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How Are We Doing? Wellness Health Check In. Please be Mindful in Your post.

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When you mentioned the pain we are all in and it's purpose I immediately saw a woman in childbirth. 

Maybe our Planet is experiencing birthing pains. Or maybe our Planet is sick, like most of us, and it is a fever breaking over us now. Mother Earth certainly is traumatized and in transition.

All I know is the only thing that is real and matters is LOVE.

I have real trouble with hearing the numbers. It is causing me to detach and that feels awful too. I am hoping there is a Heaven and I am hoping all those souls are at peace now and at rest. 

Lately I beging to feel the psychic presence of loved ones passed. Little hints. Now I am seeing how events have transpired to keep me safe here. Things like a back injury forcing me to isolate much of the time since December. Things like moving from one county where it is spreading to another where it is not yet. There are more, but I'm sure you get the gist.

I am beginning to believe that I will survive this. Beginning to feel like somebody up there loves me and that my part to play here is not yet over. And even if I am wrong, it's a good thought to hold. 

Today I pray peace for all people everywhere. I pray guidance to all the officials who are working to keep us safe. I pray courage for all people to act for their individual & our collective highest good. 





FEBbby23, BlueBelle, Goldstone and 11 people reacted
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Checking in today.

Right now am posting from my backyard.  I can hear the children of our back yard neighbor bouncing on their trampoline and giggling. They are burning off energy and are quite happy.   My daughter has been playing ball with our Sheepadoodle (42 pound Old English Sheepdog/ Poodle mix)  for the past half hour.  He LOVES playing ball and will toss the ball back to you with his mouth after he fetches it over and over again.  We have been laughing at him because he is a goofball.  My other daughter and I took him on a walk this morning.  He kept zig-zagging as he would pick up the trail of a bird or bunny.  He prances sometimes while walking and  is LOVING all this attention.  

Being outside is a saving grace.  I have been weeding and planting flowers throughout the past 7 days or so.   I ate lunch outside today too after making a second round of egg salad this week.  It's easy for everyone to create a sandwich for lunch whenever they choose.  Last night I brought out a mochi custard baking mix which I had brought back from Hawaii when my husband and I celebrated our 25 anniversary a few months back.  I had been waiting for just the right occasion to make it.  Turns out a pandemic is the prefect time.  Who Knew?   

These are the little successes in the day I take note of,  for they bring joy and a sense of peace.  I will take every victory I can discover, it is so much more fun to notice the sweetness life can bring.  

herondreams, FEBbby23, SisterMoon and 11 people reacted
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I’ve been thinking about a few members I haven’t seen on the site lately: @gracesinger @runestoneone @paula @maria-d-White @baba @natalie and @melanie

I'm also thinking about @lawrence in New York and @lynnventura.  I know everyone lives in an area affected by the Covid19 pandemic to some extent and some are in areas being hit hard.  Could you share a quick post to let us know how you’re doing?

 @cindi I was so glad to see your post this week and am sending you light, love and peace of mind.

Much love and encouragement to you all.  

FEBbby23, Jeanne Mayell, herondreams and 17 people reacted
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Thanks for asking. Been staying in. I'm fine, excepting the cabin fever. ?

It has mentally/emotionally impacted me in the last few days. A lot of friends have tested positive and one death yesterday.  

It feels like something in a few weeks helps a lot. Maybe a drug. Also a 45 day period,  where it feels like the worst is behind us.

Sending everyone love and healing. Stay safe. You are loved.


Jeanne Mayell, herondreams, Bee and 21 people reacted
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You are loved, too, Lawrence.


FEBbby23, Jeanne Mayell, SisterMoon and 11 people reacted
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@bluebelle  Thank you Bluebelle, you're a dear to think of me and others. I'm home, but getting paid, with a committed employer and a safe place to live. I count myself as extremely lucky. My partner and I are both well, fingers crossed. My heart goes out to everyone who's going through a rough time. Things look grim, but as I think someone on this site said earlier, everything has a beginning, a middle and an end. This will end. Maybe when it's all over we'll plan that retreat I keep wishing for.  Lawrence can sing some tunes (I'm assuming you can sing Lawrence, but if not an interpretative dance or a monologue will do).  Cheers everyone, and be safe. xoxo


Michele, Baba, FEBbby23 and 15 people reacted
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Hi everyone,

