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Predictions for North Korea

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Thank you Zoron for the thorough scan of the N Korea situation!  

I'm a bit of a intermediate-level intuitive but spirit is telling me that there is a very strong likelihood of an attack on NYC sometime this year.  It will almost be like a 9/11 attack but nuclear weapons will not be used.  And obviously the missiles will be launched through a submarine in the east coast.

One thing though, I'm glad I don't live on the shores of America, I'd be really nervous otherwise.

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Thank you, Zoron and Jeanne, for presenting these different timelines. As I've been saying since the beginning of the year, (remember I'm "beginner" level), I have had nightmares of nuclear attack on the West Coast of the US. I also had received a very saddening message from a spirit guide who told me that many would die (including me), and that they were sorry but nothing to be done for it (but that spirit guides would be there to help souls transition quickly). I live in Southern CA, near the ocean, so this is something at the forefront of my mind since 11/9. It's disheartening to see confirmation from Zoron, but my hope is that those of us who are aware may be able to help shake things out to the less harmful timeline. 

One question for Zoron - I think we're all pretty much in agreement that Twitler will be in retreat before 2019, perhaps to the point of non-existence. When I see who succeeds, I don't see VP Pence (who would be worse in many ways but not in all ways). I keep seeing Paul Ryan. I see on a big podium, giving speeches and "press conferences", talking about how this is what Jesus wants, very smugly, like he knew all along he'd get to the top. I keep hearing the phrase "thoughts and prayers for the most recent victims of foreign terrorism of the worst kind". The podium is not in Washington DC, it appears to be in a "secret" government location elsewhere. There's no actual press in the room, just staffers posing as reporters. Thoughts?

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Hello laura,

I have looked carefully at your post on this.I think the time line is a bit off, but someone very like Ryan is going to get into power. That man is very nasty. I would fear the worst if he got in. The speech you mention, is in one of the government COG locations, (COG= Continuation of Government, after nuclear attack. I still think that the situation will recover, and both Kim and Twitler will be gone, but if this does not happen, then all the fragments and bits we are picking up from the alternative time lines clearly show war. I shudder. it is not fixed yet. Keep scanning, lets see what we can get. Zoron. 

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Whoa, that's some pretty scary news.  I wonder, isn't it an option for you to move further inland?
Posted by: Laura F.

 a spirit guide who told me that many would die (including me), and that they were sorry but nothing to be done for it (but that spirit guides would be there to help souls transition quickly).

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I have no psychic ability, but I pray for miracle to happen and situation calming down somehow. 

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Practical Nihilist - well, yes and no, I don't think it matters so much on the West coast because the winds come off the ocean, so radioactivity would spread inland anyway. 2 other thoughts: 1. The spirit guide's message was specific to me, not so much to location, it's not like the message was "move inland!", so it can be said that wherever I am, if something bad goes down, I will be among the perished; 2. I kind of just got here (from Mid-Atlantic), if I'm going to move, it's going to be to another continent altogether. Heading to Northern Europe in the near future to sightsee AND scope out re-location.

Zoron - Thanks for your reply. I don't have strong ability to scan, but things come to me either in dreamscapes or through spirit messages. Happy to keep everyone posted if I get anything new, right now it's a bit of a repetitive loop where minor details change but the basic underlying theme of "bad $hit going down soon" doesn't change.  The only other component I kept seeing before (but haven't lately), is the US Exec Branch pulling a false flag attack on US soil (west coast or NYC) and blaming it on NK to justify escalation/annihilation.

So grateful for this group and the open, civil level of discourse and insight. Peace.

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Wow, sorry to hear about that Laura.  Well on the positive side at least it gives you a heads-up to write your will and get everything in order so that your family is not left in disarray.

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Thank you so very much for the ongoing scanning, Zoron and Jeanne.  These are anxious times and any insights are deeply appreciated.

