The Fate of America...
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The Fate of America". (AKA The coming "Disunited States of America")

Illustrious Member Admin
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Putin wants us to hate each other and split into separate regions.    Getting along protects us.  The California brexit movement was started and funded by a Russian national masquerading as a Californian. If the U.S. broke up into separate regions, each part would become weak.  Given the red state dominance in the national government, they would own the military who could then quickly subjugate the blue states. Also, the Reds would sell off their national parks to private investors for mining, and other forms of development (Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, etc.).   Blue states would have no say.

We fought to keep the south in the union not because of any love for the south, but to protect the slaves and also to maintain the country's strength. It was above all a moral decision.  Why do you think Putin wants to sow division here with his Russian bots and operatives? They plant thousands of Facebook messages and tweets that deepen the fissures. 

 I know people are not saying they want to split up, just that they think it will happen, but people should think about the logical consequences of such a split before enjoying the pleasant thought of not having to deal with red states anymore. Because nothing could be further from the truth. 

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 I had a couple of very interesting conversations this weekend with people on the other end of the political spectrum. I was at a Halloween party with a friend of mine and she introduced me into a gentleman who is also an artist. He showed me pictures of the work that he did which was a metal  work as architectural details. Really amazing & creative work. I showed him one of my large panels that is a figure of an angel with two long snakes on either side of the wings, in the wings there are pictures of semi automatic rifle's. He immediately noticed the rifles and told me he had several at home. I asked him why? He said they were like his toys. I said there's no way that they were toys, since they have the potential to kill people. But in all honesty I truly wanted to see his point of view.  He mentioned he needed all these rifles because he needed to protect himself from the government. I asked him what exactly did that look like? What exactly was the government doing that he felt he would be well that would be  well matched with a his semi- automatic rifles? I mentioned the government has tanks & nuclear weapons and how were the small cadre of rifles going to protect him? I asked him if he felt that his vote or other civic duties could help him feel like he had a voice and his government? He said he didn't believe in that it was all rigged. At that point another woman interrupted our conversation and jumped in. She too believed that the government was  against her  and weapons were the only solution. She also said that she's done everything for herself her entire life and she was sick of people being victims. I suggested to her that I was sure somewhere somehow even in a small way someone had shown her some kindness. She refuted,  and said she was responsible for everything in her life no one has ever helped her. I point-blank told her that I found that very hard to believe and that she was not acknowledging the kindness, however small it may have been, shown to her. We agreed to disagree and she came around to understanding why someone like I might not be comfortable with semi automatic rifle's. I explained to her that I wasn't trying to take away her guns -  but I felt that weapons that could kill massive amounts of people in a very short amount of time we're not necessary for people outside of the military or law-enforcement. As I came away from the conversation which was why amicable -I felt sad. I finally realized the depth of the pain & and hurt that must permeate a view of the world where there is no community, you are completely on your own, and you must defend yourself from everything.  A world where you cannot acknowledge kindness or beauty or small acts of friendship that have been offered to you. I realize now no logical debate is going to sway  someone locked in this depths of despair. I also realize the massive amounts of healing that have to happen to turn this around.  We are only at the beginning… 

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I'm on Facebook probably more than I should be and I've noticed a difference in the comments since FB cracked down on the Russian bots - you always knew who they were because it was the same words, hashtags, etc. and eventually people wisened up and stopped responding to them so they wouldn't be at the top of the comment pile. Now what you see is different, even in the conservative discussion. I see people finally seeing the truth and things turning around - there's always one or two die hard Trump fans repeating lies but they are much fewer now and they get called out. We're also seeing how Flake, McCain, and Corker are calling out the President and I do think that is the start of something. Not all Republicans are tea party/alt-right fanatics. Lumping them all together, I think, does us a disservice - it's no different than them saying all Muslims are terrorists or all Liberals are snowflakes/Godless. I've had to get off Progressive pages because they were just as hateful.

Spiritually speaking, not everyone is at the same level and not matter what you say or do, nothing is going to change their mindset and that is ok. We do not all have to agree or live the same way. What we can do is compromise and let live. We also do not have to "save" everyone. If your gut is telling you to stay away from a person, you should follow that. What we should do is show the way with love and compassion - some people will see the truth and follow and some won't, and that's just the way it is. 

The future is fluid and not set in stone - we can still decide what type of country we want to be. Personally, I would like to see more of a compromise, doing away with Presidents and one party being in control, and instead having representatives from each state - one liberal and one conservative - and Congress having to compromise. We will never see eye to eye, our mindsets are just too different but there's no reason why we can't meet somewhere in the middle. 

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Illustrious Member Registered
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I think the NRA plays a major role in division and has really perverted what the Second Amendment really says.  Like others here have mentioned, people's imaginations get the best of them when they are defending why they need firepower.  I really think most of the considerations are fear-based and have everything to do with an absence of faith.  I try to make arrangements to get right with whatever is the source of love and light, sleep with my dogs, and feel safe.  I don't want to live in fear.  It just seems to invite trouble.  Why throw a gun into the mix?  

To Shawn and others' points above, most people who think they are self-sufficient are not; they don't consider public education, education at state universities, military service pay and its benefits, tax deductions, streets, clean drinking water, garbage collection, and the numerous public services they receive as "help."   

Yeah, we're stuck with needing to figure out a way to get along, Jeanne; nobody's going to get out of this one unscathed.

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Posted by: Gracesinger
I don't want to live in fear.  It just seems to invite trouble.  Why throw a gun into the mix?  

To Shawn and others' points above, most people who think they are self-sufficient are not; they don't consider public education, education at state universities, military service pay and its benefits, tax deductions, streets, clean drinking water, garbage collection, and the numerous public services they receive as "help."   

I had a friend that went off the deep end dealing with conspiracy theories and mental issues.  He advocates having some kind of self-defense equipment and yet he drives with no seatbelt and even got a ticket once.  And he's not the best driver either, he's gotten into accidents.  

Just based on my experiences some of those who insist on the right to bear arms and self-sufficiency have mental issues and they don't really want safety.  They want an excuse to fight.  They actively look for a reason to use their pistols and rifles in the name of "safety".


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Illustrious Member Admin
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Last year Charles Eisenstein wrote this. It is more relevant now than ever.  I pray we can find a way to reach across the divide.

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A recent card reading sparked a date: 26th November. I feel this is important but not sure why except it is related to the U.S. Just leaving it here.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Zoron has scanned the 26th November date. not getting anything yet, but just a sort of apprehension and bad vibe. It could be a number of things. Will do some work on this one.


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On brighter note, Virginia has Dems wininning all the way down ticket and NJ now has Dem governor.  In Virginia this also means not only does the court ordered census for redistricting show its effect in this election, but Dems will likely have the redistricting opportunity after the 2020 census for first time since 1991. Perhaps a ray of hope is shining for us in the midst of the dark turmoil of the coming decade.

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