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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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Too late we already know what kind of spineless B..d they are. Too late too bad. They are on record loving him and following him blindly.

T numbers are low because he can’t siphon votes from Democrats or Independents as he did in 2016. Hillary is one thing but Biden is someone who has a good track record. He was just recently a VP so people remember him as current. The people who voted for T because they did not want to vote for T are most likely tired of his constant bull shit. It’s every day something knew or crazy. What is more crazy then the doctor he loves now. The one who beloved is Alien DNA or sex with Witches and Demons? I believe people are getting tired. I know I have been tired since 2016 


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The Draconian race are reptilians, and Drumpf and his familia have a certain lizardly look 'under the skin' and about the eyes, doncha' think? ?

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@stargazer lol   It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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I remember election night 2016 I was watching the results go south and the first thing I did was message my brother: "wtf is this sh*t," and he said, "I know." I don't think anybody in my family voted for T except for one (a cousin), possibly, but he trolls a lot so it could go either way, his sister and her husband had a fundraiser for Obama at their house with Obama there, so I think he does it to troll her, by the way she's my favorite cousin. When T was elected I had such a profound sense of dread, the only other time I had that type of dread was when we were about to go into Iraq in 2003, and we know what happened in that situation.  For the first two years I had bad nightmares about the situation, but after the midterm the bad nightmares went away, don't know why. So far no recurring sense of dread, just more wtf.

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Heh... Been doing that for about four years now, and even before ???

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We don't have a category for the bat $h!t crazy things that are happening in our country right now. Since  this is the closest category to document them I thought I would place them here.

On Friday, July 31, these things happened ending the most crazy month I can remember .  (Reminder,  it was just only 3 days ago that Trumps championed a doctor who said endometriosis is caused by sex with demons.  It has been a long month) .

-On Friday, he who must not be named decided  he was banning Tik Tok as of Saturday.

-In Indiana on the first day of school a child ended up with a positive case of Covid-19.  The FIRST day.  Welcome back everyone, thanks for coming!

-Trump wants to delay the US Presidential elections but considers the delay of Hong Kong elections as undermining democracy.

And finally my favorite of the day.

-Rhode Island issued 176 tax refund checks this week signed by iconic duo Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse -- instead of the state treasurer and controller.  It was a glitch, one that is    still making me laugh right now. 


SNL can't even make this stuff up.




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I'm going to go out on a limb and say what I've been feeling for months. I don't feel T and his minions will succeed in delaying/cheating their way into the election.

I think instead of focusing on his taxes, all his distractions etc. what the "powers at be" and the media need to say, over and over again, is that Trump and his enablers (the GOP in power, congress and senate, Barr, Pence, Desantis, Kemp, etc.) are genocidal monsters - just like Hitler was. Just because he's not using gas chambers or guns, there are over $150,000 Americans who have perished, and these were preventable deaths (he knew about this virus in January) along with the "hits" he's enabled (remember Jamal Koshoggi?), the people at the border, and the withdrawal that killed many kurds, and others in the world.

Point is that people need to start protesting his handling of the virus and calling for his resignation - over and over again in the media, etc. It needs to ring in your ears louder than when the GOP said the word "bengazi".  It should be said over and over again by any Dem or GOP who doesn't support this monster. Even Biden's campaign should have ads that call him and his sidekicks the killers of American citizens AND our military in Afghanistan (the Russian bounties put on their heads). Comparing him to a modern day Hitler is just fine by me. Say he works for Putin over and over again. That Russia infiltrated us from WITHIN. They never needed to invade or set off a rocket or gun.

More protests against this regime need to happen that show they are not going to stand for this.

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This alone shows his relentless twittery agitation as he's filled with fear and paranoia as well the egoic need to win at any cost! 

"When his tweet yesterday about delaying the election backfired, he turned to another angle of attack on mail-in voting, insisting that the election must be decided on Election Day itself, November 3. He tweeted: “Must know Election results on the night of the Election, not days, months, or even years later!”

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The $ in front of 150,000 dead was about as fitting as it gets. They only see American lives and dollar signs in their pocket.

If you haven't yet, go to the Lincoln Project's website and look thru all their ads. They are doing exactly what you said, and leaving Biden to do his own ads that keep him from provoking the "snowflake overreaction" argument all over again. BTW, the one about the wall from a week or two ago is clearly the most damning in my eyes. 

