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Major energetic shifts and personal changes?

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I've been lurking this site for months (I respond occasionally on the comments as "D") and thought I'd ask...

I've noticed in my various spiritual communities that a lot of people are talking about major energetic shifts. I follow an occultist who goes by The Grand Infinity/PsychoSorcerer on Youtube and he recently decided to go off the air, mentioning these major shifts, and his own personal change in direction. I myself have been feeling these shifts, and how they've manifested in my life: in recent months, I decided to start using my spiritual practices to bring about healing of my chronic pain (successfully; I followed the instructions of my guides - but the shifts in my health have happened really quickly, just over the period of a few months), and a few weeks ago, I decided to stop using weed after a few years of heavy use. No particular reason, I just lost interest. Just up and quit and that was that. In my house - my mom decided, overnight, that the whole house was going to go vegan. Roughly around the same period of time. I'm in a relationship that has been good (for about the past year) but somehow am feeling ill at ease due to the shifts. 

Who else is going through this? Are you noticing major shifts in your environment? Major changes in yourself?


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Hi D. Thanks for starting this thread and welcome to the forum.  

I've been listening and feeling shifts now for many years. Different shifts at different times and almost always coming with a call to action. The shifts started slowly and far apart, then began accelerating.

The first shift came in 1984 when a spirit guide told me that there would be earth changes coming that would wash out major cities in the Northeast U.S where I live. There would be refugees, Americans who worked in the cities, who only knew a life of gain and success.  They wouldn't know what to do or how to adjust to the new world that was coming. He told me people would come to me for readings.  I was told that the clients would be part of a soul tribe from another life and originally from another world that we all belonged to.  They'd need guidance about the coming changes because they would be helping others on the earth once the changes began in earnest.  So I started giving readings.  And when I sensed that a client was part of the tribe, I'd take time during the reading to tell them.  Keep in mind, that I needed guidance myself.  It's not like I knew what was happening or what was the best path.  I didn't realize at the time, that spirit guides would tell me what to say. I'd have my own issues, and worries.  But when it came time to give a reading, that wisdom would come through from parts unknown. 

Then an even bigger shift  for me came in February 2015.  And a new spirit guide took over.  He said  that I needed to help clients who I felt were part of the tribe to find their true soul self.  If they were receptive, then I should advise people to live in harmony with their whole being and their soul's purpose.  I get symbols when giving a reading that a person is part of the soul tribe. Nearly everyone who calls now, actually I'd say everyone at this point, is part of that tribe. 

The shifts keep coming, and they are coming closer together, as if things are speeding up.  Each time the shift comes I feel a need to become more in harmony with my own soul self. To learn to love this world and all who are in it, even those I feel are hurting us. 

I think the message from the shifts is that love and only love, not hate,  is going to transform this world. It's hard for me because my own nature is to be highly active and responsive which can turn into anger against those I feel are harming others and the world.  I'm a Taurus; you know, the bull. So it's strange to have that strong earth energy and the soft loving energy too.  The shifts are asking for a different kind of revolution. A loving and peaceful one. 


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This is just my own personal viewpoint plus note that I am not a professional intuitive.  But I do notice lately that people are making more mistakes, getting into accidents, etc..

For example, I sometimes commute to downtown atlanta for work and five years ago car accidents were pretty rare.  They mostly only occurred when it was raining, obviously creating slippery roads.  But nowadays I'm seeing more frequent accidents even on perfect days with no rain and no overcast clouds.  I know I'm not alone in noticing this and the Georgia Motor Vehicle department notices that there is a jump of motor vehicle deaths in the past 2 years:


Also, I just went grocery shopping and when I went to the register I put my items on the counter and put a divider bar so that way it wouldn't get confused with the customer ahead of me.  But guess what happened, the cashier didn't even notice the divider and rang up my stuff and charged it to the customer in front of me.  It's a pretty simple mistake but quite amateur and honestly it's kind of stupid.  How did the cashier not notice the divider bar?


And of course you're probably aware that the US Navy is having problems with accidental collisions and amateur mistakes.  And of course there's this circus of the Presidential Trump administration.


It just seems to me that lately there is a trend of people making stupid mistakes.


EDIT: I'm currently selling my house and a real estate agent stopped by to check it out but he left the front door unlocked.  I wasn't home at the time and again, a stupid mistake.

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I've experienced rapid changes in the last 3 weeks.  I feel it in my body, mind and heart.  My heart has opened and at the same time I'm drawing a line in the sand with people in my life who are negative and draining.  It's as if I need all my power to step into the next phase of my life.  My every day experience has changed.  Things are happening easier for me.  My negativity is leaving and being replaced with knowing (I don't exactly know what that means yet).   It's profound and sometimes scary because I'm not used to things being easy.

