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From: Zoron

Subject: Crisis Alert California, USA

Probability: 50% 

Outcome: Red alert

Location: California


Zoron has decided to post this, so that others can work on it, and give feedback. 

At the moment, the timeline is finely balanced. It could go either way. This is a serious event. 

The probabilities here are rather black and white. Its either going to happen, or not. No great finess here. 

What I have seen, scanning over the weekend, is that in the Spring of next year, 2018, there is a very major event in California. 

We are talking April May. We are on a high probability of its flipping either way. Outcome is NOT yet decided. The very large signal this is giving off could be obscuring the other timeline in the "Fork in the Road", which is less dramatic, the crisis is dealt with, and things continue. So this caution needs to be taken on board. Please will everyone in the "Crew" on here, take a look, and do feedback. 

At first I thought it might be the long awaited "Big One" 9 plus earthquake, that everyone there is now resigned to. But I am now fairly certain it is not. What I am getting is North Korea, and a severe crisis, next Spring, with the USA, that results in a potential attack on Los Angeles. Bluntly, the USA and the North Korean state are now engaged in a significant arms race, and the American Government is making contingency plans for a first strike. This does not mean that they are going to do so, but that they can, if there is a serious crisis. 

The Koreans are now frantically testing the new upgraded missile, that can reach the American West Coast. They have also got a stockpile of bombs ready for it. This will not happen, unless the USA strikes first, or the Koreans think it will. The American Military are locating extra THAAD systems of anti-missile defence in California, or nearby. Also Hawaii, to beef up their defences. The Koreans will not be ready to have a strike ability on LA until the Spring of next year. (it will require a number of missiles, due to the missile defence system, for at least one or two to get through. ).

I get that in this crisis, the Americans may well  move first, triggering a Korean attack. It is finely balanced. So war by mistake is possible. All of this interlinks and depends upon, the fate of Trump, and the Republicans, which I am going to post on later. All of this is to be regarded as a game of high stakes brinkmanship and risk taking. A mistake by either side could trigger it. There is certainly some sort of confrontation with korea in the Spring of 18, and it is politically linked to the internal crisis that will also happen next year, regarding Trump and his government, as "TRUMPGATE" unfolds. 

The Koreans will, if they attack, do so out of fear, paranoia, and provocation, and because they have been attacked, or are about to be. 

The complexities of all this are swirling about. 

I do have to stress this is a POTENTIAL outcome, not a given, right now. But serious enough, now it is appearing on the Radar, to be looked at. 

I hope it can be avoided. But please leave feedback on this. I was not going to post until much later, but the earlier that we take a look, the better. Zorron. 


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Thank you Zoron.

The more we know the more we can do to affect the outcome. This is each of our own reality. Between now and then we change our minds to change our lives.

It's the glass half full or the glass half empty. Choose and focus. Our very lives depend on this from now on.  

It always did but Zoron is showing us just how much the rules have changed.

Thank you for your gifts to us Graham-Zoron.

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Last week when I was meditating, I saw black energy covered north korea when I concentrated upon it. It was like a black smog. Also, picture of a storm brewing in japan. Not, sea storm but strom in Japan itself. I think we are going to see lots of change in japan in next 2 years.

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Wow, Asian. The storms and plots thicken.

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I think they are going to have to make a lot of changes because of what is happening with their nuclear plant. I wouldn't be surprised if they will have to abandon half the country.

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Hi Zoron and everyone,

I'm an empath but not a seer, so I don't have anything to share about what I personally see for the future, but I did look at the predictions that have been posted and found the following.

-->Regarding the time frame of April/May 2018, I found this prediction from Jeanne under May 2018:

"Map of U.S. western fault line accentuated, San Bernardino accentuated. (Jeanne)"

-->From all the lovely folks who recently meditated and envisioned this past May 8th, it appears that April 2018 will be a relatively happy month:

  • People are happy again in April, depression lifts for a month. (Laura)
  • Vacation, waves, a parade, and happy people. (Andrew)
  • The Sun is bright and people are happy. (Meghan)
  • Public’s ears being cleaned out, senses returning. (Melissa F.)
  • Viewing the whole of 2018 as a bar graph, the month of April shoots very high compared to the others. (Meghan)

-->There is one April 2018 vision that could possibly fit what you see, Zoron, but it's on the East coast, not the West coast:

"Something very serious will happen in the south eastern U.S., it felt like Georgia or Florida and it felt like an outside attack on the coast. Feels black and dark. (Natalie)"

-->Regarding California, and specifically Los Angeles, here are some predictions I found:

(From latest visions seen on May 8th)

July 2017: "Clouds over Los Angeles, tanks on desert. (Andrew)"

November 2017: "California leaves or leads. (Kathy)"

2023: "The U.S. West, California, Baja Penninsula, horses. Something is going on with them. I think it’s climate related. (Jeanne)"

2024: "More night sky…it’s dark, like twilight all the time, LA doesn’t seem to exist…or i see it being just desert. (Andrew)"

2022-2025: "New Life, new world. I see California, and the western states, important new directions there. They need to build massive desalination facilities or find another way to have enough fresh water there.  (Jeanne)"

I hope that reading everything predicted for that time frame and/or region is helpful in some way. Let's all work towards love and peace so that CA and Los Angeles, and the entire world, remain safe and whole.

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Hi Zoron,

I was startled to discover that your warning appeared only hours ahead of another psychic's identical removed link Denise Seigel's talents stem from astrology, and she saw the stars aligning dangerously over California in Spring 2018; she also feels as though there may be something in the way of an attack from North Korea, although she didn't rule out an removed link

Her thoughts are recorded here:  removed link

Perhaps the synchronicity of your warning and hers is a sign that something in the situation in North Korea has shifted within the last 24 hours? 



