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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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Don't know about you, but I feel like it's been my turn to turn the crank for way too long now! ? 

(And if you haven't tried the Interactive Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix I highly recommend it as a worthy distraction.)

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@laura-f Not yet but it's on the list my wife and I keep adding to!  :-)

The secret of turning the crank is not to think about how long you've been turning the darn thing! ? ? ? 

Especially tonight with the Roger Stone news.  I recorded a small group of 8 of our community theater juniors singing a song for a virtual arts festival tonight at my in-laws (proper distancing, sterilization, etc. took place, all outside, all siblings and facing different directions) - a rum and coke and editing sound and video of beautiful kids (including my own!) singing Happiness from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown awaits me tonight as an escape from the horrors of today.

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Thank you for your reply. Let's hope and pray that it never comes to this and that there is a decidedly Blue Wave. Then we can all take a deep breath, begin rebuilding our hope and country and know that justice for Rump and his enablers will begin...

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Many thanks for your explanation. Gives me greater clarity on the situation.

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I live in Texas--very red, although my city is not--and I am seeing much the same as you. The resistance to masks among some of my fellow citizens is unbelievable. My career (performing arts) is hanging by a thread thanks in no small part to the selfish, shortsighted, "stick-it-to-the-libs" magical thinkers who live here.

What interests me is the discussion among my teacher friends and family. Teachers as a group tend to skew a little conservative in my experience, but there is 100% agreement across the board among the teachers I know that trying to return to in-person school in August is a terrible mistake, will put lives at risk, and will end badly with a shutdown in October at the latest anyway. This is among friends and relatives who teach elementary school, middle school, and high school subjects including math, science, English, and music; some vote red and some vote blue but all of them, without exception, are up in arms about the possibility of school opening.


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"Now, I am not psychic. I don't have the ability to see the future, so my dreams are likely nothing more than a manifestation of my fears. But many of you do have the gift, so I am hopeful you will post and say something encouraging for my area while I am waiting for the proverbial ax to fall? Also, to my fellow members who live in a red state like me, I wanted to see if (1) you are seeing the same things I am and (2) I wanted to reach out and tell you that you are not alone in your anxiety.

So...I guess my message is to watch the red states for the next few weeks, as they may very well determine the future of this election and the country. If a mass die off does occcur, then a prediction I saw once predicting that Trump's approval rating drops to 25% may very well come to pass (I can't remember who saw it. Sorry!) But if we can try to send as much light as we can and try to shield as many of the innocent as we can (and everyone else, because we are light workers and we don't discriminate), then I would greatly appreciate it.'

I think you are very gifted in ways that are even better than what you call "psychic" and claim not to have abilities in. Really and truly you are reading the signs and entries of people and events and putting those puzzle pieces into the broader picture where we can see it all layed out so well.

A wonderful articulate,  intelligent, and gifted ability to see others and patterns very, very well Allyn.

So glad you are here. I so appreciate your insights and gifts of sharing them all with us.

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Question for @Allyn :

If Stone's sentence is commuted, does that mean that in future he cannot invoke 5th Amendment for any proceeding involving the same facts/investigation?

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Posted by: @laura-f

Question for @Allyn :

If Stone's sentence is commuted, does that mean that in future he cannot invoke 5th Amendment for any proceeding involving the same facts/investigation?

No.  Only a pardon takes away a person’s right plead the Fifth and remain silent.  It does so because there is no need to worry about being convicted of anything since you've already been pardoned.  Commutation does not take away that right, so Stone now cannot be forced to testify.

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@share  Watching so many of us come together after the death of George Floyd made me think exactly this.  You wrote: But in my dream, someone said that this negativity must happen for us to learn and grow from it otherwise we’ll all be complacent and the change will only be momentarily not permanent.  


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@Allyn greetings from your red neighbor from the north, KY.  Our only saving grace is we have a Democrat for a Governor.  Andy, bless his heart, is fighting as hard as he can to keep us from going down that great cesspool caused by the virus.  Believe me it’s a battle. Now we have a progressive left Booker going around the state telling people McGraft is not good enough to be senator.  He will help MoscowMitch get re-elected just for spite.

Thank you for your insight into the tax returns, I would not be at all surprised if opps!  Someone leaks them.  I had to laugh, someone posted on Twitter that Muchen (?) said the Dems only want the tax returns released to embarrass Trump.  Someone ask him what was in them that would be embarrassing.  He got a blank look on his face and shut up.  Sometimes these guys just don’t know when to shut up!  As for a Stone I think there are plenty of other charges out there for him.  His arrogance will get him sent up yet.

there are three more months, lord help us, before the election.  I agree the Dems have to get tough.  That paired with GOO not being able to keep his mouth shut hopefully will bring on a blue wave.

