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Bernie Sanders

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@natalie That's okay, thanks. @coyote has been so helpful in making me aware of how easy it is to demonize groups of people we don't know when we are hurt. I've seen psychics demonized ever since I started giving readings, every ethnic group and now whites are demonized as well as boomers, and when Trump took over, I started talking that way about all republicans. We are better than that here.


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I read your posts and I am a boomer (turning 60 this month which I hate lol) but I'm not offended. If anything I have complete compassion for your feelings and frustration. I try hard (not easy to do) to not categorize folks and trust me, it was this forum and folks like @coyote that taught me not to - to check myself.

The same fears and frustrations you have about this country and others I know I have too. I want Bernie and Elizabeth to lead the way, with a new BLUE senate. That's the only way we will have drastic change. So constructively I try to encourage my non-blue friends to see what I see by showing them facts. I might only change one person out of 20 minds but it's my "one". If they end up with Biden, perhaps Biden's VP pick will end up being the change agent.

We are here for you, so don't despair. This forum is full of very enlightened "boomers" and we have enough patience to go around (most of the time! lol) ? 


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I am sitting at my desk at work as some of my coworkers behind me are disparaging Elizabeth warren. Saying all sorts of horrible things like she's shrill, she's not for the people etc... I start quietly crying at my desk and stare at a pair of scissors nearby wondering if I should stab myself with them. 
This is the place I am in. I am already on medication and I have a therapist and this is where I am. I don't want to alarm anyone and I am so so sorry for being mean. I'm not going to post again, I am in a very bad place and need to step away for everyone else's peace of mind.

I am sorry I ever came on here and said the things I did.


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Thank you @jeanne-mayell . After a few moments of anger I am now at peace. It feels like things have been set in motion. For me, the tension feels released. That was the most uncomfortable part for me. I will keep fighting my fight, but I am also at peace with it. I think things will turn out for the best, though it may be messy.

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a Boomer right here with you.. turning 65 this year. @natalie Know that you are loved and supported - just as you are...holding space for you as you work this through...don't throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. I am definitely not offended by you having your opinions and speaking of them. The only way to grow and learn is to speak our Truths and grow in our Journey. Our truths..change along the road as we travel down it. Depression is a hard thing to live with and not a lot help out there that understands and sees one through it. My severe depression was part of my growth and an auto-immune endocrine imbalance... Hashimoto's Thyroid disease - not diagnosed and treated for over 50 years. Google Hashimoto's and depression - you will see there is a lot out there about it. Often severe trauma in childhood can trigger the auto-immune disease to start - as well as there being a genetic component. Remember... compassion for self and loving and forgiving self is the first step to wholeness and creating health from dis-ease  - disease.  I am no longer depressed since getting proper treatment and doing the work I needed to heal my Inner Child. I AM saddened by so much that goes on in this world... mankind's inhumanity to self and world... I see that until we become uncomfortable enough to act on the change that is needed we tend to stay static in place... it takes all of us.. to bring forth the changes that are needed....each..and of


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@Natalie We love you, Natalie. Sending healing light. So sorry to add to your stress.


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Please don't despair, we are here for you. I am sending you love and light and are asking my angels and guides to do the same. ❤️ ❤️ ? 




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That may be true, however, Bernie might not follow the traditional routes. I saw this video by Robert Reich and thought it was very good.  He talks about Bernie and Elizabeth as a team. I personally would vote for either of them as a team in a second.


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I know there are Bernie supporters here, so please remember what I am going to say is my view on things.

I do not like Bernie Sanders.  I think he is the Trump of the left. Many of his supporters threaten violence, and say they are keeping "lists" of his non-supporters.  He doesn't denounce them.  I'm not at all convinced he would refuse Russian interference to help his campaign.

Eric Garland has an excellent thread yesterday on Twitter dissecting the 600 pages of Mueller's report.  He writes, "Now the BERNIE SANDERS CONNECTION: his 2016 campaign manager Tad DEVINE. Devine had working (sic) on Ukraine issues as far back as 2005-2006 and returned to get pro-Putin YANUKOVYCH ELECTED IN 2010."

"The key point I think has been neglected:Bernie's manager Devine didn't just work for the same pro-Putin candidate-Paul Manafort was the *prime contractor. Devine worked for Manafort in Ukraine. On behalf of Putin."

"Bernie's manager Tad Devine actually drafted the victory speech for Yanukovych, who promised not to join NATO and turn toward Putin."

