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Melania Trump

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Last night, my husband remarked that no one has seen Melania in public since she got home from the hospital. So as I was doing my pre-sleep meditation, I focused on her and I got a message about Melania. "She's being poisoned slowly." I asked who/why, and the response I got was that she is being poisoned by her husband, but that he got the poison from the Russians. This is being done because they want to completely silence her before she can file for divorce, because if she leaves the WH, the fear is she will spill all the beans on what's really going on, and "we can't have that." It's something nearly undetectable, it may be something that can cause a cancer (like a kidney or liver cancer) as the body tries to process it, and very slow acting. Anyone else get this same message?

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OK, this is not a news story per se, but it shows what's going on at her Twitter feed:

Either she has decamped to NYC, leaving her phone behind, or she's unable to use her phone because "someone" has taken it from her. We don't even know if she's conscious. While I have always said my sympathy for her is limited, no one deserves to be held hostage or killed because their husband is an asswipe fascist.

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I see her laying low for the time being. The first couple has effectively separated as she has had enough. I don't see her being held against her will. I see her desperately wanting to avoid the publicity and the press for their son's sake. She sees herself being hounded like Princess Diana and is wondering what the heck she has gotten herself into.

The Tweet was totally Donald's doing.

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Yes the tweet looked like his style. Rumor has it she’s in NYC Her personal twitter account was changed to location NYC

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Well, I call him an asswipe as well. But I think your adding of fascist perfects it.


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Can we all meditate on her? It’s weird that everyone went to Camp. David but her and Baron. Even Tiffany went. Something is odd. 

When I try to see her she’s laying in bed. And she seems pained. I get around stomach. 

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egime. I would not usually do this, but she is a public figure, and she is part of the Trump regime. Part of the Presidential matrix. 

So  what I am getting is that she is in a depressed mental state, that is quite cyclic, and goes up and down, and is a short day she is, if not fine,  not low. She has these spasms, they last say 24 hours. She feels incapacitated, takes to her bed, ignores those around her, and has neuralgia and stomach cramps.  It passes. Until the next one. She "Broods". She does have "Diana Syndrome". it is fairly horrible. She feels isolated, cut off from her normal life, before the Presidency. She is both furious and periodically depressed. She knows that there is no way out, from any of this. What she has, will be familiar to many Trophy Wives, and also to many single, successful women, strangely, who also get this sort of syndrome. The feelings of isolation, and distrust....and suspicion, wariness, and being "Stranded" in a situation from which there is no exit. This, in turn, affects her immune system. Even minor ops leave her feeling exhausted. I do not see any tragic outcome, more a slow decline.....but she does brood, and think  suicidal thoughts. Amongst the wives holding a high rank, and of CEO's and Oligarch wives, this syndrome is quite common. Its de-personalization, being over-shadowed, and also she has grown up in a communist Stalinist state, where the penalties for failure, and being in a high ranking family, are quite savage. There is nothing to be done. There is no exit. Even suicide is barred, as she is watched too closely. I pity her. 

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Zoron, your description feels right.  I see her propped up in bed and when people ask her to do something, like suggesting she get up and get going, she just says, "no," or "I can't." She is claiming a physical condition, but I hear a doctor saying t's psychosomatic. RawStory compared her May 31 tweet with Donald's - the phrasing is suspiciously Donald's:

Melania:  I see the media is working overtime, speculating where I am and what I'm doing. Rest assured, I'm here at the White House with my family, feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the American people! 

Donald: The corrupt Mainstream Media is working overtime not to mention the infiltration of people, Spies (Informants) into my campaign. Surveillance much? 

Also if she hadn't said she was "feeling great" and working hard on behalf of the American people," I might have believed the tweet, but  feeling great is too hyperbolic for her (and fits Donald's vernacular).  Also I don't think she ever sees herself as working on behalf of he American people. Most of what I've read she has written feels fake to me. 

Severe depression feels right. The kind where the person can't move. 

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Zoron's words hit home big time.  To me, it seems like he's describing a woman who has been raped.  Coming from the fine state of Missouri, I'm particularly sensitive to the concept of "legitimate rape" and have been thinking a lot about how American institutions, like the modern workplace, are often designed to rape the talent, skills, and gifts of workers.  It's not just the "Stalin communist state," and it's not just men.  When women assume leadership roles in the American workplace and play by the power and control rules perpetuated by most MBA programs, they "legitimately rape."  I hope cultural transitions of the future unfold a time when people aren't treated like the monkeys hanging from a chain a friend in the military described to me: each monkey looks up from the bottom and sees an asshole and when each monkey looks down all he or she wants to see is a smiling face.   Those smiling faces are molded by "rape."

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As I read your post, it struck a deep place in my stomach.  I have a family member who has suffered from several severe depressive episodes, and this is exactly what it felt like to watch my family member go through this.  And, it totally rang true to me that this could be what has happened to Melania as well.   Thinking back to the way she has responded in public on several occasions, I immediately saw similarities with my relative when they are in depression.   For instance, the smiling at the inauguration then the immediate downturn of expression when Trump turned away.

