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Predictions done on April 29, 2018

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Posted by: Test Person


Sorry about the alias. I was testing the website and accidentally used my test name—testperson. Lol. It is really me Jeanne Mayell. 

Whew, glad you clarified.   After our discussion yesterday, it just about gave me a heart attack to see your post had been taken over by "test person."   Had a good belly laugh when I figured it out.   ?  ? 


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Texas makes me feel hopeful because of Beto O'Rourke. I am not sure he could win, but he seems so sincere and filled with goodness, he has also been working tirelessly, visiting every county in TX. I wonder if it would be possible for him to succeed and be the Senator instead of Ted Cruz? I have contributed small funds for his run. It would be such a miracle really as TX is such a red state. Maybe your vision has something to do with this?

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I agree, Carrola. I really loved that he and Will Hurt received The Civility Prize for their bipartisan road trip

Heard about it earlier and after listening to Will Hurd on Oregon Public TV news was so impressed and hopeful for both of these men and for more bipartisanship in the years ahead.


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i lurk often, but you were very kind to answer to my fears a few months ago about my 18-year-old son and trump starting wars, so i wanted to pop back in and share something i saw today. normally, i research and vet things before sharing, but something about this is tickling my brain. seems to me there was a mention in predictions about the trump tower fire, and then there WAS a fire ... but it seemed to be somewhat anticlimactic at the time, even though someone lost his life. today, though, this came across my facebook feed, and immediately i thought about the prediction.

could this be the thing that would have been significant enough to land on your radar when you were seeing predictions?

“The guy Michael Cohen texted the day the Trump Tower fire killed an alleged art dealer to warn him to get out of the building was just found dead... in Trump Tower. So, yeah. That apartment fire happened just one floor below an entire floor owned by Russian mobsters, by the way. Oh and last week a Russian couple was arrested in Miami for running an internantional prostitution ring, in Trump Tower Miami.

That's in addition to two Russian men the FBI arrested for running a gambling and money laundering ring. In Trump Tower. Know who else lives in Trump Tower? Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager who had millions of dollars in overseas accounts controlled by a Russian oligarch.

That's all in addition to Trump's Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City getting fined a record $10 million by FinCEN in 2015 for inadequate protections against money laundering for... hang on, you're never going to believe this one... the Russian mob. I know, right?

It's almost like our fake President is a mobbed-up career criminal installed by the very mobsters he's billions in hock to specifically so he'll take measures to destroy our international reputation and standing, wreck our leadership in trade, human rights, and defense. CRAZY!”

rachel maddow has done an incredible job connecting the facts with proverbial red string, so none of the russian mob stuff surprises me. but the trump tower fire information really stood out ...

just wanted to put it here for you all. thank you so much for the insight and positivity you all share. these are uncertain times, for sure, and your context is so appreciated. (oh - and my 18-year-old is excitedly voting today for the first time, and packing to leave for school on friday. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the coming years treat him with care.)

VestraLux, PhiladelphiaMary, BlueBelle and 13 people reacted
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Wow. Saibh, that's an amazing number of connections and events. Thank you so much for sharing them. They are significant.

Also  you must be so proud that your son is ready to leave for college. It's such a big and exciting new step but one that has many parents feeling so many emotions at once.

Best of luck to him on this new journey.  I will be thinking positive thoughts for him (and you) during this new transition!

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Saibh, I want to echo Michele's comments about the Trump Tower fire connections.  I'd like to add that buildings have energy, specifically the  conscienceness of their owners.  Destructive fires can break out in the buildings of stressed, out of control owners. 

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Is this nightmare almost over with Manafort convicted and Cohen pleading guilty? This insanity and Putin being allowed to run our country needs to end!

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For Sept. 2018

Floods abound, in the streets and over the land.

Internal flooding and fire in outbursts by others.

Congressional and legislative chaos abounds. (Michele)

(Hurricane Florence, protesters in Congress over Kavanaugh, and now rancorous exchanges between parties first over Kavanaugh, and now intensifying over judgment calls by congressman before even hearing testimony,, and Rep. Norman making hugely inappropriate "joke".



