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[Sticky] Post Hall of Fame - Posts we want to remember

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Posted by @laura-f,  this is part 1 of 2:

07/30/2020 11:31 pm

Saw a posting on FB that I found downright inspiring. It is supposed to be from a Hopi Elder, however I cannot find a link to the initial source of this essay. All I find is a lot of white people re-posting and recounting it. That being said, it's worth reading regardless of whose words they are.

Message from White Eagle regarding Hopi Prophecy:

“This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you.

If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your homes, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual House.

When you are taking care of yourselves, you are taking care of everything else. Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis; have the eagle aspect from above and see the whole; see more broadly.

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Posted by @laura-f,  this is part 2 of 2:


There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand -- the two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you.

Learn about resistance of the indigenous and African peoples; we have always been, and continue to be, exterminated. But we still haven't stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire, and having fun. Don't feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time.

You do not help at all being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world.

You need to be well and strong. And for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy, and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation.
This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you cross this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties.

This is what is asked of you:
Allow yourself to take advantage of this time to perform your vision-seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for you? For now, this is what you can do -- serenity in the storm. Calm down, pray every day. Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day.

Good things emanate; what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith, and love."

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This was posted by Jeanne, on 8-5-20, in The Great Unraveling thread.  I am posting it here, because it important to remember that when bad things happen in the present, it doesn't make the bad things that happened in the past any better.

I agree that Trump is a category of bad until himself.  But I think you are too kind and forgiving in your description of Bush as a good man or the positives about Ronald Reagan. Perhaps the nightmare of the last four years makes people forget the damage and bad will of GW Bush and Ronald Reagan. Well I don't think people should forget what they did lest it happen again. 

For the record: GW Bush.  He may be a nice guy at a party. He may enjoy doing art now because it's another fun adventure in his vacuous privileged life.

But he came into the presidency as an arrogant rich kid, a spoiled brat, who thought, what the hell, I can be president even though I never studied in school and don't know much of anything. Bush clowned around in the front of the cameras on the day he launched a bloody attack on Iraq under false pretenses. For him, the presidency was a lark.  He was religious, and said about his decision to attack Iraq, that he "prayed about it."  Over million innocent people died because of what he claims God told him to do. He is also a war criminal. 

Reagan ran a hate campaign against the poor, deregulated the banks, and large corporations, was anti-environment and ramped up climate change and climate denial. Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House because of important research that showed that some time in the early 21st century, we would be heading towards an apocalypse because of what we were doing to the earth. 

But Reagan, denying the science and pandering to the oil barons,  took down the solar panels and opened us up to the climate denial movement.

Reagan ruined our chances of saving ourselves from global warming. He reversed the bipartisan movement that had started to protect the earth.

He also opened the floodgates to billionaires to run this country. They harmed the country and ruined lives. He also presided over special operations in Central America that propped up corrupt regimes and the murder of innocent people.  

Neither of these two men have apologized for what they did.  They do not earn the title of good men who meant well. 

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@unk-p Thank you for putting that post here.  I wanted to make those points, but I didn't want @MA to feel bad about saying something nice about those two men. But I couldn't not say it. 

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Nominating @deetoo's post here:

What I am discovering about myself is beyond anything I could have imagined. Sharing that part of myself with all of you, and being accepted as I am, is a Godsend. It heals me. And as each of us heals, so shall we all. And the World as well.

--Posted by @deetoo in the Afterlife thread on 8/10/20.  

Here's the whole post:

@jeanne-mayell, thank you for sharing your personal journey with us. Your story is a testament to the depths of your faith, courage and compassion, transcending that tragic period in your life to become a source of hope, courage and healing to so many of us. You’ve been that inspiration to me. What you’ve created here in this community is truly miraculous! You’re showing us another way to live and be fully present in this often scary, dense and fractured world -- to discover our own, unique, beautiful voice and to recognize and shine our light fearlessly. 

