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September 17, 2018 Timeline Predictions through Inauguration 2021

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I was going to post that right now too Rosieheart :)

Hopefully it will lead to:

  • Trump gone. (Karen)
  • November: Trump is no longer relevant. (Prem)
  • Trump gone, not sure how or why, but Pence doesn’t become president. (Mary K.)

We will know by the end of October, so hold on to your hats.



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Bright Opal, I was posting late last night and didn't see that you had a new post above my own before logging off. The very same message has been emphasized to me, that it's of critical importance that we open our understanding of others and begin the work to repair our connection to family members, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and others whose worldviews have challenged us. This won't always mean reentering one another's lives, or in quite the same way. Sometimes reconnection is simply about how we hold another person's name in our mouths, or our hearts.

Michele, I want you to know that every time I see your little avatar pop up I feel joy. You bring so much love and enthusiasm. Thank you for bringing home to everyday real world me how right and maybe even obvious the connection is between the beings in light I've come to know (a strange way to put it, since they're still a mystery to me) and to the group that Jeanne has assembled, and anyone else posting (or likely lurking!) here.

CC21, that very much includes you, and I'm so glad you felt the urge to post in response. Also, it completely baffles me that I hadn't even made the association to mandalas yet. Eleventy billion exclamation points fired off in my brain when I read your question, and all I could do was laugh—partly at myself but mostly just from joy, because man, THIS UNIVERSE! Of course of course of course. 

The mystic artist you linked to creates beautiful work. I'm drawn to the life and works of Hilma af Klint and this collection by David Orr but nothing I presently know of comes close to what I perceive in the energies and geometries.

I suppose its one thing to recognize the deep truth of something in our gut or be able to cognitively assess its merits, than to suddenly and totally see/feel/hear/smell/taste and be touched by it in full multi-dimensional hyper-display. I feel I'd been receiving "downloads" from this collective consciousness for about 8 years before they actually showed up one afternoon like a team of brilliant wild horses.

I was in a particularly deep meditation and was feeling very clear and at peace. A sense of curiosity surfaced. It occurred to me that countless others all over the world, and potentially all over the cosmos, were currently (or had been and would be), in precisely the same wave state. Recognizing this, I instantly became aware of them, cross-dimensionally. I could detect countless other mediators and feel their harmonious brainwaves, and could sense their many locational coordinates at once, 360-degrees around, above, and below.

This sudden radical seeing created an overwhelming rush of awe and an up-swelling of love for them. As this feeling was expanding, I began to see tiny filaments or sinusoid strings of energy connecting me to each of them. When it became stabilized, I saw there was kind of a geometry to it, and it dawned on me that similar flows of love must surely be running to each of us from many higher beings. The INSTANT I had the thought, they were there. Or rather, I could see that they had been there.

The spacial field became filled with their light. I was looking up into an immense geometric architecture, and then was brought inside its center. They didn't use words or anything like the telepathic communication we know in mediumship or clairvoyance. It's as though the very soft blended light energy I could see/feel beaming from all of them and which was vibrating completely through me was living information. Only later did I realize I was being shared with, communicated to, and possibly upgraded (?) all at once, instantly. I was stunned with reverence and gratitude, but was somehow made me aware that I should turn and look at something that was occurring on the planet in order to see it with their help, which I did. 

When I was aware of myself in my bedroom again, I opened my eyes to discover that my relatively new iPhone, which had been resting nearby, had completely burned out during the meditation. The folks at Apple seemed confused that they couldn't recovering anything from it. 

Michele, yes and yes. Also, there are many many types of synesthesia (and likely many forms that haven't been identified yet). Some hear colors, others smell sounds. Many musicians who are synesthetes see sound vibrations as colors. Pharrell has this form and once told a young folk musician that her chord arrangements made beautiful colors. Many of us perceive numbers and letters as having distinct colors; these are lifelong and don't change, but are different for everyone. Mine also have personalities. (I've read about math prodigies who arrive at high digit calculations in seconds because they're arranging patterns of color.) Many syntesthetes perceive the days of the week and the months in visual/spacial ways involving color, harmonics, personality traits, etc.        

