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Alien visitor

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Zoron how would we know if we ever met a hybrid and if any of us is one? I'm fascinated.

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I find all those alien stories very confusing.

Zoron is a friend of mine. He knows a lot of them because he used to work with the UFO magazine. He was even involved in documentaries, and he's had some weird experiences that people normally only read about in books, for real. Things like talking to a mad scientist that lived in a remote island in Scotland that could only be accessed with a small boat, and the doorbell was actually an ancient bell hanging from a thick rope. You can see yourself how much he knows about aliens. I think the nickname Zoron really suits him.

I don't think it's as easy to have a conversation with aliens as he thinks. I think it would be hard, I don't think it would be plain English. If I could talk to an alien, I'd like to keep it simple, and I'm sure I'd get it totally wrong. I'd say something like: "Which star are you from? Can you point it to me? Are you sure we are choosing that one star?" And who knows what the alien would think.

One story that I find really weird is when they talk about memory gaps. Like a guy says he missed one day in a week, and later on he remembers, and he spent it with aliens. What I wonder is, if he really lost the memory, how could he be sure that when it came back, the memory was accurate? And if he wasn't sure, that invalidates the whole experience, doesn't it?


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When I was a child I saw that glowing orb thing that Zoron described in my bedroom. It was smaller, just as big as a fist, also seemed friendly. I wasn't alarmed.

Could it be that aliens underestimate our fear response? Our human minds are very, I guess the Buddhist's call it untamed, and our default response seems always to be fear. Maybe as a child I just wasn't as susceptible to having a fear response to the unknown. Or, maybe the Aliens do communicate with us, just not, as Maria said, in our language. Maybe I was receptive enough as a kid that whatever visited me didn't come in with harmful intent.

I don't know, this whole alien, starseed thing intrigues me all of a sudden. I have been very busy due to some positive life changes, so I haven't been active in the forum but I tried to keep up here. Recently somebody shared their dream of a warehouse, and it all seemed very familiar, including shadow beings that I have seen next to my bed in the waking state. Scared me to death (although again there weren't really any threatening vibes) because they were standing right next to me and talking about my baby (I was pregnant then). I also remember strange dreams about strange places and nice warm metal beds and friendly chatter of a group of friends not being of this world.

And why wouldn't aliens hang out here and spy on us? Elon Musk and the like would do the same if they could, and god knows he's an awful communicator.

Okay Zoron, spill the beans, how do we spot the aliens and star-children among us?

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Maria, that's kinda my thought on the matter. I've yet to be convinced that the 'real' aliens exist fully in the plane we perceive normally. I wonder if they are more akin to something that we'd see if taking Ayahuasca. Interdimensional beings who are more like spirit energies than physical critters.

As for the rest, I'm fairly sure a LOT of physical appearances are military tech we're not supposed to know about. Maybe 10% of those appearances are actually anything alien.

I've no concrete knowledge to base this opinion on, so have to say that this is just conjecture on my part. R1

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OK this is going to sound super kooky, but I'll share it anyway. About 5 years ago I had a past life regression, which was guided by a psychiatrist named Paul DeBell.  He wrote a book about tracking coincidences and had a long career as a therapist before he began doing past life regressions. So I was pretty confident he was on the up and up. I'll just cut to the chase -- I had an experience where it was clear that my soul wasn't from Earth (as most souls are apparently). I'd come from another place/planet, whatever, and came to this life alone, leaving my posse back home and traveling by myself. I was pretty stunned, as all my life I've felt like I was alone, even among family and friends. So is this proof of alien life? Who knows, but I found it interesting. 

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LynnVentura, that makes sense to me. The meat-puppet providing a vehicle for an alien to experience this earth-life. 

Have you ever envisioned what urgency propelled you to do such a thing? Leaving your posse behind sounds like a terrible hardship. Makes me think you have something to 'do.'


BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
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Just gonna throw this one out there: Do you think aliens have souls? Go to the afterlife? Would we see them there? R1

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They have Souls, just like Us. So do cats, dogs, whales, etc.....all animal life has a Soul. 

