Myanmar and the Roh...
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Myanmar and the Rohingyas Muslims

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It's been very disturbing to read about the 370,000 Rohingyas crossing into Bangladesh fleeing Myanmar, after the brutal violence inflicted on them by the Buddhist majority in the province of Rakhine. Jeanne and Zoron, could you please scan the situation and specifically Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace prize winner and leader of Myanmar. Why has she been so reticent and oddly passive in her response to this horrifying  situation? Seeing the images of these helpless people suffering with little help from anyone seems to confirm some of the predications I've read here of many more situations of displaced people around the world who will find themselves lost, with no food or shelter.

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Thank you, Lola, for bringing this up. I was just hearing headlines about it today but haven't seen any stories.  It is unimaginable. Will check it out and try to get back.  Graham, any thoughts?  

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This is bad news for Burma and Bangladesh. A perfect storm of refugees, climate cataclysms and regional tensions will rock that nation and put pressure on the Indo-Pak conflict. Already the Pakistani public is awakening to the plight of their Muslim brethren. They won't be happy and will want action. 

As for Suu Kyi her hold on power is tenuous and she knows it. Unfortunately she feels her hands are tied. She is afraid of losing the gains she has made. The US JUST lifted sanctions and capital is flowing again. She does not want to endanger this. In the end though it won't matter. Burma and Bangladesh are not facing a great outcome.

That's what I see.

Eminent Member Registered
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This is terrifying. I am particularly disappointed with how India and the Modi government have washed their hands off the issue and refused to support the Rohingyas. If India had raised it up Burma might have changed their actions or at the very least the Rohingya refugees would have got more support.

We really do believe in karma in India and maybe it's a self fulfilling prophecy but when our leaders act cravenly a karamatic price is paid, by both them and ordinary citizens.
