Will Trump resign?
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[Closed] Will Trump resign?

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Trump will resign when he finds out they have information on Jared and Donald Jr who have committed crimes with Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Trump hates his job and the only reason he is running again is to protect him from going to jail.

I am not certain 'when' he will resign but most likely before 2020 election cycle.

Impeachment will begin sometime early Fall 2019. 

He may even flee to Saudi Arabia.  his best friends are there.


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Mayberry, thank you for posting. We welcome you. 

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It's been speculated a lot, including on here, that he'll be offered a deal. Maybe immunity if he leaves office, stays quiet, maybe even moves abroad. I suppose they will need something very strong against him to get him to deal, as you said, either with his kids or himself. His financials. Something.

I hope it truly comes to pass.

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Yes, resignation has always set stronger with me than impeachment. As of right now, I just do not see impeachment happening. 

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Thanks for your insights, @mayberry.

You may well be right, though I don't personally believe T would do anything remotely this grand to save even his own son, much less his son-in-law. The only thing that could incentivize him in this direction, in my opinion, is the opportunity to save his own neck. He's a malignant narcissist; even if he hates the idea of a family member taking the fall, better them than him.

But I do think T will do whatever he thinks he has to a) in order stay out of prison, and b) to hold onto whatever assets he can. He's facing a growing storm of legal action on all sides and will almost certainly be hammered for crimes of obstruction (at the very least) as soon as he leaves office. So, he may just take a deal, were one to be offered, which allows him to go quietly in exchange for some level of immunity. (I've personally never seen him doing prison time, much to my dismay.)

For that kind of offer to be made and accepted, I think he'd have to be facing full financial exposure on the tax front (many of us have always thought it'll be the money, honey), plus other insurmountable legal liability (Russian/real estate money laundering, Azerbaijan tomfoolery, Saudi illegality, Epstein schemes, et al) so steep and so solid that Koch Republicans, at least, will no longer see fit to back him. (Maybe it's actually Republicans who push such a deal.)

In any story, right about the time you fear the monstrous demagogue can't be toppled, lightening strikes from above or a big enough stone in a perfectly aimed sling strikes from below. When that time comes, I don't really care where he goes. Only that he does. 

numerologist, Sagetarotpisces, TriciaCT and 17 people reacted
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I totally agree with you that T will resign when cornered by Nancy Pelosi with no way out.  No, he doesn't care about anyone except himself and his money.  I see him leaving reluctantly, but suddenly without warning.  I see Pence leaving, also.  What a relief it will be if this comes to pass. A true nightmare for us and the world.  Mueller seemed so shaken and weary- he must have been threatened by Barr and stopped his investigation too soon. The truth will overcome all the lies, hatred and greed with love and compassion.

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I definitely think he would resign to save Jr, Ivanka, or Kushner. He would play it as a huge sacrifice to save his family, but the underlying reason would be to save his own self. I get the feeling that any one of those three would gladly turn on twitler(love that nickname) to buy their own freedom and he has to know this. The only way, from his position, to be assured they stay quiet is to protect them from having to choose and that is his only option. 

lenor, LalaBella, lenor and 1 people reacted
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My sense is that resignation will feel like failure or quitting to him, so I don't think he will leave that way. I think he might get "sick" so that he can save face with his base.

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There was a prediction awhile back about trump on a plane and nurses working furiously on him. I think it was predicted for earlier this year, but I can't find it. It could be trump's cardiac event.

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I remember that prediction by Karen but can't find it at the moment.  She made it during a Read the Future night and I believe it was in late 2017 or early 2018 for 2018, although people have often seen visions that end out coming true later than where we put it in our timeline. It goes along with many visions that have predicted a collapse in his mental and/or physical health followed by a cover up by others, while they find a way to continue the party in power. 

BlueBelle, VestraLux, lenor and 3 people reacted
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I've shared my detailed premonitions about upcoming health stuff for him so I won't repeat those, but today it keeps popping in my mind (though I don't know that this is necessarily psychic) whether or not he could be susceptible to a cardiac event brought on by an ED drug. 

Any thoughts?

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@vestralux - ED drug, possibly, but also he is a known stimulant abuser. Whether it's cocaine, amphetamines or some other drug he is taking, I agree that one or more of them will cause a cardiac or cerebral event.

