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Predictions for North Korea

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Thanks for the new posts.  This board has been eerily quiet.  I don't have any predictions, but did read some news last night about how Kim was supposedly trying to cozy up to the leader of China in advance of Trump's visit.  I keep hoping Trump will have some issue come up that prevents him from going.

Would be curious if anyone has gotten any further insights about bombs hitting US, or if others also feel that Kim will be taken out before that could happen.  Seems so crazy that he could potentially think of bombing his own people, who are already suffering so much under his leadership.

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Becky - this is not going to be helpful, but I have recurring nightmares of nuclear bombs going off over the west coast, and have also gotten some other messages from spirit that something bad is coming and many will die, including me. Others do not see this. I make no claim to the accuracy of my nightmares and anxieties, and hope that I am very, very wrong.

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I hope so, too, Laura.  

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Laura: This is all FWIW, nothing solid.

I used to have repeated nightmares of standing at my suburban front window and watching the flash of a mushroom cloud hitting my city, then being killed seconds later in the blast.  That nightmare stopped in 1989, & I couldn't tell you why. Probably some aspect of the fall of the Soviet Union changed that timeline.

I haven't had any similar visions or nightmares about the US--but I *did* see 9/11 18 months before it happened. No atomic destruction currently on my (admittedly erratic) radar.

I also had a repeated dream (since childhood) of sitting in the back of a big black rounded car and watching volcanoes erupt to the right and left of the car as the driver tried to evade them.  That dream bothered me enough to get a past-life regression.  Turned out I died in the London Blitz, east end--& what I saw was bombing and fire from war.

Those 'bomb eruptions' only looked like volcanoes through the blurring of the 'veil'. The nightmare was a distorted memory.

Is it possible you are sensing something dreadful but distorting the interpretation? Can you question your nightmares via meditation/tarot/active imagination (a Jungian technique)/hypnosis/tool of your choice?  There may be details in your images that point to further clarity.  But if it gives you too strong a case of the willies, don't go there.

As for North Korea, I was feeling itchy about it, but all that dissipated a couple of weeks ago, like someone turned off an annoying background noise. My sense of it is that the Middle Kingdom asserted its powers to achieve regional harmony, like a flexing of muscles. There's some political satisfaction about the results. It seems that the main NK nuke test site collapsed today, killing 200 of their critical team. And the location was the only mountain in NK geologically suitable for containing testing. (Just sayin'...China has the skill to play a very deep game.)

Speculation, with a bit of a frisson: Is it possible NK tries to keep testing using 2nd stringers, bad protocols, and an unsuitable location which results in a significant number of NK deaths (foreseen as Kim dropping a bomb on his own people), and the seismic shock destabilizes the crustal plates leading to earthquakes around the Ring of Fire, thus injuring the western US?

Does this ring any chimes?


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Posted by: Becky

Would be curious if anyone has gotten any further insights about bombs hitting US, or if others also feel that Kim will be taken out before that could happen.  Seems so crazy that he could potentially think of bombing his own people, who are already suffering so much under his leadership.

I know it's not quite what you want to hear but NK is >90% likely to successfully hit US Soil with nuclear weapons.  It probably will happen sometime in 2018, specifically in the month of March and will hit somewhere in California.  But the somewhat good news is that it will be the ONLY missile that hits US Soil.  Kim will likely to be removed from power sometime in 2018, probably because of the missile attack.  The surrounding nations will have no choice but to deal with him.

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Actually, RunestoneOne, the NK collapse occurred on October 10 and we are only now learning about it. That might explain the dissipation of the "annoying background noise" you felt several weeks ago.

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I don't agree that NK will be able to successfully hit the US with a nuclear weapon. If they were readying a missile for launch, which takes several days, the US military would know in advance. If said missile had a nuclear warhead attached, the US military would know that too. When the missile was eventually launched, we would try to shoot it down in the initial boost phase most likely with the blessing of China. If we missed, the US would try to shoot it down as it reentered the atmosphere. If, by chance, the missile got through our defenses, the US would attack NK with nuclear weapons, most likely killing the leadership. 

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Posted by: Paul W

I don't agree that NK will be able to successfully hit the US with a nuclear weapon. If they were readying a missile for launch, which takes several days, the US military would know in advance. 

Actually NK is likely to launch a missile through one of their submarines.  The US military can't really see that coming.