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Reading Saibh's post from 8/14 regarding the dumpster fire that is Trump Tower/Trump's presidency reminded me of the fact that 2016, the year the man was "elected," coincided with The Tower card in the sacred tarot. (Each year of the calendar corresponds to an archetype from the Major Arcana, which started over at the Fool in 2000.)

The Tower:

  • A bolt from the blue.
  • The shocking and sudden dismantling of a false effigy—i.e., ideals or beliefs built on shaky ground.
  • A clarion call from Spirit that it's time to integrate our collective shadow.

Interestingly, 2018 is the year of The Moon. Its archetypal energy is about reconciling secrets and hidden agendas (unconscious motives and otherwise) and bringing these into the light of consciousness. Numerologically, 2018 also resonates with the themes of the Justice card (the sum of 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11; Justice is number 11 in the deck).  

2019 will be the year of The Sun—(the return of) warmth, happiness, vitality, and success—and ties numerologically to The Hanged Man (number 12), which, under our theme of Trump, I'm choosing to interpret somewhat literally. *wink*

2020 will be the year of Judgment, which is predominantly about themes of spiritual rebirth but may also signify a more temporal kind of judgment, such as the varieties cast by the U.S. electorate, a reborn (!) Supreme Court, or say, a war crimes tribunal (why not be inventive?). Numerologically, 2020 will also resonate with The Empress, which is an archetype of feminine order and wisdom—abundant, nurturing, and filled with hope and truth. She is the restorer of women and children. 

If we do our work to hold the light, I'd say these are all good signs for democracy.

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Vestra Lux, this is beyond awesome.

Love the interpretations, allegories, metaphors, everything written and unwritten, seen, foreseen, and waiting to evolve and be born anew.

Copying, pasting and dancing to the rhythm, of the transition that be will aa coming and the "Great Turning" and burning out of the plagues and pestilence of the old crops, Happy Harvest, autumnal equinox, and full moon to all.

I feel honored and privileged to be part of this world and this time and to be part of the change that was meant to be in our planet's healing and rebirth.

May we all be ever filled with hope of a new and better world to be.

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That is really interesting, VestraLux.  Thanks for that.  Jeanne, your post on 8/18 about buildings taking on the energy of the people who own or live in them reminded me of the summer of 2006 when we were visiting NYC.  When we walked by Trump Tower, I could not handle the feeling of evil I got and actually crossed the street to get away from it.  Who knew we would have that dark energy in the WH 10 yrs later.  In the 21 mos. since he has moved to the WH, there has been a sink hole and a lightning strike.  I have always noticed when the different houses in my neighborhood sell, they seem to attract the same kind of people. Or maybe the energy of the house causes the same kind of behavior in each new occupant.  Your post validated what I have felt for a long time.





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Posted by: TaG22

Jeanne, your post on 8/18 about buildings taking on the energy of the people who own or live in them reminded me of the summer of 2006 when we were visiting NYC.  When we walked by Trump Tower, I could not handle the feeling of evil I got and actually crossed the street to get away from it.  Who knew we would have that dark energy in the WH 10 yrs later.  In the 21 mos. since he has moved to the WH, there has been a sink hole and a lightning strike.  I have always noticed when the different houses in my neighborhood sell, they seem to attract the same kind of people. Or maybe the energy of the house causes the same kind of behavior in each new occupant.  Your post validated what I have felt for a long time.




I feel that the reason Donald Trump spends so little time in the White House is because he is uncomfortable living in the energy of people who came to that place to do service. He and his family and the people he has hired never ever came there to do service for anyone but themselves. 

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Vestralux - somewhere on this forum I put a post about similar feelings I had when I visited TT in NYC soon after it first opened. The punchline is that I felt the walls coming down on me and had to leave immediately.

