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What an interesting post about aliens.  I consider the existence of aliens within our universe and planet not only credible, but likely.  Quantum mechanics supports so many ideas that we only grasp lightly at this point and I vow to brush up on that topic.  I liked your reference to people becoming more in tune with their intuition throughout this century.  Last week I had a conversation with Mary Ann Bohrer, the author of a book on intuition "The Gift Within Us:  Intuition, Spirituality and the Power ofOur Own Inner Voice."  Bohrer interviewed Jeanne Mayell and a profile of Jeanne is included in the book.  

Back to that conversation, though:  Bohrer was talking about the stigma associated with intuitive gifts and the pushback by the mainstream scientific community and general public, although there is scientific evidence supporting intuitive phenomena.  I believe we are seeing an awakening, a growing acceptance of intuition and that her book is part of that movement.  This website is part of that movement, too. 

Over the past few years, more and more evidence is coming out to support the existence of extraterrestrial life, from military videos to public acknowledgement of government studies on this subject.  We are so caught up in the extraordinary politics (freak show) of the past four years and now the global pandemic that these stunning breakthroughs seem to be a mere blip on the collective consciousness.  

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Does anyone remember a member named, I think, Zoron? I remember he said quite a bit about aliens, but cannot remember in which forum his posts were located. Was a few years back, if I remember correctly ... will try to locate and report back.


Ok I found the thread here 

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Interesting post, but all caps thread header seems a bit Trumpian(sorry. Had to)

It is a statistical anomaly that life developed as it did on Earth, however, with the seemingly infinite expanse outside our atmosphere, the chances of it happening again in similar fashion are quite good. I also have seen "UFOs" up close so from personal experience, I can say with great certainty that something is out there and has been here. Back in the 90s, I was flying back to college from Chicago to Phoenix on the night of the now famous UFO sightings over Arizona. I saw them from the plane window and they werent any type of weather balloon or secret craft that has gone public since. I do doubt that there has been a contract signed between the US, Israel, and extraterrestrials. That just sounds made up and the fact that no other country was invited makes it more far fetched. I truly pray that if there has been contact with the US govt, it wasn't Trump as representative of humans-if so they'll exterminate us soon. 

As far as the understanding of time is concerned, I have always seen it as as linear in a spatial sense. The idea that all time is happening concurrently on successive planes has felt most comfortable to me. Think of it as a tall stack of playing cards that we move thru from top to bottom, each section of time is a different card and we move linearly thru the deck and perceive it as a linear move thru time. 

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@sistermoon. If you look, Zoron mentioned more about aliens in other threads.  Zoron is a scientist in the UK and had interesting threads here. 

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I think that when we speculate about aliens, we often end up projecting our less evolved 3rd dimensional human selves onto beings who are on the 4th and 5th dimensional planes. I read the headline of that article about a possible pact between aliens and the US gov't, and I didn't go any further, because I knew it would consist of a lot of human projection and, well...complete crap. That's why I've never been into the alien meme. I know there are intelligent beings out there and that some of them likely know about us. But are little gray people really zapping us up into space just so they can give us anal probes? Come on, man! (as America's soon-to-be-president might say). That's something a twisted, psychotic human would do.

On the subject of whether aliens are already among us, a lot of us (especially on this forum) might have partial starseed origins from planets with intelligent life. But as with aliens, conversations about starseeds can be heavily tinged with 3rd dimensional human projection. (Example: there's an evil race of Reptilians that controls Earth just so they can secure resources for their home planet.) That's why I tend to steer clear of most talk about that subject.

In what seems like a synchronicity, a few days ago I came across a fascinating NDE account in which a woman was given a tour of planets with intelligent life (see here). If you read the article, skip down to the sections labeled "The Strange Worlds NDE" and "The Download NDE," although the entire piece is worth reading.

I'd also like to bring back the key conclusions from Alan Lew's Medium Article that I posted about a few days ago:

"The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating Earth’s transition to a 4th Dimensional consciousness. It is often presented as a struggle between those holding fast the the 3rd Dimension and those moving into the 4th Dimension.

