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Your Dreams and Visions - Post them Here

Illustrious Member Moderator
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How is Zoron?  Miss seeing his comments and hope all is well.

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Thanks for asking. I checked in with him and he's just fatigued from reading so much but otherwise is fine. Tuning into the world can be stressful and readers need to take breaks. I told him to come back when he feels recharged. He said he'd be back in a day or two.

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Hello everyone. Zoron is back. I had to take a break. have been very active over here, in Europe, with the French election to track, (only got 50% of my prediction right!) and the UK election, which is going to be horrible. (Prediction, at the moment, conservative victory.All hell will break loose later. )

There are serious issues here in the UK. The General election is going to be a major force for ending the present United Kingdom, which is rapidly disintegrating, as the Northern Irish statelet, (British controlled) is facing complete disaster, after BREXIT, stranded behind an external EU border with the rest of Ireland, which is an independent republic. (think Mexico US border). This is going to cause a reunification movement, and union with the Republic., although it will take several years. In Scotland, a majority of the population, who voted against BREXIT, and want to stay in the Union, are probably going to vote for separation, in the next 18 months, and in the meantime, for nationalist party candidates for the London Parliament. The situation is becoming serious. Inside England, the conservatives have rigged the constituency boundaries, and reapportioned districts, to make it impossible for non conservative results. You may imagine how everyone feels. 

It looks like a serious internal UK crisis now. I will post later, on these issues. 

Re Korea, we have not heard the last of the situation. The Koreans will do a nuclear weapons test in the near future. (weeks). They are deliberately doing this. They are also becoming paranoid about an American pre-emptive strike, so the situation will slide back again. The American task force is now operating off of Japan. I do feel that something will happen later this Spring. Not disastrous, but very worrying. More on this later. China is doing what it can to calm the situation. More on this later. The other thing concerning me is the serious food situation, which is deteriorating in Africa, and reaching famine point. This year could be the benchmark pivot point where food production in the Third World starts  to deteriorate due to climate change, causing a lot of ongoing problems. Next year I see a definite very large food crisis, in the Third World. More on this later. 

So Zoron is back, and absolutely needed to take a break. Will slowly get back up to speed, over the next few days. Regards to all on here. 

Natalie, Seyrin, Lynne and 5 people reacted
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Zoron you absolutely need to take care of yourself. Don't apologize for taking a break. We appreciate your insights far too much to expect you to constantly cater to our questions. Take care of yourself, we love hearing what you have to say. Much love. 

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Thank You Natalie. Actually, I love the questions the supporters on here ask. They are sometimes very insightful, and helpful in developing ideas. Keep them coming. I had to take a break for a few days, as the stress involved in what I see can be fairly horrible. The visions I get can be too powerful sometimes. In the meantime, glad to be back, but please do not worry if from time to time I disappear for several days. It just means that Zoron is in his lair deep in the middle of nowhere. 

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Hello, All - 

I've been reading for a few weeks and you all seem to be conscious and conscientious, so I've invited myself in.

I have been a "big dreamer" all my life so I take them seriously. Most are personal, but others are collective. I am bothered by one I had several nights ago and wonder what anyone thinks or gets about this..It's simple.

I was either watching tv (which I do not have) or in person somewhere. A group of Marines came out on a small stage, stood shoulder to shoulder. The one in the center stepped forward and said " Ladies and Gentlemen, we have something of grave importance to tell you". The background was dark, light an unlit stage. There was nothing else to look at.

Luckily, I lucid dream now and wake myself up. I did, with a feeling of dread..Anyone?


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Sounds like a prophetic dream. It doesn't indicate what they are going to tell us, but If you can possibly remember, what did you feel when you watched this scene unfold?  Sometimes if we try, we can get more. 

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Thanks, Jeanne - I had more then..that's why I woke myself up.

The news was the worst we can imagine and have dreaded all our lives....

May it never occur.

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RE: Lucid dream. 

Dear Swcosmos, Yes, we all try on here to be both very conscious, and very conscientious. we are mysteriously self-selected, and make a great team.

