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Annual marble race puts it all in perspective:

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The parallel sections of the marble course remind me that there are parallel possibilities and points in time & space where we can jump to another possible reality. I feel this has happened a few times these past months, with humanity avoiding worst-case scenarios.

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Yeah, Grace. I also was feeling the race was a metaphor that helped me to step back from our situation and chill a little.

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I just wanted to share this from the Dalai Lama. I've posted several times how important it is to be positive, be peaceful, be loving because I truly believe that our consciousness - our collective consciousness - is one of the strongest weapon we have to fight against these troubled times. If we change the way we think and feel, we truly can change the world. His words really resonate with me:

"We will only make the 21st century an era of peace on the basis of inner peace. However, we won’t overcome anger and establish peace of mind just by praying for it. An outbreak of fire will not be quenched by prayer alone, it’s far more important to prevent its breaking out in the first place.

So long as we are human we need compassion. Compassion brings inner peace and whatever else is going on, that peace of mind allows us to see the whole picture more clearly. So, in our education we need lessons about developing warmheartedness and finding inner peace. I’m convinced that today’s young people can achieve a more peaceful world if they cultivate that as their vision and begin to work towards it now."


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Lora, I  recently ordered Charles Edelstein's book "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible" and am truly looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, we don't have cable so missed this show, nor had I previously been aware of Charles Edelstein  until joining this group, but was instantly  inspired to order his book based on Jeanne's positive recommendation of it and him on this site!

Today was one of those days when the evil in the world kept trying to break in and disrupt my positive consciousness and your message reminded me of the need to refill my well with loving, caring goodness and I'm even more interested in finishing my current book and starting thanks for this comment !!



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The only time I pray for Trump is to pray that he gets kicked out of office soon, the truth comes out, and justice is served :D   I take the Dalai Lama's  words to mean to have inner peace not matter what is going on around you. It goes along with what my spirit guide constantly tells me - work on yourself. When he says that I know he means work on your soul and your spirituality. We are all energy, we are spirits in a human body, everything around us is energy and it's about not feeding the fear energy, that includes anger and worry. If we are feeding the fear energy, we are, in a way, in the same energy group of the Trump supporters, their fears may be different but it's the same energy. I don't mean that we are like the Trump supporters, of course we're not, but it is fear energy. They fear immigrants, brown people, and sharia law. We fear fascism, bigots, and inequality, for example. If we want to raise the vibration of the planet we need to feed the love energy and that includes peace and compassion. It's not easy, and it might not be achievable every day but it's definitely worth a try. I was fearful too at the beginning but it was not serving me,  all it brought was more anxiety, worry, and depression and that's no way to live. After many talks with my spirit guide and meditation I can truly say I have inner peace now - not matter what is happening out there. When you're at peace, that energy exudes out of you and affects others and that's powerful. I guess it's also because I look at everything from a spiritual perspective - Why is this happening? What's the lesson? What am I trying to learn? - and that puts things in perspective for me. I know we are here to evolve and there's not going to be evolution is we are in a state of fear... 

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This missive stream feels spot on to me; the evolving story of Trump and company, like all great tragedies, presents opportunities for each of us to look in the mirror at our own stories and see our own greed, grandiosity, judgement, fear, narcissism, confirmation bias, projection ... there are so many facets to it.  I love Coldplay's Viva La Vida album and heard Trump's story in its lyrics the other day.  It's so easy for me to get knocked way off center as Trump and company's story unfolds, but it does seem critical to my own growth and development that I identify my own issues in it and work on them.  Maybe we all have a karmic lesson or several here.

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Wonderful thread. Thank you all. Reminds me of the Shambhala Prophecy that  I learned a few years ago in a workshop with Joanna Macy. Starts at 52 seconds.  

Charles Eisenstein has his own version of the story in the last few paragraphs of his book, A More Beautiful World mentioned above.  And a spirit guide told me a story almost identical to Eisenstein's when I first started giving readings in 1984.  So I think we are all onto something!

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Last night I reread this missive stream and visited every suggested link, because everything written on this thread resonated deeply with me.  I was thinking about what it means to be "psychic."  Perhaps we all are psychic and just experience that "sixth sense" differently according to our gifts.  I guess mine is located in a sense of energy and light and attention to serendipity and connection, like I've been doing a lot of acupuncture lately and my hand and palm chakras feel totally alive and humming ... and for the past 20 years I discover and rediscover Quan Yin, "who" I think may be the spiritual embodiment of the Shambhala Prophesy.  My experiences with Quan Yin have been as powerful as the ones other participants describe on the angel thread.  Rereading this thread I also came to the conclusion that Trump is a spiritual teacher, like all other people who I encounter difficulty with are.  I don't think I need to give or share energy with the spiritual teachers in my life and, in fact, I may need to practice shielding or mirroring when I observe or engage with them, but it does help me to respect what they are on a spiritual level.      

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