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@triciact  I hope you are following The Lincoln Project.  They've nailed pretty much everything you listed.  They are also targeting certain states so since I'm in a blue state, I don't see many of them unless I go on line.  Bottom Line:  You are right: it needs to be pounded daily everywhere we can.

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Interesting to see that Barron will be attending school remotely?!? 

Private school attended by Barron Trump prohibited from in-person learning until October as President pushes openings.

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I really didn’t know where to post this link but it is a must read. Apparently the TikTokers are undermining Iq45’s campaign by ordering tons of campaign materials to burn!


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@lenor Love it!! I read all the associated tweets & it appears the idea was first suggested by Devin Nunez’ cos @devincow. 

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@lenor  for some odd reason I heard the song : Burn Baby Burn Disco Inferno  "Burn baby burn, disco inferno, Burn baby burn, burn that mother down, burn baby burn disco inferno , yeah. Burn baby burn, burn that mother down... start playing in my head and chills up and down my arms  "just can't stop...let my spark get hot, let my spirit burn free..." LOL

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@mas1581 & @seeker4

I was watching the Sunday morning programming today (This Week and Face the Nation) and they talked about the Lincoln Project. I did watch some of what they are doing. Glad to see it, but I think Biden and the dems need to jump on this too and say the same thing they are!

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I think Biden's milquetoast reputation is making him a hard target for Trump's one liner categorizations. As long as he stays middle of the road on most everything publically, Trump can't pigeonhole him, and we know that if an insuit reads more than 7 or 8 words, his rabid base loses interest. He's been going aftet Biden for over a year now and "sleepy Joe" is still the best one he can come up with. There is not fun "lock her up" or "Lyin Ted" chants to do so the imbeciles following Trump are getting bored. 

If he goes after Trump as anything specific, it will give rise to the one line chant that will get people back to enjoying Trumpism the way they did in 2016. 

Yes, it is an approach you take with a 2 year old and not an adult capable of voting, but his ardent supporters are closer to the 2 year old anyway. Anyone left who can see thru the costumed chants is supporting Trump for other, nefarious reasons.

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I disagree. I think Biden is doing the right thing by letting Rethuglicans do the attack ads. If he goes down that path, he'll just get a lot of "angry libtard snowflake" blowback and won't be able to convert those voters that are on the fence.

I do wish the Dems in Congress would grow a few pair and start fighting dirtier.

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Posted by: @laura-f


I disagree. I think Biden is doing the right thing by letting Rethuglicans do the attack ads. If he goes down that path, he'll just get a lot of "angry libtard snowflake" blowback and won't be able to convert those voters that are on the fence.

I do wish the Dems in Congress would grow a few pair and start fighting dirtier.

I won't disagree that the congressional D's need to be more proactive, but I also think that, as I've mentioned somewhere else on this board, they're just giving the Orange One and his minions plenty of rope with which to hang themselves, and he and the minions seem to be doing a rather admirable job of accomplishing that task.

I think this is how much of the D leadership is looking at most things right now, and they are patiently (or not) waiting for the opportunity to strike with the necessary precision and speed.  If the D's had actually pushed harder on the issue of people refusing to honor valid subpoenas to testify in the impeachment debacle and had them arrested (which they could have done), it's likely that 1) his Orangeness would have simply issued as many pardons as necessary to thwart their efforts, and 2) there would have been considerable blowback that would have damaged the D cause since the already established R line was that the whole process was a politically motivated stunt.

It was pretty much a fait accompli that Orangina would be acquitted by the Senate regardless of the proof offered, and the House D leadership knew that.  Hell, anyone with at least two brain cells and lick of sense knew that, and I'm pretty sure the only reason it was allowed to proceed was to fob off the ones who were screaming for it without looking at the overall situation.  

I also agree that Biden is doing exactly the right thing here, because by remaining out of that fray, he's not giving the opposition anything to work with to attack him.  That way, he can deliver his message quietly, clearly, and pretty much under the media radar without being distracted by having to fend off attacks.  It's kind of like the R's do when they bury something in the news cycle by releasing in late in the day on Friday.  Let the noise and clatter of the R's battling each other distract the media and general public, and he can (we hope!) skate through a little easier.  Besides, the R's who are doing this are very good at doing it, and the D's are not, so why not use their expertise and zeal to his advantage?


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I got a mental image of the old tv movie series "V" after Trump was in office, and I still think of it all the time.  That was a show where humanlike aliens came to the Earth and turned out to be lizards in human costumes that unzipped.

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