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Alien visitor

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I think the aliens will be more likely to send remotely controlled ships or drones which will just observe and record our world for them to view and study while staying on their home planet.  Why would they risk coming here physically in person to a primitive and potentially violent place?  Especially if they may not even be able to survive without special protective gear and environmental suits which protect them from our chemical atmosphere, viruses and microbes which may be harmful to their health?

Some years ago I was driving to work on the highway loop that goes around my town.  It was a sunny day.    I wasn't thinking much just driving and there are some sign posts that go across the highway in spots.  I looked up at the sky through the driver's side window for some reason and I saw a round object, maybe basketball sized or a little bigger hovering in the sky.  It had a dark grey dull metallic appearance, with this raised bumpy strange pattern all over it.  The bumps were actually more like a bumpy maze pattern, like bumpy raised lines in some random looking pattern. I was shocked, I felt I needed to look at the road again briefly but then I immediately looked back to see if it was in the same spot.  It was gone.  I only looked away a second or two.  It just disappeared.  I thought about this brief moment of time a lot and it seemed to me to be like a alien drone of some kind, small and capable of observing things.  It must have either moved very fast or made itself invisible.  If I hadn't looked up at just that moment I would never have seen it.  I didn't see a lens for a camera so I don't know how it could record any images or what it was capable of but I saw it in some detail.  I later wondered could I have hallucinated it?  Did I see something from another dimension that "disappeared" back to its own dimension or was it able to cloak itself?  If it could cloak itself to be invisible, why did it show itself above a busy highway, even if briefly so that I could see it?  

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Hi, We had an incident like that in the coastal town I live in, in the UK. About 30 years ago. A large, beach ball size globe, identical to the one you described, appeared right at the end of the town pier, hovering maybe 150 feet up. It was motionless, in spite of a mild wind, so was not a balloon. It stayed in place for about two hours. Local paper sent a photographer and published it on the front page. I saw it myself. Quite a crowd built up, people taking photos. Well documented. Then it abruptly vanished. But people who  were not there, were very critical, said the photo in the paper was a hoax, and were determined to debunk it. They found the possible existence of the UFO very threatening or disturbing.

it was boring listening to the ridiculous excuses that were made, to "Prove" that it was a hoax, or a delusion. The town talked about it for a while. I used to tease the deniers by telling them it was a Russian communist spy weapon.(USSR was still there then). Weirdly they accepted that!  it seems that social conservatives were most likely to try and debunk, liberals were more open minded. 

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I didn't tell anyone what I saw except my two adult sons.  I felt since I had seen it so briefly while driving that some part of myself could hardly believe it but since I saw it in such detail I couldn't really deny it either.  Seeing something like that firsthand does test one's open mindedness...I feel like much of humanity is so close minded that they would have a psychological crisis if they were given proof of aliens in some manner that was irrefutable.  The human part of us wants to cling to what we know as a kind of security blanket, the soul does not feel this insecurity and can look at things with that open mindedness.  Conservatives want to cling to a history that they agree to as being the correct way to be as a human.  Liberals perhaps see the reality of diversity as a natural process, and a natural way to be.  Diversity is the flowering of life, and why wouldn't nature make diversely different forms of life all over the universe?

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Re: "the soul does not feel this insecurity and can look at things with that open mindedness," maybe the soul recognizes the presence of other souls? 

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Star path I too saw a huge spaceship back in 97. It was the size of a football field with orange lights on the bottom, the craft was not smooth kinda like the undercarriage of your car. I had fallen asleep on my couch and my dog wss sleeping on the floor under me and his low growling is what woke me up. It had no sound and was flying slowly  above the tree line. I was so scared I didn't want it to know I was awake so I waited till it was out of sight to wake my husband which I regret now cause he could have witnessed it with me. I lived in a small town in Buckley Washington at the foot of the cascades. I too never told anyone but close family and friends.

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I'm not sure if I've this on this site, but one time when we were attending Oklahoma State, about 1966, my husband and I went  home to east Oklahoma for the weekend. Being spring , it was cloudy on the return trip. There were no stars, no moon. Outside of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, we made a right turn north, and right in front of us, was a big bright star,  and as we watched, 3 tiny white dots, one by one, fell out of the star. each fell straight down a ways then turned red. When they turned red, each quit falling and made a right turn, and flew across the horizon.  

