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Dreams - Transpersonal - Share with us here

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I had a dream this morning that caught my attention. I was traveling on a treacherous winding road. I knew I had to get somewhere important and I was willing to go. The travel was arduous so I went slow and methodical. I knew I would successfully navigate my way to the destination, without a doubt. It wasn't easy, but I was not afraid. I traveled through and around a mountainous road. At the end, I turned around and looked down the mountain from where I came.  I saw others crashing and falling and clearly ending their travels. I thought why are they in such a hurry and not paying attention. Don't they see that the course requires focused attention. I then found myself in a condo apartment. There was a baby in a cradle car seat on the dining room table. Clearly someone had placed the infant there, ready for travel. Someone asked me if I knew the way back. I said yes I know how to get back. But I also thought, damn I have to go back. That was a difficult journey and I just got here. My response was, I can show you the way.  I begin to show the others the way. When we get back, I let go, enjoying my life for a few days. Then someone said, where is the baby? I said we left the baby in the apartment. I began to feel dread! I then asked how long has it been since I got back?  Is it still alive? Could it survive this long without care? I don't know. Why didn't I bring it? I thought, it's not my baby, why do I need to care for it? Then I knew I had to go back again to retrieve the baby. I am responsible for it regardless of whether it's mine. I feel the pressure of time running out.

What does this mean? Here is my interpretation: Feels like we all have a difficult journey ahead of us. Treacherous and daunting. But we, as light workers somehow know how to navigate the roads. We show others how to get where we need to go. We are tired because we have travelled a long journey already. But, we do it anyway. Again and again. We feel responsible for the new generations. They will not make it without our help. Now is the time.

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@Timo I think your interpretation is spot on.  Beautiful.  We do indeed know the way forward and will care for the weak and vulnerable on the way.  No one left behind.  

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As I read your dream I too had the same interpretation that it was about your life journey to higher consciousness and that as a leader you will return perhaps again and again to help others make that journey.  

The baby could be new generations but  it also could be your inner child, that infant you once were in that original family you once had who may need you to help her with issues she may have so she gets to evolve with you. If that doesn’t make sense then disregard. 


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Ahh Jeanne, yes! And that too! Thank you! My inner child, from many lives, past and present,  helpless and vulnerable, in need of attention and  recognition, and loving care. She is my responsibility now. I need not abandon her. But oh how I have neglected her. Hello, new life,  Namaste!

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I had another dream last night about rising seas. Some background: I recently moved to coastal Massachusetts and will be living here for about a year for temporary community service work. In the dream, I'm standing on the shoreline of Massachusetts Bay or Cape Cod Bay and looking in the direction of what looks like a residential neighborhood of historic Victorian/Edwardian houses. The waters of the Bay are choppy and turbid, and at least one house close to the tideline is having its foundation eaten away from under it. As I'm taking in the scene, I'm given the knowledge that local sea levels in New England are soon going to start rising much faster than they have in the past, and that by 2030, they will have risen 3-4 feet. No voice tells me this, I just sort of receive the knowledge.  

This dream wasn't as detailed or vivid as other dreams I've had of rising seas. And the specificity of the numbers - 2030, 3-4 feet - kind of makes me think my analytic dream consciousness may have been projecting onto the situation. But there it is.

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Update; I just remembered another portion of the dream I posted about. After the scene in Massachusetts, I'm up in the air and looking down on the coast of Antarctica, where thousand-foot high cliffs of ice are rapidly disintegrating into the ocean. It turned out that the rising seas I witnessed in New England are a result of calving events in Antarctica. This part of the dream WAS vivid and seemed to match real-life scenarios of "marine ice cliff instability" mapped out by researchers studying the linchpin Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica.

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I had a strange dream this morning that I am still trying to understand:

I was working in a group for the FBI and we were talking and the name Shanlon  (or Shan Lin?) Wu came up as the person who holds the key to what is going on. We decided to meet that evening at a bar for a drink. On my way out Mike Pence comes up to me and asks where we are going and wants to meet us there “for a hot chocolate.” He wants information. Everyone rolls their eyes. No one wants him to come.

When I arrive, we are at tables that stretch across two rooms. Behind me a group of witches wearing gray dresses and all with the same short gray bob haircut come in and close the doors leaving me isolated in one of the rooms with them and say that the time has come and they have to do an important ritual which they begin with. I wonder why I am the only one in the room and why they are doing it in a bar.


There is a lot going on here and I just don’t quite know what to make of it. 

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Interesting.... in the “Situation Unraveling for Trump” thread @jeanne-mayell posted about a dream she had in which she held and protected a baby while a battle was going on above her and the baby. @lovendures responded that she knows other people who have dreamed of protecting babies recently.  Two nights ago I dreamed that I forgot about a baby I was supposed to be protecting and left it overnight laying on the seat of my car. I felt bad the next morning when I realized what I had done. The baby survived okay, but she was cold. I turned on the car’s seat warmer to warm her up and then proceeded to take care of her. As I was waking up I asked myself “Who is the baby?” and I immediately heard “me”. I took it to mean I need to take better care of myself. I have been VERY anxious and stressed the past few days. I am heading up a huge project at work, and there was a recent death in the family, but I think I am mostly stressed (as we all are) about the state of the world and our country. I did leave work early today to get a massage; it was lovely. Take care of yourself, Baby.

