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Bernie Sanders

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Thank you for your thoughtful posts and especially for trusting our community enough to share your thoughts with us. Speaking as a white person, I think the responsibility of earning and maintaining trust from people of color is on us, who have for too long been blind and deaf to the concerns and needs of marginalized communities. Immigrants and especially Latinx communities are far more at-risk under another 4 years of T (or even a similar GOP admin). While I trust Bernie's leadership on this issue more than Biden's, we MUST stand up and work together to push for truly just immigration reform to ensure people's rights and dignity no matter who gets elected. 


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I don't honestly think Warren will endorse either right now.  SHe will take her time and see how the wind blows.  If anyone  can unify the Dems it is she.  She also is respected by both of the grumpy old men running!  A lot is going to depend on who the VP pick is.  I wouldnot be surprised if it is Kamala Harris.  It's still a long way until the convention as well as ato the general election.  If there is one thing that is absolute it is that things change!  I don't know if either of the two men will live through the four year term (not to mention the great orange blub).  I still believe women  will be a large part of the Dem platform and that will be a game changer.  The Reps don't have any really strong women to counter.  Haley is attractive but she is a political light weight.

On a different note, after our meditation the other night I didn't get any "flashes" so I just went about my business.  The next night I was channel surfing, trying to find something funny to watch, and all of the sudden a thought popped into my head clear as day.  "Elizabeth Warren will be a Supreme COurt Judge".  Don't know where that came from never had a thought like it before.  Just sayin.

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@dnakali You've said it so much better than I could've done so myself Thank you! 

My two cents are as follows: It is extremely important to remove Trump - and my own husband will vote blue no matter who in November, even though he chose Bernie in the primary. If only to stop the slide towards true authoritarian fascism. Biden will not do much - he's just a place holder for the corporate class, that's it. But he will at least stop the outright war crimes being committed at the border - which is enough at the moment. 

I am extremely angry however at how the left has been portrayed by the media, pundits, the Democratic party, and older people (I know it's not all older people but the polls are telling). If polls are accurate something like 70+ percent of younger people voted for Sanders over Biden. And by younger people it's not just the optimistic 20 somethings. Many of us millenials are now in our 30's, we've been beaten up by this system for most of our lives. Many of us were young optimistic kids when occupy wall street happened, we wanted change then and we got slapped in the face. We tried in 2016 to elect Bernie and afterwards many held their noses and voted for Hillary hoping that next time the DNC wouldn't take them for granted. And now is the next time and we are seeing a repeat of what happened the last time. Except this time it's worse, the generational divide is astonishing. Those middle aged and above overwhelmingly prefer Biden, those under 40 prefer Sanders. And add to all that are the smug condescending people pointing fingers at progressives and telling us that they are right, we are wrong and we need to grow up and stop being snow flakes by refusing to vote for Biden. I can't stand the people who say stuff like that, dripping with arrogance and smugness as though they have all the answers and we are just hopeful idiots. Treating people like that whether it's the MAGA crowd or the progressives is shooting yourself in the foot because it guarantees that you won't be listened to at all. 

What's missing here is a listening ear and some empathy. AS @dnakali said her people and community are not going to materially benefit at all if Biden is elected. They are suffering now and screaming to be heard and all the response they get is tough luck we just want to put a better face on the nightmare but no you won't get anything at all. Selfish much? Why on earth pay taxes if we get nothing for it? I wondered that when I moved to the United States and realized that my taxes didn't decrease much but all of a sudden I was getting very little for them, and I had a nice private tax to pay called health insurance. I was wondering what the incentive was to be a member of a society that cared so little for it's own people that it was content to milk them for money and blood and threaten them with violence if they complain. 

There are people suffering who will not magically stop suffering just because the orange clown is gone. And the DNC has angered a large section of their base. The millenials are getting older, they are not changing their minds on the issues they care about, primarily because the issues haven't gone away. The generation coming up behind us is also royally pissed off at their elders and the smug condescension they are being treated with. Remember the Parkland shooting? Remember how those young people were treated afterwards when they started demanding politicians be accountable? Do you think kids who are afraid to go to school because they could get shot are going to respect the same elders who constantly tell them nothing can be done and they should just shut up? 

The same goes to my generation, why should we respect people who tell us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps while we are drowning in student loan debt when those same people had a very cheap higher education available to them in their generation? What straps? We don't even have boots. 

What's evident to me is that there is a major tug of war going on right now between people desperate to be heard and those desperate not to hear them. Eventually something will give and most likely if current trends continue the DNC will lose the youth for a generation or more. the RNC won't gain them, they'll simply start ignoring the feds. They will treat the government with the same smug condescension with which they have been treated and they will build local communities and institutions to help themselves because they realize the feds are a lost cause. Eventually someone clever will come up with a way to avoid paying federal taxes too. 

I am so sorry for the anger of this post, I wish none of this were happening. 


