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How Are We Doing? Wellness Health Check In. Please be Mindful in Your post.

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I am praying for you

I am praying for you

I am praying for the loved ones of Vestralux sistermoon ghandigirl lovendures laynara Greer Bernie Deepti and you too


ghandigirl, LalaBella, VestraLux and 9 people reacted
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Thanks for the berries and "dust pussies" laughs, and VestraLux, I am so glad to hear that you are doing alright! 

A couple weeks ago I started having similar symptoms, minus the cough, and perhaps milder. No one would have tested me, even if more testing was available (seems like they're not even testing here anymore). I had loose stool, nausea in the morning, ample sinus congestion & postnasal drip (that I originally thought was just bad allergies), mild body aches, especially my neck, swollen glands, and fatigue. But I was never so ill I needed to stay in bed (that's rare for me anyway) and no fever, cough, breathing difficulties, sore throat, or loss of smell. I did wake with chills a couple nights, which made me think it could be viral, and then my husband started with it, so we knew it wasn't bad allergies. He usually gets fevers and more ill than I do, but he had no fever and symptoms just as mild as mine. This lasted about a week for each of us. 

We have no idea if this could have been COVID-19 or not; if it was, we count ourselves immensely lucky. It is a shame that we don't have ample testing available--if we had any of the common symptoms we would have isolated more than we are now. I'm continuing to wear a mask when grocery shopping and stay home other than that, and my husband does his best to wash hands a lot and keep a fair distance from others at work (essential business). It is a terrible shame that testing is not available and that there's still much we don't know about this virus. I never would have thought we might have had it except for this article from Vox called "Why it can be so hard to tell if you have COVID-19" (I can't post a quote or the URL for some reason.)

Hope a reliable antibody test will be widely available before long--that will be a game-changer!

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VestraLux, Laynara, deetoo and 3 people reacted
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@michele-b, thank you and bless you.  I pray for you and everyone in this wonderful community.  Our community feels stronger than ever, don't you think?  Even with our deep anxiety, sadness, fears, illnesses, losses -- even with confronting the darkness we see around us and within us -- our tribe feels stronger to me now than when I joined in late 2018.   I see us assembling, one by one inside this enormous meeting hall.  The big doors of the hall remain open, an invitation to anyone who wants to join us.  I'm feeling a coming together, a cohesion of human souls and angelic beings.  I know this is true, because my guides and angels have just told me so.  Lovely goosebumps.  It's made me a little lightheaded.

I am looking forward to tonight's full moon meditation.  Thank you for initiating these monthly meditations, Michele.  Will you be participating? ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

BlueBelle, VestraLux, herondreams and 7 people reacted
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Good morning y'all, just got woken up from a phone call from my fiance he usually never checks in this early... He informed me the prison he works in just went on complete lockdown. Nobody in,nobody out! He sounded extremely worried which isn't normal for him, he has a no fucks given kind of personality. On a side note, my 2 year old is usually a great sleeper, but last night was a interesting experience he didn't officially fall asleep until 5/6 am this morning. I asked him what was wrong all he could communicate to me with his limited vocabulary was poo and uh uh ?. He has this cute thing when you finally figure out what he wants or is trying to say he says uh huh and nods extremely fast. I told him he need to be careful before he gives himself whip lash! Well anyways thank you all for listen to me chatter on this morning and I hope you all are safe ?

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Love and prayers and holding you all in my heart with love and care and many extra blessings to your little "poo bear uh uh uh!  ???

JourneyWithMe2, VestraLux, deetoo and 5 people reacted
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Yes yes yes yes!

All of this! Love love love! 

See you tonight dear heart under the light of super sized light of our beautiful hope faith strength and power of lightworkers everywhere full moon ?

Bless you for posting it. So dear.

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I am sending love, support and peace to you, your fiance and your little munchkin.  I will say a special prayer for your fiance's protection during tonight's full moon meditation.


JourneyWithMe2, VestraLux, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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Hi all hope everyone is doing OK in this time of uncertainty.  I am ok just not doing anything.  I have a handmade mask for if I have to go out.  I try to only do that if I absolutely have to.  Here in Ky, as I have stated before, we are lucky to have a great Democrat governor who went to work right away to help coordinate the effort here.  We are having problems obtaining supplies since the Federal Govn is out bidding all states so they can stockpile and sell.  This administration has it's hands drenched in blood.  I did read that theGovenor of California was calling other Governors and setting up a buying conglomerate where they can buy large quanities of supples.  Good idea. Of course our fleckless leader MoscowMitch is trying to  say he wasa leader in establishing the stimulous package.  Another McConnell lie he only cares bout the corporations not the people.  

