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Bernie Sanders

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Please pray for Bernie Sanders, he was hospitalized for heart/blockage issues and is receiving stints.  :(

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Yeah, I saw that too. Sending him love and light and the awareness to slow down before it's too late (and to stop trying to be president and just enjoy life).

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So glad you posted this caring request. Brings tears to think of him. I threw a card on him this morning when I awoke to the news and just got that he was in hermit mode, inner work going on and not liking that he has to be away from the campaign and all the people he loves. He will be chomping at the bit to return.  The card I pulled on him for the future is one of pure fire, pure passion. He is full of fire and fury.  I am sending loving healing energy to this beautiful man. I hope too that he will decide to slow down and self care and just give us his wisdom.  

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Hi there I've been lurking on your site for awhile and I love the accurate predictions you guys have made! There was one guy named Zoron that predicted Bernie Sanders would become the democratic nominee with Elizabeth Warren as his VP in 2020! Whatever happened to Zoron is he still around? Does he have any updates to give on this prediction? I'm curious and concerned because of the small health scare Bernie had yesterday. I truly believe Bernie is the only one that can be Trump!

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It was just reported by Bernie's Doctors that Bernie actually had a heart attack.

He was released form he hospital today and is taking some time off and going back to Vermont.  .  I am glad he is doing better.  It will be interesting to see if this will cause him to drop out of the race or for others to decide to vote for someone else.  

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No he's not dropping out the race it was a very minor heart attack. There was no heart damage. The clogged artery has been unblocked. There are no other arteries clogged. He is doing just fine. I think he should take it easy and not do so many events in a short span but he'll be back better than ever. Hopefully most people will understand this wasn't anything major. The only people that will make this a big issue are those that want him to drop out! But like I said before he's not going anywhere!

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Re Bernie Sanders heart attack:

I've had close friends and family members have minor heart attacks, one even resulting in open heart surgery. Not only  did they bounce back even as quite older (two in their 70s and one already 90) adults. 

None of them even knew they'd had heart attacks. Boggles the mind but it happens all the time.

With Bernie Sanders's personality and drive and the support he has (as well as his personal belief that I see him as having) that he is fulfilling a spiritual purpose that was predestined in a sense,  it would take other additional factors for him to drop out .

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Any updates people can give us on this prediction would be much appreciated! I'm concerned to see how this mild heart attack that Bernie just had will affect his candidacy going forward!

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I feel Bernie may want to continue the campaign process for POTUS, but I don't feel he will be able to do this. I think he still wants it, however perhaps Warren can pick him as her VP?...though my personal pick for VP would be Buttigieg for Liz.

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Mayor pete would be good, but I think we need a southern on the ticket. Castro would be OK, but I Like Beto for VP. We might could turn Texas blue.

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Posted by: @elaineg


Mayor pete would be good, but I think we need a southern on the ticket. Castro would be OK, but I Like Beto for VP. We might could turn Texas blue.

I'm thinking Stacey Abrams, she could help turn Georgia blue plus make other states less red. Democrats for years had the wrong strategy of trying to get the conservative and centrist white straight men out in rural and outer metro areas to vote for them. The strategy failed, over and over. Stacey Abrams wants to bring out Progressives, especially minority voters. She wants to do things differently, and I think that would work better.

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Bernie has already said if he's the nominee he would choose a woman as VP but one that shares his progressive vision. So that really leaves out most of his rivals who are not progressive and who take a lot of corporate money.  Buttigieg for example is neck deep in big donors leading the Dems w/23 billionaires supporting him although he can't crack 5% in the polls. Warren doesn't quite have the same standard as Bernie. There was an interesting story on TYT yesterday that she's been talking to Gillum (can't remember his first name) who almost became the senator from Florida. That makes sense, as does Castro, as Florida and Texas could swing the election. Maybe Georgia but how many electoral college votes does it have?  

Still, I get the feeling that trump's support is not really that solid. He's not running against HRC this time and it's really looking bad for him, ie situation (seriously) unraveling for trump. 

PS to the writer who asked about Zoron: his predictions and Jeanne's are on a thread called Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Things Are Stirring, under US Predictions. You have to dig a little to find it. His first post is 10/24/17. Both Zoron and Jeanne comment here and it's a fascinating read. If the future is a set of variable streams that depend in part on our choices, this is the one I hope to wake up in on election day 2020.

Personally I'm all in for Bernie. I really think the issue that needs to be resolved, before any others, is money in politics. Bernie is the only candidate not taking big money or courting big donors as EW seems to be doing behind the scenes, (including the DNC and Clinton Foundation.) Warren is the senator from my state and I voted for her and I would again but I don't really know where she stands on issues. Bernie is a very powerful foil for any candidate. 

But money in politics is why we can't solve problems--and my criticism of the American constitution is that it was not designed to solve problems but to distribute power among the elites. Why can't the gov't pass even a background check bill for guns? Because the NRA on behalf of the gun manufacturers won't allow it. (M Rubio has taken over $3 million in campaign contributions from the NRA for example.)

And today we face a potential environmental apocalypse because the fossil fuel industry and the big agri-business (animal agriculture is even worse than fossil fuels for carbon emission: see Cowspiracy a brilliant and controversial documentary film) paid off politicians in both parties to prevent any legislation that might have saved the world. There was a tipping point, according to an article called Losing Earth The Decade We Might Have Solved Climate Change, at the time when Reagan was elected. Reagan started what we have today. 

As president trump drags the country down to a savage and barbaric level; we see the worst in what human beings can be. 

