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11:11, Pennies, Rainbows and Other Symbolic Signs from the Heavens

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I have seen 11:11 and 4:44 several times over the last week or so. This has happened many times over the past months to a year or so.

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I’ve always received a lot of 144 and 441 in my adult life

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Great those are signs when you're in the flow and notice what, where, why you're there and see if anything comes to you as a sign of any kind!

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As you may already know there are many, many numerically synchronistic sets of numbers. People who believe in angel numbers and have those that have angel number based sites have come up with their own individual symbolic meanings so that's why so many numbers like other sequences and associations can vary. 

But most commonly that is an angel number considered to stand for your own inner core or foundation of belief and the symbolic attribute would stem from sharing with others and that being an important core or root purpose in your life. Share wisely and share well!

So thank you for sharing here @tybin and for being a member of our tribe and posting! 

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Is there any significance to blue jays? I have had a blue jay fly across the street, low and right in front of my car, three times in the past week, and always on a different road.

And I wish I could share a screen shot of my phone the other day ... 11:11 a.m. on 10/11, with the weather widget showing "last updated" on 10/10 at 7:11 a.m. It made me giggle.

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Ted Andrews wrote extensively about spirit animals and messages animals bring to us.  Here is some of what he wrote about the Blue Jay from the book Animal Speak of which I happen to have a copy.  I have found it useful to consult over the years. This was especially true when my then teenaged daughter saw her spirit animal for a number of days after she had an accident which caused her to need to learn how to walk again.  It was helpful to understand why my bright, sane and spiritually tuned-in daughter saw a wolf roaming the house, even racing along our car on the road.  It was a truly cherished and beautiful experience to behold.

Many internet sites use Andrews descriptions on spirit animals with out giving him credit as the source.  They never go into the depth he does either.

Here are some cliff notes on the Blue Jay from Andrews.  Hope it helps.

Keynote- The Proper use of power.

The Blue Jay has markings found on wings which represent the ability to link heavens to earth, to access each for greater good.  The sky ((blue) separates the Heavens (white) and ether earth( black). This is a totem that can move between both and tap the primal energies at either level. The Jay is aware of this innate ability and this is reflected in its blue crest- higher knowledge that can be used.

The main problem will be in dabbling in both worlds, rather than becoming a true master of both.   (Knowing a little bit about a lot, but not deep knowledge on a subject in the physical or spiritual world).

The bright blue crust of the jay should always be a reminder that to wear the crown of the mastership requires dedication, responsibility, and committed development in all things physical and spiritual.  A reminder to follow through on things, not start something and then leave it dangling.  

Blue Jays have a tremendous ability for survival with the least amount of effort.  They reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and utilized properly.  If the jay has flown into your life, it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate royalty that is within you, or simply be a pretender to the throne. It all depends upon you.

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@lovendures I had to come tell you ... I haven't seen any jays since I shared here and you responded with your lovely findings. Then yesterday, I was driving to a farm to pick up eggs, a road I've never had a jay encounter on, and one flew in front of my car, just like the other times. I giggled and said, "I see you!" Then just now, I was standing at my kitchen sink, and on the deck railing right outside the window, two jays landed and just stood there. Then they hopped to different parts of the railing, one flew down to a tree by the patio, flew back up to the deck, the other hopped around on the deck, before they both flew off to a tree at the back of the year. And I got all choked up; it felt like too much. Like there's something big sitting right there in front of me and I'm not seeing it. But I wanted to come tell you about it. :)

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My mom always said seeing hawks is good luck, I've seen them for the last month or so when I've gone to the local park, here in Houston. Today I saw a flock of pelicans, never knew pelicans can fly in flocks, and they were flying in heavy wind so they were very graceful. 

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Pelican are such a unique bird!

Symbolic Pelican Meaning:

"Pelicans are symbols of love, sacrifice and motherhood. This has to do with legends about pelicans giving their own blood and life in order to save their offspring.

Pelicans remind us how self-sacrifice is often required in order to protect who and what we love."

Could never be truer or more apropos than in these times and the many years of creating change in ourselves and our world to survive the challenges ahead.

A powerful symbol as were your hawks before!

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Absolutely awesome sightings especially those many numbers!

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@michele-b I also saw a flock of buzzards on two separate days. One day they were eating a dead opossum on the side of the road. One day they were just gathered didn't see why. I've been seeing lots of birds lately. I guess they are coming south for the winter. 

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It would seem that you are really noticing the jay coming into your life so perhaps there is indeed a message for you, not that there MUST be a message.  

 Perhaps looking at what is below and what was posted earlier may help you gain some insight on what might be occurring with the jays popping up.  Information also by Ted Andrews. 

