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Major energetic shifts and personal changes?

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm coming to this same conclusion.  Brian and I were speaking yesterday. He was talking about the fact that first reality exists in form then the form manifests into something material.  The visions we get when we hate, love, hope, and become afraid or pessimistic are all forms that could manifest.  One reality I believe we will see is a widespread prevention campaign once enough people decide to avoid the worst outcomes by changing their behavior.  We are going to eventually prohibit guns.  We are going to stop burning fossil fuels and go all out towards sustainability.  We are going to help each other and form massive activist movements of care, education, health care, and tolerance.  We are going to build a world wide rail system (I've seen this in visions) of sustainable travel. We are going to resolve the nuclear threat.  

The seeds are generating right now.  I'd like to hold a session where we focus totally on positive visions of the future.   


Yesterday the full moon energy was incredibly powerful. I felt a shift. 

RunestoneOne, diana11, Melissa and 9 people reacted
Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm coming to this same conclusion.  Brian and I were speaking yesterday. He was talking about the fact that first reality exists in form then the form manifests into something material.  The visions we get when we hate, love, hope, and become afraid or pessimistic are all forms that could manifest.  One reality I believe we will see is a widespread prevention campaign once enough people decide to avoid the worst outcomes by changing their behavior.  We are going to eventually prohibit guns.  We are going to stop burning fossil fuels and go all out towards sustainability.  We are going to help each other and form massive activist movements of care, education, health care, and tolerance.  We are going to build a world wide rail system (I've seen this in visions) of sustainable travel. We are going to resolve the nuclear threat.  

The seeds are generating right now.  I'd like to hold a session where we focus totally on positive visions of the future.   


Yesterday the full moon energy was incredibly powerful. I felt a shift. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm coming to this same conclusion.  Brian and I were speaking yesterday. He was talking about the fact that first reality exists in form then the form manifests into something material.  The visions we get when we hate, love, hope, and become afraid or pessimistic are all forms that could manifest.  One reality I believe we will see is a widespread prevention campaign once enough people decide to avoid the worst outcomes by changing their behavior.  We are going to eventually prohibit guns.  We are going to stop burning fossil fuels and go all out towards sustainability.  We are going to help each other and form massive activist movements of care, education, health care, and tolerance.  We are going to build a world wide rail system (I've seen this in visions) of sustainable travel. We are going to resolve the nuclear threat.  

The seeds are generating right now.  I'd like to hold a session where we focus totally on positive visions of the future.   


Yesterday the full moon energy was incredibly powerful. I felt a shift. 

Reikiblossom, Lola, Reikiblossom and 1 people reacted
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I would love to be part of a positive vision session!

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I am sorry for missing your last predictions class. I felt really bad about it and promised myself I wouldn't miss any future classes. If you do a positive predictions class I would absolutely love to be a part of it. Sometimes it feels like the world has gone insane, I really hope that you are right that one day the dust will settle and we will get serious about our planet and our lives. 

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Jeanne, this gives so much hope. Thank you 

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Positive vision class is a great idea! I will do my best to be there for it.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I have a lot of classes all set for this fall. The Intuitive Way is ten classes starting October 16 so I will weave the positive visioning into these classes then later put together one class devoted just to positive visions of the future.  I'm excited about this!

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I really believe that by doing the positive visioning we can shift the 'track' or 'timeline' into a more positive vein.  There's an old biblical belief (sorry, can't recall where I heard this) that if 10 righteous people pray for a city, God will spare it.  That's a little Old Testament for my tastes, but I think the principle is the same...that concerted, focused prayer/visioning/meditation on positive outcomes and extending love into the world shifts the path reality manifests along.


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I was fortunate to meet the late Masaru Emoto in London some years ago at a talk he gave. It was fascinating and I still use the cards that I purchased there. The changeability of Water is a metaphor for energy use and energy in motion aka E-motion. What does it say about our world that the ice is melting, that water is moving so dramatically?

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OOOO, Reikiblossom, I really like that moving water metaphor.

Being shamanically inclined, I tend to read things in nature as metaphors for human events.

