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Robert Mueller

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There's big trouble brewing in Trump's paradise, so don't collapse into despair just yet.  This quick update about Barr/Mueller is from one of my fave and most reliable psychics on YouTube.  She says there's a major leak "in process" involving one of the investigators on Mueller's team and a reporter from a major newspaper like the NYTimes or WPost.  She's seen the investigator and the reporter talking on the phone multiple times, and the investigator has been steadily revealing a lot of detailed info.  Publication of leak is coming soon, and Mueller will be testifying before congress soon, too where he'll be telling all (or at least as much as he can publicly reveal.) As for Barr, he's already plotting his escape and may be gone within a year because he realizes the Trump admin is a sinking ship.  The psychic doesn't understand how Barr didn't see this more clearly before taking the job.  But anyway, Barr thought he could waltz in, easily control the unfolding of Mueller's report, and save Trump and the GOP.  Of course, he totally underestimated how impossible it is to control anything involving Trump.  He's worried that Trump is going to get off unscathed, while he (Barr) is stuck holding the bag and taking a big reputation hit.  Even more, the psychic sees Barr as a basically lazy guy who isn't up to the rigorous work involved in pulling off this cover up.  Instead Barr is relying on staff people who aren't top notch folks or fully up to the task.   

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Re: Silent Minute/Collective Prayer/Meditation-- this is exactly what I was referring to! Children of Light to focus our energies collectively for the highest good-- for Justice, Vision: for our people to see clearly what is going on) and for Love: that we can and will rise above petty politics/dogma/tribal manipulations/group dog whistles).  I would also like to direct this kind of positive prayer practice to the upcoming elections.

Barr has not been confirmed, he is still the "acting" AG. 

I read an article in the NYT the other day about the barbaric conditions the women in Honduras are fleeing. It is heartbreaking. The large numbers of women who go missing and are found chopped up, clearly tortured before they are murdered and there is no law that will protect them is chilling. That our government is refusing even to consider domestic violence.. a culture of domestic homicide-- is repugnant and horrifying. I wonder if Mexico can help them if the United States refuses or if they feel they are unsafe there as well. I imagine the countries in South America are somewhat overwhelmed by Venezuelan refugees or I would think maybe they can get some sanctuary in Ecuador too -- at least until the United States has sorted itself. We really need some clear headed comprehensive immigration reform, a system created that can process the requests for refuge quickly, a better system for seasonal migrant workers and also a better foreign policy regarding Central American nations that are overrun by criminal organizations. I don't dispute that a refugee camps might be necessary in times of crisis like what is happening in Honduras because I don't know how else our government can process such large numbers coming to ports of entry all at the same time asking for sanctuary--mostly without resources and needing their health attended to, food, water etc. I don't know but am hoping Congressional committees and the UN are listening to people from those countries that are coming here. I shudder to think of the numbers of refugees that will be coming here because of climate change and how unprepared we are. At any rate, the Trump Wall approach is like an ostrich burying his head and is not a solution. I can't understand why so many people do not see this. There are a couple of southern travelers in my workplace who were complaining that people should leave him alone, that he was a victim--like he was being picked on... during break. I did not say anything. I feel that I am not epiphany, I don't have the power to make people see what they don't want to see. I feel better to insert myself in situations where people are questioning what they are being told. 

I guess I have addressed many things that are not about Robert Mueller --the topic of this thread. I feel that he is a man who is having an internal struggle. He will be called upon to speak the truth and it is very likely he will be pressured to resign or fired for doing so and people in highly visible government as well as their surrogates in the media will call him names like traitor. His faithful service will be rewarded much like Comey, McCabe, Stzork and Preet Bharara, and Sally Yates. This is not an administration for men and women of ethics.

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I can't help but think there is much going on behind the scene and it points to a forced resignation in my mind. The key bit for me is the recent rule change in the Senate that limits debate on judicial appointees from the previous twenty hours down to two. (Mitch McConnell is destroying the Senate but that is another story.). The question is why is McConnell suddenly so anxious to ram through as many judges as possible? He had been moving them through the process at a steady clip so why the sudden rush? Perhaps he knows something we don't, namely that this game is about up. We can always hope.

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 I love your idea to start a silent minute. I have recently been thinking about how the UK protected themselves from Hitler, and to this day no one has been able to figure out why Hitler did not launch a land invasion which probably would have been their undoing.  The British dealt with terrible odds against them. 

I think a good kick off would be Thursday, April 18 which is the full moon. Full moons are potent times  for making wishes.

If you want to do this, please click "like" at the bottom so I can see a response.

 I was thinking of 8:30 PM eastern time although I realize it will still be daylight in California. I want to balance the geographic locations of all the people who would participate. If our event begins at 8:30 PM Eastern then we would begin the silent meditation at 9 PM. In between 830 and 9 PM we could begin  meditations of healing and affirmation for all the participants to get them warmed up and cleared for the  big event.

The other issue is what to wish for. Please make suggestions.  It's not clear to me what I would wish for if I were setting aside time every day to make a wish. Just thinking about the right wish will bring us closer to a better way to think about the issues facing us.  Peace and justice for all beings?  I started a thread on a Silent Minute and what to wish for here. 



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KB - Where was Barr when Michael Cohen was testifying and said you’ll wind up like me if you remain loyal to Trump. If Barr goes down for helping Trump, that’s on him. They were all warned. 


BlueBelle, mhb, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Jeanne, I don't see a like button.

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Hi all, I just saw a story on Quartz saying that Mueller is leaving in days and the office will be closed.

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Jeanne, I think this is wonderful!!!  I love the meditations leading up to it too!  April 18th is good, enough time to let everyone know.