Ok I have two comments to make.  I certainly hope these "doctors ie. medical experts" such as Dr Drew and Dr Oz as well as Dr Bizr (or what ever her nameis) that have gone on TV and spread all these misconceptions re the virus LOSE THEIR MEDICAL LICENSES!  They take an oath to do no harm but they  have done great harm by spreading lies.  I believe this is one reason why Dr Fauci doesn't come out and agree or even try to agree with the Dumpster.  He has ethics!  Imagine that.  Secondly, am I don't watch the news but I do see clips.  I found Chris Coumo's talking about his experience to  be very informative. He was sharing the advice a Pulmonary Dr gave him to stretch his chest and breathe deep even if it hurts, this is the second victim I have heard say this was the advice they were given.  To try to do something active even if it hurts. By active I don't mean overdoing just stretching a little if possibe and trying to breathe deep for a few seconds.  I know this isn't advice for everyone and I am no Doctor but I found  that interesting.

Stay in, stay safe and stay well.

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I heard Chris Cuomo speak about that too.  Very interesting indeed and hopefully his words may help others.


Yes, I feel the same way about our community, it is strengthening and the bond is growing..  The doors to the hall are in fact wide open.  Love to you.


So glad you were able to laugh about the berries and dust pussies.  We need some good laughs.


Sending you lots of love today.

TriciaCT, JourneyWithMe2, BlueBelle and 11 people reacted
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@vestralux - I just read your post on Plaquenil and agree with our points! Interestingly my husband wasn't prescribed hydroxychloroquine -- just the azithromycin to prevent a secondary bacterial infection that could lead to (or worsen) Covid pneumonia.

I'm glad his doctor didn't prescribe the hydroxychloroquine because I'm not sure I would have been okay with that. But I read up on the anti-viral properties of azithromycin and it seems like it is well tolerated and is thankfully only a five-day course.

This is really hitting him hard -- I don't think I've ever seen him this sick. As long as it doesn't worsen, though, he will be okay. And I'm sure everyone he talks to for the next year will get to hear allllll about it ? 

Also, @vestralux, I have to thank you for the post about your mother and the nun. Now THAT'S funny! And, thank you also for your post about DJT in the Unraveling and Turning forum -- it really resonated with me re: the power of focused prayer. It's sometimes easy to forget -- or worse, to dismiss in our darker moments as irrational -- how powerful we can be if we join together with united minds and hearts. 

Group cohesion and shared intention -- now, we just need the great majority to join in!

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I am very sensitive or allergic to a lot of medications -- you should see doctor's reactions when they see my list. But I have been able to take azithromycin without any problems. I know we're all different with how we respond to things, but FYI.

I hope you are able to join us tonight for the Full Moon Meditation at 9pm EST.  Since time is non-linear, you can do it whenever you are free.  It's the intention that matters.

I will be praying for you and your husband in my meditation tonight.

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A lot of people are stocking up on hydroxychloroquine right now. The problem is that there are doctors prescribing and taking it that have no acknowledgement of the side effects. It's a drug that works wonders when used properly and could be the savior to covid, BUT it has a lot of very dangerous side effects so I would definitely recommend against taking g it "just in case." For a patient that is hospitalized with covid, I think it, with Zpac, is your best bet right now, but I wouldnt take it unless absolutely necessary. 

There are a lot of selfish and stupid people taking it like vitamin C trying g to prevent it and this is what Fauci is preaching against because there will be a lot of unnecessary hospitalizations and possibly deaths from the carelessness of that. Zpac is also a very potent and powerful drug that can do serious damage if taken incorrectly. If you have strong covid symptoms or have tested positive then the benefits outweigh the risks but if not, dont go trying to take it. 

All drugs have side effects and complications possible and prescribing them is really a case of risk/reward assessment. Think of it like cancer treatment. Chemo and radiation therapy are actually slowly killing you, but the goal is to damage you enough to kill the cancer but not kill you so you can heal, and the flipside is almost certain death from the cancer. You would never get chemo just to try to not get cancer and the same goes for almost any drug. 

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@deetoo, meant to thank you for sharing about your goosebumps! I felt them too when I read it. And yay for morning belly laughs. ? 



