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Thank you for your comments on the re-birthing technique you recognized from the 70s.

Over and over old techniques have been "re-birthed" under new names as internet and class "gurus " seek to start copy cat programs of their own or share them with new audiences.

We all have good hearts here and we all want to help one another and the urge to to do so is huge.

But new people come here in bunches with little background training often with undeveloped skills or understandings and they want to jump right in to anything they read about, see on YouTube or hear us talk about here.

I immediately recognized it as an early technique as well but didn't recognize it as well as you did. 

And like you i really want to caution anyone from advanced techniques (or really any technique) that they aren't yet trained in.

We have so many people here who want to do more be more, rush into healing techniques or think they are healers or psychics without training without initiation through life experiences, its takes a lot of  books or classes with understanding of what they are doing or  what is happening to them when they do it.

We are all intuitive innately but even that is widely varied here and so many people think that any thought, any dream,  any fear even is therefore psychic and a lot of fear is coming up and being expressed and getting out of control now everywhere in the collective.

Anyone who is physically ill or suffers from fear, anxiety, or depression shouldn't try anything that alters their consciousness in ways that triggers leaving the body mentally,  physically or spiritually unless they're with a trained mentor or guide who knows how to call them back.

Hyper-ventilation and panic attacks can be very frightening to the point of people thinking they are dying.

I have a feeling most people here have experienced this before but if you haven't you really don't want to!

deetoo, Lovendures, Jeanne Mayell and 7 people reacted
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Cold showers are also an excellent immune booster. 

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If you only knew just how much you are truly loved and treasured here,  you'd be amazed at just how many of us consider you to be our friend and  a very dear, real life friend.

We miss you when we you're  unable to join us virtually in group and always, always, always I keep you in my thoughts, prayers, and meditations.

Heck, if you could feel all of the intense and wonderful energy I send you'd instantly be a Reiki Master Level 3 and a hindi master levitater bouncing up and down and laughing with glee!

Boy wouldn't that transform your uncertainties and your mood in a hurry! 

You know who you are, why you're here, why you suffer, and how that can be accomplished it ways that go far beyond the physical building of bridges, buildings, and school houses. 

It is already in process thanks to your higher selves and angels my friend. And we've all got your back in the "here and now".

? ? ? 

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Adding in the sending of Healing Energy and Light to fill your body with this infusion. I see it filling your entire physical being with Light and Health.

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@jeanne-mayell and @laura-f,

I approach certain healing and breathing modalities with caution.  My immune system is quite compromised and in the past I've been set back in my healing when I've attempted some of these pracrices on my own.  About 15 years ago while on short-term disability from my job, I became quite ill after I attempted a particular intense method of breathing meditation -- weeks of major insomnia, electric-like shocks, light sensitivity, adrenaline surges, depression.   It created havoc on my body and mind.  I was seeing a therapist at the time, but she wasn't familiar with these practices.  After the worst of it was over, my body felt more depleted than before I went on disability.  

To give you an idea of my level of sensitivity, I've occasionally had similar setbacks occur from  acupuncture, medical quigong or certain cleansing practices.  Everyone is different, but for me, less is more, and I always approach things slowly.  And I trust my intuition a lot more these days too.     

@stargazer, you mentioned grounding with your breathwork.  That's critical for me -- it's too easy for me to leave my body without even trying!  One of my life challenges has been to live comfortably in both worlds -- one foot in the spirit world, and the other foot firmly rooted in this earthly one.  Your meditation is beautiful and sounds quite gentle.

Interesting about your experience with the mantra.  I had a similar experience a few nights ago, while in bed, feeling really sick.  I was having bizzare symptoms and a very charged nervous system.  As I lay there feeling awful, I said to myself, "great -- another night of fitful sleep, trying to manage this crazy stuff!"  Then came the thought "it doesn't have to be this way.  Let go."  Then I heard the mantra

"I release anything that no longer serves me.  I invite holy spirit to heal me and control my life." 

I began repeating the mantra, and my symptoms began to ease.  I easily fell asleep.  Like you, I believe the message came from Spirit.  


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Count me in this afternoon's healing circle!  Once again I'll be drawing on that tree energy and sending mother earth's healing your way.  ❤️ 



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@Coyote, I will also send you healing. I'll try to time it with the time designated, but due to the time difference you might feel a tickle during another time-slot.


Thinking of you. Good vibrations. ❤️ 

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May Spirit’s love and healing surround and cover you like a soft, comforting blanket. Be well.

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@coyote sending you lot’s of warm and supportive thoughts.



share the love and light 

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@jeanne-mayell @laura-f  Thank you both for pointing out the important precautions involved with shamanic breathing. 

I just want to clarify that the breath work in my Quantum Process isn't really meant to be used as the the full "Breath Journey healing modality" but rather as a way to quickly achieve a deep or enhanced meditative state in order to allow energy to flow more easily. 

As @stargazer pointed out, this deep meditative state can be achieved in many different and gentler ways (Body Scan Meditation, Yogic Breathing, Chakra Clearing, etc).  In my case I tend to get impatient and just want to jump right to the "doing" part... Perhaps I should meditate on achieving patience through meditation.. ? ? ? ? 