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Can anyone think of a way that those of us who live in other parts of the world can participate in the silent minute? I think there are some of us who would love to do our part but can not be awake in the middle of the night (at least not on purpose!).  I regularly meditate on sending light to those who can uncover and shine a light on the truth of what these bad actors have been doing and for the protection of all of the innocents who are being hurt by them. I truly feel that our combined efforts can have a positive effect. 

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Baba, I can't speak to how that might be accomplished with our forum group, but the attached is an international organization that's been around for a while:

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Reply to Paul W. Mitch McConnell is beholden to Donald Trump. Whatever Dictator Don wants, Mitch will get it for him.  Some very poorly qualified people are going to be placed into various slots. Like Mitch they are hyper-partisans who will be extremely beholden to Dictator Don. The Senate under Mitch McConnell is not doing its job of properly vetting appointees. What we are seeing are the mechanisms of destroying our democracy and replacing it with a Nazi-like or fascist dictatorship. Dictator Don and Mitch both assume that nearly all Republican Senators will blindly follow the party line instead of properly vetting appointees to see if they have reasonable qualifications.

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Re: Silent Minute -- one way to do that is to pick one set time regardless of time zone, so that if done correctly, it rolls around the earth in 24 hours.

Rowsella, Jeanne Mayell, mikeb and 7 people reacted
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It rolls around the earth like a great wave of love. 

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    I've been following the William Barr hearings. I am only watching parts of it. William Barr is setting up a legal defense for Donald Trump should very harmful information come out about him. William Barr claims that the Trump campaign was illegally spied upon. He doesn't specify who was responsible for it or why he believes that. The basic idea will be that evidence against Donald Trump and his campaign committee was somehow illegally obtained.

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I watched part of the hearing and now have a roaring headache! To be honest, I have felt the buildup of the anxiety of the collective since last night. This has happened several times over the last few years. It is probably a combination of the events in the US, Brexit and the elections in Israel. Time to step away for a bit, I think!

With regard to Barr, I did notice that he used the emotive word “spied” with regard to Trump’s campaign but said he was unsure if there was anything illegal about it. He is definitely giving him political cover. I also note that he would not answer (again) if the White House was informed ahead of time about the results of the report. I also noticed a question by Senator Leahy asking if Barr had discussed the report there at a St. Patrick’s Day event. He replied that he did not. This was either to put Barr on notice that something was heard or possibly to catch him lying. Time will tell. 

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Baba, totally agree.  Barr's use of the word "spying" is deeply disturbing.  It does nothing except ignite all the crazy people, the FOX talking heads, and most of all -- Trump.  A bad day for truth, justice and the American way.  Praying for big leaks.  NOW!  

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Hi Baba,

I also picked up Senator Leahy questioning Barr on his discussion of the report on St Patrick’s Day. Initially, Barr laughed, Leahy followed up, saying are you sure? Leahy followed with a statement like..So, if someone says something to the contrary they are lying, is that correct? Barr said, yes. 

While viewing this exchange, I thought, oh-oh. ? So we will see.

Gossip, slander any form of deceit is so insidious. Simply putting it out there, even though it’s a lie infiltrates human consciousness. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of slander knows that even people who know you intimately if they hear enough slanderous information about you may begin to question, could it be true? It breaks down trust and that’s their motive. Abandonment and isolation. 

I find it heartbreaking that although something can be immoral, unethical it may not meet the requirement of the law to be illegal.  Many have been persecuted not because they did something wrong, but they did something right. They live with integrity even if they get creamed in the end. 

So, I ask myself, how do I want to live my life? I want to live my life loving and serving others. Based on what I read in the forum most come from that place. Looks as if we may continue to have that opportunity in a very big way as we move forward. 

Getting rid of DT and his administration isn’t going to take care of the problem They are a reflection of what millions of people believe and support. I say that to remind myself because I am finding it difficult to love DT supporters. Loving others when I vehemently disagree is very hard for me.


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I’m having a very difficult time talking to my sister. I haven’t since the summer of July 2016 When I found out she was voting for him. She wrote me a letter the other day wanting us to talk. She said she doesn’t even want to talk about politics. I wrote back a very long letter saying that this is about values and wondering what her values are.

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Well. One does not have to be psychic or even intuitive to see that Barr needs a major laxative.

And now, let's hope that Mr. Mueller is walking in his strength, and will deliver the goods when called upon! It's a good feeling I have about this, and compared to the last two + years, the light is emerging from that deep tunnel at last.

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What you describe sounds painful, Anita. 

I also have family members who come from a very different place politically and spiritually. People really dig their heels in. The best that I have been able to do is to factually inform myself on the issues. 

If it’s a family member who is taking a stand based on  Christian religious beliefs, that can really be a fun place to go. (I’m saying that in a kidding way) I like how Pete Buttigieg describes what it means to him to follow Jesus. Jesus called people to BE the church. He didn’t say GO to church. He called his followers to love others regardless of who they are or what they believe. I like that. He demonstrates his faith through love and acceptance of others, yet he doesn’t compromise himself.

I have stayed away from debating family members. It led to hard feelings. Yet, they also are clear where I land on the issues and that I am not a Trump supporter. I say things like that doesn’t sound loving to me. Or, I see things differently. 

There are people I simply stay away from because they trigger me, including family members. At the time it feels good to confront them, but it ends up feeling really yucky.  I practice finding that balance where I can have a conversation where we may not agree, but are respectful of one another’s point of views and we both grow. For me, it’s finding ways to develop an understanding of why they support this administration. My contact more often than not is very limited. 

I don’t know how to love people well who have views that seem so contradictory to my own. I do know that when I point my finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at me.  So I work hard to focus on myself  and move forward with compassion, kindness and mercy. It’s the best I can give right now. 



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