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Robert Mueller

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I can't help but turn this in to a teachable moment about intuition.  

From the beginning, I have never seen impeachment for Trump in spite of so many psychics out there saying he would be impeached.  The Internet psychics' impeachment predictions came in waves - a large number predicted it for 2017 and then again for March 2019 after the House turned blue last November.

When the House turned blue, I couldn't understand why they wouldn't impeach, but I still hadn't seen it in my own meditations.  I felt the pressure to adjust my prediction but after screwing up the Hillary prediction by deferring to others, I have learned to stick with what I get.  Good to trust one's personal intuition even when it conflicts with logic.  Now, thanks to Laura and Paul's posts,  I see the reasoning. 


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Jeanne, if there is decisive evidence against Trump and the Republicans throw him out, or make a deal they won't prosecute him if he agrees to not run in 2020, do you or anyone on the site see Nikki Haley as the nominee? She does look like she has the inside track to replace Pence. I'd seen her in some of the read the future classes though I find it hard to believe the patriarchal Rs would nominate a woman. Still...

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Laura, I agree. Just want to add that there was a commentator on CNN recently who made a very insightful point that illuminated for me the wisdom of Nancy Pelosi's position. He said that it's important to wait until a more complete picture of the evidence comes forward. Otherwise, rushing to impeach on relatively minor crimes will end up being a lost opportunity to bring more major crimes to light -- missing the forest for the trees. Further, rushing to impeach now would make it seem like a one-sided political interest/maneuver by the opposition, but if we wait until we can impeach bilaterally (or prosecute after his term ends) with full evidence available, it will be more obvious for all the world and for posterity that justice is indeed and truly being served. 

Ever since Trumpty became President, I've had a sense that his "rise to office" is really his karmic punishment. Yes, I did worry a little bit in the beginning, but deep down I've had confidence in the strength of the Constitution and the commitment of the many agencies and layers of the U.S. government to preserving its rule of law -- that the U.S. democracy will survive this fascist authoritarian in the White House. As time goes on, my confidence in our government institutions and the wisdom of our founding fathers grows deeper yet, especially as the karma continues to emerge:

If Trumpty never ran for President, and if he hadn't gotten elected, would the world have known about how he cheats and cons the people and small businesses who work for him? Would we have known the extent to which he lies pathologically? How much of a weak, insecure narcissist he is, and the fact that that he really is quite an incompetent businessman, relying primarily on bullying and scams (such as not paying his bills for services rendered, and tax evasion) to make profits?  How heavily involved and indebted he is to the Mob, especially Russian organized crime? How deeply bigoted and sexist he is, and all the reports of women being sexually assaulted by him that have come forward?

I had grown weary of his TV show, after watching it for several seasons, but I had simply been indifferent to him back then, before his official entry into politics. I had seen him as just another successful businessman who was dabbling in becoming an entertainment celebrity. Having surrounded myself with a bubble of intellectual and critical-thinking social justice discourse, I had tuned out the birther nonsense and was thus not aware of Trump's bigoted earlier political rumblings. All that began to change as soon as Trump pompously descended his golden escalator to announce his candidacy and opened his mouth. And all I could say ever since then is -- wow, wow, wow, I had no idea he was such a monster. Let justice be served, on its own time, such that it is served fully!

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@Yofisofi: You pretty much said it about impeachment. The froth the left-leaning news media got into after the  "not worth it" comment only underscores the need for an elder stateswoman like Pelosi, someone who counsels restraint amidst a cacophony of partisan bloodlust. The impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton were a product of that same hyper-partisanship, and the theatrics of 1998 are still highly divisive. The same cannot be said for the Watergate scandal; almost every American today agrees that Nixon was a crook. As you say, be patient and let karma do its work.

