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Beautiful message!  Thank you for sharing it .


TriciaCT, ghandigirl, TriciaCT and 1 people reacted
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A photo of my dog, Toby, came up in memories yesterday, and another today. I wonder if he was whispering in that dog's ear?

How is Lilli doing?

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I feel honored that you share your journey and experience with us. I will send you much love and light in your task. And THANK YOU for asking us to go along with you and to give you light.

I am asking one of my favorite angels, my mom, to hug you with light and love. ? ? 


Coyote, BlueBelle, Aheartbegins and 13 people reacted
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@ghandigirl and Michele

Thank you for the uplifting message! I really needed it this past week and it seems my guides have showed me what beautiful souls I have right here. A click away... ? 


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Love you so!

I wondered if anyone felt the healing energies behind my somewhat intense and urgent as dearest @Gandhigirl so obviously did,  post.

You did as well!!! 

Bless you @ghandigirl @bright-opal @@Triciact

I love you all so very, very much!!! I want only the highest and brightest and best in healing and living love energies for all of you.

And it goes but needs to be said sometimes for absolutely all of us reading here as well! Ok. Absolutely everyone everywhere even the seemingly most awful in this upside down world of discordant polarities.



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Yes not only felt it but as I just now read your message I actually felt a little light headed. When I get spirit that's one of my signs. I don't feel it often either so wow. Thank you & bless you! ? ❤️ ❤️ 

And actually just started (not in a bad way but a very good one) Love you!!


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A photo of my dog, Toby, came up in memories yesterday, and another today. I wonder if he was whispering in that dog's ear?

How is Lilli doing?

Oh my yes yes yes!

They are dog star seeds from the same dogstar. They have found their tribe and us.

As above so below 

 Blessings to Toby and Lilli and dog messenger/visitor. 

@ghandigirl you have connected the star dots!

And if you haven't seen LBD (Little Brown Dog) greet her returning to earth/home mom you need to see this. Even again and again. Loved it so much ?????

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@coyote, As I read your beautiful message, I saw an image of our community as a rest stop along the road, so that each of us can, with faith and hope, continue on our sacred, solitary journeys. 

May we always serve to nourish you when you’re hungry, comfort and support you when you’re troubled, and provide a peaceful resting place when you are weary.  I am holding you in the light as you courageously move forward on your journey. 

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Posted by: @coyote


I leaned against the porch railing and practiced Pramayana breathing (which was made easier by the fact that the sound of raindrops hitting the uncovered portions of the porch sounded like binaural beats). I visualized that all of the trees and rocks and shrubs nearby were sending me healing vapors and their own soul essences with each in-breath, while with each out-breath I visualized a white light expanding from my chest until it filled my entire body. Eventually I imagined the entire landscape as nourishing my soul, including the water and sea creatures of Cape Cod Bay, which was only 200 yards to my left. 

@coyote My mother and brother are very religious and don't understand what we"do".  We basically do the same "thing" they do: meditate and pray.  My mother told me that sometimes, a person growing spiritually get to a point where they experience a crisis in their faith and relationship with God.  It is part of the journey, kind of like growing pain I guess.

When my Mom went through that phase (more than once, growth spur if you will) she would go to church to do "adoration in the Holy Presence" (I don't know the proper words in English).  She would just be, not pray, no read, not think.  She would empty her head and even heart of all things...

It's as if we sometimes over do our meditation, somehow.  We get through a spiritual burnout.  The best remedy for a burnout is to rest.  What came to me as I was reading your post was that maybe you have been doing methodical meditation for a very long time and  you had a growth spur when going through all the revelations you've had over the past few months.  As good as it is, maybe you need to simply rest in your meditation for a few days, think of nothing, do nothing but empty your head and your body and your mind.

I am no specialist in meditation, far from it.  So take this for what it's worth.  But please know I keep you in my thoughts and prayer.

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Beautiful  dear heart!!!

For even as we are united and in spirit as family here, we are still as 3D beings very alone doing our best to connect the dots and create a new truly as one connected  spiritial heart being in a new totally beautiful and com-passioned and compassionate  world.

And as Deetoo has said we are always always with you @coyote. 

We love you dear warrior man ?

