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ZORONGRAM! The Downfall of the President.

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Hi, these are early days for this site location, and I am still finding my way. Jeanne wants a sort of central point, from which people can check out critical posts. This does not mean I will not post elsewhere, but big critical stuff will go here. 


The downfall of the US President continues. I do not think that anyone in my lifetime has seen anything like the present events in the Whitehouse. 

It now seems that the entire Trump administration is getting more and more quagmired into deep doopy. not a week passes now, without fresh scandals, revelations, and defections from the Trump Camp. It has become addictive soap opera. The Kaerdashians are nothing like as fascinating.  We are now moving into a new phase, of events. This year will see a number of significant developments. 

Firstly, there is going to be no quick, easy end to this. It is going to be like the saga of the Watergate event, that destroyed Nixon. It will follow a similar path. I am getting about late 2019 before it is all settled, although most of the critical events take place later this year. From late Summer onwards, we are going to see increasing legal and political pressures on Trump. he is also going to develop serious medical issues. 

In his direct family, it is going to be an unfolding crisis. he will find that family solidarity is coming apart,   as the Women of the family are now under huge emotional and social stress. at least one of them is almost on the edge of a breakdown, by later summer. His son in law is now clearly a legal target, and is unlikely to evade arrest and charges, and his only chance, ultimately, is a Presidential pardon, as part of a deal with senate and congress that Trump will be forced to make. Think watergate. I rather think that any pardons by a succeeding president will not be extended to the family. Congress will not tolerate it. Events will then take their course. 

What I am also getting, is that if Trump resigns, like Nixon, the direct consequences will be quite serious, as regards his financial affairs. They will start to enter crisis, and eventual collapse. It will be a very financially shrunken Trump, after his Whitehouse sojourn.  

I also see, in the next week, a lot of debate about Trumps physical and medical well-being, with many doubting his "official" state of health, especially his mental and emotional health. This issue will grow rapidly. It is pivotal in his leaving office. 

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With the release of Wolff's book there has already been a lot of discussion in the past few days (on US tv mainly) about Trump's state of mind, and that it is questionable.  Apparently he's due a medical soon but I doubt he'll be up for a psych evaluation! He's called himself a 'very stable genius'  in response to the book. There's also murmerings about invoking the 25th amendment - whether or not that'll come to pass we'll see..but yes, a lot of chatter about him being fit for office and talk that  he won't make it to the end of the term...interesting to watch these events unfold:)

Paul W and Paul W reacted
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Agreed, Z, particularly about the women's angle. 

From a taste of insider information, I expect that Mueller will indict his way up the food chain.  When Kushner, Don JR or Eric .... or Ivanka gets indicted, expect to see Orange Julius go off the deep end. He's nearly there already.  Indictments are like 'shaped charges' designed to topple a building in a particular direction. Mueller may interview Drumpf and not immediately indict him, but use that information to squeeze hard on the lower echelon. His subordinates will squeal as they fall, the scope of falling bodies will widen. It can be actually *useful* in uprooting all the rot to keep Drumpf in place as the investigation goes global. Drumpf, too, will ultimately squeal, revealing an even broader scope of malfeasance.  

This is a broad process, not a focal operation. Drumpf is a sock puppet.  We want to see the puppet masters go down even more than Drumpf himself.  It is an error to think that Drumpf's fall alone is the desired outcome. 

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I am scanning the fall of the house of Trump, every other day. (Daily would be too much.) Not good. 

I detect that it swings back and forth, as the two sides engage, disengage, Mueller makes his "Hits" on key suspects, etc. This is going to go on for a good while. What I get is that there is greater and greater unease inside the Senate at what is happening, by people who have been deeply involved in this whole conspiracy, or who knew, but did not tell. They are now facing being converted into "Collateral Damage", (that well known phrase from the Vietnam War). If this goes on, and the now relentless investigation pursues to the bitter end, it risks damaging the very basis of the Senate, constitutionally, and also the fall of a number of significant Senators, or those associated with them. As they used to say in Vietnam, "We had to destroy the town, in order to save it". So the screws are tightening, and there is a consensus that something has to be done, before the process starts doing real damage to the general public trust, that is already at an all time low. So, relentless pressures now, and we are in a watergate scenario. This could drag on for about 18 months, but it has to end with Trump's exit, taking the Nixon route. But a huge amount of damage done to American politics, in the meantime. I think the combination of medical and criminal issues, must force this outcome. But I keep getting also, a strange, nagging feeling, of something utterly illegal and unconstitutional being planned, to avoid all of this. not exactly a political coup, but the President being manipulated by those who will fall with him, and who are desperate. The whole objective will be to keep things going until 2020. I think there are deep state actions being planned. They may not happen, but they are being planned, as a contingency. A wartime emergency is top of their list. How and why it is contrived, I do not know, but something like that is swirling around in Washington. 