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Paul, thanks for posting such reassuring information. Would you provide some sources for your information? I have read otherwise and would be happy to learn from credible sources  that the us military is that far ahead of the game.  Thanks!  

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Note that not everyone believes our military would be successful (as you have pointed out).

There is this article about the Navy's Aegis interceptor. (Aegis missile cruisers are deployed off of the coast of NK and, most likely, in US waters.)

This is an article about the THAAD system which is deployed in both South Korea and Alaska.

My own feeling is that we have a decent chance of intercepting an individual ICBM but I doubt if it comes to that. Note that every time NK tests a missile it is mentioned in the press several days before hand. It takes several days to prep the missile etc., giving our military time to put assets in position. We would also be able to detect a nuclear warhead being prepped (remember that we detected a reactor that the Iranians had built inside of a mountain). If we did detect them prepping a missile with a warhead I would think that the Chinese would be onboard with a preemptive strike b/c they would not want this to happen either. 

As for a submarine attack, NK doesn't have a very sophisticated force while the US has the world's best. We also have decades of experience chasing the Russians around the world's oceans - something we did very, very successfully shadowing their missile boats for years (with orders to sink them if they detected the missile tubes being flooded). From an article on the subject of the NK navel missile threat:

"The biggest problem for the North Koreans, however, is its "antiquated" and extremely noisy submarines, which make it relatively easy for US, South Korean and Japanese assets to monitor their activities, Gatling said."

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Paul, Thanks.  There were a flurry of articles like this one last summer that continue to raise my concern. 

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Paul W, of course I'm not discounting the articles on the superiority of the US Navy but my predictions come purely from spiritual intuition.  Logic and statistical analysis does not come to play here, I just simply report what spirit says with no filter.


If you look at history quite a few events occurred at total surprise such as the start of WW1 and the JFK assassination.  If you were living back in those historical events you would not have seen it coming and sometimes things simply just happen almost out of divine intervention.  Same for the 9/11 attack, it's not like we had plenty of warning and that there were hints of terrorists hijacking a plane for suicide attacks.  Logic could not have predicted that event.  We already had security measures in airplanes and honestly no one would have seen it coming that a group of terrorists would capture  planes with just box cutters and a bomb threat.


That, and while I agree the US Navy has some powerful arsenal you cannot deny that there's been some recent embarrassing mishaps of collisions.  They've had to fire several Naval officers and conduct thorough investigations to ensure it doesn't occur again.


It would be great if we were in a perfect world where everything makes sense and that everything is logical but the reality proves otherwise.

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Will disagree that a 9/11 of some kind wasn't anticipated.  I recall reading an article in the San Jose Mercury news in July 1999, 3rd page, lower right hand corner about the CIA investigating some potential troublemaker called Osama Bin Laden (which triggered a vision of a jet plane against a cloud, and two giant shards of glass shattering into flame--that is burned in my memory, which is why I can remember the specific article.) They had a bead on the troublemaker 2 years before it occurred. They may not have anticipated *what* would happen, but they had a firm grip on potential perpetrators.

Bear in mind that there's often considerable lag time between when the US Intelligence Services and Military knows something, and when that same information gets out to the public. If ever.

There's the game that we hear about in the news, and a whole 'nother level that goes on where the public can't see it.  What we know about the NK situation and the US response is merely the tip of the iceberg.

As for the US Navy, from discussions with former Navy personnel I am aware that sometimes they conduct exercises where they "run dark," for covert ops.  Do that often enough in the wrong waters and you *will* run afoul of something.  It's not mere incompetence. Fact is, they keep running into things within spitting distance of the South China Sea.  Go figure why.


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I also remember that there were plenty of warnings about the possibility of a 9/11.  When Bush took office, Clinton had briefed him about Osama bin Laden as a major terrorism threat.  There was an entire department devoted to bin Laden at the CIA.

 A novel published in 2000 called Blackout, which was about an FBI agent fighting terrorism, had the exact 9/11 plot laid out on one page.  The FBI protagonist speculated about the possibility of two commercial airlines being hijacked at JFK airport and flown into the twin towers.  

We noticed a letter to the Boston Globe a few months earlier disagreeing with the Administration's invasive foreign policy in the Middle East and wondering if at some point there'd be a back lash on our own soil.  If anyone had been paying enough attention, it wasn't a stretch to predict 9/11. 

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Also, for those of us living in NYC at the time, important to remember that the WTC had been attacked several years earlier, by islamic terrorists with a van of explosives in the underground garage. Those terrorists publicly vowed to try again.

