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How Are We Doing? Wellness Health Check In. Please be Mindful in Your post.

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@laura-f I told my husband the same thing yesterday; that this is a (legal) genocide and of course no genocide is ever legal but I feel as if we’re trapped with no where to go.  It’s troubling that many of the orange poo’s supporters are still defending his actions and calling this a HOAX.  In the end we have to pay for others’ carelessness and selfishness.  Still Trying to convince my husband to move to Norway since he’s a citizen there.  I had a reading with a psychic a few years ago and she told me it will get really bad in the US before it gets better. (And she said don’t let your husband give up his Norwegian passport) I was trying to stay positive and hope for the best but it feels very discouraging at times.  We need to make sure the orange diarrhea’s gone in November. Especially we’re both in CA and these damn out of town-ers that supports Orange crap coming into California to spread the Virus.  Gotta get angry and get working.

I hope you feel better



share the love and light 



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thanks, @share

Which general area of CA are you in? Here in San Diego we're flooded with Arizonans in particular who stomp around unmasked as they come and go from the Air BnBs in my neighborhood.

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@laura-f I’m In Pacifica very close to San Francisco.  During SIP I noticed a lot of people from out of town coming in waves to the beaches in Half Moon Bay and here.  
By the way I absolutely love San Diego, I went to college in La Jolla.  



share the love and light 


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Herd immunity?  Maybe not and maybe never. But then this crazy virus has been one surprise after another even to the experts!

Can you catch Covid-19 twice? A doctor suggests herd immunity could be wishful thinking

Wait. I can catch Covid twice?” my 50-year-old patient asked in disbelief. It was the beginning of July, and he had just tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, for a second time — three months after a previous infection.

While there’s still much we don’t understand about immunity to this new illness, a small but growing number of cases like his suggest the answer is yes.

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Yes. This is a real concern. I honestly don't think a vaccine will be viable. If such a thing were, no one would get the common cold anymore.

There are three factors that CV19 shares with the common cold:
1. Mutates quickly
2. Antibodies dissipate quickly
3. Doesn't respond well to pharmaceutical treatments beyond symptom relief.

Pessimist that I am, I don't think a vaccine or herd immunity are ever going to happen, and my prayer is that as this disease mutates it becomes less severe, and that better treatments are developed.

This is why I'm so despondent lately - the thought that I am doing everything I can to protect myself and my family, we could think things are better, and then in 4-5 years I catch it and die anyway.

MILILANI, Tiger-n-Owl, deetoo and 9 people reacted
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Well now! My phone just did one of its strange twilight zone funnies and put my herd immunity in how're we doing wellness check! 

So! Hello my dear dear herd! How're you doing! 

Yesterday i went out into sun and trees and my 2.5 acres of energy filled fresh air as I said I would and then worked on my current COVID-19 project to better our and our children and grandchildren's lives.

That would be my very slow "Great Attic Clean-out of 2020" determined to move out more than one very large utility trailer of 48 years of memories that are lesser ones at this point!

Boosted my ready still good spirits after life in isolation for 4 1/2 months!

But at this point i do realize that we need more community energy in our lives so we restarted our walking in a 9.5 park of floral garden and wonderful paths for walking or running program again. 

We have masks and by mow we know our true social distancing we need energetically.  My husband is fine with 6' with a mask but I need 10' to 15' even outdoors as i am so highly sensitive.

We go so early we rarely see anyone but park workers on paved areas or an occasional jogger.

That feels so nice to do again. Oregon's numbers are way up. 300+ new cases a day but we are in it to win it and that means for the long, long haul.

My family is doing really well all things co directed.  We do family texting chats every single day. So, my husband and I and our 3 adult kids are basically doing what we do here! We've settled into a nice groove of home and nature schooling for the grandchildren by the moms ( in this  case ) who are non-essential workers while the essentials go out in challenging jobs where they are truly needed and earn living on the side. 

My husband and i live fully on a moderate social security income and even with it still have all we need. Not all we want perhaps,  but all we need.

I have low energy days and pain filled days and even sad days for how hard life is for so many  others but I keep myself lifted using the tools that I've learned the hard way from all of 70 years of living.

If you're not 70 yet and you still are having terrible, no good,  awful days, well you're just not done growing and learning yet!

But hey! You were drawn to this place for a reason or a season so you followed tour intuition big time. 

Hope you all are having a good day!  






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I so so truly get that. Trust me i have friends and family who battle/ have battled clinical depression as well as situational.

And yes, when i was told I'd be in a wheelchair by the time i was 40,  i entered more than the usual 40 days and 40 nights of absolute agony but i turned it around by creating a free neighborhood exercise class that morphed into aerobics until finally i did the Jane Fonda Challenge. Did i mention my beloved dr. committed suicide 2 weeks after telling me he'd done all he could to medically help me?