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There are many solutions to any given problem.  When we are stuck with the mindset that there is only one possible way it is because we have let fear block out our view of all the others.  To clear the way, we must stop focusing on the outside and look through the heart.  While our human eyes may see nothing but dead ends and roadblocks, the soul sees pure, infinite possibility.  Look with your heart and you will begin to see the vasts paths available to you, all beginning and ending in the same place, Love.

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You are a ray of light Frank. Thank you! ☼



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I am an older millennial and someone who lives in a conservative Republican area.  I understand your anger concerning universal health care for everyone (my family has been racked with health problems, so I understand what it is like to worry about how to pay for medicine and still pay the bills in an economy that is stacked against you).  Having said that, I think Bernie Sanders' supporters are missing a golden opportunity here.  When a crisis occurs, people naturally gravitate towards familiar things because they equate familiar with safety.  The reason why people are gravitating to Biden over Sanders has less to do with being a liberal (to Republicans, anyone who isn't white, conservative, Evangelical, and can prove at least three generations of living in America is liberal).  The tanking of the economy and the coronavirus have people going for Biden because they know Biden.  He is familiar.  He is "safe."

I firmly believe that Biden is going to be the Democratic candidate, despite the fact that the process isn't over yet.  Further, I think that Bernie knows this, and is actually trying to help Biden. 

Why do I think that?  Because when Sanders announced that he was staying in the race during his press conference, he also named the topics that he was going to discuss with Biden in the upcoming debate in Arizona.  Why would he name the topics in advance and allow Biden to prepare? 

Of course, the obvious question is "why doesn't Sanders just drop out and let Biden be the presumptive nominee?"  The answer is rather complicated.  First, Sanders knows that Trump will text about how the Democrats got rid of Sanders, much like he alleged when Hillary and Bernie faced off in 2016.  By staying on, Bernie is saying that he is letting the voters decide the fate of the Democratic party, not the establishment Democrats.  But, more importantly, Sanders is staying in this race to help you!  He wants to remind the country that people like you are being treated badly by the system, and it needs to change.  He is using his continued race with Biden to bring attention to these important issues.  And Biden seems to be at least willing to welcome Sanders' supporters in the fold.

No matter who the candidate is, we will be spending the next few years repairing the damage that Trump has wrought.  What you as a Sander's supporter can do now is use your power.  You will not get everything you want.  I will not get everything I want.  But we both want Trump gone.  As I have said repeatedly, I will vote for the Democratic candidate, no matter who it is.  (NO MATTER WHO, I"M VOTING BLUE!)  But Sanders supporters can get some of the things they want.  You can support members running for congress who align with Sanders views.  You can use your influence to help decide who the vice president is going to be.  Or who gets certain positions in government.  But we all must compromise and stick together, least we endure four more years of Trump, and there won't be any country left.  

In the meantime, bide your time.  If Trump continues to screw things up (which is about as likely as the sun rising tomorrow), the American public may actually suffer enough that Medicare for All becomes the new battle cry.  But you are much more likely to get concessions on health care and other important issues from the Democrats than you are with Trump.


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Posted by: @yogagirl

 .. all of the sudden a thought popped into my head clear as day.  "Elizabeth Warren will be a Supreme Court Judge".  Don't know where that came from never had a thought like it before.  Just sayin.

@yogagirl thank you for that thought. When meditating on the future back in early 2012, I had seen a woman with blond hair on my inner screen for November 2012.

Two others with me saw her too, but we didn't know who it was. I still have the notes from that meditation.  

We shuddered to think it might be Ann Romney, since Romney was running against Obama that year and she was the only blond woman we knew in the election picture.  

But I knew something big about that blond woman was coming because the woman appeared really large and bold to me,  and spirit shows me something extra big and vivid when it's important.

Later when Liz Warren upset GOP incumbent Scott Brown to take the Massachusetts Senate seat, I realized that not only had we been seeing Warren, but that the extra largeness of the image in my head meant she would go on to national greatness. I thought it meant she'd become president.  And I still think that may happen in 2024 or likely in 2028 when I saw two women winning the POTUS and vp positions. I'll take SCOTUS for her, but nothing short of Chief Justice!

She is a brilliant unifying woman who deserves to be our next president. 

@yogagirl your "pop-up" reminds me that we have a nice future coming once we recover from this giant crashing wave that it hitting us this year.

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Jeanne, thank you for the reminder that things will start turning around and moving in a better direction.

I'm glad Bernie is staying in the race because conversations on the need for universal healthcare, just immigration policy, substantial action on climate & other environmental issues, etc. are so important right now. It would be a mistake to focus only on beating Trump rather than making the democratic party work for more people, especially in light of how many people in this forum see Trump "fading" and we can't be certain he will be on the ticket come November. I'm also seeing more outcry for worker protections and universal health care from people who weren't Bernie supporters--the need and the harm of being without these things is so glaringly apparent right now in the midst of the pandemic, and we're just getting started. 

