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CIA's remote viewing program

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There's no general section of the forum so i'm having to post this here, 

I just watched this video about the CIA's program on remote viewing and I just wondered what everyone thought about it?

I found it really interesting, the experiments they did and how it developed into spying on the soviets. The examples he gives are really accurate although i'm sure there were a lot of misses. 

At the end he says how the technique can be used to make money from the stock market and that many psychic's do make money this way.

I just wondered if anyone here is able to do that?  

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Ha, I always meant to become so good in lucid dreaming that I could predict the lottery numbers (I heard that's potentially possible). But I'm mentally a little out of shape lately, lol. I'll have to drop catching up with the news and get into training my mind again. Much better for my sanity, anyways!

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He mentions in the video why lottery number are not a good thing to focus on.

the technique he describes is:

we are going to look at a particular stock

if the stock goes up tomorrow I will bring you an object - lets say a bunch of flowers

if the stock goes down tomorrow I will bring you another object - a tape measure

the remote viewer doesn't know anything about the objects before hand but describes that it will be an object that's rolled up with numbers on.

and so they bet that the stock is going to go down.


here's a link to the part of the video where he talks about it:



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This is so smart! I''l keep that in mind. In lucid dreaming, you would call that incubating. Let's say in my lucid dream I asked my guides or spirit about the stock market. Then I would create in front of me a table with a drawer. I then would decide that the flowers represent stocks going up and tape measure means stocks going down. I then would anticipate to find either flowers or tape in the drawer when I open it. Much more precise than asking for individual numbers (which are hard to remember once awake). If you're interested, I learned some tricks of the lucid trade from this guy:

Very eye opening book he wrote. Also, there is an old classic book that addresses the CIA's remote viewing studies called "the men who stare at goats".

Here is an article describing the program behind it:

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Back in the late 60s , into the early 70s, these were big deals in the alt-reality training of psi mind groups. I went through the Silva Mind Control training in 1972....I was better at Distance Medical Diagnosis Scanning but also things like Remote Viewing I was able to travel and view as there was a lot of things out there about the Russians training children from birth on. I also did Lucid Dreaming with Eckankar group. All good in different ways. Lucid Dreaming on my own in 90s  amazing dream travel was finding and reading the Akashic scrolls. That was best ever. Could only partially unroll and couldn't read the language/symbols. Some other planet/dimensions but stopped to focus on healing energies and haven't had any work on them since.  Amazing stuff too out there to even bring up ...funny I feel comfortable doing so here. All sober by the way, never used mind altering substances of any kind. Fascinating times..then and now.

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I'd like to invite you all to try to predict the UK election result...

