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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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the bizarre increase in the number of disincarnates in recent years:

[N]ever have I observed more than the number that are attached to our president, and no one can survive that much dead energy siphoning from his life force for very long. T no longer appears to have a way to process the miasma (festering inky gunk) that's been building up in his system. Honestly, I doubt that very much of what we see when we look at him is actually him anymore.      

Yes!  I’ve seen that in T. as well.   (I can sometimes handle looking at him with no accompanying sound; it depends on how I am feeling that day.)   When I do choose to look at T, I always think to myself, what in blazes am I seeing?!?   It’s exactly as you stated.

Someone on this site (was it @jeanne-mayell?) once made the analogy to the picture of Dorian Gray.  That picture has stayed with me.

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Yeah, Republicans seem to have a propensity towards being evil and/or indifferent to children.  For all of their talk about saving the unborn, they seem to be unfeeling towards the child's quality of life once it is born.

As to Jim Jordan's failure to report sexual abuse, don't be surprised if the Republican party just shrugs their shoulders and do nothing (as always).  But what I find especially creepy is this: When Carroll reported that she was raped by Trump, she mentioned that Trump compared her to her daughter.  And there is footage of him talking about how beautiful Ivanka is.  Yet to me it has never felt like the usual "I am a proud father of a beautiful daughter" vibe.  It seems like he is almost...possessive of her.  Like he desires her (and not in a good way, either).

Not that it matters.  If we learned Trump had abused Ivanka (or anyone else, for that matter), McConnell and the Republicans still won't do anything.  I'm tired of waiting for them to grow a spine or a semblance of empathy.  As far as I am concerned, they can burn with Trump if and when the time comes.

As to democracy, I see us taking a beating, but I actually think that if we can just get Trump and his minions out, our democracy will be so much stronger.  I foresee that if we win the House, Presidency, and Senate back, steps will be taken and laws will be passed to ensure that the abuses Trump had implemented will never happen again.  So of those laws will include the mandatory release of tax records by candidates, laws that require a President to not use his property for White House business, and the implementation of other laws that will restrict a President's ability to abuse the system.  Further, if the Democrats are smart, they should move to destroy gerrymandering nationwide and, as a last resort, start the process to abolish the electoral college (or at least make it more fair).  For example, my home state has eleven electoral votes.  If the state votes 60% Republican and 40% Democrat, the electoral votes should go as 6 to Republicans and 5 to Democrats.  Instead, with the system as it is now, all the votes go to the winning party, basically disenfranchising a good population of the state. Personally, I would like the Electoral College to be abolished completely (one person=one vote).  But if they at least made it more fair, I could live with that.  And if the Democrats did so, it would be much more likely that the fairer, kinder government we are all hoping for will come to pass, as it would force everyone to compromise and a minority would never again terrorize the majority. 


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I think that the cultural default in response to lawlessness and general evil has been altered to hopelessness.

It is time to change that reaction to Hope, simply.

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@allyn I like your wish list.  I would also abolish the Senate. It is partial to red and rural states and gives them way too much power. It is a relic of a by-gone era.


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I have a real strong feeling that something has changed in Trump World in the last 24 hours.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels really off.   

These are the things that happened just today that make me think that Trump may really just be holding on by a thread:

1. .  Trump tweeted another quid pro quo attempt on the state of NY, suggesting that he'll only return the Global Entry program to NY if Gov. Cuomo stops all of its investigations on Trump.   The NY AG promptly tweeted out a very forceful tweet telling Trump to bug off.

2. Hope Hicks, Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus are returning to the White House.  Hicks has been gone for 2 years, and Spicer and Priebus for 3 years.    This suggests a certain level of desperation in the WH.

2.  Bill Barr made negative comments about Trump on ABC news.

3.  John Kelly made very negative comments about Trump in a public speech last night.

4.  The Q crowd is getting crazier by the minute, spitting out theories about there being secret messages in, of all things, the Budweiser beer logo.  That's funny on the surface, but the Q crowd has really been frantic the last few days and it's likely that is being driven by the Trump organization to some extent.  Which leads me to the next item.