I too have noticed lately a sharp increase in emergency vehicles.  It used to be that I'd see an emergency vehicle once in a while but now it's every day and sometimes multiple times a day.  People are moving to my city in droves and they're driving faster and more reckless, tailgating, swerving in and out of lanes.  It feels as if everyone is rushing to nowhere.  It feels panicky.  I try to send out peace to these frantic drivers.  It's interesting that the act of sending peace gives me peace. 

I feel what you're saying, Jeanne, that love will win and love, I believe, is what I'm feeling filling me lately - love and strength and clarity.  It's a new beginning.


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Regarding the number of stupid mistakes increasing... yes. In my region, there are already so many hit and run accidents and so many *terrible* drivers. In recent months, it's just gotten so much worse. 

I am terrified of the future. I'm terrified of the near future - I'm 43 and trying to get back on my feet after a long illness; my field's wages have bottomed out to unsustainability (due to both rising costs of living and globalization). The timing is so bad. Things are changing so rapidly that I don't even know what profession to take up, because what could be viable today may not be a viable field by the time I even finish training. I'm terrified of the somewhat more distant future - because I am born and reared in urban settings and am not the sort of person who is likely to survive a breakdown in the infrastructure. I don't have any life skills beyond being an urban middle class person dependent on a job. When people talk about how urbanites are going to starve, I see myself as one of the urbanites likely to starve, and it's terrifying.

What I've experienced though is a feeling of "I MUST get my act together" recently. That if I can't pull it together, I won't survive in the long term. The strong message from spirit has been to start with my health. My biggest skillset is in art and graphics and I'm trying to do something with that by creating marketable work and writing kid's books (I am a graphic artist but that's rapidly becoming an unsustainable career field), but I don't have any idea what use this will be in the event of a total breakdown of society. However, since focusing on art, I've been able to get my health back, and my health has bottomed out trying to do anything else for a living. I could go back into health care, but that's the field that made me sick! 

I hope this can actually be a time for creative people. If people are struggling to survive, who will buy my work?

Everything seems up in the air, and it's scary. My boyfriend went 200k into debt to get trained in a field only to find that there isn't living-wage work in that field as of his graduation (there had been, when he entered school) and that getting certified in that field will cost money he doesn't have (again, this was not an issue at the time he entered the program). Things are changing so fast. I don't feel like I know where anything is going, even my relationship (which has been my first good one), because neither of us at the time are at all sure of what our futures look like, let alone how to plan them together. I can't imagine us living together, being married, etc when I can't even imagine how we'd survive. I'm struggling to stay optimistic about the future and about life.

I started doing some deep level spiritually oriented inquiry regarding success, and spirit told me to start with my health. And that is what I've started with, and *that* I am finding I'm able to turn around. Surprisingly, *that* has been easy enough. 

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D,  I feel your anguish and I wish I had answers for you.  I don't but I can tell you that you are doing the right things.  You've discovered that your art heals you.  That's huge!  You're listening to Spirit and following that advice.  Trust what you're doing and try not to think too much about the future.  Don't worry about having enough food because you don't know how to grow food because there will be people like me around you who know how to grow lots of food and will share.  That's the real future.

The only advice I can give you about a career is the advice I heard all through my 30s and 40s - Do what you love and the money will follow.  I never heeded that advice and am sorry that I didn't.  I look at my artist friends who just kept working at their passion and now, years later, they're successful as artists.  They may not be making a fortune but they are happy and well.  So, do what you love.

Sorry if I'm overstepping with advice but I feel such hope for you!  You're doing great!


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Posted by: KCKing

D,  I feel your anguish and I wish I had answers for you.  I don't but I can tell you that you are doing the right things.  You've discovered that your art heals you.  That's huge!  You're listening to Spirit and following that advice.  Trust what you're doing and try not to think too much about the future.  Don't worry about having enough food because you don't know how to grow food because there will be people like me around you who know how to grow lots of food and will share.  That's the real future.

The only advice I can give you about a career is the advice I heard all through my 30s and 40s - Do what you love and the money will follow.  I never heeded that advice and am sorry that I didn't.  I look at my artist friends who just kept working at their passion and now, years later, they're successful as artists.  They may not be making a fortune but they are happy and well.  So, do what you love.

Sorry if I'm overstepping with advice but I feel such hope for you!  You're doing great!