A lot of people here are in your boat and forgive me but you're all paddling upstream in rapids right now.

All i can truly say is this. We have no control over the virus. We have no control over other people's actions or reactions. We have no control over politics or our state, country, or world. Really and truly.

All the love and light and prayers only work (and yes they can and do work) if we open our hearts wide wide open and let them in. Then we have to live with that new heart, nourish it and maintain it to such power that we lift up and out of our dark,  deep places. Depression usually lifts but it also returns.  

And if we arent doing what we need to do for ourselves and always expecting others to fix us we can only feel better while their loving energy is maintained. 

We need to create our own loving, healing energy. We create it first for and in ourselves and then and only then are we truly ready to share it with others consistently.

What we do, or have,  or what we can learn is all about ourselves.  Thst is why we all are here in the first place.  If you truly know yourself (and i believe you do) you know what, and why, you do or don't do pretty much everything that happens inside and out. You already know this and maybe even all of this.

You are so darn intelligent, so multi-talented and you still have an enormous bounty of personal gifts to get unpack.

Once you enter that field of energy you'll get back in the flow but in a very,  very different way of doing and being the amazing woman you truly are and are meant to share with this world.

Right now, anger and depression and fear hold most of us back. So in that sense no one here is fully "woke' yet though we all delight in thinking we are.

Unpack those gifts! Come and meditate tomorrow night!  We have people from around the  world who get up in the middle of the night to join us.

Its a lovely way to jumpstart positive energies


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Wellness check.  Finished up our Jumanji trip to Colorado and back a few days ago.  Loved the time in CO but totally stressed out about the travel.  

We are getting ready for Jumanji trip 2.0 now.  Yes, it is seriously like Jumanji.  We leave Thursday to take my eldest daughter to Texas where she will now be living.  I am very worried about her teaching this fall.  Their governor is nuts like ours but at least ours is allowing a pause to in person Education and allowing for virtual.  .  Not so much in Texas as of now.  If she must teach in person, it is 500 plus students  a week she will have prolonged contact with as a music educator.  She is VERY worried.  Hearing and seeing how some in Government view school staff and educators as expendable is totally unacceptable.  But honestly, there are parents who feel the same way.  Everyone needs to earn a living but they are treating school staff as expendable.     Deaths have already occurred  Our government does not prioritize education like other countries.  There is no current path to open back up safely, only to open back up quickly.  There isn't any sound protocol either.

Things are not going back to normal.   We have moved beyond what was normal and there isn't any going back.  Not regarding the virus, not regarding equal rights, not regarding how government runs.  We have moved beyond and continue to do so.   

Moving her out there has a host of challenges not the least of which is getting furniture.  It is actually challenging to even purchase furniture online now as apparently major furniture companies are having serious  supply issues.  So, we have been spending a huge amount of time trying to figure things out so she will have some basic needed things arrive in a timely manner.  

No, things are not going smoothly.  I am not panicked, but am frustrated.  I don't want our last few days together as a family spent in frustration and anxiety.  I really don't want to leave her there in this "brave new world" either.  Not during a pandemic.  Leaving her in England to get her Master's Degree  during the Brexit era was far easier than leaving her in Texas during Covid 19.   Knowing we will begin our Jumangi 2.0 trip with 2 cars, 4 people and a fluffy dog, but arrive back home with 3 people, 1 car and a fluffy dog is very difficult.

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Oh dear dear dear.  You are truly between a rock and a hard place dear, dear loving mother that you are!

At this point we  need to pray for all of your safety and sanity and one gigantic tranformational change of heart. And it might come from many choices and places or it might come from the mutating effect that it is the virus itself.

If things keep going and pressures keep rising maybe decisions will be rethought at all levels of government and governance.

Be very careful for what you pray for though as often we seek to avert one catastrophe we just lay open opportunity for another. I will focus my attention on keeping prayers and visioning on seeing  your family safe and healthy just as i did when i learned of Jumanji trip #1.

You made it through that one and opened up some amazing insights and let out some depths of the unknown and here comes Jumanji #2. The really really big unknown. Seeing a bubble of protection and many angels around her and you in thoughts, prayers, and calling out all of Mr. Roger's helpers along the way.

Talk about crazy town, crazy emotions and crazy experiences.  May I ask why you are bringing everyone including fluffy dog along? 

Bless you bless you prayers prayers. 

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Your words are such a comfort.  A bubble of protection is just what we need.  I love the idea of Mr. Rodgers helpers.  Who knows what new insides await this next journey.  Thank you sweet Michele.  