Wishing you all health and safety at this time, and support resources for those who will be hit financially through lost wages, business, etc. ❤️ 


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I agree that Bernie staying in the race is a good thing.  No matter who is the nominee, both men have voweled to support the other.  To me what having two in th race does  is keep the emphasis on the issues and away from the turds mud slinging.  I seriouslly don't think turd will debate either one of them.  He has to know he is too volitile to be able to stand up to them.  Either one will make mincemeat of him on  a debate stage. By continualy pounding on the important issues the farther the message goes. On a funny note, did ya'll see Turd Jr wants to debate Hunter Biden!  Now that would be funny.

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@dnakali, thank you for being here and adding your presence! I hate I missed this week's meditation (deadlines, deadlines, argh bfhg). But I'll be back and look so forward to meeting you.

@michele-b is right. I've been writing professionally about individual and collective trauma—racial, cultural, historical, multigenerational—for the last several years. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart and Isabelle Mansuy are personal heroines. And so many others... So, it makes me very happy to know you're studying this work. (It should be required, right?)

Recently, I interviewed a Mexican psychotherapist and cultural analyst with indigenous heritage. As a child, she attended an all white school where she was seen as dark skinned and "dirty." (To my eyes, her skin color was light-medium, but I don't have the proper cultural filters on my lenses.) She said that indigenous people in her community worked only service jobs or none at all. 

And Mexicans blamed the indigenous for being behind, she said. For appearing to the rest of the world as "poor" or "ignorant" or "backward." And so the personal narrative—"the problem story"—that she and her relatives carried was one of shame. We talked a long time about the concept of the trauma narrative and its various impacts on a soul.

Since then, I've been thinking more about the unconscious personal narratives, the identity stories, that we're collectively forcing on the children of asylum seekers and adult migrants. And it's utterly heartbreaking. Frightening. F&$King maddening.

In nearly every way that matters, I'm a white woman. And I benefit from all of the glaring, mostly unspoken, privilege that entails. Full stop.

For what it's worth, I'm also a queer person, born and living in the South. I was born into multigenerational poverty,* with family violence and mental illness and addiction to spare—in Mississippi, where each of these things is sooo extra (ha). I study trauma because I carry it in my body, and I see that my country does, too. I ache for every person and every community that is living beneath the unshed terror of the past. We have so much healing work to do.

*These things aren't equalizers. I haven't lived your community's struggles. Probably no one else here has. We can't know what those difficulties have done to you and we shouldn't pretend to. But you're among good people. I know that.

And I think that if we're open and willing and deeply present with one another, there's a way that we can be in and with each other from the inside. The things that separate and divide us don't hold up in that kind of grace.  




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I've been really impressed with how Bernie is handling the coronavirus situation. I watched his fireside chat and part of his virtual roundtable and he's really making an effort to communicate with everyone and propose solutions right now. All of his energy is going toward trying to help and I find it comforting in these scary times that he's doing his best to look out for all of us, since lord knows the Orange One isn't. 

His campaign has recently raised over 2 million for Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, One Fair Wage Emergency Fund, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance. 

I have to ask, where is Biden right now? It feels like he's MIA lately. 

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Bernie is the REAL deal. I wanted Bernie over Biden, but will vote for Uncle Joe. I would feel a bit better if Uncle Joe picked Elizabeth Warren as VP since I truly believe he's only doing this because the establishment (who hates Bernie and will do anything to stop him being POTUS) begged Joe to run.

Joe is uniting, and we need that, but I can't help but wonder how the landscape will still look in November anyway.

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@triciact, I think November is all up in the air at this point.  That explains some of the confusing messages we were getting when we looked at the election.

All I care about right now is that we get that lunatic out of the WH -- preferably immediately.

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Yes I agree. When they "get a handle" on this virus I think that every senator and congressperson  should be prompted to request T's resignation on his MIShandling of the virus.


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The media isn't airing his briefings, which plays very well into the MIA narrative. But he'll be on the view tomorrow. :)

He is 77 and Sanders is 78. I hope they are both taking all necessary precautions to stay well.


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I saw that. I'm absolutely gutted, but he's right, the movement doesn't end. We always knew it needed to be from the ground up, not the top down. Still a sad day for many of us.

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I am now petrified. Joe Biden is likely to lose in November. And i have to seriously wonder if my marriage is worth this country. I need some hope. 

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It will be very important who Joe Biden picks a VP now.... especially now.

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@Natalie - I'm right there with you.

If you can, watch "The Plot Against America" on HBO with your spouse. It's really helped my husband see the light, now he wants to hear all about my conversation with an attorney in Vancouver in 2018.

Bottom line - get a job or a slot in grad school and go - automatic legal residency. Don't you have family in Ontario? I'd go. Your spouse will follow.

Use the Capt. Von Trapp line from Sound of Music:  "We are standing at the open grave of [the US], we must go or we'll be buried with it."

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