I live in New Jersey and our cases have exploded.   Our town is reporting new cases each day.  Tonight we learned of the first death in our town.   The areas surrounding us are reporting new cases and deaths.  For the first time I’m feeling afraid.   I always viewed this virus with the respect it demands and I don’t take unnecessary chances.  Tonight it feels like things are pressing in.   You can feel the fear of many.  I am praying for protection for my husband, children and grandchildren.   For everyone really.   I always feel better when I come here and I’m hoping to let some of this anxiety go.   I try to look at this situation without panic because that’s not helpful.   I think I’m slipping.   I’m usually the one who helps everyone calm down.  Now I’m in need of calming.   It feels like a heavy coat over me.  For those who can please send some light my way.  I will ask for protection for you all.   Stay safe and peaceful my friends. ❤️☮️

Goldstone, Lovendures, Bee and 9 people reacted
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This is an EXCELLENT article from Harvard Business Review about what we are all feeling right now.

Believe it or not, it is likely grief.  Here is a an exert form the article. It may be helpful for many here in the forum.  The full article can be found in the link below. 


If we can name it, perhaps we can manage it. We turned to David Kessler for ideas on how to do that. Kessler is the world’s foremost expert on grief. He co-wrote with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss. His new book adds another stage to the process, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. Kessler also has worked for a decade in a three-hospital system in Los Angeles. He served on their biohazard’s team. His volunteer work includes being an LAPD Specialist Reserve for traumatic events as well as having served on the Red Cross’s disaster services team. He is the founder of which has over 5 million visits yearly from 167 countries.

Kessler shared his thoughts on why it’s important to acknowledge the grief you may be feeling, how to manage it, and how he believes we will find meaning in it. The conversation is lightly edited for clarity.

HBR: People are feeling any number of things right now. Is it right to call some of what they’re feeling grief?

Kessler: Yes, and we’re feeling a number of different griefs. We feel the world has changed, and it has. We know this is temporary, but it doesn’t feel that way, and we realize things will be different. Just as going to the airport is forever different from how it was before 9/11, things will change and this is the point at which they changed. The loss of normalcy; the fear of economic toll; the loss of connection. This is hitting us and we’re grieving. Collectively. We are not used to this kind of collective grief in the air.

You said we’re feeling more than one kind of grief?

Yes, we’re also feeling anticipatory grief. Anticipatory grief is that feeling we get about what the future holds when we’re uncertain. Usually it centers on death. We feel it when someone gets a dire diagnosis or when we have the normal thought that we’ll lose a parent someday. Anticipatory grief is also more broadly imagined futures. There is a storm coming. There’s something bad out there. With a virus, this kind of grief is so confusing for people. Our primitive mind knows something bad is happening, but you can’t see it. This breaks our sense of safety. We’re feeling that loss of safety. I don’t think we’ve collectively lost our sense of general safety like this. Individually or as smaller groups, people have felt this. But all together, this is new. We are grieving on a micro and a macro level.

What can individuals do to manage all this grief?

Understanding the stages of grief is a start. But whenever I talk about the stages of grief, I have to remind people that the stages aren’t linear and may not happen in this order. It’s not a map but it provides some scaffolding for this unknown world. There’s denial, which we say a lot of early on: This virus won’t affect us. There’s anger: You’re making me stay home and taking away my activities. There’s bargaining: Okay, if I social distance for two weeks everything will be better, right? There’s sadness: I don’t know when this will end. And finally there’s acceptance. This is happening; I have to figure out how to proceed.


More can be found here:


LalaBella, herondreams, FEBbby23 and 3 people reacted
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@bluebelle Thanks for checking on those of us who haven’t checked in here! It is kind of you to think of us. When I woke in the middle of the night and saw this, I had a cat sitting on my head (who thought it was breakfast time) so I decided to wait to respond until I was awake and could clearly formulate an answer.
@lovendures I think the article you posted is very valuable and relevant at the current moment. Thank you for posting it.

As some of you know, I live in Germany. We have been completely at home for almost two weeks now and are fine. There is some economic uncertainty for us if this lasts for more than the next few weeks, but at least there is a healthy safety net and the government is on track to motivate employers to keep their employees on and at least pay them a reduced amount temporarily. My husband is working from home and I have a couple of young adult children at home and we actually are bonding over what is going on and look out for each other while also trying to give each other space to go about our individual activities. Generally, I feel fine and try to keep a regular schedule and work in some kind of physical activity every day to reduce stress levels. We are still able to take walks as long as we aren’t in groups of more than 2 people. I live outside the city and near a lot of nature trails, which makes taking walks pleasant. Mostly I worry for family that isn’t with us in the US and Australia and try to keep in regular touch to make sure they are ok. I still have to go shopping for food here since Germany isn’t as well set up for online grocery shopping as some places. I go once a week and find that more emotionally stressful than I would have thought. I know that it is a risk of exposure to us each time I do our shopping. That being said, we have worked out how to minimize that risk and get the job done. 
The one funny thing that I have learned since the beginning of this process, is that German people all have decided that being stuck at home for an extended period means that it is time to clean out your basement. I have now heard this countless times from friends and family here. Germany is going to have some seriously clean basements by the end of the pandemic!