With some misgivings, I am going to tell you something from my own experience.

I had an interesting channeling session, Via a very talented professional psychic and Medium who was a good friend. It was with one of the dead crew of the Roswell UFO, who was floating around out there, on the other side, and feeling a bit lost and stranded. We had a long technical discussion, which was completely above the head of the (Very) non-technical psychic. fascinating scientifically, and I felt very sympathetic towards his situation. He wanted to go home, so as to speak.....The whole event moved me very much.  It left me feeling that even though Aliens are of other tongues and other flesh, we are all the same, deep down. Does that answer your question?

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Zoron, kind of yes and kind of no. Reassuring to know they have souls, not so reassuring to hear no-one tossed the person a line to haul him 'home.' Have been a part of something similar with humans stuck in between, it's fixable. It feels like by your answer the Cosmic Sorting System failed to read his address right, he's stuck in Earth's noosphere. Wrong place.

Sorry, I'm having something weird rolling through in the psychic weather. Huge grief, has to do with someone on the other side, has harmonics of 'alien' but whether alien-nation is literal or metaphoric I can't tell. Looking for tea-leaves to read. R1

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RunestoneOne it's funny you ask because I almost included this in my post but decided to leave it out. The psych who did my regression asked me the same thing, and my response was, "I was showing off for my friends."  The subtext was that Earth life is hard, and some souls decide against incarnating here. But I was like, oh I can do this. See you guys in a few decades, blah, blah. What's so funny about this is that this is very much my personality, looking at a difficult task and thinking, why not?  Then sometimes having buyer's remorse. I think the trump years are definitely giving me that feeling, although the rest of being human is OK I'd say. :)

If  anyone is interested in this kind of stuff read Michael Newton's books (I think the first one is Life Between Lives), or Google Paul Debell.  He's got some videos on youtube. 

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lynnventura, your regression is exactly the type of experience that is covered in Dolores Cannon's book The Three Waves of Volunteers.   Looks like you are one of them.  

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MPS, I check out the book on Amazon. I'm going to buy it. The summary said the the souls who came in these waves had their memories erased so they wouldn't be able to remember why they'd come to Earth.  This is very interesting because when I did my regression I couldn't remember past lives, only that I wasn't from this planet, and that I missed my friends terribly. Fascinating.

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Lynnventura, you're much braver than me. I have a *memory* (not regression) of incarnating, and as I did, it was like having to fold my great big self into a zip file to fit down here, screaming out of the anywhere into the here yelling "DON'T MAKE ME GO DOWN THERE!!!!!"

Seriously do not want to be here. There's somebody I miss, but can't recall who.

Don't think I'm an alien, though, as I remember an incarnation from Europe, about 8,000 years ago. Lived in a house on stilts in the water, wore woven grass shoes.


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Ha, I'm not sure I really wanted to come here myself! I'm sure no one told me trump would be president.  For sure I wouldn't been like no way! I feel duped. :)

Seriously, I'm not sure I believe I'm from somewhere else, but I have always had a sense that I had things I needed to accomplish in this life, and it involved helping others. I'm sure many people feel the same way, but not everyone. My sibling for example, who grew up alongside me and is a good person, but doesn't share my feeling about needing to make a difference in the world.

My bet is many or most or all of us on this site are from some common place. I feel we were brought together. That give me an enormous sense of peace. Maybe I found my tribe after all. 

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I'd rather hold out hope that there are aliens. Right now we're doing a lousy job of being sentient. R1

Haha haha ha. Best comment from anyone all week. Loved it!

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I'm with you on this one, Maria. I'm not a scientist but married to one in the sciences (biological -environmental, originally anyway) and have like minded children.

I've had mysterious encounters my entire life beginning in early childhood and have just seen them as other worldly (spirits,demons,shamanic level stuff) but not viewed them as alien.

