Alien Civilisations...
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Alien Civilisations.

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Yes, I can. But seldom do it. The past is useless, as it is impossible to change, but the future, until it actually happens, is constantly changing. 

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More Re: Scanning past. 

Historically, the past is full of interesting things. In terms of lost civilisations, for instance, We are only at the beginning of understanding that in the deep past, (during the last ice age, which lasted about 10,000 years, before our own post ice age, which is also ten thousand years old now) there were advanced civilisations. By this I mean advanced technological civilisations, that had a level of knowledge and technology equal to our own. The ancient Vedic civilisation of ancient India, much knowledge of which has been preserved, in Sanscript  documents, was at least as advanced as ours was in the recent centuries. There are reports of weapons resembling nuclear weapons, advanced aircraft, electrical power systems and sources more advanced than those of our own present civilisation, etc. All this has been totally ignored by academic western dominated historians and scientists. Even when confronted by hard evidence, such as technical artefacts, remains of buildings and archaeological sites, such things are simply ignored. There has been a conspiracy of silence on this, which has only really been broken by the arrival of the Internet, which has made lots of long suppressed material available, which conventional academia is no longer able to control or discredit. A  visit to UTube will turn up huge amounts of material about advanced lost civilisations. Much of it is actually fraudulent, or exaggerated, but some of it is compelling. The recent discovery, for instance, in Siberia, of huge structures, and carved tunnels, all clearly artificial, and of great age, is only one of many. We are the result of all that has gone before us. In ignoring or suppressing this, We do ourselves great harm. There is much that we could learn, from what remains. 

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Ive read quite a bit on this subject, but always with a skeptical eye. I'm open to the theories of people like Zechariah Sitchin or Erich Von Daniken, but im not yet convinced. Its fascinating stuff and I love reading books on this subject, I wish I really knew what the truth was. When I was in university my history professor's were very skeptical of alternative historical theories and interpretations. The one thing I took away from that experience was to always think critically and skeptically but still maintain the ability to have an open mind.

Because I love history so much, I have sometimes meditated on the past. Sometimes I'll look at my own family history, other times historical mysteries that I want to understand more about. It's fascinating what comes up. One really shocking experience was when I tried to meditate on the mystery of the princes in the tower and who their actual murderer was. That experience was truly frightening but very illuminating at the same time. I came away with a very dark view of Richard III's character,  it was scary.

What are your theories on the past Zoron? Do you think the theories of people like Zechariah sitchin have any weight?

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A new branch of archaeology is specializing in looking under the oceans in the shallower areas that would have been dry land during any ice age. They are discovering the foundations of large buildings and entire communities that were wiped out by rising sea levels. Think about how the vast majority of people live near the water today. Rapid sea level rise would decimate any civilization.

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The issue of Aliens is now more relevant and important than most people is also becoming a scandal, with the elites using their usual tactics of lies.deceit, and  disinformation, etc, to conceal the truth. They have major reasons for doing so. Since the issue of aliens came into the public mind, in 1947, after the first sightings of classic spacecraft, that were reported in the mass media, a general official policy of denial, combined with frantic secret investigations, because of the military and technological importance, has been in place. It has been international in scale, and driven by fear of Alien technologies and ideas "contaminating" the present human civilization and disrupting the power structures, making obsolete the technologies and energy systems now used, and in the process, bringing about collapse of the economic and power systems of the elites. In simple words; Greed, fear, and xenophobia have suppressed the truth. 


The first issue is the actual existence of Aliens. They do exist. They exist because the laws of physics and chemistry are the same throughout the Universe. As life arose here on our obscure planet, so did it elsewhere. Biological life and systems evolved, elsewhere, an intelligent dominant species emerged, and that species in turn developed a culture and civilization of its own. Civilizations begat technology. In a mere 60,000 years, they can evolve from cave dwelling tribes to advanced technical cultures. (that's us). This has happened repeatedly on other planets. Eventually, their cultures develop advanced knowledge and develop star travel tech. We are on the very edge of doing so ourselves. 


This is now perhaps less than 50 years away, certainly within 100 years. If we survive our present global crisis. Before this however, there will be a phase, over the next 10 to 20 years, where astronomical technologies will enable us to confirm the existence of alien civilizations. Already, the astronomers can detect planets orbiting other Suns. Over a thousand have now been discovered. Most of them are too large, or in the wrong orbit, to harbour life. But habitable planets exist. Earth size planets have begun to be detected. The very large orbital telescopes and ground telescopes are picking them up frequently, now. 


