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Unfolding Crisis in Iran

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I have been watching closely the Iran situation. it is not good.Trump is making a decision, by end of this week, about imposing sanctions on Iran, that may trigger a withdrawal from the International nuclear control treaty that was signed a while back. If this actually happens, the Iranians will withdraw from the treaty, citing bad faith by the Americans, as they have stuck fairly carefully to the treaty. (The treaty controls Iran,s ability to make nuclear weapons. ). Not good. This, in turn, is going to provoke a major war crisis in the Middle East. Not good. The Iranians themselves, have not yet been able to reach a decision, they are waiting for Trump. Trump, in turn, is under huge pressure, from various directions. The Isreali's are as usual meddling in this and causing problems. They have their own agenda, which is the effective destruction of Iran as a military threat to Isreal. This agenda is in grave danger of leading them into delusional thinking, that they can actually do this, without serious consequences, or using their nuclear weapons. There is an intense discussion in Isreal about the situation, inside the High Isreali state. No conclusions or decisions, yet. As I posted previously, this outcome, will affect the Korea peace negotiations. (They will continue, but are endangered by this issue.). So this Summer is a decisive one, where the outcomes for the next seven years are fixed. We have come to a fork in the road. I am fairly certain that Trump will end up trapping himself, ultimately, in a box, on this one. No way out, and no resolution of the situation. This may not become clear, until the late summer, when certain events have happened. But this coming time period, until end of the month is crucial. It sets the path, for the next 12 months. At the moment, no decisions. But watch Trumps decisions regarding Iran. That is the pivot point. 

Jeanne Mayell, KB, RosieHeart and 13 people reacted
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Wish I had an "Agree" button instead of "Like".

I totally agree with you and with John Bolton installed as Trump's National Security Adviser things could go south pretty quickly. Yes, it affects our negotiations with N Korea as it exposes Trump, and by extension, the United States, as someone that cannot be trusted. Stocking up on cans of pork and beans.

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I feel this too. As matter of a fact, I just wrote to all of my members of Congress about this alarming situation. I asked them to be a check on Bolton- and the hollowed out NSA, as well as Pompeo and the State Department which is also hollowed out. Key pivotal points are all coming to a head: Iran agreement, North Korean talks, and the unraveling of Syria. I am doing what I can as a citizen to voice my concerns, working with local elections board, and sending lots of positive energy at the situation. I think this a all hands on deck situation. Light workers its time to send light.

Jeanne Mayell, KB, RosieHeart and 9 people reacted
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Shawn how I wish you were right - in that we can change the outcome of this. It feels to me that the lunatics running the show won't care about any opposition. Do you remember the protests that happened in Britain and elsewhere in the lead up to the Iraq war. Those protests were huge and yet they had no effect on the decisions of their leaders. I feel similarly now. Iran has been demonized for decades, many of the neocons have long been itching for a war with Iran. This whole thing terrifies me. If the United States goes to war with Iran then it will be the end of American hegemony in the world. No one will trust America again after another illegal war. Paul I'm with you - stocking up on canned stuff. 

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One lone voice doesn’t change much, but many can reach critical mass. Even in this situation if my voicing my concerns gets nowhere, at least I know I’ve exhausted all of my resources & done everything I can. Honestly, I believe darkness likes to divide and conquer. It wants us to feel isolated & helpless- which I believe is hogwash. We are all connected- that’s what I think we are picking up on, is other people’s energies. So I do what I can in the world ( call, write, join with others), I visualize positive outcomes, I send light to the world &!the situations that are dire, and I stock up on water, just in case ?

Jeanne Mayell, RosieHeart, Lauri H and 11 people reacted
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Hi everyone, todays psychic scanning of the Syria/Iran crisis looks alarming. I picked up that the USA fleet (7th) is now surrounding the  Island of Cyprus, where there is a very large British airbase, and which is being used for regular bombing of Syria. Neither the regular bombing, or the American protective fleet, are mentioned here in the UK media. looks like preparations, for something. I am fairly certain about the American military movements.   looks like preparations for something are underway. 