In the 3+ years I’ve been participating in this community, I’ve witnessed our growth and expansion, both individually and collectively. If we step back and look at it all, eyes wide opened, it’s a magnificent sight/site! For me personally, the changes that have occurred within are often subtle, yet powerful. I am gradually reaching a place of acceptance with all that has transpired in my life – letting go of regrets, betrayals, roads not taken … releasing myself from those self-imposed shackles that have bound me for the past 68 years. This weekend I clearly understood and embraced – for the very first time -- that I have nothing but love, forgiveness, compassion, and gratefulness for my mom. I didn’t know whether I would ever arrive at this place – this place of total acceptance and understanding that all of my experiences were a part of my path to growth and healing, as well as the growth and healing of others. I had years of therapy and understood it in an abstract way, and could easily “talk the talk,” but did I really feel that way in the core of my being? It was often painful and sometimes frightening growing up in my family, and even after years of therapy, I was haunted by and carried those emotional scars for decades. 

I was divinely led to this community and made the decision to participate, listening to the wisdom flowing through the pages of this site, and following my own intuitive voice. I truly believe that had I not joined this community and learned to embrace those parts of myself that I once deemed weird or unlovable, I would still be haunted by some of those imaginary ghosts of my past. 

What I am discovering about myself is beyond anything I could have imagined. Sharing that part of myself with all of you, and being accepted as I am, is a Godsend. It heals me. And as each of us heals, so shall we all. And the World as well.

Thank you, @jeanne-mayell, from the bottom of my heart, for creating such a safe haven for us to learn, grow, and heal. And thank you all for traveling this road with me. 

As far as the afterlife is concerned: I don't know for certain where I'll be when I transition, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll all see each other again on that side of the veil. And that fills me with joy.

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When I grew up, the idea of me - a black girl - becoming president was unthinkable, but for my three children it’s simply another option. Just thinking about this brings me to tears. 

I would like to nominate this one by @besoulinspired about Kamala and the Black Community.  Brought a flood of tears to me and gratitude to you for writing it. There are so many gems in this post that I broke it into a nine paragraphs from one. BTW, @Laura responded to it with "Want to repost my thanks to you for your insights on how Kamala is perceived by people of color, it gives me more hope and I appreciate you!" Namastè

Kamala Harris does not have a problem with the Black community. The whole “Kamala is a cop” thing was manufactured nonsense pushed by dark operators. They thought we were stupid enough to buy it.

While some young Blacks did, traditional Black voters understand this country better than it understands itself- thus the SC primary.

Unfortunately, most of America only knows the Black community through the lens of their one Black friend, what they see and are told on TV, or what they glean from a few Black blue checks on Twitter who may or may not embrace the culture.

This country never bothered to listen to us, so a lot of false assumptions are made about what and how we think.

Biden’s pick of Kamala for VP was highly emotional for many Black women. But not just Black women, but women whose parents were immigrants- particularly south Asians who have had to navigate an awful color caste system.

Kamala for VP means everything to millions of us who feel seen for the first time. We have children (me included) who will have grown up with a president and hopefully a VP who look like them.

When I grew up, the idea of me - a black girl - becoming president was unthinkable, but for my three children it’s simply another option. Just thinking about this brings me to tears.

You may not fully grasp how much this means if you grew up with certain privileges, but this is a big deal. I belong to a number of national Black women’s organizations. We are already organizing and we are a powerful force. You are about to witness a push by Black women that will make the 2008 election pale in comparison.

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I am nominating @traf66’s beautifully insightful post on the significance of darkness.   I’ve read it a few times, and find it very grounding and comforting in these dark times.

Posted by @tgraf66 in The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible thread on 8/29/20:

For me darkness is simply the unknown; that with which we have no experience and of which we have no knowledge.  In my opinion, the origin of darkness as evil or bad is simply rooted in the primal fear of the unknown.  We are sighted creatures, and much of our experience of the world comes through what we see.  When we can see, we can properly assess danger; when we cannot see, our minds revert to the instinctive programming of protecting ourselves from all of the possible dangers that might be lurking in the areas that we cannot see.  Since darkness represents what is unknown - and even with our past present experiences, unknowable - we steel our minds against the danger that may be in it and imagine all sorts of fearsome things.  We are programmed to expect the worst, so using the experiences we already have, we prepare for everything we can imagine - and we can imagine many terrible things.