I’m sending light and healing to all of you every day during my meditations. I know there are some rough times ahead. Knowing that we are all in this together will help us to get through it. Take care of yourselves and be kind to yourselves and one another.

Lovendures, LalaBella, BlueBelle and 11 people reacted
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@lawrence and everyone, I'm glad many are sharing about how you've been feeling.  I think it helps to talk about it.   No matter how positive and hopeful we may feel about the future, the present day reality of our situation is ramping up and can feel oppressive.  The shared grief is palpable.

@lovendures, thank you for that wonderful article on grief.  I'll be sharing it with others.

Take care of yourselves, dear friends.  Lots of love to you.

Lovendures, herondreams, LalaBella and 17 people reacted
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@lovendures Thank you for this.  It makes sense when you read it   
blessings and peace to all   


Baba and Baba reacted
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I have loved reading this thread and seeing how everyone is doing. I don't often feel like I have anything to offer so don't post much, but getting to "know" you all through what you share feels personal. Sending love and energy and health and patience to you all as we get through this, especially those of you in areas that are most affected right now.

We are doing remarkably well, so far. My son has been home from college for two weeks, and just got notice that he needs to move out of his dorm next week. Our governor just ordered shelter in place yesterday, so hopefully travel out of state to pack up my kid won't be a problem.

We are all introverts around here, so this has not been a hardship ... yet. My son would very much like to see his girlfriend, so as soon as he has his sneakers back (still at school), they are going to start running trails together ... on the very strict instructions to stay 6' apart and no making out. He has been playing a lot of online games with his buddies, and online classes started for him on Monday, so he has that to do. My daughter is focusing on art and playing with her cat, so she's happy. My husband is technically on PTO this week ... we were supposed to be in Seattle for spring break. It's odd, when you get little reminders of real life.

We made the kids join us for a walk yesterday, and spent more than an hour just walking, talking, laughing. I've grown to hate the word "blessed" as it gets thrown around way too casually, but that's truly all I feel right now. These kids are home, they get what's going on and haven't complained or pushed back in any way. My son is two years away from graduating and moving on with his life so while this is definitely NOT the way he wanted his year to go, I'm grateful for this pause in time to just be together. My heart breaks to think of families stuck together to don't get along ... marriages that are unhappy or, worse, abusive ... siblings who hate each other or defy their parents ... I can't imagine being trapped in that sort of energy through this.

I have no sewing skills, so while I can't make masks, I have friends who do, and I've begun collecting them and sending them to a friend whose daughter is a nurse and is begging for masks. The parts of the country currently getting slammed are never far from my thoughts, and I will gladly keep sheltering in place if it means I help give my state a fighting chance. It feels small, but to the people fighting on the front lines of this, it's huge.

Lovendures, FEBbby23, herondreams and 11 people reacted
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Thank you. Really appreciate it.

Now for some humor:

* A plane with 5 passengers on board -- Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, the Pope and a 10-year-old schoolgirl -- is about to crash and there are only 4 parachutes. Trump says "I need one. I’m the smartest man in the USA and I'm needed to solve the pandemic!" He takes one parachute and jumps. Johnson says‘I’m needed to sort out the COVID-19 mess in Britain’. He takes one and jumps. The Pope says, "The world's Catholics depend on me for comfort in a time of fear." He takes one and jumps. "You can have the last parachute," Merkel says to the 10-year-old. "I've lived my life. Yours is only just starting." The little girl replies: "Don’t worry, there are 2 parachutes left, the smartest man in the USA just took my school bag." 


ElaineG, Frank, Lovendures and 19 people reacted
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Posted by: @baba

@bluebelle Thanks for checking on those of us who haven’t checked in here! It is kind of you to think of us. When I woke in the middle of the night and saw this, I had a cat sitting on my head (who thought it was breakfast time) so I decided to wait to respond until I was awake and could clearly formulate an answer.
@lovendures I think the article you posted is very valuable and relevant at the current moment. Thank you for posting it.