Jeanne Mayell, Celticwitch, MizMargo and 3 people reacted
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Yes to all.  The situation is not good, we are picking up on collective fear AND allowing history to repeat itself- on more than one front.  Jeanne ET all please forgive me for stepping out of the peaceful resolution perspective for a moment and say I believe we have reached a point where we must consider force here.  By force I mean we must stop watching and waiting for a higher form of light to intervene.  We must do more than contact our Congress, we must do more than pray for Mueller to get these Evil powers.  We have been conditioned to think we have exhausted our own powers and have done enough.  Consider that we are as guilty of projection as Trump and his Evil contingency is.  They project that everyone is as nefarious as they are.  We project that everyone is as well intentioned as we are.  We give them the benefit of the doubt and expect them to capitulate to honesty and the rule of Law and Truth.  It's time to admit to ourselves that there is no honesty or integrity in them.  They count on our understanding that everyone has good in them to defeat us.  

So, knowing that PLEASE everyone weigh in on what peaceful physical action we can best take as a collective.  I'd say there is more than enough evidence that we must be willing to take to the streets now.  Trump may never actually cross our red line of firing Mueller or Rosenstein.  Are we willing to let things stand as they are and devolve from here if he does not?   Have we really done enough?  Did the Germans do enough to stop Hitler? 

What should we do, given our current understanding of events when Trump withdraws from the Iran treaty tomorrow?  Should we make this the line that propels us to the streets to demand his resignation?  Or should we wait, watch and pray ?  I'm asking because I really don't know anymore, and I for one am tired of not knowing.  In direct contradiction to the Serenity Prayer and in the tradition of Seinfeld I demand "Serenity Now!"   I too have water and dry goods in my cupboard.  Enough for a couple weeks anyway :-)

Much Love to all!  Serenity or not, we will overcome this challenge.

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Hello everybody, I'm able to post again.

In connection with this, I sent an email to Jeanne on March 18 while I couldn't post, that I'm reposting here because it ties entirely with current events. I wasn't sure which thread to put it on, so do move it somewhere else if it should be. I add notes where events have already happened, or I see things moving in a somewhat different direction now.

I have another “hot dates” warning to make. 

The dates go from the milk moon to the strawberry moon (29 May to 28 June), though some of the action is likely to be visible starting from the new moon (15 May). There is a connection between the actions during these coming hot dates and the hot week in mid-February I have mentioned in the past. Decisions were taken then that relate to what is coming.

The active areas are Iran, North Korea and, with lower intensity, Syria.

This is the dominant timeline: The US gives an ultimatum to Iran to change the nuclear deal or face a new embargo, with a veiled or not-so-veiled threat of a military option, at about the same time that the talks with North Korea start.

(Note: This is what has already happened. The demands of the US were unacceptable to Iran and they said from the start they wouldn't change the existing deal.)

I see a timeline where Kim Jong Un cancels the talks in view of the US behavior with Iran, but it's weaker than the one where the talks go ahead regardless.

(Note: I see the chances of North Korea talks being cancelled a lot smaller now. They will go ahead. This has a lot to do with the work of South Korea.)

In the talks, North Korea makes a proposal that is acceptable to South Korea and China but not to the US, because they continue refusing to de-nuclearise.

(Note: We know now that North Korea offers to de-nuclearise. I still see the US likely to find issues with the proposal, though.)

The talks fail, and after the failure (or cancellation, if they are cancelled), Trump gives North Korea an ultimatum or face the military option for de-nuclearisation.

(Note: I see now better chances of success of the North Korean talks, but this is still a big risk.)

At this point, China and Russia see the combination of postures in North Korea and Iran as threatening to start WWIII, which wasn't quite what was intended by the White House.

(Note: The current military positions are so aggressive that it's hard to deny now that elements within the current administration do want to start WWIII. However, there are still important people within the White House who don't want to. Trump himself is scared of the idea.)

They give a strongly worded ultimatum at the UN, making their red lines clear, the most significant being that they will not tolerate a military invasion of North Korea or Iran.