Perhaps this is naive of me, but I often wonder why the US, 70 years after the Korean War, continues to remain so heavily involved with decisions about Korea, or Japan, or any other country.  What gives us the right?  We have so many problems of our own to focus on... financial, infrastructure, social, educational, etc-- will there ever come a time when we stop seeing ourselves as having the right to police the whole world, and use more of our (limited) resources at home?  I love my country, but must confess I can understand the North Korean desire to reunite their country, which is a desire that many residents, both North and South, seem to share, with many family members having been divided for generations.

 In Germany, we worked to get the wall dividing the country torn down.  Vietnam seems to have successfully reunited even after all the years of war that was largely kept going by us.  It seems like if anything, we should be working to help Korea reunite.  I know I don't know all the countless complicating factors, such as the potential aspirations of China or Russia, but now that we so seriously face the potential for attack on US soil, it seems like we should be thinking about ways to disengage ourselves and focus on our own country's well being, unless called upon to help defend against human rights offenses, and even that issue is complicated.  Certainly China and Russia have a long history of human rights offenses, but we don't seem to be facing potential war with them... perhaps just because they are so big?  It's all just very confusing.  I like to watch the NHK channel from Japan, which is in English, and am so impressed with the high-speed railway systems and other technological advances which seem far and away more modern than our own.  I have nothing against other countries-- have an interest and love for almost all cultures.  Just feel we should live and let live a bit more, I guess.

Edited to add... I was just thinking how different things might have been if some other powerful country had sided with the south in our Civil War.  : (


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Zoron - Thank you so much for the clarifications. I find your most recent insights waaaay more comforting than the prior! All good wishes, stay well.

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Adding to the conversation on Korea and Trump with insights from another psychic. 

She says Kim is crazy but very smart.  His long-term plan is to devastate the U.S., then South Korea, then Japan.  She sees submarines playing a major role in delivering "sneak attack" style missiles to NYC, DC and southern Florida.  China is the sleeping giant and is a silent partner to NK.  They won't instigate a war but will quickly take the lead role if war is started.  Michelle says China, Russia and Germany will emerge as the new power triad.  Trump and his admin are "being played" and Trump will be the fall guy.  

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For anybody that might be interested or find it a useful tool for initiating a scan, I found this BBC documentary on North Korea last night when I was looking for various news and predictions.  It was pretty interesting to see inside the country-- a weird combination of devotion, adoration, gratitude and fear that was quite surreal.  It struck me how thin so many of the people are... in contrast to their leader.  Food rations have apparently been going down to smaller and smaller amounts.

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Oops.  Sorry for the duplication of info.  Thanks PracticalNihilist.  I was just reading from the current page... 

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From Zoron. From last nights bed time scan. 

alert: imminent test launch by North Korea, over next 7 days, they are doing a guidance system accuracy test. I suspect they might want to do a very long range "Splash Down"  but are coy about thus revealing the range of the missile, with all its recent upgrades. They might therefore try a very high altitude trajectory, or a very flat, long range one. So the speed of the testing regime is increasing. This is ominous. They are trying to get the whole sequence done as quickly as possibly now. It takes about 20 launches to more or less get the bugs out of a new missile, but they have not reached that yet. But they will do, fairly soon, at the present rate of launches. Likewise, the nuclear test regime. They now have a successful test of the new compact warhead, which is therefore "Good to go". How many they have already built, for stockpile, is anyone's guess. (I got a flash, while writing this, that they have "around 20" in terms of components. That is not the same as an actual usable stockpile, but they are obviously gearing up. this does not mean they will attack, it means they are racing to get to a goal where they have enough missiles and warheads stockpiled to demonstrate a credible deterrent to the USA, able to inflict heavy damage on the US mainland. (beyond what they already have). The reason for this is to give them an "Action space" in the Asian area, especially regarding South Korea, and the USA would be unable to do anything to attack north korea without risking a huge damage to mainland USA. its the nuclear black-mail theory, that all nuclear powers believe in. Nothing new there. So am expecting something to start happening from october onwards. Kim will escalate his "War of Nerves", taunting and denouncing the USA and Trump. We are in for a scary time.  


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HI I'm new. I'm not exactly a psychic but I do have high psychic intuition and am still practicing to get in touch with this ability to further strengthen my intuition thanks to labradorite.