I can't help adding though that this isn't just about Donald Trump. Ever since November 2016 I've been struck by the degree to which Trump mirrors everything that's toxic in contemporary American society. Just the fact that he was the star of a highly-rated reality TV show is thick with irony; the nation that pioneered television, mass entertainment, and modern artifice suddenly has a thoroughly made-for-TV president, and it ain't so pretty. The irony is heaped on even more when taking into account the fact that foreign actors aided Trump's ascent to office. One could make a hefty list of countries whose democratically-elected leaders were picked off during the Cold War by US-backed militants (or the US military itself) because said leaders were perceived by Washington as being too cozy with the Soviet Bloc.  Then add in Trump's hunger for wealth, power, and shiny things (a bit like your average smartphone obsessed individual who is constantly updating his/her social media profiles), and you have the makings of what could be a teachable moment for all Americans.

I'll admit the notion that we "are getting what we deserve" is hard to maintain when considering people whose lives are at the sharp end of the Trump Administration: the Standing Rock Sioux,  the family of Heather Heyer, the asylum seekers being held in detention. But one of the things that's kept me sane these past two years is looking to the executive branch and seeing how all of that ugliness currently on full display might reveal a thing or two about my own psyche that I was previously unwilling to acknowledge.

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I had always known that he was a monster. Even now, most of his disgustingness is not talked about. The public doesn't get how disgusting he is and has always been. That he was elected president has always been difficult for me to process. That he has access to our most sentive information is a travesty. I can't believe we allowed him to even enter the race. Like so many others, his electoral college victory had me weeping for weeks. How could we have fallen so low? He doesn't represent any part of the American psyche. He is just a selfish criminal. He has no respect for anything at all. Nothing. No part of me is reflected in him or his administration. I am sorry to hear that people are still being conned into believing that he is what we deserve. He is not representative of Americans in any way, and if people want to pick up on the refracted images of him and fit them into their world-view, then they fool themselves or they are stateless mafia garbage like him. As for someone using him to make money on a reality tv show, just remember, all that glitters isn't gold. Read a book, instead. 

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Kicking this now that the long-anticipated report has been submitted to Barr.

Does anyone have any updated predictions or thoughts?   The wait is agonizing!

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I just happened to see the president on tv (with the sound muted) at his Florida club and I sensed an overwhelming feeling of panic - almost to the point of tasting bile. I had to stop watching at that point. It would not surprise me if he does more outlandish things to distract from the report. I definitely think that we reached some kind of milestone today - as was predicted by some for March. I’d be interested also to hear what others are sensing. 

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I read a Justice department official said Mueller has no further indictments in the investigation

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I think that simply means that OSC will not be issuing any "further" indictments because they are 1) already indicted under seal and have been for a long time, and/or because the indictments will be coming from other places, like SDNY.

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I knew he passed some stuff off to other departments but wouldnt the indictments under seal have been released with the report?

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No.  The indictments are separate and can be released anytime  based on what the prosecutors in all the different departments are doing.  I'm not a lawyer and don't know all the legalese of it, but it's my understanding, from what I've read and studied, that Mueller and team farmed out a lot to various people and places.  This thing has a lot of tenacles.  It will be interesting to watch it all unfold.

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Trump currently has transiting Pluto opposite his Saturn, which means abuses of power now are being exposed and come back to haunt him. A loss of authority.

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I am very concerned.  The right are going wild celebrating on social media.  Will Trump ever go away?

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The prediction I made about Trump and Mueller back at the end of December I feel still holds. It's in the YouTube that I posted on the Prediction page in the left sidebar (title: Jeanne Mayell 2019 Predictions).  The part about Mueller and Trump's longevity begins around minute 4.44.  

The bottom line is that I’d seen an impediment  to Mueller’s investigation although I didn't know what it was, but that nevertheless the truth comes out for everyone to see.  This moment in time is probably that impediment but it’s temporary. 

I also saw at the time that the information and investigation, like Polarberry said, has many tentacles and is spread all over the place, both in other jurisdictions and in the FBI. It will take time to come out.  

The fact that the Right is celebrating reminds me of Bush and Cheney standing on that air craft carrier after the initial U.S. invasion of Iraq, declaring victory.  It's not over yet. And they lost in the end. 