Your post is very interesting. Keep them coming along. Welcome. What we are trying to do here, thanks to Jeanne, is a sort of collective "Majority Report", Pre-Cogging on World events.  Its as much therapy for the regular posters as it is for the readers. Being conscious, aware, having some strong principles, and intuiting what is going on at this stage of World History is quite simply a burden. But we feel a need to speak out, to share the burden, and to hope that it filters through and helps the general public about that mysterious and unknown country, the future. When I read your post, I got another flash of intuition/vision, of another group of marines, who had been or were, in Korea. They were all dead. I think it was relating to them. Was the scene in your vision a press conference?....(there can be overlap between events. )

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Last night's dream:   I was standing on a hill looking down on a valley.  It was nighttime, but I had the sense that the valley was populated.  Then I saw the land begin to move, as if boiling.  Then the valley exploded and flames shot into the air.  It became an inferno.   Inside a house on top the same hill, I saw people who behaved badly and talked  inappropriately.  My understanding was that they were driven mad by witnessing the apocalyptic scene in the valley.  At that point, I woke.  It was shocking and sad.

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Thank you, Zoron, for your kind welcome.

Re: that little dream...I don't recall anything more before or after what I relayed. A press conference? Well, yes, that is what it was, in effect.

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Had a dream a few days ago that still sticks in my mind. Here goes:

*I was trying on wedding dresses in a very upscale mall. Felt VERY rich, upper class, had an entrance that looked faux Greco-Roman, lions and stuff, very tall entrance. A friend (whom I'm currently estranged) and her kids were waiting by the entrance when I ran out and was trying to pull them away, feeling something bad was going to happen...when a bomb went off right at that entrance.

*Something about a bridge collapse, and traffic being redirected onto a rusted railroad-like bridge with grass overgrown on it, like it hadn't been used in a while.

*Either a church or a metaphysical shop (not sure which) built on an area with VERY BAD energy, so much so that I didn't even want to be in the store. It was nighttime and I'm not sure what happened on the land, felt like maybe a lot of excorcisms or stuff took place.

Will update with more as I get more dreams. Feels personal, but given the climate these days, I don't feel these are just about me. Last night, it was some dream about the White House and strange bedfellows/alliances in it, but I can't remember the details.

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Warrior Witch - This is an interesting dream and it's loaded with symbolism. It is both personal, has past life feelings to it, and then there's the climate these days with the bomb. 

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I had a very short dream, just before I woke up. In my dream it said it is not the 25th amendment, but the 5th amendment written down pages over and over again. Since I don't know the amendments, I had to look it up. Just one thing I noticed that the illegal immigrants who are being removed and sent back, but their private property and other belongings remain here. Another is, " when in actual service in time of war or public danger."  I really don't understand all of it. Can someone explain it, and how it applies to Trump and others associated to Trump?  Thank You.

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I find it interesting (and hopeful) that you were told about the Fifth Amendment-when you didn't know it's content. The Fifth amendment is all about the rules of criminal prosecution. It even delineates Grand Juries and their responsibilities. Rumor has it that there are now two Grand Juries convened in NY against Trump himself. A Grand Jury is presented evidence and they determine if there is enough evidence to press charges against an individual for a crime. If a grand jury decides there's enough evidence, they recommend prosecution, and the District Attorney typically then files charges against the defendant. 

Preet Bahara was the US Attorney for the NY Southern District. He is very good at what he does. He helped bring charges against many Wall St. types, Deutch Bank (Russian money laundering), and many other very complicated financial cases. He was initially asked to stay on by Trump, until the Russian scandal started leaking out and gaining traction. Then Trump asked for the resignation of all US Attorney's that were placed in their positions by the Obama Administration-as in turn in your keys right now and exit the building. Bahara declined to tender his resignation, so Trump had to fire him. This meant there was paperwork to be filed by the White House, and gave Bahara 24-36 more hours in the position. Many speculate this is because he was investigating something he didn't want to let slip away, and would give him a day's head start in getting files and evidence to the NY Attorney General (whom Trump and the Fed gov't have no jurisdiction over). This speculation was also fueled by the fact that Bahara's assistant (and corruption aficionado like his boss)-Howard Master was hired by the NY Attorney General the week after being dismissed by the Trump administration. 