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I absolutely agree with this, Jeanne. I sense a collective comprised of the energies of certain former presidents and other leaders, former White House staff, and historical figures (suddenly Mary Young Pickersgill and the abolitionist John Brown are coming to mind). These are people who cared a great deal about the foundational and spiritual significance of democracy and America's role in it. Many of these people were pioneering thinkers who signed up for very difficult life paths when they were alive. They weren't always noble, but from what I detect (which may well be flawed), they appear to have worked through many of their blind spots.

They aren't earthbound (i.e., restricted or stuck), but seem to have returned out of a sense of duty or soul purpose. It may be that a few are always checking in on the White House and Capitol, but I sense that others have been drawn by recent events or have come explicitly for the purpose of lending support. It's as though they're bringing numbers to a spiritual battle.

Trump can't be comfortable in those energies.

As I read him, he's surrounded by the direct influence of spirits of another ilk. (Another phrase for this is "spirit attachment." My perspective is that we have all had this experience to one degree or another, but no one is a victim of it; we attract energies based on frequency, emotion, desire, intention, etc. Though, Trump has far more than most.) The first of the energies of any number to appear in Trump's auric field feel to me as though they were his father's cohorts: teamsters, mobsters, KKK members, and other New York and Atlantic City men who yearned (still yearn) exclusively for status, power, material accumulation, and control over other men. He attracted them because of his desires and his wounds.

As Trump's become more successful, he seems to have acquired many more such spirits. In fact, I couldn't begin to count them. Many feel foreign to the United States. Many others feel very old, as though they were alive before America had been discovered by white Europeans. But they all share something in common: their energy is intensely and almost exclusively "red," which I would describe as egocentric, domineering, authoritarian, and tribalistic. They are fully service-of-self oriented; accumulation-driven; comfortable ordering and witnessing violence; eager to mete it out on the weak when it suits them (if they feel they won't be caught); and convinced of their rightness and authority.  

They are all earthbound because they haven't released their lower attachments, much less acknowledged the pain they caused in their lifetimes, or which they still cause in the world through direct influence. Their views and treatment of women, children, and minorities were and remain of a very low vibration. In fact, I'm seeing that when they lived, these men made conscious and/or unconscious sacrifices, sometimes of a ritualistic nature, by harming vulnerable people (I'm simply writing what comes to me here, so bear with me). This was how they proved their masculinity, power, loyalty, and fraternity, and thus, how they acquired greater status and wealth. It isn't just that they see men who don't do these things as weak, which is true; it's that they cannot comprehend another way or worldview. Their wounds around identity and security prevent it. 

So what's coming up for me now is that Trump was very wounded, almost maliciously, at an early age by his father (who was also likely wounded). It feels as though it begins around the age of 2 or 3 and is cemented in the identity by age 7.  I hear a towering adult male voice mocking a small child whenever he cries, or expresses uncertainty or fear, and especially when he searches out his mother's arms for comfort. (The effect of the latter is that he will constantly need and desire the perfected female, only to loathe, castigate, and cast her aside due to unconscious shame.) The psychic injury his father's treatment created was developmental; it froze his psychological development somewhere childhood. Trump insults people close to him by calling them a baby because his father insulted him the same way. The abuse damaged his ability to grow emotionally into the natural realms of the adult. (In fact, the narcissistic mask can be an elegant survival strategy elicited by childhood abuse.)

Unfortunately, the deep pit of need this created in Trump's young psyche broadcast a powerful signal to any opportunistic spirit who resonated with its energy. Yet all that said, this specific brand of psychic injury—i.e., the kind created by and resulting in toxic masculinity, material obsession, and service-of-self—resonated just as powerfully among the living. With or without Putin's influence, he rose when he did for valid reasons.

Our better angels and our earthbound ones need to come into integration. 




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Posted by: Laura F.

Vestralux - somewhere on this forum I put a post about similar feelings I had when I visited TT in NYC soon after it first opened. The punchline is that I felt the walls coming down on me and had to leave immediately.

