Alien Civilisations...
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Alien Civilisations.

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Lovely dramatic music to go along with  There have been numerous sighting here that have not been reported. I don't know if people have realize there is a increase of jets and helicopters here following ufo's and intersellar crafts within Newfoundland. Later after you post this, through my news feed came this image. Also it was interesting the dipper was mention, right now I am reading a article which is part of a book that mentions the seven stars. The big dipper is made up of seven stars.

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Posted by: @lightfooted

So this is actually a question. I was just wondering if you could "scan" the past, as you can the future; and if so, if you have ever scanned anything on races of giants???

@lightfooted) Great question and yes, you can absolutely scan the past. Quantum physics, and quantum mechanics were deduced mathematically. The math shows particles can move simultaneously in the past, present, and future. I once scanned the past of a missing person and clearly "saw" with inner vision him walking somewhere, even when no one had known or witnessed the path he took.  Then much later bloodhounds retraced the man's steps and discovered he'd taken the exact path I'd seen in a vision. 


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Recently a new blogger started a thread about the January 5th social media frenzy regarding a little chaos at the Bayside Mall near Miami.  He wanted to know what we thought about it. I read about it and concluded it wasn't about an alien at all.  According to reports, some kids had set off fireworks on New Year's Day at the Mall and the police received multiple calls that there was an active shooting going on there. Naturally, scores of police cars converged on the scene.  There was also a fight among teens that had erupted there as well. Then social media started viral discussions that it was all because of an alien visitation.  They showed a video of a very large shadowy figure walking along the edge of the building. Sorry, not convinced it was authentic.  There is much better evidence out there than that one. IMHO

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There is an app called Enigma  which includes the latest UFO/UAP sightings.  You can follow sightings all over the world or in your own neighborhood. Some sighting reports include video or photos, and others are just witness statements.  Here’s a video of a sighting this month in California that lasted one hour.

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That video, by the way, is really cool.

I am not sure what it is, but it is definitely unidentified and mysterious.

With regards to UFO/UAP stuff in general, I've been following some of that disclosure stuff amongst the UFO communities online. There are certainly some really interesting discussions happening.

One discussion that stands out is the 1933 crash in Italy, which whistleblower David Grusch has alluded to in several interviews.

The 1933 crash in Italy was recovered by the Mussolini government at the time, and there is also some connection with the Vatican investigating it and having locked away information on this and others.

There have also been a lot of discussions about whether aliens created the human race or at least helped our evolution.

The biggest controversial topic, in my opinion, has been whether the God in the Bible or Gods in other religions are linked to an ancient Alien civilization that helped us in the past.

There is some other stuff, though, which I disagree with, such as the notion that we are all just an experiment, and there is a load of stuff about Christian Gnosticism and a Demiurge, which I won't get into. Basically, fear-mongering stuff.

I personally don't have a particular belief as such. But I am intrigued by the theory that the aliens visiting might be biological AI from an alien civilization exploring our area of space and our planet, and that some UFOs may be AI probes with no physical pilots inside them.

A rather interesting point was also made in an old interview with Bob Lazar, who said that he saw in a document he read that it said the aliens referred to humans as "containers." When asked to elaborate on that, he said he could only speculate and said, "perhaps containers for souls," but wasn't sure.

In several reports around UFOs/UAPs there is also a weird phenomenon of people seeing orbs, which is very similar to what some people in spiritual circles, such as here, may see in their spiritual encounters/experiences. So, with that in mind, I think it does raise the question of whether aliens may also be highly spiritual and perhaps do not need a body, and the mere fact that we do...perhaps is why we are referred to as "containers'...?

Anyway, this is all very speculative, but it touches on some very interesting topics.

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@luminous  Yes, the subject of UAPs is fascinating, thought provoking and confusing. If you haven’t already read “Encounters” by D. W. Padilla, I think you’d find it interesting.

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Posted by: @luminous

A rather interesting point was also made in an old interview with Bob Lazar, who said that he saw in a document he read that it said the aliens referred to humans as "containers." When asked to elaborate on that, he said he could only speculate and said, "perhaps containers for souls," but wasn't sure.