I'm glad what I shared was helpful, but please, please don't rely on what I have to say to make choices about your husband's health! I'm sure you've been guided well by his physician; I just want to make clear that my post wasn't intended to guilt anyone against accepting a drug treatment.

I shared it only to encourage us all to consider some of the other points of view around that particular treatment course (T's potential financial entanglements notwithstanding), especially since it's too early to have peer reviewed studies for CoVid treatments, and because we do know what hydroxychloroquine is commonly prescribed, and needed, for already. 

If a medical doctor believes it has a potential to help with CoVid, then better to be safe. But always better to be smart, too, so know the full story as much as you can, I say.

That caveat spoken: zinc and quercetin glycoside (a natural flavonoid) are two natural supplements with known antiviral properties. Some claim quercetin is beneficial for asthma and pneumonia sufferers, but I have never personally used it and don't know of anyone who has. Just wanted to mention some safe naturals that might be supportive to the body during CoVid. I'm sure there are many more. (It's important to be highly selective about where we buy supplements. No longer guaranteed that they will be legit when we buy them off the shelf from CVS, Target, or Wal-Mart, just fyi.)

Anyone who's skilled at muscle testing might be able to discover others.


Happy you could laugh too. And yes to group cohesion and shared intention!

Since LOVE is by far stronger than any other force—whether it be death, hatred, anger, or darkness—I don't believe it requires as many people to meditate/pray/intend together for healing to happen. Just a small but critical mass. 

Speaking of, has anyone read Lynn McTaggert's The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World?

I need to. Maybe we outta create a little book club. ?



Very true: all synthetic drugs have (often unpredictable) side effects and therapeutic evaluation of their use comes down to a risk/benefit analysis.

I was really only trying to raise an alert here about Lupus patients and anyone else who might now be suffering due to the overrun and shortage of this drug. Especially when the media hype over it may have been premature, dangerously overblown, or perhaps financially predatory.

Unfortunately, we won't know the true costs of any of this for a long while, if ever. 


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FWIW: hydroxychloroquin (spelling optional!) works because it is an "ionophore". That means it transports ions across cell walls. In this case, zinc ions, which as I understand it is the actual virus killer. Serum (blood) zinc load isn't enough to do it--the zinc has to be carried across the cell wall and into contact with the virus inside the cell.

So loading up on zinc supplements doesn't do the trick, because it can't reach where it's needed.

Quercetin is ALSO an ionophore. It is believed to carry zinc across the cell membrane.

It also has some anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the damage of cytokine storms (immune system on overdrive harming the body.) 

Please do your research and verify this info. I've read a number of papers on the subject coming from countries outside the US. If it's not a product made by Big Pharma here, one that can generate a profit, you won't hear much about it in the US. Go thee forth and research. -R-

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I caught that you were just bringing awareness to it but I just wanted to give a quick PSA in case someone on here was thinking. If I didnt go off on the rant and something bad happened, I'd feel horrible-especially because I preached the possibilities of it early on before DT found out about it. 

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Hey everyone, I have been kind of down in the dumps today. I have a feel of dread and sadness that I just can't seem to shake. I am sad for all the lives lost, but also fear for our lives. I have a fear something will happen to my son, which I know if momma bear brain. And I also fear for my fiance safety everyday. I had a terrible childhood and it felt like my world was finally coming together step by step. We are even buying a house, but I fear something will happen to one of us. I apologize I feel like this is the safest place for my thoughts you all have became family over the last few years. I hope y'all have a wonderful night ?

ghandigirl, VestraLux, deetoo and 17 people reacted
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Hey Laynara - sorry to be blunt, but there's no point in worrying about stuff you have no control over BUT it's totally valid to feel what you're feeling. We all are to some extent, in different ways at different time.

So what to do? Control whatever you can. Literally any thing. Do your own nails or hair. Read something. Clean something. Make something. Call someone. Step outside. Take a nap. Do a thing. Tell someone you love them [again].

A lot of us had crappy childhoods, so a lot of us get anxiety at the drop of a hat. What therapists refer to as "catastrophic thinking" only serves to paralyze us in fear. Stop watching the news, even if it means staying off here for a day or two. Take a break. Focus on spending whatever time you have doing the best you can for your loved ones. Don't beat yourself up for coming up short. Baby steps. Take things one HOUR at a time.

Take care of YOURSELF too. Anxiety f*cks up the immune system, which certainly won't help.

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You are a treasure.❤️

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Aw, shucks...

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