any media, period.

There exists no other country in the world that is so successful at concealment. And all they produce in their own "news" is state crafted propaganda. 


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So,  Anyone find it weird that there has barely been any news of Kim Jong Un since his ribbon cutting and his sister is the one whoo just threatened S. Korea?

Also if you haven't seen comparison photos of Kim Jong Un before and after the ribbon cutting ceremony you should.  He has totally different teeth. Un is known for using body doubles.

lenor, TriciaCT, Jeanne Mayell and 7 people reacted
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Yeah what does everyone see happening with the situation in Korea? It doesn’t sound at all good, and it could lead to a wider war if anything should happen, deeply concerned 

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Kim Jung has again being reported that he is in a coma. Is it true? Who knows. They are saying that his sister is in power now.

Isabelle, Unk p, lenor and 3 people reacted
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So interesting.  I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't "here" since he first went missing.  I mentioned it looked like a body double  was being photographed  a few posts above.  The sad part is if he is in a "coma" now, then I would think his doubles will not be with us much longer either,

Moonbeam, Unk p, BlueBelle and 5 people reacted
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Curious.  Kim Jong Un (maybe, maybe not)) held a military parade today.  He spoke about the fact that nobody in N. Korea had gotten the virus and wished "good health to all the people around the world who are fighting the ills of this evil virus,"  Whatever, I don't believe that country has been virus free.  What was interesting to me however was the many images of people CRYING while he talked about the virus.   I would suspect there is a lot more going on with those tears.  Like people remembering a loved one who died from a "really bad case of the flu" perhaps.

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Apparently Kim Jong Un was choking up when addressing his people at the parade. I think the N. Korean people are starting to realize he is human, and no longer a "God" like his daddy and granddaddy. Him crying was an effort to appeal to his people. He was supposed to be a reformer (being young, Western educated, etc.), but the country is now more closed off than ever. He failed miserably. It will be interesting to see how the coming months unfold. As the N. Korean people begin to accept him as human and not God, faith alone won't be enough to keep him in their good graces. They will demand logic and he will finally be seen as a dictator. As you've said, there's a lot more going on behind those tears. The tide is turning. I pray for the people of N. Korea! 

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