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My awareness makes life hard sometimes

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I have had this ability to see and intuit life since I was a child. My aunt told me once when I was very little I would tell them things before it happened or have strong reactions about places and people. I can remember feeling other people's feelings. As I have grown older I have blocked it as much as possible until recently. I have come to accept this is who I am and have started to lean into it and not away. I stopped telling people a long time ago what happens to me because it makes me feel vulnerable and then I block it out for months or years at a time. However, I am opening up more and letting it all in. I feel better even with all the darkness in the world right now. 

I knew Trump was going to win. I couldn't see Hilary in the White House. I have found if I can't picture it I should examine why. I try to listen to my instincts and not my wants or hopes. It is hard to do but I notice when I do the visions are closer to the truth. One of the latest is that I have a strong feeling that Charles will be the last monarch. The British royal family will not survive Brexit. I keep seeing a sun setting like a final curtain on stage when it comes to the UK. I see a dying fire and ash. Mainly it is about England. I see Scotland very green and fertile. New and fresh after a long rain. I see the words new world and new frontier. I can't picture Ireland except feeling heaviness and iron. No color at all but a black and white map with old fashioned script with the focus on the north. 

I can't see Trump or Putin for 2020. I see Putin but with a large knife coming at his back. I see angry men sitting around a table. One with white hair and glasses. For some reason, I see death around Trump. A personal tragedy of some sort. I see a grim executioner. Death masks and a New Orleans style graveyard. A funeral procession with a large dark skinned woman in a 60s all black outfit and a handkerchief but she isn't crying. I have seen this over and over. There is no sadness. 

The problem is I am not sure what to do with these sights and feelings? They come out of nowhere. I have always found creative language to joke or say "what if that happened" so people wouldn't think my "predictions" were weird. How can I learn to cope and should I write this stuff down somewhere? I never forget them but I think the details get fuzzy. 


MizMargo, Ms. C., LalaBella and 13 people reacted
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Hi, Marigold:

I'd suggest writing your insights down in a journal. That will keep the memories fresh for when you need to refer to them.

Another reason to do it is to be able to 'let them go' so the insights don't drain you.

This is a practice I learned as a writer.  Before I launch into a session of creative writing, I write three pages of top of my consciousness thoughts, to clear my mind. Gathering up all the loose mental flotsam and putting it on paper does a remarkable job of it.

Welcome to the club, there are a lot of people here who get insights and prognostications. You're in good company!


LalaBella, KB, RosieHeart and 7 people reacted
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Welcome Marigold. This is a kind and caring community. You will find support and love here. I am glad you are embracing your abilities. It is a gift. 

BlueBelle, KB, RosieHeart and 3 people reacted
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Hi Marigold.

Welcome from Zoron. You are clearly one of us, and I look forwards to your participation and getting into the Group. Excellent pre-cog, on your intuitions. I noticed your comments on Prince Charles. Please see my comments on him on here. Yes, generally. He is actually not quite the last. He does not last long, and then is hurridly replaced by William, in strange and frightening circumstances. But William does not last long either. He is "William the Last". Your vision on scotland is very interesting. It links with mine. Ireland is going to be have a very hard time, and it is not in any way their fault. There is a great danger of the War restarting, and The English Government which after BREXIT is worse than Trump, will make disasterous mistakes there. 

You should willingly develop your skills. They are a gift. Its like navigating life with  a  map. You are very welcome here.

BlueBelle, LalaBella, KB and 3 people reacted
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Welcome Marigold!

I agree with R1, write down what you see. It will help you to figure out the symbolism of what you see. You may think something you see holds one meaning, and then when you are not accurate one time, you're not sure why. This is when you go back into your journal, and compare the other times you've seen that symbol, reference, etc., to help you decipher and/or clarify it's meaning. Just so you know, I know some who use writing things down as a way to channel information. The act of writing spirit's messages sometimes aids in the flow of the information. So don't be surprised if you sit to write what you remember, and when you go back and read it at a later date, there's more there than what you intended to write!

BlueBelle, LalaBella, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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Hi Marigold,

I am also new to this and have started writing things down as they come - then at least I don’t forget them and can refer back to see if they make any more sense after time passes. I don’t know either how to interpret things but it helps to be able to get feedback from others who are similarly inclined.

Just as an example, I just had a strange vision of John Bolton with his face turning purple and clutching his throat and Mike Pompeo standing beside him smiling like the laughing Buddha. No idea what to make of that. Maybe a power struggle between the two? Time will tell, I guess.

In any case, thanks for your contributions and I hope that embracing your awareness helps it develop into something positive for you. 



Bee and Bee reacted
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Welcome.e Marigold.

 I also find life a bit more difficult knowing what I know, especially since those I am closest to in life don't appreciate my abilities and frequently ridicule what I say as having a "strong imagination". So I don't tell them much. I put it on here instead, where minds are more open.

BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
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Welcome, Marigold!

I was just like at you one point, shutting my abilities down but not anymore! I agree with the others, write the visions down! I can tell you from personal experience that it will all come together and just click out of the blue for you. 


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Thank you for your support. I shied away from checking back because I am so used to being made to feel silly. I will start writing it down. 

I find the idea of William the Last enlightening because it doesn't feel wrong. Zoran's interpretation feels more right and leads to more pictures. I see shutting doors but they are gilded and rushing around. But it is the 18th century and it feels more like what happened in France. Not quite a storming of the Bastille more like his unpopularity will spark unrest. 

This must be what a community is like. I don't know anyone else to listen to or get sparked by. It seems the collective mind and awareness leads to clearer visions and more of them. Finding you is a relief and I hope I can be a productive member. 

BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
Illustrious Member Registered
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Welcome Baba and Marigold! This is a precious community. I stumbled into it right after the 2016 election. In my despair I was searching through the interwebs and found this golden nugget. It's been a haven of love, acceptance, information, support, and good cheer.

Laura F., I can sympathize with your situation. My whole life people have thought I was half kooky. When I've had people over to the house I've had to go around and hide all my "new age" books because I didn't want to have to defend my beliefs. Yet, interestingly enough, when people need advice on what to do with major life stuff, they seek me out, because while I can't see the future, I can "feel" my way to pointing people in the right direction. More often than not I'm spot-on (don't take that job, do buy that house, that person is/isn't good for you). So, people may mock us but they seek us out, and they really do need us. 

mariad and mariad reacted