Those in power prey on our imaginations and give us things to fear.  They don't know any more than we do what will or may happen, but they know that they can use our (and their) fears of the unknown against us.

For all of that though, darkness is necessary.  As @journeywithme2 said in another thread, seeds do not germinate and grow in the light.  They require darkness. They must be surrounded by and feed on the death and dissolution around them to nurture and sustain them through the first stages of birth.  New growth feeds on the decomposition of the past, transforming it into something new, necessary, and beautiful.  The seed cannot see what it will become or what beauty it will create; it only knows that it is surrounded by waste and decay and must do what is necessary to use whatever resources it has around it - including the corrosion, blight, and ruin in which it is buried- to grow beyond that and escape it, and this, this is where we are now.

We have been buried by the degeneracy and gangrene that has infected our political process, and we cannot see our way to the light.  We must use whatever nourishment we can find in the dregs of what they have left us to grow through and beyond it to re-create the new world with the knowledge that others in the future will do the same when we fall.  Our mission is to leave the soil as fertile as we can for those future generations.


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@deetoo I am honored and humbled, thank you. Honored that you chose this, and humbled - both because you said it helped you and because I can only claim credit for typing and editing it.  I don't mean that it's copied; no, it did come out of my head and fingers, but I'm not sure what space my head was in when it came out.   You see, sometimes when I write, I struggle to get my thoughts on the screen, but other times, I simply put my fingers on the keyboard and it flows.  In those times - and this was one of them - I can only look at what has been typed on the screen and wonder where it came from.  Perhaps it's a form of automatic writing, i don't know.  All I know is that I was compelled to type something, and this is what came out.  Thank you again for your kindness. ? 

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By @Lovendures:

I wasn't sure what I would find on this site this morning. 

But honestly, what I have found has brought a smile to my face.  

The light workers are out, sifting through the reality of what is and what isn't.

People are continuing to speak of a surprising sense of calm at least to some extent.

Jeanne has gone into full warrior goddess mode channeling her inner Athena, Princess of Swords,  Priestess, Adjustment, and Queen of Swords energy. ( Can you feel my smile?)

Bluebelle is channeling the calm still waters of the Queen of Cups with a hint of the Princess of Cups.

Coyote is conjuring up a image of the most heroic of heroes and reminding us of our greatest stories which are part of our fabric.

I recognize some Hierophants speaking words of wisdom and Hermits reflecting with a light still shinning in their hands.  

We are all on the Wheel of Fortune, hanging on by whatever means we have to do so, but we are not riding it alone.

There is no group of people I would rather ride the Wheel with than all of you.   

I am sure when we all woke up this morning, we thought " Were do we go from here?".  Well, if you are reading this, we came here.  That must mean something.  

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I nominate @vestralux for another grounded, knowledge-packed post that offers guidance for our moment. Posted in the 2020 election thread on 11/4:

Hello, beloveds.

I've been thinking about all of you here so much over the last weeks, and very much since the start of this one. (Btw, I could feel the beautiful energies being raised by many of you on Monday!) 

Please forgive me for interrupting the conversation stream (as I'm not able to be caught up), but I wanted to share a transmission with anyone who may need it.

First, there is soooo much high vibrational support surrounding us right now. It's almost palpable. I've seen similarly layered tiers of energy/beings lending us their coherence before, but never as much as I'm seeing now. Above all our noise, there's just an incredible sense of harmonic ...calm. It's somehow also very highly energized (what's a word for peaceful intensity?), and feels deeply spacious and sustaining. 

Our guidance: "Connect in."

Last Tuesday, I got a very clear message from my guides, not for the first time: "Things will feel worse before they feel better. But they will be better. Don't lose heart."

Now, that last sentence—"don't lose heart"—isn't meant simply to reassure us. It's a critical instruction for what's needed. When we feel ourselves getting too angry, frustrated, and fearful, we MUST stop and do the work: to truly be with, and therefore fully process, those intense emotions.