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Zoron, your lastest post is most interesting.  The "summit" of Republican leaders at Camp David last weekend scares the begeebers out of me.  I'm from Kentucky and I can tell you anything Mitch the Bitch is involved in is no good.  He is as crooked as they come and has no loyalty to anyone that doesn't pay him big bucks.  His wife has a TV spot (?) not commercial not campaign, but she stated how concerned she and her husband were re child welfare.  I laughed myself silly (see "no childleft behind")  I only saw it one time and never again.  Mitch is very unpopular in Kentucky except by his rich friends.  The only way he won reelection in 2014 (?) was with  ;last minute, multi million dollar help from the Koch Bros.  He lied to the coalminers and then admitted he lied and laughed about it.  I agree there is s stink of desperation coming from the Republican leadership.  They keep trying to sell their tax plan and fewer people are buying it.  They won't turn their backs on Trump until they get all the money they can manage to take from the contributers. I think a lot of them realize they are more and more unpopular with their constitues and they are going to pay a price for it.   They need to go back and read their history.  We are ripe for a revolution.  It happened in Russia, in France and here.   It can happen again.  I hope it doesn't because I'm getting to old for this shit but.....

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Hi All, not sure if this is the right place to post this, but in case you haven’t seen it yet, Senator Feinstein released the Fusion GPS hearing transcript.  What’s the views of those who can scan this on the psychic level?  Here’s the link:


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Request: please scan Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Bob Corker. I have a feeling the latter two are being blackmailed or helping Mueller clandestinely. 

In house: devin nunes, trey gowdy, Ron de santis and Matt gaetz.

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I think Feinstein is fed up. I feel frustration and sadness. And betrayal. These were friends she thought on the other side of the aisle. 

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Don't have any psychic insight, but I just read two-thirds of that Fusion GPS transcript and was struck by what a small, interconnected world D.C. is and how totally incestuous this whole mess is.   Fusion GPS was getting paid by conservatives and then Democrats to investigate Trump, while at the same time they were doing work for an American legal firm who represented Prevezon, whose Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, is the same woman who met with Trump Jr. and company to discuss dirt on Hillary/Russian adoptions.  Prevezon is the Russian firm that made the deal to settle the money-laundering  case that it can't pay now that it is being charged for the same thing in the Netherlands.  Meanwhile Fusion GPS goes to dinner parties with all of the players and hangs out in restaurants and court hallways chatting away with reporters as part of its workload, for which it bills at an hourly rate.  R1's rat analogy works well here.  Key word throughout transcript:  klepocracy.  

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Analysis of salient points of Fusion GPS transcript by Elizabeth Cronise McGlaughlin, lawyer & former litigator in securities fraud in NY/DC:

It was her opinion that indictments would come not all at once but sequentially, so that posts would have a chance to be refilled & the government would remain standing. 

It's also a REALLY GOOD THING that elections are this year. I expect Congressional indictments and elections to dovetail.  I am feeling more hopeful now that the SCOTUS has struck down a bunch of gerrymandering.

Yes on something illegal, deep state, and unconstitutional being bruited about by the panicked guilty. IMHO, Reichstag fire. It may be forcing of a constitutional convention to rewrite the constitution, it may be a false flag operation generating protestor deaths to justify a crackdown, it may even involve Russian action on American soil and extrajudicial murder. One of the bombshells in the Fusion GPS transcript is that a contributor of their Russian information has already died under suspicious circumstances.  It's not beyond the pale to think that could happen here. 

As for the Downfall of the President--I don't believe he will be fully gone until we're clear of Russian influence, and the moneyed interests propping him up have been eliminated.


Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Paul W and 5 people reacted
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Hello, I've been following these forums for a long time, because I love that there is a place where people post their predictions and then they can be reflected on later. I also love the forum aspect because it means people can discuss the predictions, and add more.

I just wanted to mention, regarding the idea of a Reichstag fire type event, that a few nights ago on MSNBC they were mentioning that several states have come together to try and call a constitutional convention. They are only a couple of states short of having enough states agree to it. The proposed reason for calling the convention is to make it so that states can change how their budgets work. But many people are speculating that, because during a constitutional convention, all kinds of other changes can be suggested and acted on, that there is a lot more that will come up, if enough states agree to support it. Most of the states pushing for this are republican ones. 

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R1 and mejo ... my brain hurts just imagining false flag scenarios, like Republicans holding a constitutional convention.  McGlaughin's #53 freak-out over the depth of corruption indicated by the Cypriot holding company being an "active sponsor of the RNC" was enough!  She certainly seems to believe this is enough to send Grassley & Co. to jail.  

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FYI, Zoron has the flu.  Please send healing energy to him.   He is a strong guy but he needs your healing vibes.

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Ok, quick scan, as requested. Some are already in the "Lifeboat". others are resisting. none of this, down the track, is going to save any of them, re a continuing existence in public life. Their  power will vanish. Zoron. 

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Thanks for the update, Zoron.  Holding a vision of your complete okay-ness.  

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Thank you Zoron for the quick scan...feel better, we need you back in fighting form??sending healing energy.


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The most important thing to humans, it turns out, isn't money or fame, or even power, but respect. If anyone is frustrated that Trump, the Koch's, the Mercers, others are benefiting from the harm to others, my end-of-the-day feelings for these people, after I get centered and grounded, isn't a hope that they will suffer. It's a knowing that they will suffer, and  compassion for what they are doing to themselves. 

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