Laura, oh man! I could probably write another (accidental) novel on the energy of places, but I'll spare you. I've recently been delivered from a lifelong incapacity to move freely through certain cities/buildings/historical places without becoming overwhelmed by migraine, nausea, and/or some bizarre cascade of symptoms or random pains, but I wouldn't want to risk it around that particular tower.  

Michele, I loved your bright response. I heard yesterday that Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is (or was?) in Aries, the same location in the heavens as that bright Harvest moon you sat under last night. If The Tower strike of 2016 was a clarion call of warning that it's time to integrate our collective shadow, maybe Chiron's presence in our Aries Harvest Moon was a tender message to keep going; we're getting there.

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At our last Predictions Group: Read the Positive Future, I ended up with all intense negative visions. And it was all Trump and his family. I see symbolically (keep that in mind as you read this) and I've always seen Don Jr. as a 'vampire" and his love of "captured/farmed" exotic wild animals (some even on the endangered list) as obvious examples of his dark, inherited energies, even blood lust.

But during class, I saw Trump Sr. with an "incubus" on him which then explained his own preying on others to empower his own continually drained energies.

I saw the obvious unatural tendencies for young beautiful women, including inappropriate expressive descriptions of his own daughter whovi saw as a visual mirror of the incubus.

Ivanka mirrors his protections but is still separate from him and like a wife thought she could help corral his tendencies, temper, and views but alas, all it's done is create mental and physical health problems in her own life and put her own problematic lineage husband further under Trumps spell casting with Jared's own need for power and money, not to mention his own lineage and his father.

I am NOT into vampire mythology. Haven't even read Anne Rice or watched any Twilight movies or the books.

So, it was intense with visions of Trump with archetypal vampire/victim  as a spell casting/spell caster.  I saw him also as the Wizard of Oz along with his Yellow Brick Road (gold bars), the verdant green (money) fields with the poppies (altered stages) which connected to so many things, drugs of course, addictions in himself (sex, varying deviancies) and so on.

I have pages and pages of writing this from after class of was over. I can barely read them but still feel them.

Dark money, dark underworld, dark misuse of women and young girls, casino money laundering thtough ex wife Ivanna.

I'd felt energy sick all day and debated about attending the video class and then had connection problems over and over and missed big chunks on and off as it was going on.

I've explored and worked with the concepts of sacred contracts, the idea of 12 archetypes we each carry, and discussed shadows and shadow work on this site.

So, it's lovely having others hear talking about concepts I can not only relate to but finding space to explore visions I'm not always comfortable talking about.

I was a crazy woman the summer before the election. I kept telling my family I thought Trump would win and they either thought I was nuts or used facts and figures to calm me down. Election night was my worst dreams coming true. I kept hoping I was dreaming then worked so hard getting my shadow anger verging on hate out in order to search for deeper meanings and reasons. 

I can see them now but I still can get pulled into shadow energies with each new day of news. So much work to do yet for all of us, but here we can not only see the light but share it inside and out and each day I feel ever more empowerment from that!

I am blessed to be able to see, be, and share the light and to use the energies of Mother Earth/Father Sun as well as sacred connections from so many belief systems so it's always unnerving to have visions filled with the dark energies of others , sad they are easier to see than the light and we have to put up such walls of energetic protection to keep them from latching on to us, too!

And yes, Vestra Lux, you pegged my primary archetype ❤

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Vestralux - WOW to you too!! I so appreciate your insights.

Michele B. - the reason I didn't even TRY the Positive Reading class because I tend to skew towards negative whenever I try anyway, and didn't want to bring down the energy of the group.

Also, somewhere else here on the forum, I remember we had a little discussion about how North America may be cursed land altogether - that as the indigenous peoples got pushed off they cursed it as they went, simultaneously cursing the colonials but also boomeranging back on them (from which they are still not recovered).