I live in so cal, los angeles valley area. and I read Zoron (I think) said that something like a bomb would hit the so cal coast. I'm concerned and hope that I and my family are safe and will be unharmed with whatever that event is. According to our family psychic ,friends and signs the universe has been telling me and showing me. I have a successful carrer in the animation and movie industrie that's supposed to start either this month or January 2018. so I suppose thst means im safe, but just want to make sure. as for the hit, strangely I'm picking up on more of San Francisco area getting hit rather than so Cal area. I'm also picking up a large earthquake may soon hit San Jose or San Francisco or in between, (what's in between those places silicon valley?) Let me know what you guys see. I would like to think Kim would rather strike the main areas like DC or NY instead. Why would he bother with CA?

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HI Rabum,

Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.  I don't think anyone is predicting a hit to L.A. or anywhere on the West Coast - not sure who if anyone actually predicted that here, but it did come out in the media early on that Kim's tests showed that he could hit the West Coast.  In this thread, the only cities mentioned are NYC, DC and something in the south, mainly from a psychic from another site and Zoron's scan of Kim's thoughts.  But again, these are not predictions of actual nuclear attacks, they are readings of the mind of Kim Jong Un and his team. 

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My nuke dreams have returned. Now I'm watching icbms arrive from NK but I'm nowhere near the impact. Except one dream last night, where I was in Florida and caught in an explosion. I couldn't clear my lungs. It was terrifying.

The entire Pacific Rim to me right now is brimming with negative energy. We must send positive energy that way.

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With the new missile crossing over Japan again today (9/14/17), I feel like Japan isn't going to put up with this risk so close at hand.  Even if he didn't aim for Japan, there's a margin for error there that threatens the Japanese people-- and not just the risk of a missile hitting Japan, but also the environmental impact.

The missile today was a hit for Zoron-- it was exactly a week ago that he predicted another missile.

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Ratbum- we are neighbors.  I live in the LA Valley, also.  I also remember Zoron alluding to a possible southern California attack a few months back.  There were comments about how both he and astrologer Denise Siegel mentioned it on the same day.  I was quite fearful, but as time has passed, I've just put it in God's hands. My whole extended family is here, has been here for generations, and this is home. I want to be near my daughter, even if the worst should happen.  My son-in-law also works in the entertainment industry here, and there are no other comparable cities in which to do what he does if one hopes to achieve professional success.

I suppose that Kim could resent the entertainment industry in LA for having made fun of him in the past-- remember the hack on Sony Pictures?  He could also have reasons to attempt to attack further south: Long Beach is a major port, San Onofre is a major nuclear power plant, Camp Pendleton is a major military base, and San Diego is a major military town.  If China or Russia is enabling Kim in any way, they might have their own agenda(s).

I just have to hope that his financial resources are far more limited than he is letting on, or that he can be removed from power by cooler heads.  Even within his own country, people are starving, so it seems almost like a country committing suicide for the sake of pride or something.


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I pray we are safe. I also pray for your entire family too becky! Though luckily I'm not sensing we are In danger. since psychic made no mention of my life or anyone else's in LAs life being cut short and that I'd live a long successful life I think we'll be ok. she would have told me otherwise. but people near San Jose and San Francisco might be in danger from both quake and a strike. Asking the universe to change this dire outcome so we may be safe may be helpful. The universe does respond if you talk to it, it is a sentient force. (Or it seems to function like one)

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Hi Jeanne,

Well, in the last 48 hours, North Korea has sent yet another missile over Japan. With each missile launch (and there will be three more in the next month or so), the surety of regime change in North Korea steadily grows. This launch, as well as the others coming up, appear to be his nonverbal message in response to other nations trying to diplomatically reason with him, or otherwise bring him into the global community.

Last night, I clearly heard "November 10th" as I was thinking about the leader's actions.  It will be in the news then - either he's actually gone, or coordinated efforts to remove him will come to light in the world press and he will go into protective hiding.

This a very strong one for me - stronger than anything in a very long time. Again, I guess we shall see....

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