Within a few years, it will be possible to see if they have  an   atmosphere, and from this, experts can look for the presence of oxygen in their air. An "Oxygen signal" means the existence of biological life. Also, once the clusters of planets with life signals are mapped, other techniques can be used. Radio  emissions could be picked up, and the presence of light at night, which means cities.There are other signals, as well. So the reality of confirming planets with biological systems, and civilizations, is now very close. 

 This is going to cause a sensation, and it is less than a decade away. 

I mention all this, as it is basic background for this series of posts about Aliens. 

Within a decade, in spite of frantic attempts to keep secret the existence of other civilizations, the authorities will lose the battle to cover up, lie, and deceive that they have conducted ever since 1947. At that point, continued denial will make governments simply look idiots. 


The issue then is what to do about it. The reality is that alien civilizations have been aware of our Human existence for a very long time. There would have been previous contacts, and interchange, over a period spanning ice ages. The civilizations doing this may themselves no longer exist. What is important, is the present wave of visits and contacts.(Yes, there have been contacts). A number of local civilizations seem to be observing us, and the big issue is that this has not been done openly, but discreetly, whereas in other previous contacts of these Aliens, it has been open, friendly, and usually leading to cultural exchange, knowledge transfer, and even economic relations. This is not happening with Us humans. Thwe reasons for this I will go into in another post, but it can be simply said as "We are too complicated, crisis impacted, and lacking the planetary unity and governance that they can deal with. Plus their science and own history would  have told them that our human situation is critical, that the present Global crisis is probably not solvable, and that they are observing a tragedy in the making, one that they can do nothing about, without triggering additional problems. 


We are at a very interesting cross-roads though. Once the science is done, and the first confirmations of alien civilizations by Humans is out, the Human Governments will have a crisis of their own. So will the Aliens. At that point, the entire ridiculous pretense of their non-existence will collapse, and the aliens themselves will probably take a decision to open formal contact. The impact of this will be tremendous. Think the Americans forcing open the isolation of Japan from the outside World, with Commodore Perry's expedition. It will not be like the arrival of Columbus in the New World, which led to huge tragedies.It w

will not be Pizzaro or Cortez, with their ruthless destruction of the Indian new world civilisations. The other issue is that almost certainly, preliminary preparations have begun, by the authorities, here on Earth. 


For example, the NASA Apollo program  had a secret training program for their Astronauts which was all about what to do about Aliens, if contacted, or encountered, plus what our actual knowledge of the aliens was. For NASA, Aliens were a reality, and there was even a program to deal with it. The NASA program was actually run by Dr Hal Puthoff, who interestingly also set up and ran the USA "Stargate" project. Dr Edgar Mitchell (one of the Apollo crew members) has actually gone public about all this. He is now deceased, but was very outspoken. He got attacked for this, but interestingly, they did not deny what he said. (I will post videos of what he said). There is actually a NASA astronaut veterans group, that has its own program of what to do and how to engage with the Public. About 20 crew and former crew met in new york, and this set off all kinds of things. The USA Government has a complete operational plan and preparation, for how to deal with an Alien landing, at the political, technical, and diplomatic level. There is much more to come on this. All I have done, in this first lengthy post, is to outline the situation. Remember, half of it is from my own science background and knowledge, and half from Scanning. The two overlap, and broadly fit together. 


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You have said in last 60,000 years we have evolved from cave dwelling tribes to technical cultures. I have read that, indian scriptures say that current humanity is 58,000 year old. In my calculation a total cycle takes 57,600 years which is very close to that figure.

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I already love this new series of posts you have started! Your verification of such things has made one feel less crazy ? 

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This subject has fascinated me for more than a decade. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to say that I've read the works of the following authors on this subject: Whitley Streiber, Dr. David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, Jenny Randles, Zechariah Sitchin, Erich Von Daniken to name a few. I keep my skepticism about me throughout everything I read, all of it can't be true, but some of it I feel must be. The question is what parts are true. The abduction phenomena done by the grays I am fully convinced is true, but links to spirituality, the deceased and ancient alien theories I am less certain about. Any light you can shed on this would be great.


Thanks for your input.


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I think a lot of people have become more open minded about aliens. I feel that population do not fear them as much like 20 or 30 years ago. While the government and others are trying to hold us back, they do not realize they can not stop evolution. Another interest is the crop circles, which I have not heard much about these last couple years. While some were fake, others are real. I think some of those fake ones were to debunk the real ones. Some look like it  is planetary, showing where they have came from. Other symbols are more mathematic that we were familiar with at one time.  Zoron,  I love to know the message behind these? Are some aliens trying to give us a message?