As some of you know, I live in Germany. We have been completely at home for almost two weeks now and are fine. There is some economic uncertainty for us if this lasts for more than the next few weeks, but at least there is a healthy safety net and the government is on track to motivate employers to keep their employees on and at least pay them a reduced amount temporarily. My husband is working from home and I have a couple of young adult children at home and we actually are bonding over what is going on and look out for each other while also trying to give each other space to go about our individual activities. Generally, I feel fine and try to keep a regular schedule and work in some kind of physical activity every day to reduce stress levels. We are still able to take walks as long as we aren’t in groups of more than 2 people. I live outside the city and near a lot of nature trails, which makes taking walks pleasant. Mostly I worry for family that isn’t with us in the US and Australia and try to keep in regular touch to make sure they are ok. I still have to go shopping for food here since Germany isn’t as well set up for online grocery shopping as some places. I go once a week and find that more emotionally stressful than I would have thought. I know that it is a risk of exposure to us each time I do our shopping. That being said, we have worked out how to minimize that risk and get the job done. 
The one funny thing that I have learned since the beginning of this process, is that German people all have decided that being stuck at home for an extended period means that it is time to clean out your basement. I have now heard this countless times from friends and family here. Germany is going to have some seriously clean basements by the end of the pandemic!

I’m sending light and healing to all of you every day during my meditations. I know there are some rough times ahead. Knowing that we are all in this together will help us to get through it. Take care of yourselves and be kind to yourselves and one another.

For anyone who works with energy or chakra cleaning, our bodies are like a house. The house is our earthly residence for our earthly spirit. The basement is the root chakra or energetic healing center that represents our connection to family,our past and genetic dna. 

When we work on cleansing and healing or energetic root chakras or the "basement " of our house/homes we getting rid of the old or past things or junk--all the old past passed on energies or old memories that we hang on to and store that no longer serve us.

For many Germans it seems that a lot of this might be connected to WWII and all of those painful energies of all, for all of horrific times in the collective unconscious. May all that be a great healing for all of you and your entire nation and all those continuing to carry the genetic trauma. 

And if not that consciously at least-- you are going to have such nice and clean basements ??? 

Tiger-n-Owl, Frank, Lovendures and 15 people reacted
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@lawrence, LOL!  Thanks for that -- we need the lightness right now.

You'll probably think I'm nuts -- hell, we're probably all 1/2 nuts by now -- but when I read your joke and the schoolgirl's response, I heard her speaking in the voice of Jimmy Durante.  Not sure if I was channeling him, or it's because I just watched one of my favorite movies, "The Man Who Came to Dinner" ... 

Lovendures, TriciaCT, FEBbby23 and 7 people reacted
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I do his voice too. Lol.


Lovendures, TriciaCT, FEBbby23 and 7 people reacted
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@bluebelle Hi! I am still alive and kicking. I've taken a vacay from the site while doing some spiritual healing. Their is a price to be paid for psychic work if one's energies are not clear. Think of it as chakra balancing to get out the water hammer in the pipes. 

Sounds mystical, doesn't it? Hah. Chop wood, carry water.

As for our current situation, we are guided. This is a necessary unfolding. We're all part of the same living planet, which has it's own rationale not so easily comprehendable by us. Cast your nets wide to see it.

Trump is like a medical agonist, stirring a necessary reaction in the body politic. In the end, as a species we will be innoculated against selfishness and greed.

On an individual level--not so enjoyable. But we are a congregate species, a kind of hive-mind. This agonist causes us to grow the connections to come to full consciousness. 

Hope that helps. Blessings to all. -R-


Jeanne Mayell, Tiger-n-Owl, deetoo and 13 people reacted
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@lawrence, why does that not surprise me?   You're a man of many talents!  ?




Lawrence, TriciaCT, Michele and 3 people reacted
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OMG I laughed so loud my boss and my husband were wondering what was wrong with me I forgot I was still on an open line/webex at work LOL

Now my boss wants me to share with him what made me laugh like a nut LOL - thanks for the joke I really needed it!


Baba, Lawrence, FEBbby23 and 5 people reacted
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Glad you saw/heard/felt the calling out.

This is so true and very common. If you're not clear, in a good place yourself, its not a good idea to try to do healing, send off energetic waves to another. CAN WIPE YOU OUT! And sometimes we aren't aware of just how much energy you carry or can use for others when the Great Mother/Father/Child Universe is showing you to focus on healing yourself in order to be part of healing All.

Blessed Be to you Runestone. We are in your circle now, calling out and sheltering you with healing love and care. Thank you for popping in ? 



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