If we don't, we'll inadvertently scatter our discordant internal energies all around us, spreading confusion and despair to others. Truth emerges as an energy of certitude, clarity, and strength, but for it to enter, we have to be still enough and open to receive.

Something else:

As I'm sure you all gather, there's been intense suppression, duplicity, and outright theft in this election, perhaps worse even than in 2016. "But it's clumsy," I'm told. If we make and keep ourselves a steady vessel, the Truth will enter and carry us. It'll take time, but I'm seeing that eventually more than one GOP senator will fall (or quietly exit) as a result of investigations. Enterprising journalists are already on it.

Even if those senators don't leave (they will), Kamala Harris will be "the sword that slices the pie." 

Further, the spirit of John Lewis and many others are standing by to aid us in cleaning our electoral process and ensuring the survival, and evolution, of this democracy. The reason we have so much assistance coming to us on all of this is because, if we fail, our planet's ecological crisis will spiral into an unfathomable catastrophe. And ours isn't the only world that would be harmed if that were to happen. 

But all of this is contingent on our capacity to hold the space—between now and January 20th and beyond. The storm that's still coming will test our resilience. But we ARE resilient.

We are alive in this time, and meeting one another in this space, because every single one of our forebears, stretching back an unfathomable distance of time, lived long enough to reproduce at least one resilient child. And many of those innumerable souls are with us now. 

So, be steady as the redwood. Don't despair. Seek care when you need it, and offer it to others when you can. Be the light that you are. 

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And another @vestralux post in the election thread from 11/4:

I'm sure that many of you have been racking your brains to figure out how so many people—approximately half of us—could have voted for a flagrantly racist, sexist, xenophobic, malignantly narcissistic, silver spoon-fed adult baby/ bankrupt business failure turned money laundering con artist.

How could so many adult Americans actually be okay with all that?

Here's an answer—or, at least, a perspective:

They aren't okay with it, not consciously—certainly not all of them. Most haven't been able to see these things about DJT at all, much less to really feel what it means. This is because, in a period of intense transition (which is planetary if not cosmic, and therefore isn't just happening to Americans) we experience a kind of collective psychological stress that's almost impossible to recognize until much much later, when historians and anthropologists take a stab.

And during any intense period of uncertainty and chaos, humans more easily regress to survival mode. For every single one of us, tribalism (group affiliation & belonging) is a primal promise of survival. Not so very long ago, no human could live long if exiled from the community.

The good news is that there's a growing number of us (humans in general) who can consciously feel and sense and see the upheaval and disruption of transition—and be present with the stress it induces—without permanently (<--key word) losing our reason, discernment, compassion, or empathy. Evolutionarily speaking, these traits are new arrivals. They developed far later than tribalism did, which is why—in times of adversity—reason, discernment, compassion, and empathy are the very first to go. They're more vulnerable to collapse because they're still growing, and therefore require more energy and conscious awareness.

But those of us who still have empathy and reason at our disposal are just as vulnerable to the pull of tribalism! It's an ancient in-group/out group dance. "They" voted for him so "they" are against us. Nothing wrong with that reasoning, as long as we can also hold some complexity: "they" also ARE us. 

Now, we don't have to befriend them. We certainly don't have to bow down or concede. The same way you wouldn't give in to a screaming toddler who's demanding ice cream for breakfast. Or hand the keys to a volatile teenager who expects to drive the car without a license or common sense. We just have to ensure that there are reasonable boundaries and real consequences in place while we wait for them to grow the f- up. (Not sounding very maternal here, but these aren't actual children, as you know.) 

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@coyote ? 

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This post, from @joeym , had me weeping- but in the good way!:

11/08/2020 3:29 am  


I slept late this morning. The moment I woke I felt immediately as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I checked the computer and read that Biden had won! I had imagined the moment many times in the 4 years since Trump's evil pall fell upon this country. I had imagined jumping up and down and dancing wildly with abandon when Biden won. Instead, I was stunned and almost afraid to believe the news was true. I went next door to my art studio and began working. Suddenly, I heard yelling, laughing, whoops, and singing.I ran out on my balcony to see the residents of the high rise across the street all out on their balconies laughing with joy. A few minutes later someone began singing "The Star-Spangled Banner." I stood on my balcony and sang the song with deeper meaning and conviction than ever before in my 69 years on this earth. This has been a remarkable day. I rediscovered how to feel joy.