The thing with my art is that half of my process uses the computer and so does what I actually make a living at (I draw, but I don't paint, and everything I do with my work involves computers, printers, the internet). If the infrastructure crumbled and I couldn't use a computer, I don't know what I'd do. I am totally reliant upon industrial/digital-culture means of outputting my work and getting it to the public. Every job I've ever had has involved an urban, industrial/digital-age line of work and or lifestyle. I have no life skills for a non-urban, post-industrial lifestyle *at all* - and it's worrisome and scary. I've been pondering learning to grow marijuana (i'm in a legal state) because if I may only have the free time (and remaining time before the collapse?) to only reasonably learn to grow one thing really well, it could at least be something with high usefulness and barter value, but even there, I'm not in a position to actually grow it where I live. I  really have no idea what to do besides pray every day. I'm terrified.


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KC, so wise.  If you do what you love, not what someone else told you to do, but what you love, you are following your psyche's guidance.  And there's so much wisdom in the psyche and in love. So much connection to the whole world and what it will need from us. 

D, I don't think the infrastructure  is going to crumble. Science and technology will continue.  People don't stop.  Humans are active busy animals who never give up. Within a few days of the great Chicago fire that totally leveled that city in 1871, people were setting up little roadside stands with whatever materials were lying around. They were selling stuff. They didn't stop working even when surrounded with charred ruins. That led to shops and now look at Chicago today.  

We won't lose what we have.  Many people may migrate, but they will regroup and get going again.   And in any case, that gift of yours extends way beyond technology. It's a sensibility you possess.  It's wired in your brain. It's not technology dependent.   You are creative, the best gift of all.  The world will need creative minds more than ever. 

You are thinking too much and that's scaring you. Your fears are based on your knowledge of the past, not the future. And those fears are not from the psychic part of your brain.  They are from logic and the thoughts of others and probably some dystopian ideas you learned.

We don't know what life will be like. No one knows!  We get hints of the future, and we sense the energy of the future.  When we read the future it's mostly people's consciousness in the future. And after a dark period, I sense a wonderful change.  And even now, there's so much action, caring, community.

The actual mechanics of civilization are beyond me.  No one, not even the best psychics, ever predicted the Internet. I have seen in the future a worldwide rail network. And laws against burning fossil fuels.  But those are just scraps.  They do tell us that the world will continue to advance. Some people think we will be living in close knit communities surrounded by farm land. But we don't know that either.  I believe technology will continue.  There's no reason why the electric and technological grid will be gone.   People are trying to figure out how to grow large quantities of food indoors to control for temperature and light. 

My point is that the best approach to this life  is to feel present moment energy.  All our readings come from sensing present moment energy.  That's mindfulness.  It  is grounding. It is peaceful.  It heals your heart.   And gratitude is a huge healer.  

Actually it sounds like you are doing all the right things right now, and getting helpful messages from spirit. 

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Thank You Jeanne and everyone last night predicting the future. When you start talking about dreams, I got "dreams are journey's too, which lead to a new doorway." I don't just come to read the future, but to feel the energy and to be a part of that energy. 

I have grown tired of drama in life that negative people project. I have limit my news from facebook, so I only open it if I choose. My friends on facebook who are negative, I have not unfriend them because they are not my enemies but rather I unfollow them so I don't have to read what they write, coming through my news feed. I don't even watch the news on the tv anymore. 

I am doing mindfulness and meditation in my area, This going to be a benefit, but also I need to get out and meet new people, and be surrounded by people with the same interest. Also I sign up to volunteer, but I need to wait, because there is a process before you can do it here.

Also I am drawn to the song " I believe I can fly" from R. Kelly

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Thank you Jeanne for this aspirational post. It's a good reminder that we must live in the present moment! No one can completely see what the future holds, but like you said, humans will continue to move forward. A book that I keep on my nightstand is Ekhardt Tolle's "The Power of Now".

KC  if you feel your mind wander into scary, future driven thought patterns this book will help you stay in present moment.

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Kim, thanks for your kind words about last night It was fun!  I have a lot of compiling to do.  Hope to get it together before the weekend is over. 

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"Dreams are journeys, too, that lead to a new doorway."  Thanks for transforming worry into comfort by changing my perception, Kim K. 

I work with undergraduates in a red state, and many of them are struggling with rage focused on "leftist socialists" and "the fake news" conspiracy to undermine Trump's efforts right now.   What may be different about living in a red state than out East is that more liberally minded folk have had to deal with this stuff for ages now ... our school boards, city councils, state legislatures are filled with people who drive a self-righteous drum beat under the banner of guns and babies and in the name of a God, with whom I am unfamiliar.  Honestly, angry white men in all classes really scare me sometimes., but you make arrangements to live in the world you've got in front of you.  The point is, we've learned to work and live side-by-side with what we're all seeing reflected nationally now for a very, very long time. 