There's a form called mirror-touch where the synesthete physically feels in their own body whatever sensations they observe affecting another person's body. So, if they see another person being hugged, they physically feel the hug. If they see someone swallow a drink, they're forced to feel the sensation of swallowing, and so on. Not fun, as you can imagine. (I believe this form suggests a link to what we know of as the empath.)



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Hi RosieHeart and Adora, I think you might be onto something here.  But that is only the tip of the iceberg.  Hopefully the people elected in November will be opened to investigating the Trump affairs fairly, without bias. 

Jeanne Mayell, RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Mandalas! I used to do a lot of them. I find them to be a great source of relaxation.  It was really helpful to me to concentrate on the geometries and colors. I felt more centered afterward.  Only now do I understand why.  It seems I was meditating after all.  I knew colors could be a good pointer as to how I was doing or feeling.  Wow.  I’m going to look at them differently from now on!

Vestralux, I’ve been seeing China, Russia and North Korea planning together.  I wasn’t certain if it was against or with Trump.  The more I think about it (also when reading the headlines) I believe it to be against him.  I feel North Korea is it in part along for the ride because of China.  But I also saw India getting into this.  Looking at the news, it would be logical to think about Iran.  There is also the fact that Iranian scientists have spent time in North Korea a while back to help them with their nuclear program

If we merge our visions together, the 2-3 factions you’ve seen could be from the Middle East, Eurasia and Asia.  Could that be it?  Cyber attack is logically sensible since it’s inexpensive and less risky.

But let’s never forget the message we’ve received: working together, patching things up with our loved ones, accepting, respecting and embracing our differences should be our way of life.  I was told that if each individual in the country does this, much heart ache could be avoided.  The way for America to win is by sticking together through thick and thin.

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Bright Opal, I was trying hard last night to remember exactly when this vision first appeared to me. I said roughly 2014 in my post, but I now think 2012 or 2013 is more accurate because of where I was living. I don't know whether Iran was in the news at the time for anything of scale, but it easily could have been.

I mentioned in my initial post that I had other impressions about the group identities, but didn't elaborate. Like you, I also picked up North Korea as a location. I saw the colors of their army uniforms (olive and red stood out) and then saw many young men seated in rows, working in a windowless room with tan walls. They felt tired.

The location of the third group was veiled. I saw very quick flashes of young people but it seemed like they were moving and I couldn't pinpoint a location. Reading your post, the word "India" jumped right out. I have no doubt that young cyber professionals would be sought out from there. (I see India having a very positive and quick transitional future from developing to first world status, by the by...)

I can't say this with the same degree of certainty, because there was no visual, but I feel the third group was a contingent of powers, predominantly funded by Russian oligarchy and a retinue of global dictators. As I write this I'm also seeing Venezuela, plus the heads of two cartels. 

In the original vision, I saw a prominent Saudi at one of the places where money was being channeled to these groups. There was a connection with global arms dealing, which I interpreted to be a source of revenue for them. Any malware sufficiently large and stable enough to both accurately strike and take down major infrastructure targets would require something called a zero-day exploit. In basic terms, that means it must create one or more vulnerabilities which is completely invisible to any firewall, other detection programs, and any humans—for as long as necessary to complete its mission.

Building and launching that kind of weapon would actually be very, very expensive. Like billions of dollars. It would take many super smart people—not just hackers and cyber security experts, but all kinds of civil and mechanical engineers (transformers, power lines, etc. etc.) and on and on, because of all known and unknown variables. They'd need to have people working in facilities inside the U.S. to confirm software systems and many other details. It would be a major operation and it would take many years. All of this is why no hackers have ever done it. 

Chinese have hit our corporations, our banks, and Wall Street repeatedly, and likely will again, but I'm not sure they're entirely in on an infrastructure attack. When I was seeing it, probably the strongest feeling got was that they all perceive what they're doing as a defensive strategy. They badly want to see us fall because of actual or perceived injustices. It feels very karmic. I mean, it's certainly true that we've toppled nations, openly and secretly, and placed a lot of these dictators in power. 