We would be as much under Putin's control under a Sanders presidency as we are with Trump.  Google Sanders ties to Russia and read.  Just make sure it's a legitimate source (not right-wing propoganda)

Go to Garland's twitter feed and read the report and the commentary.  It's not conspiracy theory; it's all there in black and white. It's very long but well worth the read.

If Sanders gets the nomination, and I am praying so hard he doesn't, the country will be further divided, and God forbid Twitler's still in the game at election time, I do think he will lose to T.

I'm not anti-progressive.  I think progressives have some excellent ideas and I support many of them. We definitely need more young, intelligent and driven people in politics.

But Sanders is not the answer.  He will cost us thousands of moderate and independent voters, and the stakes this election are simply too high. After he won Nevada, Russian Twitter feeds started saying things like, Good night, America. Russia and Twitler both want Sanders to be the nominee.  There's reasons for that.


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Adding this, from Garland, also in Mueller's report "Tad Devine's last communications about political work in Ukraine for Putin were in *2014*-within a YEAR of launching Bernie Sander's campaign. GET IT YET?"

DEVINE is still taking his Putin work in June 2014, and in April 2015 Bernie Sander's has launched, early.So has Trump. GET IT?"

The whole thread really is an eye-opening must read.  If Jeanne gives permission, I will try to post the link.

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I believe we can see from what is happening on this forum a reflection of what is happening in our country. 


Our nation is fearful.  If we leave out the Trump supporters who have their own fears including fear of him losing the election, we are still left with lots of fearful people. The remaining republicans who are anti-Trump have their own fears of a forever changed party that does not reflect their values or resemble what they support.

The Democrat's have their own fear issues.  

Some are so fearful about what has happened in our country over the past 3.5 years, they are numb and have given up hope.  They live in their own PTSD world.  They desperately want the ship to be righted but are very fearful  the upcoming election will be devastating once again.  They have built up walls.  They move through life depressed.  It is difficult for them to look forward with hope.

Some are fearful that we will go to the opposite extreme and go down a different dark path leading to a different deterioration of our country.  They are fearful chaos will continue with a nation still being polarized but now with a dem in office.

Some are fearful we are not doing enough and to make our country ( and globe) what it should be the big changes must happen now.

There are other fears too. We haven't even toughed upon the virus driven fears and normal life fears. IF there's one thing we likely can agree upon, it is our country is full of fear. 

Fear has way too much power over everyone right now doesn't it?  How can we be at our best if we are living in fear.  

Lets bring hope and love into the picture.

Personally, I will be actively praying and meditating that the result of our presidential election is a blessing and that the outcome is for the highest and greatest good for our nation and for the world.   This should not be about what I want to happen, but what is best for our nation, our world and all who live on it, regardless of my hopes and dreams right now.  I need to make sure I am grounded and centered so that I can be receptive to how Spirit, to how God can move through me right now. 

Love and hope, I think it starts there. 

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NO! you are NOT vicious. It's okay to have the courage of your convictions. That is a strength. You are a young(er) person and that is what youth is about, figuring out who you are and what you believe. (please don't be so hard on yourself. I have spent a lifetime being hard on myself. you end up right where you started , but weakened.)

Please don't feel like you are unwelcome here. You are most welcome and welcomed with open arms.

I like Bernie too, but I will vote Blue No Matter Who. And let's not forget, Bernie has been shaping the Democratic platform his whole life...he has affected change in our world even if he is not the President, he is important and his ideas are important.

and so are yours Natalie. 

Keep the Faith. I am worried about you. Please, please write us again. I need to know you are safe. I would give you my private email but probably not a good idea on an open forum like this. 

Please know, that time does heal a lot of things. I can't imagine growing up in the world you did, the world my daughter grew up in. I was a child of the 70's and my childhood was much more carefree than yours. You are a survivor Natalie, you are a beautiful soul. I KNOW this is true.

Look for beauty Natalie. Look for it and cling to it. I wish you grace. I wish you peace. and I wish you to write back. Please.

<3 Ghandigirl




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@polarberry When people try to make their point by shouting “DO YOU GET IT YET?!” it makes me think they’re trying to sell me on a conspiracy theory of their own.

@lovendures You’re spot on - fear is driving a lot of people’s emotions and responses right now, on all sides. We need to focus more on bringing people together to make lasting, meaningful, good and necessary change for the better.