After listening to one very wealthy young man talk venom for weeks, I finally said, "I know you're capable of loving others.  I've seen you have compassion for others.  Why not find that place and just come from there in your response to others?"  I got a hug.  I'm averaging one a week and am going for more.  Maybe it's being 58 and seeing my daughter married this past summer ... there just doesn't seem like there's anything else to really live for but quietly, patiently opening minds to love, compassion, a shared reality.  I'm by no means much of anything at all, but I can love, and Jeanne and many of you are right; it's just the only way to go.  Hold onto that and the rest really will fall into place.    

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I too live in a red state but I don't feel what some of you are expressing here. I do know it's out there and I do feel it from some members of my family that live in Florida - they are very self-righteous in their rage against the liberals because you know, they are ruining America!

Pretty much every one I've worked with here is a Republican but I had no idea because they don't really talk about politics! I do have some close friends that are Republican and I love them. I do not love their love of Trump but we have been able to have a civil conversation about politics and even found common ground. I know I will never change their minds and that's ok because they are not bad or hateful people and have been good, kind friends thru the years so I'm not going to throw that away because of Trump. And I think this is the issue - are we going to let Trump divide us? Are we going to let this divisive climate really separate us? I hope the answer is no. We all have so much more to offer than a political view. I do draw the line at outright hate though and I will stand up against that but like I said, I have not experienced that from the people around me. All I've experienced is a different view of how to run the country. 

The past few days I've felt a different kind of energy, almost like a "block" to my spirit guide. He's still there and can hear me, I just feel like he can't help me like he normally does. I don't know if anyone else has felt this but I do believe we have entered the "dark" times. I feel like the connection to spirit is muted in a way, the communication is still there as clear as ever but the help is not. I feel like I'm on my own and have to get thru this on my own.

What I want to say is hold on tight, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once we go thru this, we are done with it for a long, long time. So focus on the light, focus on yourself, focus on love - I don't think there's any other way to get thru it.....this is a good time to go inward, meditate, and spread positive, loving thoughts and gestures, I believe...

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Diana, wise words. You thank you. You inspire me. 

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Right back at you Jeanne, you inspire me...and so many others on this truly is special!

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What if ... is it possible that love has the power to transform reality to the extent that it also transforms the future ... or is the seed of all things awful too far embedded in humanity to overcome it with hope?  Clinging to love and hope, like a jackass in the hailstorm of reality, seems like the only option at this point and to matter beyond everything else.  Can it change the future? 

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Gracesinger, I've been thinking about this, too, and am sending my positive energy out into this troubled world.  Not only am I sharing this energy in my daily interactions, but also in my meditation and prayers that peace, love and kindness overcome evil powers.  Namaste.

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Gracesinger, I love what you said. I believe love can change anything. I'm reading a book call "frequency" by Penney Pierce. One the quotes in the book is

We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep - by William James

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This is what came to me this morning. We are all going in right direction. We came to this world equip with a map and compass.

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In physics, there is a scientifically recognized phenomenon called the observer effect. Basically it says that simply observing a phenomenon can alter the phenomenon. 

Dr. Masaru Emoto did experiments with water taking this concept one step farther. He super-cooled water to quickly freeze it, sliced it, and then put it under a microscope that had photographic capabilities to look at the differences in the crystal formations.  He found that the way water was treated changed the crystal formations. Positive emotions, classical music or prayer was used in proximity of some samples, and negative emotions, heavy metal music was used near other samples. The slides were so totally different. The positive samples had beautiful geometric crystal formations, the negative samples were asymmetrical. There are many YouTube videos showing the results of his studies. 

This is the 35 minute documentary:

This is a 5 minute version:


Our bodies, just like the planet are comprised of 70% water. Apply this lesson to us, and the world. There are rice experiments as well done with this thought in mind. They'd make a batch of rice, divide it in three parts and put it in identical containers. One would be labeled or treated with love, a second with hate, and the third ignored. Then the rate of deterioration of each container then noted. The ignore and hate containers rotted much more quickly than those treated with love. 

So, yes Gracesinger, I believe we can change things in this world by staying positive, reacting with love, prayers, etc. We may not be able to change others, but when like the rice or the water samples, when we produce beauty or longevity, others will want to know how, and then they have the chance to make the change within themselves to produce similar results. 

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