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Understanding exponential growth, global warming, and how to prepare

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@tjomme I love this post. Thank you. ❤️ ❤️ 

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Posted by: @tjomme


I see a fire and around the fire pit they are humming - in trance, there is no time-boundary. They know I can hear them. 

We are being assisted big time. Hold on! 

Cool.  ? 

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@tjomme I love your post about spirits and ancestors helping us.  How beautiful!

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Apparently the idea that global warming is advancing along an exponential curve is news even to some scientists.

Articles like this make me roll my eyes a bit, mostly because we’ve seen these extreme weather events coming for years. 

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climate-catastrophes-open-thread-fire-and-flood.png (617×441)

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This is going up about 5 miles from my home. It's predicted that by 2035 they'll have 10,000 employees. There are great environmental concerns for me with this.

Then today I see this news:

and I feel that if this is indeed the huge breakthrough for clean energy ... what does that mean for thus Hyundai plant and will it make it obsolete and will they pull out of the area after tearing up and destroying the almost 140 acres of land adjacent to the Etowah River...

I can not help but feel this electric battery plant is not a good thing for a neighbor and all of our wildlife here. It does explain all the property investors trying to buy up all the houses around here tho and the barrage of calls wanting us to sell our homes and close quickly .

SMH - I really have mixed feelings on this. Anybody have any clarity for me?


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lay person, not expert response here...Fusion might one day fuel power plants but I doubt it has any sort of near-term application for batteries to be used in cars or other vehicles. Power plants to produce electricity are the more likely use of fusion.

The well-intended Biden administration wanted to omit Chinese electric vehicles from incentive packages so the Inflation Reduction Act requires American batteries and or cars in order to get tax credits on EVs. This requirement may be some of the motivation for Hyundai to build a US plant.

Macron petitioned Biden to allow EU produced batteries and electric vehicles.

Building a factory is probably not good for the local environment. They do have to be built somewhere, right now at least, but I am sorry for your local environmental intrusion.

Perhaps someone who knows more about fusion than I will weigh in.


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@journeywithme2 I'll second @raincloud's statement about fusion.  Even the most gushing articles about it in the last day or so have been very careful to say that while this is indeed a major breakthrough, practical application of fusion as a viable/common source of energy is likely still decades away with current technology.

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I understand it's decades away ... this electric battery plant is about 5-8 years away from completion... but if they make progress on the fusion energy ... within 20-25 years this plant could be obsolete ... and the environment destroyed to build it not recoverable. Then too, is the fact of climate change rendering the area virtually unlivable in the years ahead. I wonder why solar energy development isn't pursued more. 
I guess what I am doing is actually grieving for the losses of the homes and environs of all of the wonderful wildlife here... and knowing that more and more... they have nowhere to go. Already have seen a decline as the forest and farm land have been paved and built over. 

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I ache for you and the flora and fauna that are about to be profoundly affected. I wish factories would be build on brownfields (already degraded sites) instead of healthy natural areas. In fact, good zoning ordinances should help either prevent or mitigate the damages you anticipate.

Again, fusion will probably provide electricity for power plants, not for vehicles, except to recharge the batteries inside the vehicles. Batteries will be the new power train for vehicles in the foreseeable future.

We need to promote more non-motorized transportation options like bikes and walking, and we also need more public transportation which would mean fewer cars. Again, zoning is a big issue in regards to transportation. Denser zoning makes public transportation more viable because a certain level of ridership is needed to financially justify and support public transportation companies. Suburbs make car dependency more likely, as recent studies confirmed. The trend among the Gen Z'ers is toward walkable communities so let's hope it continues.

I work to promote all of the above in my community. The issues are complex and require constant advocacy  to push back against developers. Educating and persuading local officials to vote for the environment is a big part of the process, too.

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@raincloud  Yes it is hard going from rural to an extension of the metropolis that is Atlanta. I am so tired of seeing wild bodies laying on the sides of the roads- from deer to bald eagles,hawks,foxes,bobcays,black bear,squirrels,opossums,raccoons,armadilloes,snakes,box turtles,song birds and more. Seeing them try to adapt to the loss of their homes and hear the ignorant rant about seeing them in their yards. *sigh* I miss the many different song birds that used to be here... and do all I can to help offer a bit of an oasis in my small plot here. I suppose as we change from farmland to city industrial area we will loss the right to have our goats and chickens as they will be considered nuisances to the new neighborhoods coming in. Kinda makes me glad I am old... and won't live to see many of the changes that are coming in the next 20-30 years.

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