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I believe Trump and his dark energy are inflaming and speeding up climate change too.   I know we all share blame in harming the environment, but Trump is doing this not only by deregulation, but also on a deeper spiritual level.   I have been feeling that the earth spirits are mad as h-e-double-tooth-picks at Trump's attacks on Mother Earth.  His assault is being answered with fires, floods, hurricanes, etc with increased occurances and strength. Whenever I peek into this, it reminds me of the last scene of Ghostbusters where the bad spirits are released from every corner to wreck havoc. Not only has he released increased violence against fellow citizens, he has done the same with nature.   I believe the Nature Spirits were partnering with Obama as he tried to protect the enviroment, then Trump comes along with no regard for anything except for fame and money.  

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I am too have had Wizard of Oz images come to mind over the past few months.  The same one.  It is the of the Wizard being revealed from behind the curtain telling everyone to "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, the Great Oz has spoken".

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Laura, reading that felt like a hearing a loud clap.

Some of my maternal ancestors (I refer to them as The Grandmothers) have been present to me in spirit much of my life. They were Muscogee, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indian women, and their lifetimes were quite tragic.

I'm sharing about them because not long ago, they gave me a vision which literally sat me down. I believe it to be a shared memory of an experience from around 1715-1730. It started in what was then the Louisiana Colony, approximately 130 miles north of New Orleans in present day Mississippi.

I was shown an opening in an otherwise treelined area near the river at night.

There's the smell of smoke from a low fire in the distance and the musk of weathered horses, which sound a little uneasy.  

Below me at an angle of about 45 degrees, there are about two dozen women and young girls, bound together by their ankles. They're being held this way until morning when a riverboat will come for them. French soldiers have attacked and obliterated their village, and the women can't unsee the images of their slain sons, husbands, and fathers, or their mothers and grandmothers, the "old women" who were either killed or left to starve.

Their people have just been slaughtered by white men they'd peacefully traded with for years, and like livestock, these women and their daughters have been taken captive. Many were raped or soon will be. A few will become the property of officers or landowners, but most will be sent by ship to the Caribbean where they will be sold as slaves. 

I watch as the women kneel and begin to sway together, touching their hands and foreheads to the soil of their homeland for the last time. Their sense of rage and anguish is absolute. They're crying low but without tears, almost chanting. I then see a woman with a broad face bite her own forearm to draw blood, and understand the women are making a curse.

It feels like this:

Our betrayers and the children of our betrayers and the children of the children of our betrayers will never know peace. On this stolen ground, brother will kill brother without ceasing. Our betrayers will never know the Earth's abundance. No matter how much She yields, they will believe their caches empty. They will poison their own meat and their own water, and will never feel sated. They will be forced to witness their own sons slain, and know the horror of their daughters defiled and sold... 

Then, I see them in the port at New Orleans. They're being moved off a riverboat so they can be boarded on a ship. As this transfer occurs, they see another group of women who've been brought off a second ship, recently in from Africa. They're entirely foreign to each other, but seem to recognize their shared fates.

Suddenly, I'm staring into the proud, piercing eyes of an African woman (not a part of either group) who's being stood on the auction block. (I feel she's actually seeing me across time, and has somehow demanded that I witness.) In her gaze, I'm shown another chain of events. This one unfolded in a Louisiana marsh somewhere to the west, not far from the coast. She's saying, too many women have been stripped of their children and separated from their husbands. Too many people have been robbed of their culture, their country, their religion, and their royalty. Too many have suffered cruelties and indignities no one should ever know. Most feel powerless in the face of such darkness, but she has a spirit that refuses to kneel.

To prove the point, she showed me how she had led a group of women far out under gnarling live oaks and Spanish moss, through mud and over salt flats, to some knee-high watery place encircled by knobby cypress columns. It was all a hellish wilderness to them, and they were rightfully afraid. Any one of them could have walked blindly into the fangs of a water moccasin and they all might have been discovered and killed by their so-called master. But in that darkness and at risk of their lives, they went anyway.

And together, they laid a hex their master and his world. And I doubt they were the last to do it. 

These curses were obviously the consequence of unutterable heartbreak and collective trauma. I believe many (of course, not all) of these women in spirit have been healing, and seem to be inviting us to witness and acknowledge certain experiences and their consequences, so these energies can finally be cleared.

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