"Alternatively, the pandemic is also showing us what we dislike about the 3rd Dimension (resistance, restrictions, fear), and what we truly value in our lives: freedom, fresh air, nature, companionship, community, and love — all of which are Heart Chakra (4D) values.

"What all this means in the short term (the next one to ten years, I think) is that 4th and 5th Dimensional thinking and technologies will rapidly develop and become common, including:

  • new healing modalities
  • new sources of almost free electricity
  • awareness of oneness and respect for human diversity and our natural environments
  • international cooperation to end wars, conflicts and poverty
  • communication with 4th and 5th Dimensional beings (ETs/galactics, spirit guides, etc.) will become more common
  • humans will increasingly exhibit a wider range of psychic skills, which will be considered normal
  • economies will be more locally focused instead of globally dominated."





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Posted by: @coyote

If you read the article, skip down to the sections labeled "The Strange Worlds NDE" and "The Download NDE," although the entire piece is worth reading

 The "Download NDE" section is profound.  Wow. 

Specifically, the idea that we exist so the "Unlimited" can experience being "Limited", and thereby, truly be Unlimited.  I never heard it expressed quite that way.  Kind of torques the mind, and makes sense at the same time. 

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This is an amazing thread, and thanks to 'jackofhearts' for bringing it to light! So many of you that have posted are so erudite and have brought insights that we can all muse upon, even though our "comfort zones" may be a bit challenged.

Anyone that has lived in the Southwest, and specifically New Mexico, has probably seen the lights in the night sky that dart around appearing to defy all human logic ... I have spent many a night outside here in northern NM watching these phenomenal occurences, and I am totally convinced that they can be nothing but UFOs.

There is a great novel by Ray Bradbury, 'THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES ', that isn't too far removed from our present day reality ... it was made into a movie back in pre-tech 1980, and though the cinema photography may seem simplistic (no highly engineered special effects) by today's standards, it is well worth checking out. It's a available on YTube and on Netflix ...

I especially love the exquisite way the Martians were portrayed in this ... as intuitive telepathic beings whose 'humanoid' light bodies were very relatable ... perhaps an Avant Garde vision of us earthlings in a future dimension?

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Not to sound paranoid, but how do we know that we are not living amongst aliens now? (the ones from other planets, of course)

For all I know, one of you could be an alien now, trying to learn about our culture so that when the time comes to reveal yourselves, you will have experience on how to deal with illogical human beings. 

Or maybe you came as a mission of mercy to exterminate the alien parasite that is infecting our leaders.

Note-This last possibility is supported by proof.  Hasn't anyone noticed how these nationalists all look the same?  Donald Trump (USA), Geert Wilders (Netherlands), and Boris Johnson (Great Britain) all have blond hair that seems at least partially detached from their scalps.  If I didn't know any better, I would suggest that these innocent looking blonde "wigs" were actually aliens in disguise.  Just a theory, of course. ;)


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Yup ... those Draconians need to be officially escorted out of our Galaxy! Where are the Men in Black when you need them?

Love you, Allyn ?

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Hahaha!  Astute observation there, Allyn...

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Posted by: @allyn

For all I know, one of you could be an alien now, trying to learn about our culture so that when the time comes to reveal yourselves, you will have experience on how to deal with illogical human beings. 

Excuse me, but I'll need you to look at one of my six eyes and speak to the specific head you want an answer from when you're talking to me Allyn.

I mean - uhhh... No, totally human.  Cappuccino.  Pizza.  Football.  Woman.  Man.

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Dont you mean Man.....Woman.....Person.....Camera.....TV?

Rohenna, November, Tiger-n-Owl and 13 people reacted
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Is it life imitating art? Ray  Bradbury's creative vision was prophetic....

" Elon Musk says 'Mars, Here We Come!' after SpaceX Starship Test Rocket Explodes"

(Newsweek source)


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