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RANDOM PREDICTIONS 3 (Put Actual Predictions in blue font)

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All morning, I’ve had repeated premonitions that Netanyahu will misstep in responding to the Hamas terrorism.  He will make poor decisions that only compound the problems in Gaza and Israel.  I’m sorry to share this and hope it’s wrong.  My heart is heavy with worry for all the innocents caught up in this war.

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

this attack has become a way for Netanyahoo and others, including Donald and Putin to recover from their crumbling empires

Totally agree, Jeanne. I have seen the bloody fingerprints of these three all over this event, right from the start. It was not lost on me   that the motto for the music fest that they attacked was "FRIENDSHIP, LOVE, and INFINITE FREEDOM"- words and ideas that all fascists detest. This is why they started there, knowing that these raver kids were definetly not part of the rightwing base, and highly unlikely to be armed.

 Many years ago, i turned on the radio, and a man was talking.  As i listened, i realized the man who was speaking was an absolute thug. It wasn't the words he was saying, or anything about the subject matter he was discussing- it was just something i could plainly hear in his voice somehow.  Eventually, the radio announcer broke in and said "You have been listening to a conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu, newly elected prime minister of Israel" (must have been Radio K-WTF?).   

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please refrain from referring to countries as terrorist. I’m from Lebanon and find it offensive and misinformed. The people from Lebanon are already suffering terribly from a dysfunctional government and rampant corruption, and the worst recession in the country’s existence, as well as overwhelm from housing millions of Palestinian and Syrian refugees, and now have to live in fear of war and annihilation against which they don’t stand a chance. 

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@meliaamal 💕

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@meliaamal I apologize for my insensitivity. I understand that there is widespread suffering in all countries affected by this unspeakable violence. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

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@bluebelle I've been wondering whether Netanyahoo will survive this test. This event seems so momentous that it may well be the first of many that will lead into a much wider war. There is so much at stake for all the countries involved.

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I think the war in Gaza will lead to Netanyahu leaving office, maybe not now during this time of absolute crisis, but surely after the country has time to reflect on his leadership that was not focused on protecting the country.  Netanyahu has divided the country by his attempts to weaken the Supreme Court and pave the way to more authoritarian power.  That has been his focus and I think he will be blamed for the failures of Israeli intelligence services, too.

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@meliaamal I do want to comment, having had lunch with a minister of state years ago in Lebanon, his deep understanding of the situation and his rather simple and yet very true comment on "we eat each other's food, and love it, why can't break bread over that and move on I don't know" ( pretty close to that, it's been 20 years and it stuck with me ).  He also pointed out the various factions occupying Lebanon and the impact this had on the actual government not to be able to govern well.   Anyway, lovely people, I had never had a fresh fig before, and a little old lady with a huge wagon of figs, she gave me one.  

His other comment, "you North Americans, you Canadians, you're so weird, you tear yourself apart on issues that are as far apart as a width of a hair". It's a sobering comment because of the ensuing 20 years.

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On Thursday morning I had the following vision.  I saw Putin in a dark room, comfortably sitting back in a chair, smug smile across his face, with a big chessboard in front of him.  There was light illuminating him and the chessboard -- like a spotlight was shining on him.  I felt that Putin had made a recent move on the chessboard (Hamas?), which is why he was so relaxed and smug.  I sensed it was all connected to his involvement in some of our current world conflicts. 

I then saw a very large, powerful hand entering my vision -- it came out of nowhere and forcefully upturned his chessboard.  Putin jumped back in his chair, startled.  That gave me goosebumps.

This vision followed a strange dream I had the night before, which I've posted under the "Dreams -- Transpersonal..." thread.  I think they might be connected.

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@deetoo Really interesting vision! Especially the part about the hand. Makes me wonder what the "hand" is? A person, an event, a series of people or events? Intriguing, for sure.

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@baba I believe that this means that Gaza will be wiped off the path towards either a two state solution or a peace deal.  I believe that Netanyahu will deal with Hamas with great brutality and any people that return to Gaza in the future will return as either Israelis or Palestinian citizens of Israel.  There was never any chance of peace when the Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jews.  It will be very tragic for the unfortunate citizens of Gaza who have been used as political pawns for decades.  It is heartbreaking and senseless.  Unless Hamas returns the hostages and surrenders, but considering they believe in the fight to the death I don't see this happening.  😔😥

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@deetoo when I read this I heard "the Hand of God"

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Jim Jordan will not be speaker of the house no matter what Matt Gaetz and MTG spout off on their "15 minutes of fame media interviews" 

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Revisiting my dream, in light of @Deetoo's dream, which suggest more nefarious sources of the Israel attack. I rarely remember my dreams and this one was vivid, thus important:  "I was driving backwards and driving blind. I needed to turn my car around. I was in a Main Street USA type place. It was not where I live. And the cars were all turned away from the street, parked head first into the curb. A woman was seated in the driver's seat. I thought she was a real estate agent looking at property or showing it to me. My eyes were slammed shut and I knew I had to open them. I exclaimed during the dream, "My eyes are shut!" I forced them to open, and it woke me up.