5.  Twitter deleted almost 20,000 accounts today that were identified as bot accounts.  This is probably the largest number of bots Twitter has deleted in a single day.  But it's just the tip of the iceberg and it indicates just how much the misinformation attacks are speeding up.  If you haven't read the article I posted in another thread about how Trump and his campaign are using misinformation, read it.  We all need to be aware of and prepared to fight against this, especially intuitives.

All of this (and a few more things) just have had me feeling butterflies in my gut all day.  Something has changed with and for Trump --  I strongly sense that he is both literally and figuratively on the edge more than he ever has been.  (Perhaps my feeling of this is reinforced by the crazy dream I had where I saw him actually physically fall off of a ledge with a big crunch.)

The next week or two is going to be critical for Trump and America. Perhaps he may get off that ledge safely or he may not.

And, that brings us right up to March, and all of the predictions that others have shared.

But the ledge is real and Trump is on it.







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Mercury goes retrograde in three days so things will get crazy.  
I laugh out loud re the Q’s and Budweiser.  They must be gearing up for Turds big NASCAR visit this week.

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I have been watching on Netflix - Who killed Malcom X and I have been wondering what happen to the passion of the civil right movements. We need that passion back. People need to wake up and realize that if we don’t wake up as a country and take back the reigns from T and the Republicans we are going to go back 60 years. All the progress that was done will be lost. This time it’s about all of us. The poor, middle class, minorities, whites etc...this effects each and  everyone of us. Everyday they find a new way to screw us from our retirements our social security, pre-existing condition protection (I worked in billing and you don’t want to go back to the time we’re insurance  companies found away to screw the patients) food stamps, SSI. The list can go on and on.

We can’t be fearful and think that they are winning so we can give up. We need that passion that unites us all. Think positive. Portray confidence. Don’t fall into despair. Don’t have negative thoughts. Have strength and faith. Think of Martin Luther King and Malcom X they knew they were marked men but they went out anyways. This time it’s not about African Americans civil rights it’s all our rights as Americans. They are too many people sleeping and not paying attention. They have faith that the senate will stop him and they are not. What will it take for a big awakening? 

Also side note Malcom X reminds me so much of Obama I don’t know why but he just does. 

In regards to Barr going and saying that T makes his job harder and he is “complaining” T put him up to it so he doesn’t get blamed for interfering in Stone sentencing. And all the people going back to work for T it’s cause they can’t find no one else who can stand him. No one can control him he is a loose cannon. 

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It  wasn't my fault!  Jeanne's vision made me put Barr's head on a crab's body!!

Hell hath no fury like a crustacean scorned!

Now I want seafood. 


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It's heartening to read your hopeful post and so many others. I think part of the despair I feel at times is in part because I work with immigrant women and children. What is happening to them at the point is beyond words. There is a new policy in the immigration courts that will lead to mass deportation of children. It's new and hasn't gotten press, and I can hardly believe it myself, but it's the new fresh hell this administration is rolling out. So every day that monster is in office is a day I feel dread. It can be hard to distinguish between prescient feelings and just plain anxiety when you're so close to a situation, and so enmeshed. But everyone's sense that things will work out gives me hope that they will. What a great community this is.


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I love what you wrote. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Time in Spirit world is very different.  Who knows what soon will mean?  But they seem to be telling everyone it is coming and to be calm

I have begun to notice that with each new thing Trump has done since his acquittal, I take in his actions, shake my head and move on.  I move on because I feel it is one step closer to his demise.  He will cause this own demise.  Do his actions bother me?  Absolutely!  Do they bring me fear?  Briefly.  Do they disgust me?  Yep.  

But, he is showing who he is for more people to see.  When the shoe (store ) drops, it will be over soon after.  I trust this.  I can't go dark for long.

I think I need to bring light not more darkness.  I think my job is to have faith and be a hopeful light.  

Typing this is making me smile so I am going to trust that this is part of my purpose right now.  Even if it just helps one or two people.   That and to grow and develop my intuition and whatever gifts I have to develop.