In this case, the human 'climate' is heating up, old frozen political structures are melting, dissolving, the situation has gone fluid to the extent that entire human civilizations are cracking loose and floating 'out to sea' (another metaphor there), becoming disconnected.  NATO, the EU, All in rapid flux. IMHO, rage is part of the 'heat' applied to melting the bonds that have held us together. 


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Hi all, I'm popping onto this thread to share something I mentioned over on the thread about the Mueller investigation. In that thread, many of us have been voicing that we feel an inner sadness, or a despondency, that is deepening. RunestoneOne and GraceSinger had some very wise words and info to share. I was saying that I feel my inner sadness increasing and making it harder to focus on the local resistance efforts I have become very involved in this past year. I'm feeling ground down but also less grounded, if that makes sense. Despite all this, I had an interesting day today, and wanted to share it in hopes it may be of use to someone else on this forum.

 Today is Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, All Souls Day. And it's also my birthday. The majority of my 50+ birthdays have been less than stellar, only a couple of good ones. Today was shaping up to be no exception. I woke up in a foul mood because of personal/family issues that I've been dealing with, and in a somewhat circular fashion, by which I mean little resolution and illusory improvements. This is also a day I would have to continue to deal with contractors fixing a major plumbing/sewer issue in my house. And also the day to have the exterminator come to kill the Argentine Ant invasion in my kitchen. My husband gave me a nice card, but no one else, of long-time family/friends status called or remembered. My daughter texted after her father reminded her, a very brusque "happy birthday", that was it. I've stopped looking for love or gratitude in those quarters.

Sidebar: I cook and garden organic. I try my best not to kill anything, including insects, but when these Argentine ants get into my food supply, they wreak havoc and NO natural remedy repels or kills them. They are some fierce, meat eating bitches.  So I have an exterminating company come once every other month to use the least toxic/invasive chemicals available. They know not to spray in my garden at all, and to only treat for these particular ants, nothing else. For termite control, we use the local company that only uses orange oil (works pretty well, btw, but not as well as traditional).

And now back to today. I woke up in a foul mood in part because my husband promised to let me sleep in despite him having to get up crazy early (5am), but then his alarm woke me up a little, and then a few minutes later he knocked something over rather loudly, which gave me a start. I fell back asleep for a bit, and when I was up and about, asked my husband to deal with the ant exterminator when he would show up this morning. The ant guy showed up early-ish, but it wasn't our usual guy. I was in another room and heard my husband not explaining well how this usually goes (in his defense, hubby has never been here for ant treatment day before). I stepped in, explained about least toxic, use gels not sprays, kitchen only, no garden but okay to spray near garbage cans outside. Ant guy seemed flummoxed - told him to call the office and find out what-all had been done before. And I went back to bed to try to organize the rest of my day online, including meeting friends for lunch.  In a few minutes I hear rustling and tapping in my front garden. I jump up, run to the front door, and find the ant guy killing any insect he can find with a broom, and tearing down every spider web that was adorning my front gate and windows (real, not fake, some really pretty big ones that the lady spiders had made in time for Halloween). I asked him what he was doing, he said he was killing all the spiders for me. I said "I never asked you to do that, in fact I specifically said not to touch anything except for ants in the kitchen. Please stop and go away now." I went back inside and cried. 

I got dressed and pulled myself together. Went back to trying to coordinate lunch with 2 good friends who are new to each other, but within our circle of 3 there's so much overlap it's like we're relatives. It was like there was a  micro-mercury-retrograde over all 3 of us today. Technology, transportation, money, other people all were failing all 3 of us all morning. It took several hours for all 3 of us to meet up nearby at a fave pizzeria of mine (normally I'm gluten intolerant, but a little of this particular pizzeria's pizza once every now and again does no harm, plus, it's my birthday, and I wanted pizza). We shared about many things, discussed family, politics, faith, etc. We took our time. We all started to feel our mutually foul moods and pseudo-retrograde morning start to lift.