I didn't post the real estate agent until now because I thought the dream was personal to me. But given the valuable real estate of the West Bank and how Netanyahoo (and Trump, Kushner, and others) stand to make a fortune on it, I see multiple motives for that attack: The attacks have distracted the world from the the flailing Putin, Trump, and Netanyahoo. Israel gets rid of the thorn in their side by justifying wiping the Palestinians off the West Bank map.  Trump and Kushner get possible enrichment in the deal, although that is a stretch. Putin builds up his power, which was suffering with his idiotic Ukraine attack.  Then there are the mutual benefits to Iran and Hezbolah.

It's just too beneficial to these stakeholders to have the attack been solely coming from Hamas.  

Then after reading @deetoo's dream, links to Putin emerged. Deetoo had seen rats infiltrating the house via the dark basement and then when they reached the first floor, they had turned into bear cubs. As I wrote, this detail smacks of Orwell's Animal Farm pups who represented youth taken from their families and trained to become Stalin's secret police, except in Deetoo's dream, they were bear cubs.   

Then I remembered clearly that there was a companion in my dream, a real estate agent was sitting next to me in my car. Although when I turned my car around, I felt she was in a different car and I'd deviated from her direction.  

Trump and Kushner have been involved in West Bank settlement real estate. I am unsure how it all fits together, but Main Street has been blind to what is really afoot in those attacks.

I believe all will eventually come to light and embarrass Trump, the GOP, Putin, and Netanyhoo beyond redemption. 

PS I haven't followed Israel much. So I was surprised to find this 2020 article on line (Israel Post) about Netanyahoo contemplating annexing the West Bank settlements and how Trump had made a law change that would be favorable for that. The article raved about how the real estate there would skyrocket. The woman in my dream was a real estate agent. Perhaps this info is all obvious to those who follow Israel, and sounds naive, which it is since I don't know much about this topic. But the real estate agent is telling. And when I think of real estate profits, I think of Trump and Kushner. 


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@jeanne-mayell and in light of all of the miles of tunnels they used to "surprise attack"? The rats portion is very apt.

I agree this reeks of Trump,Kushner, Netanyahu trifecta with the backing of the Saudi,Iran and Putin parties to destabilize and destroy Democracy to authoritarian regime.

May the Light of Truth shine and Illuminate and bring the disinfectant of sunlight to the entire situation.

🙏🏻💜❤️💚❤️💜🙏🏻 for all of the innocents caught in the middle and suffering and losing life.

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I also feel like close examination of what classified documents it took to its lair at Mar-A-Lago and who had access to them will reveal all the players .

Our government knows more than what they have allowed media to broadcast - to reveal all before they get things in place and order is a matter of national security. 

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@jeanne-mayell I’ve been thinking Russia since the event happened.  Anyone know a real estate developer who may want that land and have access to intel on Israeli weaknesses?

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@journeywithme2 all of these takes seem very apt. I am an avid reader of nyt opinion columnists and my wondering when they do a piece on the Middle East (or whatever) through their lens- how do they account for or make space for the fact that we the people do not have all the info that gov officials have… when speculating on a path to peace or Israel should do this or Hamas was not on their own- I rarely see the kind of depth of tying all those players in- who aims to benefit from this unrest. My larger feeling when this happened was that Israel and both Palestinians and Hamas are being played as pawns for more powerful entities like Putin.

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Posted by: @jaidy

My larger feeling when this happened was that Israel, Palestinians, and Hamas were being played as pawns for more powerful entities like Putin.

There is no doubt that the Israeli and Palestinian people are pawns, and so is the average person (of any faith etc ) in the Middle East.

@jeanne-mayell, in my opinion, the sort term winner in this is Putin.  It's not lost on me his comments around the time this happened.   What has surprised me is Iran's apparent signalling that they were surprised.  Odd bedfellows indeed, as I stand by my comment SA earlier.  Regarding geopolitics, I also think the natural ally in the region to the US is Iran, or, more rightly, the Iranian/Persian people.  Bibi is the wildcard; in the short term, he "wins," but in the mid to long term, he won't.  In this case, Hamas has put Bibi in check, but it's a trap.    Ask the question differently: who stands to win ( outside of the average person ) if there is stability in the Middle East? 

Thank you for indulging me, and I have no intention of causing anyone pain. 



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@jackofhearts Hamas will likely be obliterated- but like all terrorist groups there will be another to fill the vacuum and the cost Re civilian casualties is unbearable. Not to mention Putin wins because who’s paying attn to Ukraine.

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