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Millennials Leaving Democrat Party

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I was watching a video from The Ring of Fire where the host Farron Cousins said that millennials are leaving the Democrat party, while Republicans have a problem with millennials. He even said that we can expect a multi-party government. Jeanne said that the country will become localized, but I think that we will see various factions in the central government, similar to what other countries have.

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Hi Enka I also periodically watch the ring of Fire. As an outsider (Canadian) it doesn't surprise me that the Democratic party is losing support. It doesn't really stand for anything, and people see that. The young especially have less tolerance for flowery language married to milk toast policies that only marginally solve big problems. I support the Bernie wing of the party, it reminds me of Canadian politics that is centered on issues and solutions to major problems. But the core democrats are trying to squash that wing, which honestly is their only hope for relevance going forward. Younger people are not likely to be voting republican, at least not in large numbers, but they also are not happy with the Democratic party. I sense a feeling of irritation and anger against both parties, because neither represents the people anymore. 

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