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Vida, I looked up the video you mentioned and listened to Denise; you're right, her prediction matches Zoron's. The prevalent thought seems to be either earthquake or Korea attack, spring 2018, California. I hope the seers continue to meditate on this and offer updates as time progresses.

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 Thanks Brandy, Vida, Grace, ..

I love shifts although I saw something August 2018..."big blast as if I was seeing it from space. I added failed launch (?)"

I'm focusing on a failed shift as an outcome.

Zoran, let us know. We just keep our focus on what and how..empaths too, Grace..keep your heart open and filled with love..We all will ! Fear down, love up!


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FROM: Zoron.

Hi, everyone. I had been tracking the Korean thing for a while, and had suddenly felt, just before the missile test, that I should do an update scan. 

OMG. was a bit shaken. I decided to post, and make sure I did write in a careful way, and that I was properly cautious over what I wrote. 

So imagine when I logged in here, tonight, and found that someone else had also picked this up, but an astrologer. Denise Siegal is a noted astrologer, and is well thought of as a seer as well. I thought she had more or less given up, as she used to have a large site, online. If her astrology backs up my scan, within hours, that is eerie. So glad I posted, and that the crew are on board now on this one. We have to watch it. When the news of the Korean test missile flight came out, I did some rough calcs on a pocket calculator. I got about 3000 miles range, close to the 2800 miles of the experts. But the missile was a single stage one. If it had a second stage on top, it would be more like 5000 miles range, and all of North America would be in range. So it all fits together. Please keep a vibe on this, folks. 

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Illustrious Member Registered
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Thank you, Zoron.

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Thank you, Zoron and everyone.

Michele, I will keep your beautiful, succinct words in my heart -- "Fear down, love up!"

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And you support everyone here, and now, Lora. That is such a gift.  But as Jeanne has said..we all grow and learn together. The energy of  each of us  builds, learns, grows..stronger and stronger. It is this collective energy that creates transformation. We enpower one another..each in our own ways.

Whether you know why or not, you are here for a reason and that reason is part of each of us.


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Thank you so much Zoron, and I'm really glad to hear from you.  I listened to Denise's prediction earlier today too.  You're both 100% in sync, even when it comes to giving a higher probability to a bomb type event rather than an earthquake.  

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Just want to point out that yesterday, Monday, there was this news  that North Korea tested a missile claiming it could carry a heavy nuclear warhead 2800 miles -- all the way to Guam and that they are on their way to being able to hit the U.S. coast.  That said, I don't think any of us has seen in the future a nuclear warhead hitting any city in the U.S. or anywhere populated. 

Thank you, Grace for going through all the visions.  It's hard to remember them all, so big help. We are going to have another visioning session in August. I hope a lot of people join us.

During this past week's visioning session  posted on the Prediction Page, people saw some hard times ahead, but I felt it had more to do with the economy and the repressive laws and budgets that the Congress would pass.  

So far I haven't felt we'd see one big world changing event like a nuclear bomb hitting our coast or any country.  The explosion Natalie saw off the southeast U.S. coast  seemed smaller, although big enough for her to call it a Big Boom. The other thing I noticed from people's visions was the idea of an explosion in space. This could be a failed launch or an explosion that gives off a nuclear electromagnetic pulse. 

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Thanks, Jeanne. I am wondering if it could be more along the lines of an earthquake. If so, hopefully not too big.

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Well, My post is carefully structured. It is one of those YES/NO events, for next Spring. At the moment, I have rated it 50% possibility, but it ties to events in both Korea and USA. The Two are in turn, intertwined. Trumpgate is starting, and The "Fall of the Mad Emperor" is progressing in North Korea. He is driving onward a crash program of enhanced weapons to be available by Spring next year. This is partly driven by fears of a first strike, by US. It is also ego-maniacal determination that if he does not survive, no one else will. Grim. So it is NOT decided,  yet, and depends oncoming events. So we must await further events, between now and next Spring. I posted at the earliest stage I felt wise, so that we can all monitor this. Given the seriousness of it all, better to be alerted, and to watch.  Responses welcome. Apparently the astrologer Denise Seigle has also seen the danger of this. There will certainly be a confrontation next year, between USA and Korea. So: Vigilance. 

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The way I understand is, re-unification of peninsula will happen sooner or later. Either accelarated by trump administration's decision or by china. Either way when kim-jong-un will fall it will cause chaos in peninsula and giva birth to tension in east asia. Thus impacting economy and trade there and contributing to a depression in worldwide.

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Thank you, Zoron, for your insights on this matter.

My feeling is that looking at the temperament of the (so-called) leaders of these two nations, your vision is certainly possible. It's a scenario that must cross their minds. By being aware of it, perhaps we as a global community can focus our hearts and intent to ensure it doesn't happen.

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Zoron, considering the increased missile activity in North Korea, and the testing of the missile defense system that has just begun in California, any update scans related to your original prediction in this thread would be very much removed link  Not sure if it is relevant, but there is actually a nuclear generating station located right near the ocean in northern San Diego, south of Los Angeles, and quite near Camp Pendleton Marine Base, and I have wondered about whether an attempt might ever be made to strike near removed link  It's my feeling that if there ever were to be an attack of that magnitude, our current government would be either unable or less than willing to provide much in the way of assistance, particularly since Trump is not fond of removed link

Your post from today which mentioned than politics would soon take a back burner to events like New Orleans, only far worse, leads me to also wonder if you had something specific in removed link

Thanks to anyone who can offer any visions of California in the next few removed link  It has been my home for over 60 years, and my whole family is here, but I want to know the truth as anyone is seeing removed link

Thank you all,

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