One of the things I keep wondering about is why Baron did not visit his mother while she was in the hospital.  And, also why Trump only visited once or twice and didn't stay for very long.   Limiting visitors during mental break downs is quite common.

Certain types of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can also cause kidney dysfunction and even kidney failure, especially if taken in high dosages.   That can happen very quickly and unexpectedly.   So, it is possible that Melania was in the hospital for a "kidney procedure" but for reasons that one would want to hide from public knowledge.

Of course, we do not know.  But, of all of the possible explanations I've heard or thought of, this immediately made the most sense to me.



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I wondered whether she'd be going to Singapore and the G7 Summit.

She's scheduled "to appear" at a closed door dinner for Gold Star families at the White House tonight.   No press allowed, but I'm sure the WH will issue some photos of her there.

Zoron's suggestion that she's suffering from severe depression just makes the most sense.   

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It’s already been announced she’s not going to G7 or Singapore. 

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A quick meditation and scan:

The Melania saga progresses. She is in seclusion and surrounded by a tight inner cabal of women, who support and help her. Her problem is that She cant. the same Gene makeup as her son, Bannon, with all that that a limited extent, she has a condition of marginal Asbergers, normally not detectable, and normally not significant. But under conditions of extreme stress, it manifests, to an extent. That, plus "Diana Syndrome", as I have discussed, all are now playing a part. The first family are coming apart....His daughter, is also under stress....but is coping with it better. (For the time being).

Trump is becoming increasingly uncomfortable about all this. He is completely out of his depth dealing with what he calls "Women problems". He has no answers. he knows that he carries responsibility for all of this, but is in deep self-denial. It is adding to the pressure on him. This pressure will get worse. 

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CNN and other media are reporting that Mrs. Trump will be making a public appearance tomorrow (Wednesday).  She's going to accompany her husband when he visits FEMA headquarters.  Cameras will be present.

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Apparently she did attend the Gold Star Family reception at the White House. I saw a phone video of her walking in with Twitler, it was from a bit of distance, but she seemed able to walk under her own power. She stayed through the whole event but did not participate. Points to Zoron and others - clearly this is more about mental illness.

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Mr. Trump did accompany him on the visit to FEMA today. His mentioning that she has "been through a rough patch" made me think that Zoron was spot on with his description of her mental state.


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Sadly, I was spot on. She was "Going through a rough patch" of an intensity that was very severe. as I said, she has these episodes from time to time. This was a bad one. It will happen again. She was closely watched, during the recent one, and significantly medicated. There is no real cure for it. Just medication. Expect more of them.

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I never checked this thread before because I'm not interested at all in Melania, though Zoron had mentioned to me personally that he had been "on her case", so to speak. Then the news came out about her wearing that coat saying "I really don't care, do U?" and that got my attention. So I tried to sense what's up with her.

I sensed that she's very unhappy. But I didn't get that she was medicated, or not to any extent that it would affect much her behavior, in any case. The impression I got is that she feels trapped and she can't get out.

This is a woman that thought that the world of fashion would be her ticket out of a very uninteresting place and into a life of style and luxury. She didn't exactly love Donald when she married him, but she thought they were compatible enough and with him she could live her dream of fashion and luxury. When he decided to run for office, that dream was shaken. First Lady is definitely not something she wants to be, and in fact she's scared of the role. She isn't a political animal, but she feels his anti-immigration policy is wrong, because she's an immigrant herself. She's terrified that Trump's presidency could go terribly wrong and she would suffer the consequences of that for being his wife, in spite that she never wanted him to go down that path. And Donald has told her, in no uncertain terms, that divorce isn't an option because it would look bad on him. Melania knows how mean and destructive he can be when somebody goes against him, so she doesn't dare to divorce. They have a truce that leaves her with a very limited role as First Lady, but it's still expected of her to have some official appearances from time to time, and she resents that.

That coat was an act of rebellion against Trump. She knew it wouldn't go down well, and she deliberately wore it on an appearance about the issue that she most wants not to be connected with: immigration. Also, there are some fashion messages being sent that only a true fashionista would be able to decode. The coat is from 2016 Zara's collection. Zara is a Spanish brand, still controlled by its original Spanish owner, and the coat could be described as the opposite of a MAGA hat. It's a coat instead of a hat, green instead of red, with a message on the back instead of the front, and the flavor is 70's instead of 50's.


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Maria,  I'm glad you reiterated in more detail. This jives with my perception almost completely.

And while I did feel the coat was a statement to him, after all the trip was her idea and and the coat was the exact opposite of her designer sexy outfits she serms to prefer, the only other impression I got was in reference to her supposed anti bullying campaign.

While that is more about her fears for her son because of his father, it is also about negative comments about her that she doesn't care ehat anyone thinks about her anymore. She's sick of him and evetything about him thats ruining her dream life for herself and Barron.

I think she did some serious negotiating with Trump over money and more control during her 'kidney break'.  She's sick of him and how this has all turned on a dime from what she wanted or expected to get from this deal of accepting being a presidents wife in an old dated white house instead of the golden palace she was enjoying.


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