China doesn't have quite the same energy to me, though. It may prefer to keep its hands clean for now. I do feel they're aware of it, but that they're choosing not to intervene one way or another. I can see a group of powerful Chinese laughing. Should we fall calamitously, China is absolutely posed to overtake us on the world stage. All they'd need to do is call in our debts.

But, yes yes yes. The most important thing is repairing our bonds and holding our nation and our world in the light. We can direct the flow of energy into a better outcome. It's important to see what lower collaborative vibrations are manifesting so that we have choice.  

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I predict a blue House and a purple senate. I feel like the senate may be split in half

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In the weeks directly leading up to the 2016 presidential election, several major stories broke back-to-back which inflicted pain on both candidates. The biggest were the bombshell Access Hollywood tape leak for Trump, and of course the "James Comey Letter Debacle," which many say may have cost Hillary the election. (Though, "many" still don't know exactly how much of that loss Putin paid for himself.)

Despite all of this, the majority public sentiment on both sides right up to election night was that Hillary would easily win. Even Bannon confessed to surprise at Trump's win that night. Yes, Hillary's campaign made fatal errors, but Democrats have always struggled, not just against gerrymandering and direct abuses of voter's rights, but with overall voter turnout. So when the winds seemed largely in their favor—and the candidate not as appealing or inspiring to many as the last (Obama) or as their preference (Bernie)—a lot of folks just stayed home.  

All that is a set up to a question:

Left leaning pundits learned a valuable lesson in 2016: Don't count your chickens. And don't get too cocky or too complacent. 

This week the same folks (MSNBC and CNN types) have suddenly taken a sharply pessimistic turn. Sure, most progressives are feeling triggered and worn down after this week, and for good reason. But I wonder if this move on the part of progressive pundits isn't strategic. By emphasizing polls that suggest better outcomes in Republican races relative to two weeks ago, and pushing a message of urgency and fear as opposed to their previous message of about an impending blue wave, could it be that they're trying to prevent at least some of the same apathy or sluggishness which cost Hillary and other Dems votes in 2016?  

ETA: I'm sure none of these folks wants to have to eat the crow they did after 2016, so yes, there's ego in it too. But specifically with John Heilemann and others, I have to think there's also strategy. Not suggesting these polls are wrong! I do believe much of the right has been galvanized by Kavanaugh's hearing and confirmation process. But... 

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I never watch tv but the kav stuff was too triggering and i started flipping between cnn and msnbc. Thursday night last week I landed on Don lemon (i think thats his name) He had a round table of mostly left or center people and himself -7 in total- and at the end like they do before a football game everyone went around guessing would her testimony make a difference. I was appalled as a victim of sexual assault and rape and the incredibly credible testimony that she gave; they were all laughing, like haha, I think he'll get through, isn't it funny that in light of the fact all but one of us believe she's telling the truth we still have to say he'll get a pass. It's not even so much that they all gave him a vote for confirmation, but that they all were laughing while they did. It was awful to witness. So I agree, but it seems to me cynicism and the normalizing of what has unfortunately become so normal. 

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Oh Jaidy. It's not normal to any of us.  It's traumatic,  horrific, and hurts those who have gone through it with each new trigger.

I want to say how deeply, deeply sorry I am it happened to you. There are many here who can relate and there have been long discussions and sharing on so many awful experiences on many posts.

We are all working together to change our world and those who live in it to learn and to feel just how connected we all are.

And bit by bit we believe the conscious awareness of others will be raised through caring and understanding.

Each time someone shares,  each time someone cares, we raise our vibrations through love and it can only be speeded up by our awareness changing. Until everyone says "Enough! No more! Never, ever again!

We care for you, we are so very sorry. Hang in with us and be part of the change we all want to see.


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Posted by: Michele B.