Earlier in the week, one of my friends had expressed gratitude (on FB) for some helps and advice I have given, and referred to me as "the lantern between the trees", which really touched me, and made me feel even more grateful to have this person in my life. After the pizza was done, and we were also pretty much done expelling the negativity of the day, my friend took off a necklace and put it around my neck. It's a leather strap with 2 amulets: a tree and a flowering lotus, and my friend said "Happy birthday, this is meant to represent you, my lantern between the trees." I nearly cried again.

Then it hit me - there's always a big Dia de los Muertos in our Old Town - so I suggested we leave the pizzeria and head over to the celebrations, and get some fresh air and just re-start our day. We went and my other friend helpfully pointed out the dawning of Happy Hour and cheap margaritas. We had a lovely time, talking, walking, drinking. As we left, a beautiful almost-full moon was gracing the horizon. Big hugs and we went our separate ways. I felt so much better than I had when this day started. I am so grateful for these two beautiful souls, for their presence in my life at this time and in this place.

So here's the moral of the story: Find those souls who uplift yours. Keep them close. Uplift each other. 

Paul W, diana11, Jeanne Mayell and 9 people reacted
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I love that story, Laura.  I need to find some girlfriends my age.  : )

Happy Birthday!!  May this year surprise you in positive ways that seem hard to imagine right now.

Kim K., diana11, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Laura F: I loved your story, and yes, that's *exactly* how grounding and uplift works. We really, really need each other as people, especially now. 

I got some horoscope info today telling me it's time to get my butt out there socially and develop some new friends. <not easy for an introvert's introvert> Sadly, there aren't people in my life like your girlfriends.  I'm taking in your story like a guiding light. Good people do exist out there.


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LOL - I never said anyone was female or male... just sayin'... but I appreciate everyone's embrace of the story.

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Powerful, Laura. 

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Even though we will experience difficult times ahead as climate change and political events around the world. It is like any fairytale book we read, it always ends in happy ever after. We have characters in these fairy tales that are villains and the good people in it. Without the villains, Snow White and others would never knew they could be courageous or rise above that and free themselves. What I am really trying to say our past experience are preparing us for this.

The last decade, there were times I wish I was dead, self sabotage or at least find a corner the crawl in and curl up because of decision I made. That was dark period in my life. I can actually feel what so many will be facing in the future. They will be losing their homes, and climate change will take some lives. Actually, it is sad the US is so divided. Just like I written above, and feelings of climbing out of the sewage myself. But it help me prepared for being stronger and courageous. I know we will rise above all this. I know we will come together even more in the future.

These last couple of months have been amazing for me. Occasionally I got stuck between two waves, but thats okay though. I have been through worst. The best part I'm letting my inner self guide me, and is truly wonderful, where I have been lead. 

Something Laynara said earlier got my attention " I don’t know what I would do without my family." The way I look at this, we blink out of existence here, and blink into existence somewhere else that makes them invisible to us. We really don't die we just transform. 

I'm going to tell you a story  maybe I read it, or watch it a very long time ago, that I dreamt awhile back.

There was young man who was attending to a small plot of land. And where he lived the land was one layer over another just like a layout of shelves. One day his mother appear to him and ask him to come with him. So he left the land with his mother, each with their own magic carpet. While up in the air, his mother look at her son. He look back at her confused and bewilder. He thought to himself "why is she in love with me, you are my mother." The next thing he look down and saw his mother with his father and was amazed. He realized his mother was not in love with him, but rather, it was love she felt for everything around her. So he flew down, and join them both and all three flew through the sky on their magic carpets together. The magic carpet is represented the magical of love.

Here is is a nice video to fall asleep to:

I love you all

Peace, Love, Light

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Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin is a powerful voice for the Resistance and I suspect a lightworker as well.  She is an attorney, CEO of Gaia Leadership Project, and gives a live political resistance report on Facebook daily.  You might consider her the Rachel Maddow of Facebook.  Today, she is talking about major energy shifts, “walking the woo,” pulling cards and the imminent downfall of Trump.  Here’s the link:

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BlueBelle, that was an amazing video. Thank you for sharing it--I'll be looking out for more.

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 I have noticed these changes as well. If my grandparents survived the Great Depression then I can take on anything. 

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