(Note: This is likely to come very soon, before the North Korea talks get started.)

At this point, several EU countries will propose to mediate to resolve the conflict diplomatically. 

(Note: This is already happening in the case of Iran.)

It's possible that the situation steps back from the brink at this point. This won’t mean that we are out of the woods yet, though. I have been saying for a long time, and Zoron can confirm this, that 2017 to 2019 are hot years for the possibility of starting WWIII. So more hot dates will be on the horizon. The good news is, if by the end of this presidential term it hasn’t happened, it’s far less likely to, even if Trump got re-elected.

However, if people don’t step back from the cliff, there is a strong timeline that leads to World War. In this timeline, an incident in Syria involving Russian forces and drones happens in the middle of the delicate negotiations between China, Russia, the US and the EU, and triggers the decision from the White House that it's imperative to demonstrate force.

(Note: Now I also sense Israeli forces involved in the incident)

The military option in North Korea gets the go-ahead, plus additional forces get sent to the Middle East. At this point, China and Russia agree that their ultimatum has been breached.

(Note: Now I see a significant chance that North Korea is left aside and all the military activity is restricted to the Middle East.)

These are the main features I see for the opening stages of war:

- North Korea: The US attack is mostly successful. Kim Jong Un does little to attack South Korea and focuses his efforts on retaliating against American forces. I see a low probability of North Korea successfully doing a nuclear attack on American territory, though it isn't impossible. Successful attacks with conventional weapons on the bases of Guam and Okinawa are more likely. If a nuclear-capable missile is successfully fired against American territory, I see it going wide off the mark. One possibility is triggering a tsunami in the area of Hawaii, after missing the island target. Another is hitting the West of mainland States but away from all major cities. Both are low probability. However, the Chinese reaction to the US attack will be quick. They'll send forces into North Korea to stabilise the situation (from their point of view), and they will succeed at gaining control of the area.

(Note: As mentioned before, now I see a possibility of North Korea not getting involved till later on.)

- Middle East: The initial stages will be extremely chaotic. The main feature will be Turkey declaring themselves on the side of Russia and Iran. 

- Europe and United States: Russia will make an attack on the electrical grid of mainland USA, leaving millions without electricity for several days and some people for weeks. At this point, though it also may do so earlier, USA will invoke article 5 of NATO. However, NATO will disintegrate the first time the organisation is asked to fulfil its main purpose. Turkey passing to the other side of the fence will open the door for other countries choosing to declare themselves neutral, and this will be an especially attractive option in Eastern Europe. Hungary and the Czech Republic will do so, Poland is very likely to follow suit, and several other small Eastern European countries are likely to follow Poland's lead. This could extend further to Southern European countries (Greece, Italy and Spain). If it extends widely, Germany will choose neutrality as well. How many European countries declare themselves neutral is very much hanging on the balance, and on these decisions will depend the final outcome of the war. If few do so, the war will be won by America and their allies. If most of Europe are neutral, the chances favour Russia and China.

(Note: I see now less chances of Poland declaring neutrality, but more that Germany and Italy do)

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Welp, he did it. Project for the New American Century is back on. Cheney must be thrilled.

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Horribly interesting, MDW.  I have been very uncomfortable with the relationship between Trump and Netanyahu.  While many have speculated about what the Russians have on Trump & Co., I bet the Mossad has quite a bit, too.  I don't understand the logic behind Israel's reputed eagerness to engage with the US in a war with Iran.  The blow-back seems so potentially exponentially dark, which makes the entire undertaking seem suicidal.  How can the WH not know what they're getting themselves into?  It's so sad that it boils down to a lack of rational decision-making by major world leaders and their respective advisors.    

KB, RosieHeart, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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OK, so here we are. And here I am. How do we (and equally importantly how do I) get out of this mess, which we've seen
millions of times throughout the history of humanity on small scales and large, yet still manage to recreate and execute over
and over and over.