Interesting. I was meditating for a couple of days at a retreat in 2014 and as we sat there for two days breathing in and out, I got a strong impression that we were all containers taking in the energies of other humans and the rest of the universe. It was one of those strong visions that has stayed with me all these years. 


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I couldn't find that book by that author, but I did find a book called, "Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences" by D. W. Pasulka.

I think this subject about containers and souls might be similar to the New Age subject of other souls, also known as "starseeds," from other star systems incarnating on Earth as volunteers to help the Earth raise its vibration and spiritual evolution. But in general, I am not sure how much truth there is to the whole subject of starseeds.

But the idea of other wordly beings, who may be more spiritual energy based, rather than material/physical, coming here, certainly raises a lot of questions. If they don't need a body, then are they able to also travel interdimendionally, and are they some of the guides and helpers already here on the Earth who are already assisting and helping in some way?

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@luminous  Yes that's the book by Dr. Pasulka.  There is no assumption of aliens being aliens... of them being "higher beings"...  or being physical, interdemensional or AI... or even from the present.  It is not assumed the phenomenon is good or evil.

However, the book documents how "encounters" are frequently the impetus for change in a human being's philosophy or life style.

For me, the book is a thoughtful examination of the subject--and the metaphysical or psychic perceptions that are part of many such "encounters." 

The theory of knowledge is part of the book (how do we "know" what we think we know). As you noted, @luminous, UAP discussions are frequently riven with contradictions and conjecture.

Pseudonyms are used for many of the experts interviewed for the book.  This may give some readers pause. I find it understandable. A paradigm shift is taking place. Those who explore the edge are often vilified (or loose their government contracts).

As for containers:  what's that very old saying?  Human beings are not bodies with souls; human beings are souls with bodies. The soul is preeminent. The concept of containers is apt.. or should I say the holographic mental image of a container is apt?  LOL.  Let's face it... what is "reality" after all?  We humans can't even effectively explain consciousness. 

The book is "A Magical Mystery Tour." That's even the name of one of its chapters.


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You make some very thought provoking points. I am now really curious about the two books you have mentioned. I guess I have some reading to do. ;-)

There's also a lot of New Age stuff out there about paradigm shifts, such as the Earth moving from 3D to 4D/5D and stuff like that. I have a feeling this is true, but I have been a bit put off by the way the topic has been hijacked by people who into the QAnon conspiracy stuff, so I have been trying to filter some of that stuff when I'm reading or watching videos about it. The same also with the starseed stuff. I think some of it could be plausible, but the New Age/Spiritual/UAP topic is rife right right-wing conspiracies at the moment.

Sorry @jeanne-mayell I wasn't ignoring your experience. That mediation sounds pretty profound. You mentioned also to me before something about the Earth raising its vibration, which I thought was really cool. I guess that fits in with the paradigm shift. :-)


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Posted by: @freya

 Human beings are not bodies with souls; human beings are souls with bodies.

I have had many conversations about various topics in which I have said the words "I have lived in this body for X years..." to highlight the fact that I know I am not this body; it is a temporary residence. Even my mother, an 83-year-old devoutly practicing Catholic agrees with me on this. I'm always surprised when I run across anyone who still thinks otherwise.

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@luminous  Hi again:  I was using the expression paradigm shift differently:  specifically to describe how our current perceptions and beliefs about life and the universe are all beginning to shift. What IS reality?

In describing experiencers' encounters, Pasulka notes that one person will report seeing an alien while their spouse or a neighbor might report seeing the Archangel Michael. Someone standing right next to both of them might see nothing.  As you capture well, the phenomenon is obviously more complicated than little grey men from somewhere else.

@jeanne's vision that humans are " containers taking in the energies of other humans and the rest of the universe" also resonates strongly with me.

On that last note, let me add a quote from Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Planck:

"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much:  There is no matter as such!  All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration.. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind is the matrix of all matter."

Planck also said:  "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative  from consciousness..."

Planck won his Nobel over 100 years ago (1918). 

I'm neither a mathematician nor a physicist. But as an interested layperson, I have for some time gotten the strong sense that modern science is getting closer and closer to ancient spiritual cosmology. They use different words/math/metaphors but I believe they are trying to describe the same thing. Or are at least circling around it.

Enough!  I'm giving myself a headache.  LOL.

One thing is certain:  we're all on a magical mystery tour.


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