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The Alabama Senate Race: Former Judge Moore's Shrinking Support after the latest revelations

Illustrious Member Admin
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Bottom line, I think that in spite of all five women coming forward and the GOP leadership saying he believes the women are telling the truth, and that Moore should quit the race, I think Moore is going to run.  

I need more time to see if he is going to win and what happens if he does. The Senate Leadership is trying to get the votes to ban him from entering the Senate, but they are in a bind. He's on the Alabama ballot.

The GOP are a cowardly lot. They only care about their jobs, not about truth or protecting teenage girls.  Why didn't McConnell say he believed the women earlier?  The evidence was there earlier. McConnell is now standing up for the women because his political consultants fear a backlash in the 2018 midterms if he backs the pedophile sex pervert. 

It's interesting that the most recent accuser recounted, tearfully, and genuinely, that after she resisted and Moore decided to let her out of his locked car, he said, "You are just a child and I am a district attorney. No one is going to believe you!"

"You are a child!  So he admitted to her that he was molesting children. 

For background, here's the discussion that was in the Comment Section of the World Prediction Page: 

camille 11/09/2017 at 3:18 pm

Jeanne news just broke out the candidate for Senator from Alabama Roy Moore has been accused of a string of sexual allegations. Can you do a check? Will this affect the race? 

  • Jeanne Mayell 11/09/2017 at 4:09 pm

    Threw some cards. It says that he will be pressured to step down. Then the GOP will meet to decide what to do. Thank you, NY Times for breaking that story about Harvey Weinstein, and thank you all the Hollywood women who came through and the press who backed them all up. It’s created change. If Trump’s sexual assault video had surfaced today, it might have been a different outcome for him.


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Totally agree that the GOP leadership is in a huge bind. If Moore wins and they expel him from the Senate, they enrage a bunch of GOP voters in Alabama (and elsewhere). If he wins and they let him stay, they have yet another loose cannon on their hands that will say and do outrageous things that reflect on the GOP as a whole. I've heard that there are establishment Republicans that want him to lose and some Dems that want him to win because of the damage he will inflict. I sincerely hope he loses but I'm not holding my breath.

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The Senate can censure Moore if he wins the election. Hasn't happened since the civil war, but it CAN happen. 

Honestly, I don't see Moore getting in. He can be stubborn all he wants. As of this post, he's defiant and still running, and the Alabama GOP says they're standing behind him.

Either he loses to Doug Jones, who's ahead in the polls now, or he gets censured by the Senate for the reasons you stated. GOP is in a bind, now. They support him, they get that smear stain that won't go away. They censure him, then some of their base won't support them. Scylla and Charybdis dilemma, indeed!

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Looking over the predictions we had for this time period and December, I am wondering if all those visions we had, some of them two years ago, of the Congress roiling with flighting and conflict, might apply more to this issue than to Trump.

Since Trump was elected, however, it's been one angry, seething controversy after another. So those visions we had were about all of them.

The Washington Post outlined what they feel are the six  possibilities of what could happen in order of most likely to least likely.  

Right now it feels like the most viable outcome is that Jeff Sessions might step in and convince Moore to step down from the race by convincing him that he's only going to go from the frying pan to the fire if he runs --whether he wins or loses, worse if he wins. I don't think they will try to get someone to run against him as a write -in because that would be too risky for the party.  But after more women come forward,  Moore might step aside, and Sessions would run and win and be welcomed back into the Senate with open arms.



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If Moore stepped aside for Sessions, and Sessions went back to being the Senator from Alabama, that would leave the A.G. position open. Drumpf could then appoint an A.G who wouldn't recuse himself from managing the Mueller investigations--a new A.G. who could order the investigations to stop.

I suspect that is what's really behind all the talk about Sessions returning to the Senate.


Jeanne Mayell, diana11, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
Illustrious Member Admin
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ugh, makes sense. Well let's hope that Moore doesn't step down. Jones is now ahead by 8 points.  We should promote a letter writing campaign encouraging Roy Moore to stick to his guns (and cowboy hat) and don't let those establishment Republicans push you around, Roy. 

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Or, letters to Sessions on how Only He can use the force of his office to take us back to the 50's where pot was illegal and brown folks knew their place. Ugh, I feel slimy even thinking about such things!!! <shudder>  -R1-

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Ran across a good analysis of the Roy Moore situation this morning in the NYT. Piece basically says that Trump is hell bent on standing by Moore and doesn't see the damage a Moore win would do to the Republican party. This leaves Mitch McConnell and the rest of the party with nothing but bad options. The Republican establishment is hoping and praying that Moore loses and Jones wins. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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Last Monday night at the end of the online class, people stayed late and asked me to throw cards on the Moore race.  I did and Jone's cards came up showing he was celebrating at the end of the race. This was in contrast to what I heard in my head during the Nov 27th reading.  But that was not a good read on my part - it was too loud, too likely to be prevailing opinion at the time.  But Monday (Dec 11)  when I threw the cards for Jones, he got the Sun card showing people dancing.  It's a powerful and unmistakable card.  Moore got a card showing a young vulnerable girl, the innocent goddess Percephone. I took it to mean that Moore would be paying the consequences of his actions against the Percephone's of our culture.


Illustrious Member Admin
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Last Monday night at the end of the online class, people stayed late and asked me to throw cards on the Moore race.  I did and Jone's cards came up showing he was celebrating at the end of the race. This was in contrast to what I heard in my head during the Nov 27th reading.  But that was not a good read on my part - it was too loud, too likely to be prevailing opinion at the time.  But Monday (Dec 11)  when I threw the cards for Jones, he got the Sun card showing people dancing.  It's a powerful and unmistakable card.  Moore got a card showing a young vulnerable girl, the innocent goddess Percephone. I took it to mean that Moore would be paying the consequences of his actions against the Percephone's of our culture.