PS: I still have a strong vision of Trump being forcibly removed from the White House. 

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Posted by: @frank Everything is happening exactly as it should and the angels are guiding it.  For reassurance just look at the angelic messages we received at the RTF night.  The chaos that Trump is causing is a necessary "evil" in order to complete the transformation that we are going through.  We must confront our dark side, as a collective, if we are ever going to release it.  I know it's frightening, but try to hold fast.  Feel into your heart, connect with the angels, and find the calm that exists deep below, even when the storm rages at the surface and all around.  ❤️ 

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From @Lovendures, regarding a blogger's prediction that Donald Trump will be gone (Death Card pulled three times) and that he would have a heart event:

Posted by Lovendures: @sistermoon The problem with his heart is that he doesn't have one.  The one he was 'given" is now just a hollow shell of cold steel.  A dry ice-like deep putrid black abyss.    He has formed it into a love-lacking, fear chamber pumping hate and greed. 

The King Midas and Medusa of our time will be defeated.  For Medusa it was a mirror, for Midas it was his own touch.  For Trump...the way is unwritten as yet, but he will be his own undoing and said undoing will be of Mythical proportions. 

Oh infamy of it all. -- @lovendures


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Another amazing post from @lovendures,  Christmas Eve, 2020:

Christmas is nearly here and the New Year is fast approaching. 

As the year 2020  enters its final days, I find myself thinking of the meaning of Christmas and all that has occurred this eventful year.

I am so grateful to be here among you, among the living and breathing and among this community of lighter workers and friends. In the year 2020, these words have great significance and meaning.  

We have weathered many storms together, faced our mortality, our fears and ourselves.  We have stared deeply into the mirror and found the stuff of which we are made. We have discovered our true strengths and weaknesses. We have learned how to love fiercely from a distance, show compassion to strangers, find humor in the incomprehensible and comprehend the bizarre.  

We have seen the light rise on a new dawn and found miracles of hope answer our prayers.  

We have learned to trust our intuition more,  and ask for help when needed.  

We may be exhausted and battered, but we are here today.  Together.

No one knew what would unfold when 2020 began, but together we stand taller and wiser.  We have survived everything thrown at us.  Some of us have lost dear family members and friends, others our sense of normalcy and peace.  Some of us have felt isolated and alone as never before.

But we have also gained a great deal.  We have gained an understanding of what is important, of how to be better humans, the reality of the inequalities and injustices our  brothers and sisters have endured and continue to endure.  We have found creative ways to stand up for what is good and right.  We have thrown light at darkness, called out evil and discovered angels guiding us onward.  We have re-discovered our democracy is fragile and worth fighting for.  We have found that we can make a difference and that we are not alone.  We have embrced love to lift us higher

As 2020 comes to it's final chapter, I am honored to be here at this time during this particular history of earth.  I am honored to be here with all of you in a loving and caring community created by our dear Jeanne.  May we continue to be the lighthouses on the stormy sea coasts, those beacons of hope guiding each other when we are lost and frightened, guiding us to safer harbors, guiding us lovingly home.  May we feel the peaceful calm of a light filled dawn, the promise of a new beginning and all the wonderful possibilities those promises hold.  

I wish for everyone peace, love and hope.  May all of us enter 2021 as firebirds rising from the ash of 2020 and soaring above it to new wondrous heights. 

May our community continue to be a blessing next year and for many years to come. 

Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years.

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@unk-p @lovendures What a beautiful, memorable piece of writing this is.  Thank you, unk-p for showcasing it and lovendures, thank you for gracing us with your sublime writing.

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Thank you @Jeanne-mayell, and thank you @Uk-p for posting it here.

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@lovendures I just re-read your post and it makes my heart open and I am all waterworks.

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A big hug to you my friend.  Thank you!  

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