Sit under that bodhi tree and mediate with us as we all take our rests through sunshine and shadows days . One step at a time no matter how big we dream or how long and hard and rocky our journeys may seem.

Rocky! Cue that music and run down some steps and crawl up others as needed ?

Chariots of Fire is next on my cue list. Others will come and add to mine ?



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Hey y'all - sorry to be a bit of a debbie downer... I'm having a serious relapse of my asthma/bronchitis. I think it's in reaction to a new medication (a biologic) my doctor had me try this past week. We both thought it would be ok as my prior infections cleared, unfortunately a rare side effect is respiratory issues. So I'm headed to the urgent care...

I felt all your love and healing last time around, I know it helped. Please send me healing again asap, direct it towards chest and throat.

Complication: I have a singing gig tonight. Outside. 7pm PST. My voice is wrecked from the coughing...

Shawn, BlueBelle, Aheartbegins and 15 people reacted
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I'm so sorry you have been hit with this again.  I envision the presence of the holy spirit delivering clean, clear air to your struggling lungs, as it expels all that does not serve you … your lungs are expanding freely, like the wings of a butterfly, as they are bathed in healing light. 

I am holding that vision for you in my prayers.  


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May your doctors find out what is causing your lungs to have issues.  May you heal completely and breathe clearly.


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I'm wondering whether the political terror we've experienced throughout our world may have contributed to your desire for a cigarette.  We've been going through a relentlessly stressful time.  Please don’t beat yourself up over it.  Be gentle with yourself.  My life has been a series of starts, stops, backslides and restarts, especially during times of stress; I believe that’s true for most of us. I’ve never smoked, but from observing my friends and relatives who have, quitting isn’t an easy task.  The addictive, biochemical piece of this is huge.  I like some of @laura-f 's suggestions.  I would do whatever resonates with your body and your spirit. 

I deeply admire your strength and determination to tackle this head on.  You have all of your higher angels and the spirit of this community behind you. 

I am sending healing light to calm, support and sustain you.  Please let us know how you are doing.


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I'm ? sending you love and light - picturing the white light piercing through and washing away the "black bits" and encasing your chest and throat with healing light right now...


Aheartbegins, raindrop, deetoo and 5 people reacted
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I'm a singer too. I also suffered from bronchial illnesses for years and years. 

For me, I am believing it was a physical manifestation of feeling like I could not just BREATHE in my life. As my life grew happier, my lungs grew stronger. I still have mostly symptomless reflux that makes me hoarse sometimes, and I notice it is occuring most when I feel that I am not being heard or my voice isn't being counted. This may not be true for you, but it is something to think about. I noticed a big change in the health of my lungs when I changed my life. 

I am visualizing your lungs pink and healthier and your spirit peaceful and able to breathe. The body will strive towards wellness, and the feelings will help direct you I think. 

Keep singing! It is so good for the brain, body, spirit, everything! (Make a joyful noise...)


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I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  take good care of yourself.


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Crystal clean air in bringing light, love and energy.


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@ghandigirl Reporting on Lilli: The operation went fine, the vet took out a mass, but her lymph nodes are enlarged so they biopsied one of them. No results yet. Susan thinks Lilli can come home tomorrow. I encouraged Susan to get in touch with my homeopathic vet (one of my cats is a chapter in her book). Susan said she will not give up on Lilli. I will keep you all posted.


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I'm glad for you, @suspira44

Meanwhile, my crappy week continues. I'm back on antibiotics, but the x-ray was clear, so I'm on the mend once again. So thank you all - I can feel your energy - it's kinda coming in spurts this time, but that works!


My cat Arlo, who has the cancer on his skull - it's as if a switch flipped. Two nights ago he was playing with his toys, eating my lasagna, and basically a cat living with cancer.  Since yesterday morning, he's become a cat actively dying of cancer. I promised him and myself I wouldn't let him suffer more than one day, so I've called the special euthanasia vet to come today. We thought he'd be gone before the holidays, but we've had all this extra [and good] time with him. That's why his nickname became Chanukkah Cat...

So send a thought for my good boy, this should happen between 4-5pm PST, for peaceful passing.  I will be giving him reiki starting in a little bit, til the vet gets here.

? ? ? ? 

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