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While I was search for something else, I came across David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations about 1:14:18 into it. You mention " laws of physics and chemistry are the same throughout the Universe." He also talk about aliens and other things in images such as Egyptian god Osiris. Wondering what your take on this video. Thank you.  

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The probability/estimate  is that about 20% of the Earth size planets, that orbit in the "Goldilocks zone" around their Suns, are old enough to have evolved life from their oceans, and become Oxygen planets, that have breathable atmospheres. The rest is simply chemistry and evolution, and morphogenic  processes.(There is a sort of holographic information storage in the quantum vacuum, that keeps the whole cosmos running.) 

Eventually, you get animal life, land animals, then intelligent species, then simple cultures, cave culture, stone age cultures, then the rest is pretty much like our own history. BUT: the timings are all wrong. Some planets have primitive primate societies (Primates are the primary form for intelligent beings,its the most efficient.) Bipedal, arms and legs, and a brain perched on top. But they look kinda weird. 

Others have progressed to tech civilisations, and to starflight. (The "Transition"). Others are still stuck at the Hominid stage. Others are basically just early land animals. They are not synchronised. In a volume of local space, (lets say 1000 light years from earth,) there will probably be several hundred Earth type planets. with life. A handful of them will have evolved to the intelligent cultures stage. But it is a vast,lonely Universe. This means billions of planets with life, along what is known as the "Great Galactic wall". (this wall is actually a giant ring, of vast diameter, (The bit of it that we can see, because of cosmic dust, probably not even 5%. ) this wall is a wall of galaxies. We are talking trillions of stars. There are a lot of intelligent cultures out there, but separated by vast distances. also, the survival rate of actual technical civilisations is very short. Super-flares, super novas, cosmic storms, and climate disaster wipe them out. Our own Galaxy is littered with the remains of perished civilisations. It is a tragedy. It takes some millions of years, (20, in the case of humans) to progress from ultra primitive early primates, to where we are now. There have been, on earth, several human civilisations, repeatedly wrecked by flarestorms, major volcanic and seismological events, and climate disaster. (plus major asteroid strikes, etc). Our current one, is on the edge of collapse, in the next 100 years. (from, essentially, human stupidity and greed). The advanced cultures last a maximum of several thousand years, and a fraction of that, with starflight capacity. (This is an AVERAGE). Some are very old, and some are very new. This is generally the case throughout the Cosmos. 

However, at any one time, "Clusters" of Alien techno-cultures form. They are asymetric, as to distance, as other techno-cultures may be a great distance away, but they form clusters, perhaps several hundred, that are able to interact on a cultural level. Beyond that, these "Clusters" are actually vertically structured, socially, culturally, and technically. There is a sort of Interstellar class system. The most advanced mentor the least advanced members of the "Cluster". The clusters in turn interact. The clusters interact mostly with others at the same level within a cluster. Clusters are loosely linked to other clusters. It stretches across an entire galaxy. 

There is also scientific knowledge that is discovered at a certain point, that enables techno-civilisations to communicate instantly (a sort of cosmos broad band.) A lot of beings out there know all about us, and about each other, but we know only the barest outlines of "Them". We are about to develop the physics that will enable us to join the interstellar equivalent of the old CB radio net.

Culturally, they are far more advanced than us. But technically, not that much further, as to local cultures that would be interested in us. one Alien, in a close encounter, said: "Do not think we are superior to you. we are not. We have more knowledge, but still have problems. Back on my home planet, we still have a crime problem. We have not solved all social problems, and we are still very much evolving."

The attitude of the other alien cultures that are nearby, and observing events, is actually ethically more evolved than amongst humans. (In the sense that they have planetary cultures, with ethical codes that are surprisingly similar. These cultures  have a very strong consensus as to behaviour, and evolved socio-economic systems that have actually moved a lot closer to where they want to go, than we do. But surprisingly, our moral philosophers would readily understand their highly integrated ethical and moral and socio-economic systems. We would, if they were explained to us, readily approve of  them, and would be keen to sort of "Sign-up". You might want to say that these alien cultures, are full of Eagle Scouts, and Buddhist monks. 