No one knows for sure if or what they are investigating-but there's plenty to choose from-conflicts of interest, shady deals (for Trump, his cabinet members, children), and shady business partners. I've read speculation that ranges from NY state looking at the emoluments clause, RICO violations, to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. NY Magazine even did a piece on the FCPA and Trump (Baku Towers) back on March 13-before Bahara was asked for his resignation. 

Trump can still be president and be incarcerated as a felon. There's nothing in the constitution about that. He could resign if he's going to be prosecuted, or he could be impeached. Unless the criminal act directly involves criminality and the election, Mike Pence will then become president, unless he too is indited or removed from office. Spiro Agnew was charged with a crime, and Nixon was under investigation for Watergate. The congress made an agreement that they'd choose a moderate that both Dems and Republicans agreed upon to be appointed by Nixon when Agnew resigned, and in turn, Nixon would be allowed to resign instead of facing impeachment. He'd still face criminal charges. Once president, Ford pardoned Nixon. There is nothing in the Constitution about invalidating an election, nor what to do if an election was tampered with. Without actual proof that votes were tampered with, we may be stuck with an illegitimate administration just because voters were tampered with via criminal activities (hacking, etc.).  Mark Warner- Dem and second in charge of the Senate Intelligence Committee was quoted in this weeks New Yorker Mag article as saying that currently odds are 2 to 1 that Trump will be ousted before his first term is up-tho there is no note as to whether it is because of Russia or other entanglements.



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Thank you Cindy,

I'm sure Trump and the others will be caught and convicted in time. I also think Trump and others they are turning a blind eye on the 5th Amendment of the Constitutions and doing it behind others back. While in waking state I have my doubts, question a lot, and maybe it is a little irrational sometimes in the ways I'm thinking it out. When reading articles in the news, they can interfere in judgment. I guess the ego interferes much more in waking state then dream state. I trust my dreams more because a lot of those fears or doubts are drop.

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Back in the first week of December, I had posted about a dream I had just days after the election. The post is in the archives. The dream was about buyers remorse over electing Trump. I saw people gathered in a three story parking garage, very disgruntled. In the dream the garage sat on what looked like a map of the US. The distress from those inside was palpable I think is how I put it. It had the familiarity of being prophetic, and I took it as a metaphor that we were all in this together, and we'd all feel badly. Last night on Rachel Maddow's show, she was recapping the passage of the House bill on health care. She meandered in the piece as she does, weaving it from protests overseas in recent years to the recent US protests. She flashed back to February and the first time they tried to amend Obamacare and how that lit off spirited town hall meetings all across the US. She then went on to show footage of Congressman McClintock's meeting in CA. His district is overwhelmingly Republican, and as such, he only rented a space that would hold 200. Over a thousand showed up. There were 800 people who couldn't get in to protest, and lo and behold, they put the overflow into a parking garage across the street! I chuckled out loud when I saw this, as I had taken my dream metaphorically, not literally. But there it was 11 minutes or so into the clip! I think I startled the dog when I burst into laughter at the sight.

 Rachel Maddow 5/4

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I ask before going to sleep about Russia/Golf course/Trump, if there was any truth to it.  I just finishing having a dream. Trump has hidden papers in plain sight. They are not lock away, but he can pull out anytime, to feed his over inflated ego. He is quite proud of how much he got away so far. 

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Last night I dreamed about a woman and her bear.  The woman and her bear were killers and wanted by the police.  People hid in their homes, but she and her bear came to my home.  She knocked on my door and then walked right in, bringing her bear with her.  My family shut themselves in different rooms and I ran to a neighboring house for help.  That house had an open space where a wall and door should have been, so there was no place to hide, no shelter.   When I borrowed a phone and dialed 911, the call either wouldn't go through or there was no answer.  Then the woman and bear tracked me down.

This may have simply been an anxiety dream, but I did find the woman and bear interesting symbolically.

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