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The behavior of UFO's like you saw, Kim Cooke, makes me wonder. Why do they choose to swan around like that, terrifying the natives? 

I have two conflicting theories: Either aliens hold us in such low regard that they don't care if they freak us out, OR

Things like you saw are actually human-made, as humans are notoriously callous about freaking out the neighbors.

If aliens are trying to observe us unobserved, they're doing a lousy job of it. What are the implications? R1

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I was thinking  UFO  at the time this thing was huge did we have the capabilities of making such a huge ship that was silent? I live near Lewis  McCord now and I'll tell you the jets and planes they fly around here are loud. I don't know why they do what they do but I am a firm believer in ancient aliens since my sighting.

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Kim that large UFO ship sounds pretty scary.  I would have been frozen in place also, waiting and hoping not to be noticed.  In fact I bet it would be hard to pull one's eyes away from such a sight.   I wonder what such a big ship was doing flying so low and over your house!  I guess it would be hard for me to believe that such a large ship would be flying remotely--why the bright lights unless they want to be seen?

R1 your two theories are interesting.  I wonder if they watch our sci-fi movies to understand our psychology.  Maybe the aliens know most humans will either freak out and stay silent or won't be able to believe in them (they probably think of most humans as being to fear-based to react).  So maybe they only worry about staying away from our government and military bases or areas of heavy commercial plane traffic.

If there are diverse types of aliens visiting, they could all have different views of what is appropriate behavior with the natives and what is not.


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It was 11 pm, the lights where orange it wasn't like a beam they where on under the craft. I lived in a little single wide with big windows on the back and front in the middle of farm land. The next morning we heard on king 5 news that there where sightings in 3 states. I didn't call the cops that night because I didn't want them to think I was a nut.

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Kim, it looks to me like maybe you saw an UFO at the time of the Phoenix Lights in 97, when several UFOs were seen across the States. Do you remember the time of the year when it happened?


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Yes I believe it was the same time I'm thinking March. They described the craft as being triangular but from the bottom it looked more hour glass in shape, now don't forget I never left the couch cuz like I said I didn't want it to know I was awake. After I couldn't see it any more that's when I jumped up and woke my husband who was asleep in our bedroom. I told him that and he joked if they brought me up they would have seen how mouthy I am and spit me back out. You have to have humor it was scary.

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Not an expert in aliens by far, unless you count a life-long interest in science fiction as some sort of expertise. Still, on the discussion that Kim, Runestone and Starpath are having on that particular UFO, it's reminded me of the movie "Arrival", where the main question was "why are they here?" Quite an interesting movie about communicating with aliens. There's a point where the main character says that she can see her whole life from beginning to end. Imagine that!

"The shape of water" was also about talking with an alien, and the main character that managed to communicate in this case was mute and used sign language. It's good to remember that aliens might communicate in a fundamentally different way to humans. We're living in interesting times, but also tricky for those of us that are simply trying to make sense of what the hell is going on and beginning to put some of the pieces together.


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I find the whole topic interesting!

Had a conversation with a friend last night, who related an unnamed friend's alien story to me, which I will relate here, with commentary FWIW.

She was on a trip camping in the Great Lakes area with her spouse, when suddenly he veered the car off on a dirt road, to the location of an old, abandoned church. They got out and proceeded to 'do it' on the hood of the car. Meanwhile, she's sensing some kind of physical presence nearby and might have seen something.

The next day, she knows she's pregnant. Asks the hubby if he felt anything wierd at the time--but he can't even recall the incident.

She's totally freaked, eventually goes and has what she figures is alien spawn removed.

That night, while hubby goes downstairs, she feels an alien presence, and feels her DNA being scrubbed from top of her head down to her toes, in bands, or segments. She is fully conscious, but held immobile while this happens.

It ends. Hubby comes back up, she asks if he's seen anything, felt anything. He doesn't even remember going downstairs.

This kind of 'aliens got me pregnant' story, complete with being awake but immobilized for some procedure is not uncommon.

I have a logical mind, and the first thing that comes to me is to ask 'Why?'  Either why would people all over the world make up stories remarkably like this one, and/or why the heck would aliens be trying to get women pregnant? 