 Meanwhile I felt  the president remains in office through the latter part of 2020.   I did not feel there'd be an impeachment because what is the point of impeaching him if the Senate won't remove him from office?     I felt that he will not be in danger until there is a blue wave in both houses. 


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Jeanne, under June 2019 predictions you wrote, "Trump feels finished."  I pray it will be so!

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Glad you found that vision,  polarberry.

I woke up this morning feeling that again the celebration of the Right that Trump has won is foolhardy and shallow just like bush and Cheney’s  ironic  celebration of winning the Iraq war a month after the invasion. 

Justice takes time especially when it has been controlled by a GOP controlled government and involves a sitting president.

  I drifted off last night reminded that Trump is terrified of getting caught and has been all along.  He knows he is guilty and it’s only a matter of time before it all comes to light.  He keeps hoping he can escape prosecution by swaying public opinion.  

But it won’t work in New York where the courts are going after him for crimes committed in their jurisdiction.   

I was not disappointed yesterday although it was very anti climactic.  I take the long view.  I know that Justice will prevail. Trump will be exposed and pay for his crimes. In his heart he knows it and his family knows it.  We will get to see the Mueller report.   And New York will take the investigation the whole distance.  

When I read Thump himself, I sense he feels he has to stay in office to avoid prosecution.  This is why he keeps rallying his base.   He’s got it in his mind that if he just stays in office he and his family will be safe.  But that can’t and won’t happen in this country.

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As my mother always says, "From your mouth to G-d's ears.

For myself I can only say what my body is picking up.  A smaller knot in the stomach and a slowing pulse tell me we are not out of the woods just yet. I sense a big shock if Trump was in on the Khasougie killing, perhaps not that , but something of that magnitude. The whole world appears to be in denial, focusing on minimizing each step of this process. It has been curious to observe the one sided narrative of speculation about this report and the perseverating paranoia that Barr won't release it. Occasionally Trump nominees are actually fit for their jobs. This one is. I have NO DOUBT we will see the results. We've seen many pieces. Puzzle is complete and the picture is a nightmare landscape. I see apocalyptic visions of decay and debauchery, rusted gold artifacts, broken, dustbin of history being swept away by a broom made of the sea and handle of the sky.

Now the vision is of a cleaner, landscape of nature. It's not bright light yet, but it is lighter. 

I feel strongly we will save this Earth. I also feel children will lead the way and women. Persephone is making her way back Jeanne.

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Ghandigirl I got chills as I read your post.  I know you are right.   

One more thing last night there was  a rare geostorm over the earth which gave people in the northern US and Canada a chance to see the light of the Aurora shining over our world.   It was cloudy in the Northeast so we didn’t see it here but We knew it was there—light shining.   The issuing of the Mueller Report is another geostorm.   We all know the truth but it will take time for the clouds to lift.   

This article explains what is likely to be in the Meuller Report

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That gave me a chuckle, ghandigirl.  My mother always said that too and I almost typed those exact words.

The sh*t has barely begun to hit the fan.  I think people are going to be shocked beyond what anyone can comprehend right now.  Occasionally I get an extremely strong wash of feelings about a situation and I had one today about indictments, perhaps influenced by what former prosecutors are saying.  I think there will be quite a few.



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Hi All, 

i just read the letter that AG Barr released summarizing the Mueller report for congress. I have to say that I felt disappointed when I read it but have a gut feeling that there is more to it than what he said. He worded it very carefully and it seemed quite partisan. To actually know what happened, we will only know when the actual report becomes public (fingers crossed). In the meantime, I expect a lot of chest beating amongst the politicians on the right. 

I decided to pull a card for Mueller, Barr and Rosenstein and got the following:

Mueller: King of Swords reversed (a powerful man, part of the establishment)

Barr: Ten of Swords reversed (an inevitable ending to a situation?)

Rosenstein: Page of Swords reversed (manipulation?)

I thought it was notable that all 3 cards drawn were reversed Swords. Does anyone else have a take on this? 

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