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@seeker4 sometimes I feel like everything is cyclical or kind of a deja Vu feeling.  As humans we have so much compassion, empathy and kindness yet sometimes it’s buried under the masks and we build a wall around us due to grief or fear.  Whatever it may be, it seems like something tragic must happen for people to wake up and demand that change. We must all demand the change and be a part of the change.  As others have mentioned this is only a role play for what’s ahead and we have to prepare and welcome what’s to come.  It’s all part of our Karma and the Karma of the collective.  I’m unsure when T’s karma will present itself unless it’s been happening and we just can’t see it because we have so much hatred and animosity for his actions and evilness.  Sure he may be powerful and perhaps rich, but internally is he a sad and pathetic fool with SADs syndrome (I think that’s what @allyn called it). He’s a puppet to money and power, that alone is probably eating away and deteriorating his mind, heart and soul. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Spirited Away”, there’s a character in the movie, No Face (He ingest other individuals and took on their personality and physical traits. He became an arrogant, loud and selfish creature whose Developed an obsession for the main character. Anyways in the end this spirit character was shown love and compassion and he learned how to knit and sew and was happy in his new quiet and peaceful environment)

I wish this will happen to evil T and he will go somewhere maybe to a far away land or jail and do some knitting and spinning. I don’t know the answer to this but I do know his Karma is coming; I feel it.




share the love and light

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@share  I agree.  T cannot escape his karma.  Hopefully, neither can Bill Barr and all individuals who enabled T. especially when they knew better.  The only activity he seems to spend a lot of time on when not causing havoc, is golf.  But, yes, sadly, we humans become complacent so quickly after tragedies.  I wish we wouldn't because I hate that it takes a pandemic to wake us up again.  Love and light to you too.

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Mueller wrote an op-ed piece about Stone today:

Robert Mueller: Roger Stone remains a convicted felon, and rightly so

The gist is that in spite of Trump's false claims that the Russian investigation was a witch hunt, it was not a witch hunt.  Russia did interfere with the election and Stone, working for Trump, was an intermediary between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign.

Mueller says he did not establish collusion between Trump and the Kremlin, but I know there was collusion, there was always collusion and there will always have been collusion -- past, present and future.  

The president is a gangster who pardons his cronies.  But as Robert Mueller rightly says, no pardon will change the fact that Roger Stone remains a convicted felon for the rest of his life.



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I'm still struggling today - depression is setting in... anyhoo... an interesting article that summarizes nicely how the forces of the "free market" have effectively destroyed the US and the UK, and how COVID was essentially the coup de grace.

Flailing States

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Hang in there, Laura.  Also, that was a really good read from the London Review.  

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Jeanne, I read that same article today.  He's right  commuted sentence doesn't mean he didn't do the crime, no matter what GOO and his lying cronies say.  The  new Lincoln Project video points out that everyone in management of his campaign is a convicted felon.  GOO's new and seemingly last ditch effort against Biden is the picture of him walking, with a mask for the first time, down the hall at Walter Reed.  The caption is Biden is done.  What?!  Three million citizens infected with the virus, 130+ dead and he is trying to say he's a great leader by wearing a mask four months after the experts were warning people to?!  Someone pointed out an interesting fact, here he is visiting our soldiers in hospital while ignoring the charges that his good friend and valued leader Putin is paying a bounty to have them killed.  The man has absolutly no shame.  The military officers walking with him should be court marshaled. 

Someone on another site I visit posted the  question:  If GOO is indicted in NY and loses the election to Biden should GOO resign immediately?  I say yes.

Oh well that is my rant for the morning.  I too have been having a difficult time.  I wake up in the morning tired even though I sleep eight hours.  I try hard to not go on  social media, I don't watch the news or even much TV.  I've been reading  lot because mystery novels distract me from the world.  I don't know if this is healthy or not, probably not, but it's what I do.  The next three months are going to be  hell.  We are going tohave to dig in and stand together to get throght this.  Thank You to all the wonderful insightful people on here.  Namaste.

OH which reminds me.  I just saw a video on twitter, a group of protesters in DC have started a midnight Yoga practice to help people stay calm and centerd mentally .  My studio where I practice is having Zoom classes, I just need to sign up and make time to practice again.

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@jeanne-mayell  I'm getting that it's more than just an Op-Ed.  It's a warning. Mueller is saying (more to Barr than to trump) that he's done being quiet and will speak out if needed. 

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@yogagirl, Reading mystery novels sounds healthy to me!  We all need to get away from the ongoing news dump.

GOO referred to himself in the mask as "The Lone Ranger."  DUH ... the mask covered The Lone Ranger's eyes, not his nose and mouth.  What an idiot.

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@yogagirl I'm wondering if she's on some sort of neuroleptic drug for psychiatric disorder. People tend to blink less when they're on that class of drug. 

I think she's human, she's just a very bad, horrible, no good human. Her whole family seems to be that way. 

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@lynnventura  Yes, glad Mueller wrote the op-ed piece.  It's likely the newspaper approached him rather than the other way around.  He was a huge disappointment not just because Barr covered him up -- Mueller couldn't help that -- but because he covered himself up both in the report and when he testified.  Oh, I'm sure the lawyers here will defend him. But I feel he blew it.  His job was at the end of the day to bring justice to the most corrupt campaign ever in this country.  His job was to save democracy. He failed. He was too conservative.  

I would like to think you are right that Mueller is warning others that he will not be silenced.  That's nice.  But he had his chance.  I hope he is having some regrets about how he let Trump get away when he sees Roger Stone flashing the victory sign. 

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