Two nights ago I knew (and so did others here -and everywhere) that the makings of war were on tap for yesterday. Zoron has a
great detailed prediction of what he sees coming. Maria - yours is astounding as well!  He's been seeing this for a long time, and many others on this site have been watching this (and other world issues) with dread and measured intuitive accuracy for months - even years.

And Jeanne, our most gracious and loving hostess, guide, and Shephard is bringing us together here to share our visions and
direct us in our place as Lightkeepers and Heart Warriors. She has asked herself and those of us here how we should use our
intuition to impact the world in a positive way. A serious question that deserves much introspection and a multitude of
various and serious answers.

So two nights ago, and yesterday morning I was calling for action to ward off this calamatous step toward war. I demanded
"Serenity Now"! For those who don't know the prayer and for my own solidification in aligining my heart, mind and Spirit

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Trump made his war mongering move yesterday. Action has happened. The ball was dropped, and a vision that helped me step back
and be more positive about this landed in my lap. I'm going to share it in the best way I can in hopes it brings some comfort
and positivity to some of you as it did to me.

This vision started with a spiral staircase with me walking up it. I think this is a fairly common spiritual concept - it is
something that I commonly see. So, with every step up, you can typically see the same room from a slightly different angle -
same room, different perspective. On the second step I see the family photos on the wall to my right, on the third, I see
mostly the arc of the ascending staris above me, on the fourth I see the ground floor room I'm leaving open up. I see the
hearth and TV and knicknack shelf from a higher vantage point and also notice I need to dust the top of my book cases that are
directly below me. A few more steps and I reach the point where the second floor intersects the staircase. I can't see the
first floor any longer, and I can get off on the second floor, or I can take the staircase up to the next floor, or go back
down to the first floor. What I understood today that is a new understanding for me is the floors tilt.

What I saw was a combination of these two games:  

and this  

(sorry I don't know how to post pictures here, so just gave links to pics)

This is a metaphor for consciousness. It is a combination of the marble maze and the marble labyrinth. We are all in this
space and many of these spaces connect. Sometimes the floors tilt by our own actions, sometimes they tilt because many of us
are congregating in a close space. Sometimes they are tilted by others, and sometimes they are tilted by Divine intervention.
Sometimes, we are the floor, or the staricase, or the ball, or the knobs used to tilt the floor. The objects we see are our lessons, and we will continue to see them from different perspectives until we have learned them.

So Trump put a heavy new ball in play and the floor has tilted. I am just past the fulcrum point on the downward slope of the tilt and I can see I don't want to slide down this floor. So I need to walk up slope a bit, and hope many join me so we can balance our floor again, but allow that ball to slide all the way down the floor and off the game. Let's balance this.

Much Love to all as always!

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What a wonderfully creative vision, Luminata!  I'll lend my weight to rebalancing this situation ... cheers to sliding the ball out of the game!

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What would come handy at this point is a section in this forum where we could post advice and warnings to stay safe. So far, all these things are happening far from where we live. But there are too many chances that one day war comes knocking at our doors. We'll need that space then.


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Very appalling. It appears now that the world is definitely heading for a war, which made me bring up this question again; about the use of nuclear weapons. Is there a time where a nuclear missile were to be used? And its resulting impact on the location as well as the world?

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Zoron update.

The situation is hardening regarding the Middle East. 

There are several timelines.....

We are covering most of them in here, and I think some clarity is likely within a week. 

My scanning last night revealed that  Trump has over-played his hand. he lacked the understanding, and experience, to judge the consequences of his actions. he is now in a real predicament. in order to extract himself, and America, from the dead end he has created, he is going to have to back down, in his confrontations, and give ground. If he continues as he is, war is now inevitable. he has, single-handedly, blundered America into a huge international crisis. 

But Trump is not man enough to man-up, and admit the whole situation has become a serious mistake. This will be fatal, to him. internal, deep state forces, in the USA, that have been involved in supporting him, now realize the situation is slipping out of their control. out of anyone's control, in fact, in the USA. Events are now controlling all the players in this crisis, but particularly in the USA. 

Elements, like Bolton, and the Koch family, and the Oligarch Mercer, are clearly out of their depth here, and Bolton will flounder, as events happen. 