Well, honestly, we all want to bring her to Texas.  But, the whole trip will take close to 15 hours of drive time and with 2 cars going out, it will be good to have multiple drivers.  I would not want to drive it alone on the way back either.  Her car is a stick shift and I am the only other person in the family who is actually capable of driving her car, though I will need some refresher time behind the wheel before we leave.  That I itself is also a bit stressful.  As for the dog, well, that was a big request from both girls.  Initially I didn't think he should come, he can be an attention hound.  But he does travel well.  Then I realized (intuitively) she wants to make memories with him in her new home and town.  She really wants him to be part of this journey, to give him love and receive love from him which he gives so well.   So he is coming.  

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@lovendures. Putting love and protection around you all. 

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I can so get that!

I love the close knit love between all of you. Family can be such a bond of protecting and uplifting one another when needed.

Just need to make two big bubbles with an air lock passage between them, your own private porta potties and bubble leash for big fluffy love ball of pure love!

Synchronicity--i woke up this morning dreaming  of driving a stick shift. I immediately told my husband i need to relearn and practice a stick shift.

We have a 2001 Honda Insight 2 passenger tiny car. Second year they were made. It can go for 90 miles on a gallon of gas but no baggage space at all. Super efficiency but in a pinch its always there. You feel like you're sitting on the ground but lots of fun.

Learned to drive with a stick in the snow with chains parking on steep almost straight up streets in Juneau. 

We had 2 previous sticks but last one I drove was 30 years ago. I'm sure I'd be a gear grinder driving without a reminder lesson! 

Oh man! I shall so be with you on this journey. Family car caravans are how we do travels too. ?

You can do this!  


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More Synchronicity.  I learned to drive on a stick shift, a silver '81 Honda Accord hatch back.  There was a time as a young driver that my father, 2 Great Uncles, Grandfather and I all had Honda's.  We could have been in a commercial.  Ha Ha.   I am very impressed with your driving expertise.  Juneau in the snow.  WOW.  I have have the great pleasure of visiting Juneau 2 times back in 2006 and 2007 during summer.  I would go back to Alaska in a heartbeat.  I really loved my time in Sitka too.  My youngest LOVED to pick berries and would only eat them if she picked them herself.  So, we went berry picking in both Sitka and Ketchikan.  I think they were mostly salmon berries, though we also found Huckle berries in the Sitka national park too.  She saw her first Banana slug in the park also.  Wonderful times.  

I will visualize your bubbles, they made me smile.  Thanks. :D

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Totally understand the dog coming along. We have criss-crossed the country several times for our moves, with cats and dogs. On the last one, to get out here, I made a deal with hubby: I'll drive the SUV with the roof carrier and ALL the pets. You get the teenager. No trades-ies. Worked like a charm.

I also get it that people have to try to make a living, and I certainly wish you all the protection you and your family need, BUT why is your daughter so committed to this job and relo? (OK not to answer - it's none of my business.) Can she not hold off or get work somewhere less dangerous? For example, here in CA all the colleges are online only for Fall, and just yesterday San Diego and LA announced online only for K-12.

I will do my best to contribute to the bubble of safety in any case, and frankly I'm kind of also praying for a miracle that gets your daughter elsewhere.

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In March I think I got the virus, no sense of smell or taste, some coughing, a low grade fever during the afternoon, but the nights were awful. I would have weird dreams, one dream I was on the tarmac of a generic airport and there was an escalator going up. In another dream I asked a voice if this was a punishment from God and the voice answered yes, then I asked can we be forgiven at first the voice was about to say yes, but then it said I don't know. Over a long period of time I got better. I changed things though dropped twenty pounds, and felt better. I would have anxiety though and feelings that I would describe as PTSD. Enough anxiety that I would get some shortness of breath, went to the emergency room because I thought I was having a heart attack, they said nope anxiety. Went to a cardiologist and he said that my heart worked better than his. During this time I've been on this site and I don't understand why but it just makes me calmer. So I Love this place not necessarily for the predictions but for the people, it kinda calms me down. 

I usually get weird dreams but not necessarily predictions except for one: years ago I had a dream that I was on the ground after an accident and I was dying, people were walking around me. I was driving along and it seemed a car flipped over crossed the median and hit me from the side, and I was hurt bad. The person in the other car was totally fine got out without a scratch, I thought, so unfair, then I went black and woke up. 

Last year I was driving home from Sam's Club I had bought something or other, doesn't seem important now. I was a quarter of a mile away from home when a white Lexus jumps the median goes straight and hits the curb. I stopped immediately and do not move I don't know why to this day, since the Lexus was 30 feet in front of me. Then a car flips over, goes across the median and lands two feet in front of my bumper, I get out of the car go to the driver's side to see if the person was okay and he comes out totally fine without a scratch, mind you the car is upside down and only in my lane. I went home and was stupefied for the next day or so when I realized the entire situation in it's entirety. 