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You reminded me that as much as I have used acupuncture in the past, I am one of those rare people who has to tell the acupuncturist: "Fix Problem X, but do NOT try to balance my chi overall," because whenever that's been attempted, it causes a cascade of problems from anxiety attacks to migraines (which TBH I guess you could say would take one's mind off Problem X, LOL) and even messes with my immunity homeostasis.

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@laura-f, thank you!  I've shared such reactions with people and I'm sure many have thought I'm crazy (well, maybe ... but not about that!)   I've received a lot of acupuncture over the years and it's generally been okay, but like you said -- too much of a good thing is not necessarily good for me.  So interesting about it messing with your immunity homeostatis.  That's a really good way of describing it.    

And don't get me started on pharmaceuticals.  A doctor once prescribed Clonazepam and rather than it calming me, it triggered a major panic attack.

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Oh, I'm the Queen of Adverse Reactions !

I have to warn doctors every time they suggest a new prescription that I will fall into the .01% of people who react badly to it that is mentioned in those little pamphlets that come with the meds.

I mean, how many people do you know who can't take phenobarbital because it gives them panic attacks and makes them throw up?? LMAO

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Posted by: @frank

@jeanne-mayell @laura-f  Thank you both for pointing out the important precautions involved with shamanic breathing. 

I just want to clarify that the breath work in my Quantum Process isn't really meant to be used as the the full "Breath Journey healing modality" but rather as a way to quickly achieve a deep or enhanced meditative state in order to allow energy to flow more easily. 

As @stargazer pointed out, this deep meditative state can be achieved in many different and gentler ways (Body Scan Meditation, Yogic Breathing, Chakra Clearing, etc).  In my case I tend to get impatient and just want to jump right to the "doing" part... Perhaps I should meditate on achieving patience through meditation.. ? ? ? ? 

Also, as always, I encourage everyone to ask for Guidance from Spirit before trying any new exercise/technique.  Your Guides know what is best for you and your current state of being.

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@jeanne-mayell, thanks for mentioning the cold shower.  I take my regular showers at night because I can often feel exhausted after I have one.  It's a steam-heat-autonomic dysfunction thing.  But one time I was forced to take a cold shower, and felt better -- not that I-need-to-lay-down-before-I-collapse feeling.     

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@frank I know you were cautious in how you presented the breath work.  (I always think of your garden with such fondness and all those amazing things you are growing. You are devoted to true healing.) I wanted to add extra caution because the YouTubes about it don't always provide that caution and when there are thousands of people reading about a healing approach, there are bound to be some people who either shouldn't be doing it or don't realize how to do it safely. 

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The rapid breathing that you described is also an ancient Native American shamanic practice that, if I recall correctly, was used as a path to astral realms though only after a deep state of calm and grounding in Spirit had been achieved (prayer, sacred chant and the drumming).

One doesn't have to be a trained 'spiritual scholar' or an adept or any other 'professional' guide to connect with Spirit's sacred light and flow of healing and imbuement, and as you said, your own guides and intuition know what's best for you.

The veils are very thinned right now with the New Moon's energetics (on the significant anaretic 29') and we all have the opportunity for a 'reset', a new beginning after releasing old patterns that no longer serve us. This involves doing the shadow work, releasing control to Spirit and allowing our blockages to surface and flow away. The 5D is a new dimension for all of us at present as the spiritual realms are permeating ... 

We are all mirrors and teachers of one another ... with gratitude to everyone here ☀️??

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@deetoo. Regarding cold showers as a healing technique, When I got chronic lymes disease years back (which I believe is gone now), the lyme literate doctors told me not to give into the need to sleep or laze around.  They said, the pathogen wants you to just slow down so it can proliferate  and your immune system is more awake when you are active. 

Then a friend told me about the power of cold showers in arousing the immune system. Here is a  summary of the health benefits of a cold plunge --not just cold showers but icy plunges -- by Andrew Weil, M.D. Note that he ends with a warning for anyone with high blood pressure not to do it:

1. Boosting the immune system: a study from England found that taking daily cold showers increased the numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells (compared to people who took hot showers).

2. Preventing injury: Soaking in a cold bath (also known as an "ice bath" or "cold therapy") is said to help reduce swelling and tissue breakdown in runners after distance runs.

3. Enhancing male fertility: Not exactly good to take cold showers, but bad to take hot showers. 

4.He advises against it for anyone who has high blood pressure. Low temperatures (including cold weather) constrict blood vessels. As a result, blood pressure rises because more pressure is needed to force blood though narrowed blood vessels.


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@jeanne-mayell I do the cold shower rinse after my hot shower as well.  It’s definitely very intense but have a lot of great healing benefits to it.  


There’s many cryotherapy in my area and it’s become extremely popular.




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The shock therapy of icy cold waters is well known in Scandinavia... they call it 'Sisu', bravery, a mindset to turn challenges into opportunities...

Ice swimming in the sea is said to cure all ailments, and has scientifically been proven to induce euphoria, to boost immune and makes the body produce more of the hormone seratonin and dopamine... the sauna afterwards is taken to sweat out toxins and relax those tortured icy muscles...

Sounds a bit like driving a nail into the trunk of a Wisteria tree to shock it into blooming lols ... but I would love to try wild-swimming (the Norwegians call it 'Friluftsliv') in that Baltic sea for at least a minute or two ?

In the mean time, the cold shower will have to suffice, and the sauna has to be one the great Ska inventions of all time ;)

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