Bernie Sanders is the opposite. He has a kind of principled idealism unrivaled in politics or pretty much anywhere today. Imagine the kind of people we might have the chance to become if that energy were unleashed in 2020....      #FeeltheBern


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@dcd2510, ElaineG and Five81993:

I actually agree with both of you, even though my dream ticket was EW and Pete, I would LOVE to see Bernie be POTUS and E.Warren or Stacy Abrams as VP. I'm just praying we have a dem who is progressive. We need MAJOR changes in our country and I just pray for Bernie's health and success as well as Elizabeth Warren's too. I want the dems to play the game with a winning strategy and then it's winner take all!!  BLUE WAVE in both house and Senate is also crucial :)


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Oh yeah Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has just come out and endorsed Bernie Sanders for president! She will be going to his NY rally on Saturday and will be there to officially endorse him! This is the best news yet for his campaign and the progressive movement as a whole! I believe this will help him regain momentum for his race and will boost his support which should lead to him becoming the democratic nominee! Don't underestimate this duo or you may get Berned lol!

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Posted by: @hypnotizeminds09

Oh yeah Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has just come out and endorsed Bernie Sanders for president! She will be going to his NY rally on Saturday and will be there to officially endorse him! This is the best news yet for his campaign and the progressive movement as a whole! I believe this will help him regain momentum for his race and will boost his support which should lead to him becoming the democratic nominee! Don't underestimate this duo or you may get Berned lol!

It's not confirmed that she will, but if she does, it should help him. Also, she is going to face a tough primary battle against a corporate democrat who is completely in the hands of the 1%.

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Bernie Sanders did really well in the Debate, so did Elizabeth Warren. Biden did not do very well, he continued the gaffes. Buttigieg did much better than Biden, and although I'm not supporting Buttigieg, he did quite well. I like Kamala Harris, but she didn't shine.

Overall, I felt that Bernie has regained the energy he had in 2016, and Warren has kept a lot of energy. I think Warren will be the front runner and Bernie might become second.

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I don't mind seeing a Bernie / Warren ticket (any which way that plays out) or a Warren /Buttigieg ticket.

Jeanne posted an October 9th reading in which several folks saw a woman and a man that more resembled Biden on the podium.  I'm just praying whoever gets in is flanked by a progressive one way or another and the GOP goes by the wayside in all the branches so we can get things done.

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I watched the debates last night and feel that Sanders is the most genuine truly dedicated and knowledgeable of the candidates, with Warren as a second.  I resonate most strongly with Sanders and always have. He is the most pure of the candidates with Warren as a close second. I  had wanted to see a Sanders/Warren ticket in 2016 but it was not meant to be and the DNC undermined Sanders.

The problem for Sanders is that  the mainstream big newspapers tear him down because he is for the people not the corporations. His Medicare for all proposal  is the best healthcare solution (and as a former head of Medicaid in Massachusetts, I know something about healthcare reimbursement). But they abhor it because it will put an end to the pharmaceutical boondoggle along with other excessive profit in an industry that is supposed to be non profit. 

I was put off by Pete last night and his attack of Warren on Medicare for All.  He is showing that he  is listening to some big corporate donors and that is sad. 

When it comes to Sanders and how the media treats him, I can see so clearly why WAPO, NY Times, Boston Globe, and the other big media giants are truly corporate news. 

For over 20 years I have subscribed to FAIR, a non profit group who analyzes bias in the media.  They validate what I am saying about the mainstream medial.  I use them for up to the minute news however. 

WAPO goes after Trump with effective reporting, but they control the narrative about Sanders with negative jibes. This morning they inserted into their commentary something about his heart incident. They will keep doing that to undermine him. Biden is too old school and really bugs me because he is not going to give us the change we need. I felt the same way about Hillary.  However anyone who can get the GOP out is going to be a huge advance over where we are and I pray that everyone including the more liberal youth will get behind the Democratic nominee even if he or she is not the one they wanted. 

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I may be totally wrong but I feel something shifting so I'm going to put this here to test my own accuracy. I'm feeling Bloomberg/Warren. I don't see Biden pulling through. This isn't my personal bias it's just what I'm sensing about the situation from a psychic perspective. 


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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

I watched the debates last night and feel that Sanders is the most genuine truly dedicated and knowledgeable of the candidates, with Warren as a second.  I resonate most strongly with Sanders and always have. He is the most pure of the candidates with Warren as a close second. I  had wanted to see a Sanders/Warren ticket in 2016 but it was not meant to be and the DNC undermined Sanders.

The problem for Sanders is that  the mainstream big newspapers tear him down because he is for the people not the corporations. His Medicare for all proposal  is the best healthcare solution (and as a former head of Medicaid in Massachusetts, I know something about healthcare reimbursement). But they abhor it because it will put an end to the pharmaceutical boondoggle along with other excessive profit in an industry that is supposed to be non profit. 

I was put off by Pete last night and his attack of Warren on Medicare for All.  He is showing that he  is listening to some big corporate donors and that is sad. 

When it comes to Sanders and how the media treats him, I can see so clearly why WAPO, NY Times, Boston Globe, and the other big media giants are truly corporate news. 

For over 20 years I have subscribed to FAIR, a non profit group who analyzes bias in the media.  They validate what I am saying about the mainstream medial.  I use them for up to the minute news however. 

WAPO goes after Trump with effective reporting, but they control the narrative about Sanders with negative jibes. This morning they inserted into their commentary something about his heart incident. They will keep doing that to undermine him. Biden is too old school and really bugs me because he is not going to give us the change we need. I felt the same way about Hillary.  However anyone who can get the GOP out is going to be a huge advance over where we are and I pray that everyone including the more liberal youth will get behind the Democratic nominee even if he or she is not the one they wanted. 

excellent post here's a video that points out that blatant media bias! I think he can now win despite their media bias with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on board. We shall see! I wish that guy Zoron was still around to give us an update on what he sees his last post was over two years ago!

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