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I see the same, Laura. I shared this in detail in the "Situation Unraveling for Trump" thread, but I was hit with a vision basically involving cascading amphetamine toxicity (could explain manic type behavior and what others may be picking up as dementia?). In conjunction, I saw a neurological or stroke-type event (first saw this last fall and shared it here), this time with possible hemiplegia in the left hand/arm. The first could easily exacerbate the latter.

There may also be an underlying cardiac condition for him (and bowel). It feels like some kind of drug/medication reaction may play a role in kicking of several months of medical issues, which I think the Administration will try very hard to downplay.  

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I agree that DJT will have some sort of health crisis. On top of any drugs he takes, I hear he eats a lot of Micky D's burgers...well over a year ago, before my father passed away, we had to rush to the hospital to visit him. I didn't have the time or chance to get anything except McDonalds. I got a burger and when I arrived at my dad's hospital room, I almost keeled over in pain. I am not used to eating that stuff and it seriously did not agree with me at all. I swore I would never do that again. I am not saying I don't eat meat, but that stuff was terrible. The fact that he eats it so frequently makes me think how can it not affect his health?

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To add to your vision with my own expertise, if Twitler suffers LEFT sided weakness, etc. that means that it's the RIGHT side of the brain that is affected. And if so, I can tell you from vast professional experience that cerebrovascular events that occur on the Right side of the brain are typically more severe in nature, and are MUCH more difficult to recover from. And also if so, he won't lose speech (unfortunately), but will make zero sense and his cognition will be permanently reduced (well, it's already reduced, but you get the idea...). He will have a hard time with basic concepts like time and space and patterns. Reading and writing will be impaired (well...but you get the idea...). If it's an event that causes bleeding, the blood actually damages cortical tissue, it gets inflamed, the brains swells, and the pressure from that also causes damage. For reasons we don't know, right side CVAs (cerebrovascular accidents) have a higher tendency to be the bleed/aneurysm type, while those on the left tend to be more ischemic/blockage related.  And if he gets multiple mini-strokes - those can be diffuse on both sides of the brain either separately or at the same time.

In intuitive terms, I feel that it will be more right-brain-sided too, I agree with your vision. Even though it's been predicted he would "fall silent" I have never seen that. I've seen him verbally raving til the end. That being said, loss of cognition can render someone silent anyway, regardless of underlying cause, or render them so nonsensical (well...but...) that it's as if they are not speaking an understandable language.

numerologist, BlueBelle, lenor and 9 people reacted
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Yuck, that's my thought!

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Wow! Thanks, Laura. I have to wonder what @jeanne-mayell thinks about your read here, so I'm tagging her.

My own sense about him falling silent wasn't necessarily auditory (I can't imagine him NOT ranting). By "silence," I see a couple of things: a period where his tweets pause, and then mass speculation about whether someone else starts tweeting for him, along with a period of absence from the camera/events, etc.

If this happens, I fear that Administration hawks may attempt to push us into some kind of militaristic event as a diversionary tactic so they can wrestle back control of the narrative. Throughout all of this, T will be kept out of sight because he's making even less sense than usual (...right!) but also, I think, because of some period of anesthesia followed by fatigue and agitation.

If he's actually prescribed some type of amphetamine and does have a CVA, wouldn't it stand to reason that he'd be forced to go off them? This might quiet him for a time, relatively speaking...

numerologist, BlueBelle, lenor and 7 people reacted
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Yes. He'd probably have to get off most meds in order to stabilize. And certainly anything illicit would have to be stopped.

And I agree that "silence" referred to is not literal. I have also had visions of him being hidden away in the WH while others cover for him. And it wouldn't even be the first time this happened in the US (e.g., Pres. Woodrow Wilson - many say Mrs. Wilson was actually our first female president).

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Maybe this will happen sooner then later. An article was written regarding some medication can cause increase in dementia 

A recent study found some common drugs could increase the risk of dementia or dementia-like symptoms by nearly 50%. According to the research, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, discovered the increase odds of dementia in people 55 and older who take anticholinergic medications.


Anticholinergics are used to treat a wide range of conditions, including depression, symptoms of Parkinson's disease, bladder control and insomnia. An estimated 1 in 4 older adults take anticholinergic drugs. Some antihistamines like Benadryl are also anticholinergics, but were not associated with dementia in this study.

We all know he does not sleep since his he loves to tweet at all hours.

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Posted by: @laura-f


.... regardless of underlying cause, or render them so nonsensical (well...but...) that it's as if they are not speaking an understandable language.

Great!  I suspect the "evangelicals" will celebrate the fact that Trump now "speaks in tongues"......
(Lord help us all...)

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