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Posted by: @natalie

I can no longer disguise my anger at the older generations. Starting in 2014 I began to see them negatively, today I view them as having betrayed the future for their own selfish interests.

I am a boomer, and you are right. We didn't do enough. We didn't fight hard enough. We failed to elect politicians that would stabilize Social Security for future generations, and instead kicked the can down the road. While the environment was idea that everything would be good if you got an education, worked hard, and played by the rules. But then we sold each other and our children a horrible consumeristic culture that is manufacturing oligarchs while poisoning the environment. I don't blame you one bit. I supported Bernie because we boomers have had the keys to the car too long, it's run out of gas, and we can't see where we are going anyway. Maybe the Covid-19 virus, which seems to spare younger folks, is nature's way of cleaning house. Time to give the car keys to the younger folks.


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I tend to agree, although in this case I think he is just trying to sound the alarm.  I don't think enough people realize how deep foreign influence in our elections goes (particularly 2016.) And he is basing his commentary off information in the Mueller report. It's not necessarily Sanders ideas I have a problem with; some are good. I dislike his Russian ties. Research Devine and Manafort.

Natalie, I am a Generation X'er.  Please know that many of us are interested in and excited about the ideas younger people are bringing forth. Yours are voices that need to be heard.

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 So truly sorry for all that has happened to hurt you for so very, very long. You've shared so many facets of your life and your cultural, family and other challenges here over the years. We have so many new people here now and have lost a lot of the ones you knew you back at the earliest days of this site.

You've been dealing with anger and depression since you were first here 3 plus years ago and it hurts my heart to feel you still hurting and suffering. 

Most of the people here aren't familiar with your Russian background and your transition from living in Canada to the U.S. etc.and hence not having a vote  

I feel you grew up without the freedom to have a voice in your life and in your family and so not being heard, understood or listened to only makes those old familial, cultural repressions even more a source of pain and therefore depression and its sidekick partner of deep anger.

 I understood what you were trying to express. Please don't feel you have to give up on any of us, our country, or all of our differences that often seem to divide us generationally, racially, culturally or politically. We are all here to learn, to change when needed and to grow with one another.

Everyone here has their own triggers, too. When our buttons get pushed or no one seems to understand or remember us and our pain it can hurt.

I am always thinking of you and the days when you were here with some really amazing and incredibly intelligent understandings. We need bright minds and caring hearts for and from all generations. We've all suffered through times and challenges we don't talk about or share but we all need one another too-- no matter what.

Love to you lovely lady. May there be rays of hope and joy in your life and may your deep emotional pain sadness ease.





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I just wanted to say I love what you wrote.  'Thanks for putting your reflection out there today.

(M for Michael) ? 


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hey @natalie, just wanted to tell you how much i have always enjoyed your posts.I think we all see your heart, and hope that you never, ever, censor yourself.

And it's not like there is nothing to be angry about.

The morning after the 2016 presidential "election"- that one where Hillary won the vote, but democracy died, i was in the yard, still awake.  The morning paper landed on the flower garden. I could see that orange hideous face grimacing thru the grey plastic ill-fitting condom of a wrapper, ugliest thing i have ever ever  seen.

 Went inside. Dug thru the junk-drawer, looking for Napalm, TNT, Dynamite,  anything. Found a Bic lighter. 

 I grabbed that newspaper and marched it into the middle of the (very busy) intersection near my house. Traffic stopped for this here crazy guy,  . . i raised it up high, and burnt that shit down,  

, and still nothing really changed.

  But that's ok,  


  because fuck fascism   


herondreams, raindrop, lenor and 9 people reacted
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Well now @unk-p I must say that was one in incredibly intense and deeply movingly expressed reaction to learning that  Trump had won the election..

Not that anyone here was trying to win the best and biggest disgust @ trump award but my goodness that was great and you are a true emotive and ritual creating winner!

I always burn pieces of paper in a ritualistic healing ceremony to release pain and suffering thoughts or illnesses  but you torched a whole symbolic news source!

Awesome!  ???


Unk p, raindrop, lenor and 5 people reacted
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Well now @unk-p I must say that was one in incredibly intense and deeply movingly expressed reaction to learning that  Trump had won the election..

Not that anyone here was trying to win the best and biggest disgust @ trump award but my goodness that was great and you are a true emotive and ritual creating winner!

I always burn pieces of paper in a ritualistic healing ceremony to release pain and suffering thoughts or illnesses  but you torched a whole symbolic news source!

Awesome!  ???


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