Reading here has me open minded but extremely confused.  My dream and astral life especially during 70s through 90s...decades not my age) were intense without the use of any external 'aids' and seeing beings that were exact duplicates of people I knew but couldn't be them. These I saw as other dimensional and pyschic as in visioning during mind-spirit  melding during transpersonal healings.

I often questioned my own experiences but wrote them off as normal dream imaginings if at all alien possible and then discounted that possibility.

Zoron, anyone with recognized alien encounters, have any thoughts on how one tells, let's say a John of God (Brazilian healer) who uses spiritual being surgeons overlays for his operations etc. on others which at least his part is witnessed by hundreds and often videoed to say a more dream like alien surgery or healing?


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last night was hot and I couldn't shake the childlike question on the number of souls that have incarnated on this planet. There are now 7.6 billion people living on this planet. Only 200 years there were less than one billion. Why this huge increase? Where are all the souls from all of a sudden? I heard somebody say that apparently whatever is going down on earth right now has such a cosmic relevance (the lessons of karma and free will) everybody gathers to live and learn. But there are earth-souls that prefer to incarnate on this planet, and "alien-souls" from different galaxies or whatever?

I remembered I came across a website years ago that argued that aliens started the human civilization, called the Wing Makers. They landed here to harvest gold, which in this form only appears on planet earth. The gold was needed for their technology and survival. Aliens weren't of the dense flesh and blood kind, they were multidimensional beings and thus had to mix with humanoid DNA to produce the actual manpower (humans as we know them today) that could actually mine the gold. In this legend, we are the aliens.

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I have so many thoughts on this subject I don't even know where to start. I wish I knew what was true but I'm still at the stage where I just want to learn and absorb everything I can and see what adds up and makes sense. I've never had a professional past life regression done, but I have regressed myself with the help of you tube videos. I don't think the at home method is as clear as what I would get if I paid a pro but I still got quite a few interesting things. For the record I don't think I am an alien - I've had past lives going back to the ancient times. I perceived one life in the early a.d. era (I keep thinking around 70 a.d.) where I was a roman soldier stationed in northern Italy. Another one was in Sicily also in the ancient world. The most recent and the one I wish I had more information on was a first world war soldier from the Czech area of Europe. There are others, but one thing stands out. In all my perceived experiences of past lives I was male, sometimes I'd even feel sexual attraction to women I saw in my mind during those self induced regressions. But right now I am female and married to a male so this makes me wonder as to why that might be. 

As regards aliens go the subject is more confusing than I could ever imagine. I've read the works of David Jacobs, Whitley Streiber, Erich Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin (among others), but I am not sure what to believe. I have never had these experiences, but I do believe they occur. In particular the dark and sinister conclusions reached by David Jacobs as regards the grays and abductions is quite scary. 

I tend to ignore the more obvious whack job theorists out there like David Icke and stick to people who appear more credible. However this is extremely biased of me because who am I to determine a persons credibility or truthfulness. I wish there was a way to definitively know what's true and what isn't.

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Hi, Natalie:

I, too, wish there were some kind of rubric by which to judge which are the whack jobs and which not. 

I think sometimes the whacky stuff is truth seen through a window darkly. The experiencer has a lower vibration mindset and describes what they see using terms and concepts that distort the truth...even while doing the best they can.

Higher order perceptions tend to transcend dichotomies, and include multiple perspectives simultaneously. Truer explanations tend to be nuanced, and not just black and white.

As for gender: I've had past lives as male (varied occupations as shaman, engineer, courier, trickster), and as female (servant/underground railroad assister, Scots rabble rouser, young child dying in Blitz). In one, I was a gay male. IMHO gender does not matter as much as 'heart.'


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Runestone, I noticed the heavy psychic weather too, it's one of the things that kept me from posting much here and checking on this thread.

On your question of aliens and souls: Assuming there are aliens, I think they may not have the same thing as a human soul. They could have something that functions like our soul does, but be quite different from our soul. If they are some sort of inter-dimensional creature, maybe their soul isn't time-bound like ours. Just speculating. Do you think that's even possible?


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