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'Accepting what is' 

I was just thinking how many challenges we face today in this world. The climate for instance - yet I have a strong feeling.

A very, very strong feeling. If negative situations are like cracks letting the light trough, this is a big one! 

I see uncountable cracks of Sun coming trough like sunbeams behind clouds finding spots to reach the Earth.

Accepting what is, what I see might be different from your perspective. It is in anyway your startingpoint.

Is it naïeve to trust my inner compass, to trust what I feel, to trust that I know mankind can thrive in cocreation with the Earth?

Even now, given the circumstances?

The spirits who are with me tell me so. Among there are ancestors who are part of this - in their livetimes there was a pattern leading to where we are today. 

They are ready to guide any one trough these times. 

My trust and confidence is growing - obviously I am also just a human finding a way wich is pretty challenging at times ?

ghandigirl, BlueBelle, Iridium and 7 people reacted
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What a good analogy for our times of sunbeams breaking through the clouds. Clouds are temporary even though they make a big difference for those on earth, yet the sun is always present, always shining it's light. No wonder mankind has always had hope even in the darkest of times. When I focus on the now, I am safe, warm, and fed; I am joyously grateful and sure that eventually all will be well.

Thanks for this topic of Sunbeams to remind us to look up!

ghandigirl, BlueBelle, JourneyWithMe2 and 3 people reacted
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@maggieci it lifts me up to, you are so welcome. Especially now that the climate extremes are increasing.

Thanks for your comment. If foccused on the now I feel at ease more then ever. The contrast are so big nowadays. 

Here in the south of Holland, Limburg, and parts of Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg there is lots of rain. People suffer a lot. 

I would be stressed if I'd be there yet now people gather to help as they do now: army, civilians etc. 




ghandigirl, BlueBelle, JourneyWithMe2 and 5 people reacted