Each time someone shares,  each time someone cares, we raise our vibrations through love and it can only be speeded up by our awareness changing. Until everyone says "Enough! No more! Never, ever again!

We care for you, we are so very sorry. Hang in with us and be part of the change we all want to see.


Michele, your heart is so good, your words so wise.  Jaidy, I feel as you.  I resonate with you.  I'm glad you came and posted here. 


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Jaidy, I was feeling a lot like you. I haven't allowed cable TV in my house in years (I initially made the cut because at the time I was an empath with severe PTSD, and it was just too much), but I did watch the hearing live online. I was so proud of Dr. Ford and could feel the incredible power of many other people sending her love and light as she testified. I believe that tremendous flow of intention helped to support and possibly calm her. I'll never forget her or what she represented for all women.

I had every intention of watching all of Kavanaugh's testimony, as well, but when he came on, I could only take a few minutes. I was shocked by his energy. I realized later that my whole body had responded to him the way I had to abusers as a child. Rage is a weapon, and its terrifying. I haven't felt that in a long time, and it saddened me so much to realize that thousands of women all over the country were feeling it too. 

The cynicism of pundits and other people is painful too. Trauma is just too hard for people to hold. I have every faith that in a not-too-distant future, our society will look at our current lack of understanding or compassion around these issues the way we look at the lobotomy and blood letting now. 

I'm happy you're here.  

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Trump is going to come crashing down at his own doing very soon. The BK saga has kept him focused lately but the news about him personally has him ready to snap off. Pardon my french, but its gotta be hard for a self absorbed narcissist like him to handle going from a "self made billionaire with a very very very big.....brain" to a 2-bit trust fund baby conman with a tiny mushroom dick in less than a month. I really think its those types of stories that will drive him over the edge. Scandal doesnt affect his phyche anymore but having his virility and strength questioned really gets to him. The more he is needled by insignificant tabloid news that deprives him of aesthetic manliness, the more unstable he will become. 

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I went over my old predictions this morning, going back to 2013.  I had one big one that I've written about several times on this website that I have been rethinking for many months now. 

 It was actually a couple of visions I had in 2013 and 2014 of a graph that looked like the Dow Jones over time. 

Comparing it to what has happened so far, it doesn't fit the stock market but the collective nervous system of the U.S. people.  They are related but today we have a split collective.

The graph became volatile in 2017, then more volatility in 2018 and 2019, then sometime in 2019 or 2020, there's a downward bear market-type trend.  It stays down until around 2028 when it takes a bull market turn upwards and restores to the original pre-2017 levels. At the end of the timeline (2028) I saw two tiny women standing on top smiling and waving and then I saw an elephant crying.  

My interpretation was that women would be on top of our government at that point, the economy and/or the collective spirit would be restored and the elephant which I interpreted as the GOP, would be crying.  I also felt that the country had decentralized during the 2020's.  People were migrating and local governments became more important. 

Does that mean we should give up and not try to turn things around until 2028?  God no. If we do that then we really are screwed.  

Many will give up, but I hope you won't because heart courage and fighting for what is right is how we  evolve as an individuals and how we evolve as a collective.

We are here to evolve as souls.  We are certainly not here to give up and die.

I had another vision 30 years ago that light workers were here to help people rise to a higher level. I saw a plateau that was about a thousand feet high. Lightworkers were helping people to get up there.  Lightworkers (who are you all, by the way) were pulling people out of the rising waters (Probably refers to sea level rise as well as emotional overwhelm. Water symbolizes emotions.). Then they were trying to help people get up to the new plateau of consciousness. 

Our ancestors sacrificed untold suffering to give us a good life.  From the original pioneers to the Rev War to the Civil War and two World wars.  We also stole from other people to enjoy a great life.  We overthrew governments around the globe and enjoyed fruits on the backs of others. It's a complex picture because many of us suffered as well. Then our collective got complacent and addicted to luxury. Now is the time to step up. 

Does this mean that we won't get our federal government back until 2028?  No one knows.  But it might take a while to change a thousand years of patriarchy and several hundred years of an amoral and immoral profit-first market system.  