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Posted by: @baba

Democracy is taking a beating, but the people doing it are not the majority. The collective needs to wake up and peacefully show its displeasure.


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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

In the meantime, democracy will take a beating but it will not die altogether. We are not a people who will take this lying down.  They will have to imprison millions of people.  The rule of law was crushed in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 and they came back and became a great democracy. Germany has free higher education and health care too, by the way.

 This is a good point to bring up, as we are witnessing many disconcerting parallels to the methods by which Hitler consolidated power. It is clear king Orange is an eager student of this monster and other dictators, and he is willing to give voice, legitimacy, and inspiration to antisemites and white supremacists. Let's not forget how many  millions were murdered by the Nazis during that short period, and how many ppl died fighting for that freedom and democracy. That kind of "beating" (maybe "disaster" is a better word?) should be avoided at all costs. Its apparently temporary nature offers but little comfort. In the grand scheme of things, everything is temporary, including the great evils and atrocities of mankind. 

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@lynnventura, The immigrants, and especially the children, have been on my mind a lot the past two weeks.  I pray for them in my meditations; I surround them with light.  That never seems to be enough.  I feel it more at night; I can only imagine how terrified they are.  It breaks my heart.  And it has increasingly troubled me that we no longer hear anything on the news about their plight.   And now we have this new, harsher immigration policy.  I can imagine the pain you must feel as you work so closely with these immigrant women and children.  I am sure that I would feel that same despair.   

They are blessed to have you, working on their behalf.  I feel that so strongly.  And yes, I am still hopeful.   

Do you think the news about this new policy will be getting out to the public anytime soon?    

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I don't know when it's going to get press, because it's being rolled out slowly. At its most basic is this: there is a specific type of remedy available only to undocumented children in the US who have been abused, neglected or abandoned by one or both parents. This remedy allows them to remain in the US permanently. Many of these children are in deportation proceedings, but the policy has been to postpone the proceedings while the children apply for this remedy (called SIJS status). That policy is being reversed, which means that children will be ordered deported before they can finish their applications to remain in the US. It's so vile. I hope it gets press soon, because it is a huge departure from past practice. This should probably be its on thread. Sorry if I'm hijacking the unraveling trump thread. 


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 They're back!

Sean Spicer Trump's first press secretary, and Reince Priebus, his first chief of staff, have been named to honorary roles for the President's Commission on White House Fellowships.  These are  unpaid positions, where they'll interview applicants and help pick the recipients of administration fellowships. ( Why do people still want these positions??  Why does anyone want a fellowship there?

Hope Hicks is back too with a paid positions a  senior adviser reporting to Jared Kushner.  Her official title will be counselor to the president.

Is it Mercury Retrograde or something?  

You idiots!  You were free!  

So perplexing.


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Posted by: @lovendures

 They're back!

Sean Spicer Trump's first press secretary, and Reince Priebus, his first chief of staff, have been named to honorary roles for the President's Commission on White House Fellowships.  These are  unpaid positions, where they'll interview applicants and help pick the recipients of administration fellowships. ( Why do people still want these positions??  Why does anyone want a fellowship there?

Hope Hicks is back too with a paid positions a  senior adviser reporting to Jared Kushner.  Her official title will be counselor to the president.

Is it Mercury Retrograde or something?  

You idiots!  You were free!  

So perplexing.


There seems to be a theory online that Hope is back to babysit Trump due to his declining mental state.  This seems plausible.

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@deetoo yes, but Dorian Gray looked great - it was his portrait that was ugly. If Trump has a portrait in his closet, I can't even imagine what it would look like since he looks so awful as it is.


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Barr's slip is showing. His ABC interview shows great weakness. T is quoted saying that he is not upset by Barr's comments.  As Dan Rather commented "And there is the tell".

Hope Hicks has returned because they can no longer hide his mental decline. 



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@lynnventura I worry about those children every day, cry about them, pray for them - it's the most horrible thing in the world. And I too wonder why we don't hear about their plight any longer.


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Posted by: @lovendures

Is it Mercury Retrograde or something?  

You idiots!  You were free!  

This made my day. Thanks, Lovendures.



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