Oh, yeah, I'm a 42 year old man from Houston, TX. I'm an accountant, not married no kids. I enjoy travelling. So that's my introduction, I guess. 

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Welcome to our community and thanks for the introduction.   I find our community also calms me down.  It cares and is very loving.  It brings me hope and allows light to be shed in dark times.  I am glad it calms you too.  Consider joining our Wednesday evening meditations, they always seem to lift me up.

You dream is amazing.  Somehow you were able to stop before tragedy occurred.  Intuition?  Angels?  Both perhaps?  What a great story, thanks for sharing.




Thanks for everything Laura.

Her boyfriend of 4 years lives in Texas and is an engineer.  They met in college and he moved back to his home state when he graduated  They have been separated for 2 years, the first when she was away in England getting her Masters and this past year while living with us here while teaching. 

They feel they really need to live in the same city now.  They had been flying out to see each other but that can't happen know.  

Texas also happens to really support music education.  Arizona is horrible about supporting anything education related. They are usually rated the last in the nation.   She was hired to start at a brand new school which has just been built and will be their first music educator. It is a very good district too and they fund their music programs.  Her budget for classroom needs last year was $75.   It is over a $1,000 this year.  ( She had 2 chalkboard in her class and no working wifi,  working tv or projector.  She used her own money to buy a CD player. She could not see any school announcements either without a tv.    The funny thing about the chalkboard was she had never had one in school growing up.  Her schools all had white boards and then smart boards.  I had to tell her how to wash the boards  and clean the erasers.  I am hopeful her new district will begin online this year, some neighboring districts are doing just that and ignoring the hollow guidelines from the state of Texas.

I applaud the LA and San Diego Unified school districts.  Good for them.  Our neighborhood AZ school district decided to go fully online until mid October when the first quarter ends.I hope a good solution can be found for parents who need to work and also for special ed students who need in person education.  If I were a working parent with a young student  I would see about pairing up with another family who had similar respect for the seriousness of this virus. I would expand that bubble a little so that our families could share watching/monitoring our kids.  I have friends who have children with special needs and their children have regressed since schools went online. I feel for their concern                                                                                                                                    and worry.



Unk p, Michele, deetoo and 9 people reacted
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Welcome @jsr78 !!  This is a little cove of safety in a big, bad world. I appreciate your dream premonition and how you subconsciously responded when faced with the reality of it. And I have no doubt that your angels helped you stop your car!


We all have to do what we feel is right for us, and live our lives in the time of pandemic. Your daughter is going on with life as safely as she can. I applaud her courage, her love for her boyfriend and her start at a new life. Your love for her in overcoming your fears and helping her move is what we  do as parents! Your name here is so apropos -Lovendures.

When it comes down to it, that is all we have...our enduring love for our families and those whom we have admitted into our families.

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@jsr78 welcome, glad you are here.   For me, and for so many, this place and the dear ones who are here are my life raft.  When things get too heavy and scary the friends here provide a safe space and uplifting support and love.  Thank God for Jeanne for creating it for all of us.   May you feel the peace and calm we share.  

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You have been on my mind so often this week and I wondered about both your trip home from Colorado and your daughter's prospective move.  Didn't realize it was all happening this week.  Oh my.  Dear heart, I will be praying for you and your family.  These are tough, tough decisions.  I echo Laura's concerns about your daughter's move.  It is Not my business either!  Yet, I feel your angst and wish we had a different reality.  

A dear friend of mine has a daughter who recently graduated from college and achieved her dream job in NYC.  My friend and her husband moved the daughter to NYC and then Covid took off.  They got her out and she was able to work remotely.  Things have a way of working out.  Things will work out for your daughter, too, in an unexpected way.  It's tough to live through uncertainty and danger, but I do believe. you will get through this.  Your daughter will get through this, but keep in mind this is a rapidly changing situation.

Please know I am praying for you and your family and sending you much love and protection.  

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Ah, now I get it. Thanks for elucidating. Now I can direct my intentions strongly.

My own daughter and her BF are moving out of our garage and getting an apartment with another friend, and her unemployment will be done in a few weeks. It's nerve wracking on many levels, but I understand the need for young people who are not high risk especially to try to get on with a semblance of a life.  He has been working full time as a mechanic this whole time. I'm hoping she can find a job where she doesn't have to be in the midst of the unmasked masses.

As for pairing up - that's exactly what I'm thinking too - go see my reply to Michele on the "Reopening..." thread.

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