I am writing this post, like the others in this crisis, in as informal, and neutral a way as I can, as the bare facts are frightening enough. Maria White, who has returned to post on here, is over lapping me on many points, and generally, we seem to be in consensus on events. I would ask that those of you who follow me on here, track Maria's blog posts, as well. 

I do have to say that it is very important to grasp that just because I say an event seems likely, it does not mean it is going to happen. It just means, that at the time I made the prediction, the prediction was the most likely outcome. But things are fluid and change. The future does not happen, until it stops being the future, and becomes the prsent, and actually happens. Until then, there are always other potential time lines, and the quantum physics rules of Wave mechanics rule. Please understand this.

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The Iran crisis: Update and notes.

note two: Friday, 11th May.

a friend, some years ago, had a strong dream sequence, where he was watching TV, at some time in the future, and saw a newscast. in it, there was a confrontation, over North Korea. it ended in military conflict, and the North Korean ruler eventually made a nuclear strike on Seoul, in South Korea. This led to the UK, which was one of the few allies left on the American side, being ordered to use their nuclear missile strike submarine, to fire a retaliatory nuclear  missile on Pyongyang. This was done. 

The results caused a world crisis, and mass panic in the UK. He saw, in a later dream, that the Uk was in uproar, and decided to flee to relatives in France. He was able to leave the country, as he had a French passport, but he was aware that UK citizens trying to leave were being prevented from leaving. This is an example of the time line problem. In some timeline, it happened, but in our time line, probably not. But they sort of overlap, and leak across time lines, as visions, and I give it as an example of the problems of Psychic forecasting. There are also "Clusters" of such events, where time lines seem to entangle, and spawn new time lines. I again give this as an example, as we are seeing scary things, but we have to be careful, and watch events unfold. 

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In a previous post I wrote about internal unrest that Arab countries will face. No avoiding that fate now. The long term destabilization which was on hold since 2010, has started. When this ends 10-12 years later the region would completely change. 

 The question is whether WWIII will start or not ?

The answar is the plan will blow up.

By rallying their population against Shia Iran, Arab countries rulers are trying to divert their attention from various issues like rising unemployment, women rights, Jerusalem issue that can create unrest in their home. A chaotic Levant situation will again stir the 'demand for Jerusalem' among Arabs. It will start from either Egypt or somewhere in Gulf which will eventually spread to other Gulf countries & Israel's neighbours. There will be a clear divide between rulers who want to wipe out Iran(even taking Israeli help) and citizens who hate Israel. I have said before that fanatics of Islam will rise up, this time out of control. Ultimately this will isolate Israel in the region where Arab leaders would have to choose between civil war in their country or Supporting Israel. However that doesn't completely satisfies the fanatics(there are many other 'Muslim' issues). Europeans should be mentally prepared.  

Israel as a nation will face two-pronged attacks from Iran(Russia). They will not back down, Lebanon can become the next Syria as a result. Ultimately they will found themselves alone, allies won't back them and resources/money will dry up, ouster of Netanyahu won't change the fate. 

In US Saudi and Israeli(especially Israeli) influence in govt will get revealed, which will provoke a retaliation from US lawmakers. Anyway that won't stop them from instigating war which will create massive hatred against US in the world. US will also continue current trade war with China which will again heat up from late July, it will see dollar loosing it's value in next decade.  As said before all of this will damage US economy beyond repair. There will be lots of internal change as a result from 2026. 

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Asian, when you say internal change in 2026, what can they be? Many of us, including me, see that in 2024, there will be a female president. Do you see a multi-party government?

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Maria D. White, do you mean shelter from harm in a crisis such as fleeing from a coastal area, like Laura contemplated?  I suppose we'd have to ask Jeanne, if she'd serve as an "authentication" guide for regular contributors before agreeing to take people in from across the country ... I imagine Dillon's freaked out ...

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I live in a big old house in a small town in western Illinois. I'd be glad to take any of you in if push came to shove. You have to get along with my three golden retrievers though.

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