Real change comes when the current system is too painful to continue. That's true in your individual life and in the collective life.  

It's been painful for many but there is so much addiction (addition to stuff, addiction to alcohol and drugs and the internet and fossil fuels and work alcoholism and more) that many do not realize the pain this system is inflicting even on them. When the pain goes deeply enough, as it has from Christine Ford's denigration this week, and the ramming through of a low life human to the highest court, then more of our collective will awaken. 

Timing belongs to the Universe, not us. And no psychic has a handle on it.  I believe in hope and self determination, but not in pink clouding.  I believe in looking not just for what is wrong and painful  in the future but what is positive and right. We post all of it here. So I hope people will try to hold all of it and move forward with fight and hope. 


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Hi Jeanne,

Thanks so much for posting this!   I just read through all of it and I can definitely see that happening.  I hope for the blue wave but am not counting on it given the obstacles.

I think by 2028 the old guys will have died off and there are enough moderate to left leaning folks in younger generations to make the shift regardless of electronic voting machine cheating and voter suppression. I hate to think folks my age and slightly older have to die off in order for us to have a good govt.   ? 

Re localized govts, I was planning to move to the West Coast when I could afford it.   I was leaning towards Seattle (I think they have a good govt). I may have to move first to Denver, as I can afford that area and I can't afford SF or Seattle, where I'd prefer to be.

I'm looking to move in the next few months, I just can't handle Texas any more even though family is here. I see the West as being okay with localized govts and also up where you live in the Northeast.

Btw, I normally lurk on the site and don't post much.   But I read all of your excellent posts all the time.

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Basic human nature has the negative sides of things taking the front seat over positive, so no matter what the situation, people need an outlet for that negative to allow positive thinking to come thru. Even if the forum gets primarily negative at times, as it has recently, once the negativity is released, it leaves room for positivity to grow. 

I do see people on here thinking its all doom and gloom in the near future, but think about this.... we have survived 2 full years of Trumplandia and I am willing to bet that at least a few didnt think we could last that long. We have and are still going.

Radical change is a process and has always been. We didnt go from Jim Crow to Barack Obama in 3 years. It took a long time, but each small victory brought us closer to the light but also brought about major backlash as well(assassination, bombs in churches, etc). Without that backlash, the fight would have grown complacent and true change never would have happened. We desperately need light right now, but we need the darkness just as much to remind us, as a whole, not to get comfortable and to keep moving in the right direction. Once we stop moving because we think the darkness is gone, we allow the darkness to catch up and overtake us again. 

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I am increasingly amazed by the high consciousness of people posting here. 

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MAS1581, Your post reminds me of a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." It's a popular quote but I think the words "arc," "long," and "bends" are often underemphasized. To go from the Jim Crow era to Barack Obama took a lot of work, a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and sadly, lives. It's easy to find hope in that quote and use that to sit back and let the universe do the work for us*, but that is never how progress is made. It's made by people who are willing to give everything they have for the sake of justice and humanity. 

*I do not think anyone on this site has sat back and been passive. I mean that for some folks I know who are waiting for (insert person here) to save us so they can do nothing but sit back and post articles on social media. I get a lot of hope from the visions on this site but I know the ultimate work is up to us. We have to save ourselves. 

Much love and light to all who read this. Sending my energy and protection to all of you who need it. 


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Your remarks  remind me that sometimes I think that the best work we can do for the world is to heal ourselves. 

 I had a great teacher once, a Catholic Priest named Henri Nouwen. He told us that he believed the Tibetan monks were holding the world together by their peaceful meditation practices in the mountains of India.

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Did I just have a moment where something I said was compared to MLK? My life is now complete. Lol

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YES, Jeanne. I hope I didn't sound accusatory because that was far from my intention. If I did, I offer my apologies. 

Self-care is *vital,* and the last couple of weeks show it. It's ok to check out for a bit if you need some time to recover. I have had to several times and I'm sure I will again. 


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