I had my own vision of the towers coming down. It was 1985 (so a decade before the first attempt). I was showing foreign friends NYC. We went to the WTC to go to the restaurant that was at the top. I had been there before, although it was not somewhere I went frequently (too touristy for natives lol!). I remember being in the lobby waiting for the elevator. I could see people walking in different directions on different levels of this large space. Suddenly my vision got clouded, I felt a strange shaking, almost like an earthquake, I saw huge shards of glass falling and I heard a voice say in my right ear "This is all going to come down, the whole thing." It all happened in a split second. I asked my friends if they felt any shaking, they said no. We did go to the top, but I was queasy the whole evening. After that night I never set foot in either tower again.

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Laura: Wow. Just Wow.

I love hearing how everyone gets their info--dreams, voices, visions, angels & trumpets.  Yours feels very physical!

I can't tell if this information is actively given to us by an outside agency (perhaps angelic) or if it is our own higher natures speaking to us!

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R1: In retrospect, I think it was one of my spirit guides who I wasn't "officially introduced" to until about 10 years ago. And I'm not consistent at all, sometimes I have dreams that I don't understand until something happens, because it presents as a reality I have no idea about (for example, and long story short, I dreamed about Jonestown Massacre in 1978, right down to the Kool-Aid, but didn't know it was prescient). And then sometimes it is physical, like above, or a few years back when the Virginia Tech shooting happened - for that one I was in the supermarket and passed by the live lobster tank, which always makes me a bit sad, but on this day, all the lobsters were crowded into 1 corner, and I got a sharp pain in my side and a weird "disturbance in the force" feeling. I got home quickly as I could (was living in VA at the time), and had to sit on my staircase inside in my coat until it passed. And then when I turned on the TV a short while later, I heard the news. And typically when people are going to be born or die (people that are close family or friends), I usually dream about it. So consistently inconsistent.

When 9/11 happened, one of my brothers was working around the corner. We couldn't reach him and the family in general was extremely worried. I was worried too, but I kept sensing his living presence, I knew he hadn't died and that he was safe, just unable to communicate. Sure enough, on 9/12 he was able to make a call out on someone else's phone. He was still in Manhattan, had a narrow escape, but was fine.

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And apologies to all for my tangential posts on here. I try my best to stay on topic...

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Laura: Pretty sure that conversations about past visioning and 'how do we know what we know' *are* relevant to any thread.  North Korea is certainly a huge issue.  Any data points we can add or shared experiences that help us vision the future more clearly are all to the good.

What I'm trying to discern is what's a 'mainstream' vision vs outlier visions. Is shared multiple visionings really a more accurate assessment of future reality, or are outlier visions just earlier or more sensitive 'catches' of a potential timeline? Is it possible to map when a timeline bubbles up then dissipates? Is it possible to assay statistical probabilities of a timeline actually happening?

I wonder if a group like this acts similar to a Very Large Array Radio Telescope , with a multiple array of visions providing a more accurate picture of the future--or if the main factor in accuracy is really the sensitivity of the individual 'receptor' seer.

That has relevance for sorting out situations like this North Korea thing, where so many of us don't sense a dang thing, with a smaller minority sensing something nasty.

I have no answers. Wish I did, so that course corrections for humanity could be more clearly plotted!


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PN: History plays a large part in how a country's military is structured, trained and equipped. The US experience in WWII can be seen in the way the US Navy operates and in their force structure. The whole system is built around the prospect of a surprise attack like the one suffered at Pearl Harbor. Navy planes, for instance, are always armed when they take off from an aircraft carrier in case war breaks out in the next few hours. The fact that most aircraft carriers in the world are American reflects the lack of carriers in the early days of WWII. Likewise, the Russian obsession with overwhelming numbers of tanks during the cold war reflected their experience at the hands of the Germans. It also explains the common complaint about the early thinking by the US senior military during WWII that they were "refighting the Great War" and not "the next war".

Jeanne: I have read several similar articles. The two key points to remember are; it takes days to prep a liquid-fueled missile and mount a nuclear warhead, giving the world (US and/or China) a chance to knock it out with a cruise missile, and that a missile is most easily knocked out in the "boost" phase when it is first launched and hasn't had a chance to accelerate yet. There are a lot of assets close at hand that can do this. If NK develops a solid fuel booster that can be launched at a moment's notice, all bets are off.

Time will tell. 

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