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Are we heading towards one pinnacle moment where everything changes?

Illustrious Member Registered
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“In the case of our civilization, the voices of those who have been crushed and thwarted are coming up, and the outcome, if we are to survive, will have to involve sustainability and humane treatment of all people.”

Jeanne’s words have come to life in the past two nights, boldly and vividly. 

I really internalized it when I heard Jaquelyn Brittany speak.

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Illustrious Member Moderator
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Really neat! I love The La’s! Great description of their songwriting he gave of “capturing something from a different dimension and harnessing it in a material net.” I have heard similar in other interviews with songwriters about how they write - that it is not something that comes from them, but something they “get” and write down.

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@lowtide  Whoa, did I write that?

I read the Jacquelyn Brittany story you posted and was moved by her experience with Biden's empathy for her. To most big politicians, a security guard is not powerful enough warrant attention.  But I keep reading about Biden's empathy. There is something about suffering that raises people's ability to empathize, and he has had his share of loss.

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Illustrious Member Registered
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I am a songwriter, poet, and artist and everything I create comes to me mostly fully formed. Like Mozart, I am taking down dictation when I write. When I make Art my  hands feel guided and my eyes see the art work on the canvas before I create it in some cases. It feels like I am guided by the souls of Artists and Musicians and Writers who came before. 

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Illustrious Member Moderator
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My daughter has told me music  just comes to her as well.  I will hear her play something on the piano which is beautiful and ask her about it.  She will respond it "I don't know, it just came me".  It usually seems to touch my spirit.  

 In 8th grade she wrote a band piece for her entire band to perform.  All parts.  It was fantastic.  Her band director allowed it to be performed by the band for a spring concert.  I must give kudos to her director who allowed for it to be performed and her future director in High School who heard about it and showed up to support her as well.  Her former elementary school band director came  as well.  Such awesome support for a young musician!


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