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How absolutely awesome you so adeptly asked and then picked up on analyzing your own dream! ?

Hang on to the good vibes and self care and let all that other go. It truly is beyond our control no matter how powerful we like to think the power of positive thinking or projecting is. 

It really is more about our living our own lives in the light and choosing happiness and gratitude no matter what then just trying oner and over to be more, do more.

Best wishes on your travel,  work and big hug on the loss in your family . Big big hug!

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Thank you so much for your kind and wise words. Aloha.

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Had a weird dream last night about the Berlin Wall in Germany. In my dream I heard my mom's voice saying "It's very sad that we tore that country in half after World War 2" and I saw people suffering beyond the wall, and then when the the wall was torn down the Eastern and Western Germans started hugging each other. 

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Three nights ago I had a very weird dream. In the dream I was protecting and caring for someone's baby, but not my baby. The people in the dream were not my people but perhaps people I've met or seen in the news (I forget exactly who now) and THEY were supposed to take care of the baby, but because they were not I just fell into the role. That's all I remember right now but weird about all these baby dreams!

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2 things.

First, I think I already mentioned in this forum about my waking up to "Bark at the Moon" when my mind/dream/thought were about the Senate Impeachment hearings and Trumps constant tweeting and Republicans response/civil disobedience. As you may be aware that "barking at the moon" = to make appeals in vain.

Second, I dreamed the other night that there was an election and a recount was required. I don't know where but it was required and the results were corrected. I don't know if it was the Primaries or the General.

I don't know how it works for others but I get a "knowing" or download from time to time that I am made aware of when I am thinking about something or looking at someone and basically a thought message or knowing reaches my awareness as either a feeling or a statement. This is not often or maybe I am just not frequently receptive. I would love it if I were in a constant state of eminent reception because these always resonate and I have learned to trust them.

For example, despite Sanders' numbers I know he will not win the primary. However when I am in a receptive state and ask who will win the Democratic Primaries, I get the message "it is too soon to tell" or "too early to determine." or "the outcome is in flux." (I ask this frequently). However, I still know that Bernie will not win this. (sorry Bernie fans).

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@rowsella, I totally relate to the "knowing" download.  For some time I've been feeling the same as you regarding Bernie.  In my bones I feel that he was/is a kind of prophet -- he had to run in order to open up the Dem party's eyes, and for them to stop apologizing for who they are, face their fears and grow a spine.

Like you, I also am not getting any sense of who will win the Dem Primaries.  But I also don't sense that the Dem will win the 2020 Presidential election -- I haven't for some time.  And I don't believe it's my fears talking.  Perhaps I'm tuning into voter election hanky-panky.  Or perhaps it's because things are in such flux right now, so perhaps that  intuitive feeling I'm having regarding 2020 might change as things solidify? 

I think that some of my intuitive or psychic impressions run along the trajectory of where things are now.  So I may psychically tune into the particular path we are on (in this case, the country and the voters), and it leads me to a particular outcome.  And my intuitive sense of an outcome doesn't always follow the concrete evidence before me now (e.g., T's house of cards crumbling and having such low poll numbers).  I hope I am making sense; I feel like I'm rambling.  I'm still learning to trust my psychic impressions.

Anyway, I truly hope that I am wrong about 2020.

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it makes me smile to read your process. It  sounds a lot like mine. :-)

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I don’t like my dream last night at all. In it, I was at an event by Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium. I asked her if I could ask about “the situation with the country,”

meaning trump. She shook her head, not wanting me to ask.

But later, people were in a line, asking her questions. And they were alluding to the

state of the country with trump. I got in line and I asked as well. Theresa basically said he was going to win. I was pretty devastated. She was upset with me for asking her to “testify” something twice, but I didn’t know what. 
I’d been feeling more optimistic that he will be gone, but now I’m worried again.

Any ideas?


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Did you become worried after your dream, or have you been having this feeling before then?  

I still strongly sense and believe that T. will be gone in 2020, but I can't see how that will play out.  From what I am getting right now, I'm not seeing a Dem as President in 2020.  I could be totally wrong, and really hope that I am.  But whoever is in, I don't believe it will be T.  And I do believe that the Dems will take both houses (although by a slim margin in the Senate).


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@Anita: Sounds like your dream was about you getting information from famous psychics. If you go out there and see what psychics are saying about the 2020 election, it runs the gamut. 

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Nope. Theresa Caputo is a medium. She has a show you probably have heard of. But she’s said nothing about trump. She strictly does mediumship.


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Yes I know her show. She's very famous! I watched her once on t.v. when she first became famous. And while she may not make predictions about politics or the world, a medium is a psychic and is using psychic power when they read the people who sit in the audience. I don't know why you saw her on this topic rather than someone else. 

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