The woman in question was left of the opinion that aliens were trying to breed us for a food source. Seems like a long, drawn out, unproductive way to get food to me--unless we're the tasty equivalent of truffles, in which case why not go to some overcrowded place and take surplus people? Why go to the outback of the Great Lakes area? The stated motivation is illogical, and the means of satisfying the motivation is illogical.

If there's a point to my rambling, its that I think it possible to understand the motivations of possible alien visitors by observation of their behavior.

What I recall are a whole lot of night sightings, strange scary visitations at night, crop circles appearing at night, or weird unexplained sightings during the day--all of which seem to generate a standard fear response.

WTF?? Why what appears like an investment in scaring humans?

As a writer, I can come up with fifteen ways before breakfast to make First Contact that doesn't involve scaring the stuffing out of the natives.

Either these aliens aren't as bright as I am, or they don't care if they freak us out, or the fear response is a *feature not a bug* in their plans and we're being manipulated for some reason--or these appearance are not alien in origin.

Yes, I can conceive of aliens so alien that we are to them as ants are to us. In which case they'd float on by and ignore us, like we do most ants.

However, a lot of alien contact stories involve an element of interaction, which hints at motivation. They're more on our level. Aliens seem to want something, if that's really them buzzing the ISS, or impregnating random women.

Somebody should be looking for the patterns. R1

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Well, an encounter like that is not unusual. There are UFO archives full of them. 

A friend was a passenger on an airliner that had a near miss with a UFO coming into land. Passengers all got interviewed on landing, and the pilot got threatened and told to never discuss it. Subsequently, my friend had multiple contact type experiences. All of them a bit dreamlike. He had a serious spinal problem. Aliens fixed it. I saw the X rays of his spine, before, and after. it was fixed, with some very unusual surgery, that appeared to have reshaped the spine bones, and fixed the nerves. To me, it looked like something we humans cannot do yet. but it had happened. He had subsequent "Visitations". Some interesting conversations. They were quite friendly. A fairly typical experience. also, "Alien implants" have ben recovered surgically from people. They look like thin strings of rubber rope, the length of a finger. Dissection shows strange structures, but the material is a plastic substance. Its sort of a Cyborg insert. A number of these have been recovered. When the first one was recovered, and it was published on the net, others came forwards.  The "Star-Child" skull, from central America, is another example. Its a hybrid. Wierd DNA. The universe is not just a strange place, its stranger than we can imagine. Mostly, human/alien encounters are quite peaceful, and for a purpose. The purpose is to help us avoid destroying ourselves. The Alien "Pregnancy" was a manipulated event. almost hypnotic. When the friend had an abortion, it signalled she did not want it. Thats why the DNA got scrubbed. Otherwise, any child she had, would have been a hybrid. So in a strange way, they respected her decision. Such "Hybridization"  is going on. If the child had been born, it would have looked perfectly Human, but very smart, well developed, and very healthy. The child would have passed on its inheritance. Some women in encounters, have consented and got pregnant. (Yes, really). The "Star-children " are already amongst us. Cherish them. 

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Trump is an experiment that went wrong, lol. (just joking)

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Too bad we can't blame Trump on an alien experiment gone wrong. Then he'd be their fault, not ours! 


I've wondered if I met a for real alien, if my own hackles would rise, or if I'd retain some curiosity about the experience.


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I am a fan of the Ancient Aliens shows on the History Channel, especially the earlier episodes which had a lot of the hard evidence such as the monoliths and similar stuff all over the world.  They are beginning a new series this month (Friday's).  Early seasons are available at their website.  Also their Hanger One shows and Dolores Cannon's books.  Her book The Custodians has a lot of information.   I don't always agree with some of their conclusions but I don't "throw out the baby with the bath water."  I have no doubt they have been here for thousands of years, including the two UFO's that I have seen.

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I like those shows too, but like like the ones on ancient Egypt best.

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If you met an Alien, you would be fascinated, and they would as well. Conversations often result. Or they simply vanish, in an instant. "Glancing encounters". People do not usually say anything. They think about it, read, and realize that no harm came from it. It often has a profound effect on them. 

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