The blue jay has long been thought of as a bully and robber, and although it can have those tendencies, it has other qualities that make it stand out positively.  For those to whom the jay comes as a totem, it can reflect lessons in using your own power properly.  It can also reflect lesson is not allowing yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you.  

The bleu jay reflects that a time of greater resourcefulness and adaptability is about to unfold.   You are going to have ample opportunities to develop and use your abilities.  The jay does not usually migrate, staying around all winter, so look for there to be ample time to develop and use your energies to access new levels.

The blue jay is a actually a member of the crow family, and  most crows have no fear.  Crows and jays alike will gang up to harass and drive off owls and hawks.  The jay is fearless, and it is because of this the it can help you to connect with the deepest mysteries of the earth and the greatest of the heavens.  

The blue jay is an excellent mimic, with a sharp eye and voice.  It especially has a wonderful knack for imitating red -shouldered hawks. Old-time naturalists were convinced the the blue jay derived a pleasure from this activity.  As with all members its family, this sense of seeking pleasure-often at the expense of others -can reflect an imbalance.  Sometimes jays show up when this is occurring in your own life.  



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Just a general comment about birds. I mentioned somewhere else a week ago about how many fewer birds I am noticing here in AZ.  Well, that is still thee case.  Hardly a bird camel by to eat the winter over seed and that NEVER happens as I normally need to chase them off because the flock to my yard to eat the seed.  Other than a bunch of quail and a few other random birds, hardly any, including no pigeons. 

Something is up. Perhaps it was the extremely hot and record breaking summer.  

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Posted by: @lovendures

Other than a bunch of quail and a few other random birds, hardly any, including no pigeons. 

Something is up. Perhaps it was the extremely hot and record breaking summer.  

I would venture to say it is synchronous with your regional weather.  

Where I am, we have had fairly average summer weather with an average numbers of bird.  The only unusual thing is that last week some gray catbirds came to my yard to eat some berries off a bush, and they have not moved on.  They are migratory birds and normally do not linger here, or at least, I haven't noticed them staying around before.

  I don't know if this presages a mild winter, or if they just decided they might as well set up camp where there's an awesome berry and birdseed buffet.

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@lovendures I feel some resonance with what you shared this evening as well as before. It's like a whisper in the back of my head and I know it's there and it's going to make sense in a way I can't put words to, but it isn't quite audible for me. I think I will print out a photo of a jay and add it to my office cork board so it can be in my line of sight and in my mind's eye when I meditate. Thank you so much for the information.

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Does anyone know if rabbits or deer have any special meaning? After my grandmother died (its been years now), we kept seeing bunnies everywhere. She died at Easter time and I had such anger at the time about the holiday and celebrations. Then the bunnies started showing up--in our yard, our driveway, front porch, everywhere when we didn't see them before that. It would be usually when I was upset or especially missing her then there would be a bunny sighting. Also, if I saw one like outside my window or by the porch, he would just stay there and not go away. For my mother, it was deers and bunnies on the road, near our neighborhood and so on. I always got that just feeling like it was a message from my grandmother. There was a just a different feeling or sense about them and it would always be an unusual sighting for either time of year or location. Now, for family, we sometimes give a bunny as a gift like in her honor or as a connection to her.

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Another question to distract from Nov. 3:

On Saturday morning I found a dead snake in the street by the curb in front of my house.  I don't think it had been dead long.   I can't find many references to the symbolism of dead snakes but two that I did find say it is good luck, signifying wealth and good health. 

However, unlike many people, I actually *like* snakes so I was sad to see it.   Does this change the symbolic meaning?  It was a beautiful 3 foot Eastern rat snake. 

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@ana, I feel your love of these creatures and your sorrow at it's passing.  So while I realize snakes are ancient symbols of healing and regeneration, this time, because of your reverence and appreciation of the snake and your sadness at its death, there is a different meaning. It is something lost. Not necessarily in your personal life but perhaps in nature, something you feel is dying.   And something perhaps that isn't appreciated by most people but that you appreciate. It might have to do with climate change and the healing that animals have provided us that is being lost. It might have to do with Covid, as snakes are symbols of healing and of vaccines as well.  But it's not bad because you appreciated and revered the snake, so perhaps you were meant to relay that reverence to all of us. 

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@ana This may be somewhat obscure if you don't know this, but this year (2020) is the Chinese Year of the Rat, which will end on February 11, 2021.

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Not sure if this qualifies as as symbol but this morning I heard the song Spinning Wheel from Blood, Sweat and Tears running through my head. I usually wake up with a song in my head. I think it's a way my guides talk to me. Sometimes the song is really on point, other times just random stuff, but I've never heard this one before. The lyrics are interesting, including "you got no money, you got no home, spinning wheel, all alone."  Seems to be referring to you know who...

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