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Opinion Piece

Noble Member Registered
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I've read many articles since the election. This is an opinion piece, it doesn't try and do more than give one person's perspective. But out of everything I've read this one touched me the most. It's a heartbreaking read, but it's also daily reality. People have been exposed for who they really are, and now that we know, we can fight more honestly for that just society that we all want. It reminds me of what Graham once said about the future, how the country would decentralize and more liberal areas would protect themselves, while red areas will up the cruelty. I don't understand why people love to hate, why it gives joy to so many. I put this in the positive predictions section because I believe being brutally honest is important, its positive long term, even if painful in the moment. I think Jeanne talks about this honesty when she says we will evolve spiritually through the pain of the next few years. I think we will be forced to be brutally honest with ourselves and our society, and through this introspection we will learn and grow. We are now facing the ugly underbelly of our society in many different countries around the world, part of this I believe is to force us to confront the karma of the past. Every society and nation has an original sin, in the United States I believe that that sin was the genocide against native Americans and later on slavery.  The communities hurt by these centuries old crimes have never truly healed, we have an opportunity in the future to help them heal by addressing all the problems that came out of that original crime, and by facing the pain created by it. This is hard, it's going deep into the pain of our societies and dragging it out to the surface and dealing with it. And in the process the pain of everyone is revealed, like a deep dark secret it comes out, and once out in the light it can be healed. So maybe we do need to face this current reality in order to evolve and build a better world in the future. I believe as painful as these times are to so many, there is a great positive lesson to be learned now. 


With love



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Thank you for spelling it out. I'm aware of what an opinion piece is. It doesn't have to be labelled such officially for it to still be an article that gives us the perspective of one individual. The article I linked does that. I shared it because I felt that the opinion shared had a lot to teach us and because it resonated emotionally with me.