As to us, they absolutely do not wish to destroy or harm us, or enslave us. Quite the opposite. They want to be friends. But it is probably too late. The crisis our own planet is facing, is not solvable by alien intervention. They know, that that would actually make the situation worse. neither are they going to try and save us. but they do have a deep sense of sorrow about what is happening to us. We are regarded, with some frustration and irritation, as a sort of "Planet of the apes". Technical advances in human culture, will, in a very short time, (max 20 years) enable us to detect them anyway. then its pointless not interacting openly. But that will carry great risks. Also "Pottary Barn Rules" apply. You break it, you own it. Once they take that step, they are obliged, by their own ethical code, to do something. They are stuck with us. 

also, in other direct encounters, (these have happened, and continued to happen) one Alien was very direct. They said:

You may curse us, for not reaching out, in your terrible crisis. But we should not. Morally, if you are able to work it out yourselves, you will gain greatly from it. it will accelerate your "Transition". If we behave like missionaries, we might, as your missionaries have done, destroy you, or greatly damage you. You have to exercise your own free will, and survive or fall. You should look at your own history, at what you have done to other cultures, on your own planet, and what it has done to their survival.

"We do not wish you to become like us. We wish you to become yourselves, the thing that you can become, but it must mostly be your own struggle. Not ours.

As to technology, we could release our scientific knowledge to you, and you could adapt from it, very rapidly. but even that would be with problems. You would also be deprived of the pride and esteem of discovering, for yourselves, what we have previously discovered. You are almost there, anyway, in physics. we will not take that from you.


Other Aliens have expressed that their ethical spiritual systems  deeply frown on imposing on other, less advanced cultures. it is only done after very careful evaluation of the situation, and in a controlled way. 

As they said: "we do not wish, by attempting to become friends with you, damage you, deprive you of your own peaceful path, and become a burden on ours. "

But: Zoron says that there are going to be some very interesting developments, in the next 10 years. 

To paraphrase: Aliens arrive. They do not say, "Take us to your leaders". They say, "absolutely do not take us to your leaders, they are horrible people, or are surrounded by horrible people. In fact, do not even tell them that we were here.(Alien equivalent of laughter, as they do have a very sharp sense of irony and humour. They also have a deep knowledge of our own culture, they understand us and where we are, even better than we do. ) But they might say, one day: "We come in peace. We come as friends. We will meet your leaders, openly, now we are here. But you do have to fix it yourselves. "May the force be with you". 

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hi kim, I like the video. We are all sentient beings. Other tongues, other flesh. 


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I am so moved by what you wrote, I know it to be true. When I was around 11/ 12 years old my 3 sisters and I were walking to school on a beautiful sunny day.  As we continued on our way suddenly we all stopped and noticed a silver disc hover above us. We are speechless, looked at each other and again looked above to make sure that what we saw was still there. We were not afraid, actually excited because we knew that this was a special moment. Once the shock wore off and we started to get excited,the ET quickly moved and just disappeared. We looked at each other and said that we will never mention it to anyone especially our parents, and we didn't. I knew that people would not believe us... to this day we sometimes mention that amazing ENCOUNTER and still marvel at the thought that we are not alone.

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To Lola:

Well, I get, very clearly, what you are saying. Others, including myself, have also had experiences. Just knowing that we are not alone, that there are other sentient beings out there, that they do not wish us ill, has a huge impact. It sustains you. But although my post was short, it was carefully formed to compress a lot of data into a small space. The problem is, we still, as humans, have a problem. at the moment, this problem is not solvable. It is also getting worse. we are in a situation of civilisational  collapse, with no solutions in sight. But we are essentially on our own, in sorting it. 

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Anyone else here watch the TV show "People of Earth"? If not, you should. Despite being funny (it's about a group of humans who have vague memories of their alien abductions and the aliens who did, in fact, abduct them), it sounds a lot like what Zoron is saying about aliens. In the show, the aliens do have regs they have to follow, and they do have a sense of irony and humor. A lot of it is "workplace humor", but it portrays the aliens as trying to something (we don't know what - study? observe? help?) on Earth, and kind of getting hung up by their own societal issues. Highly recommend.

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I wonder about the current reissue of "Close Encounters" in Dolby (fancy movie format). Coincidence? Or a movement in the zeitgeist reflecting foreknowledge? 

It was a rare treat to revisit that sense of optimism about humanity and its place in the universe!


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I was watching a video John Desouza being interviewed, but he do not go into depth about the Anunnaki, can you tell us anything about them?

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You know that state you find yourself in between sleep and wakefulness? Often as I stir I "see" fuzzy outlines of things. The other night I saw a tall figure with an elongated head staring at me from my doorway. It looked like an alien. I sent welcoming energy. Then I awoke.

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Check this out.

I do NOT agree with some of this, but other parts of it are, shall I say, rather interesting. 

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