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[Closed] Prayers and/or Energetic Healing Needed Part 3

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@jeanne-mayell I appreciate this and you holding me in your thoughts, this community is truly remarkable and supportive and I am so grateful to be a part of it. I will take any help from you all that you can send my way. My boards are Saturday at noon mst. Love and blessings

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@dannyboy  Yes!!!! This!!!! Every .... word.... this!!! We are One!!! We are all connected!!!! We are all Tribe!!!! We... belong... to ourselves ... to each other.

Isn't it delicious!!!

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I don't argue with my youngest over fate, reincarnation, heaven, the spiritual, the metaphysical. I know they are psychic, tho like me, they haven't opened themselves up to it fully yet. For them, they even say they don't believe. But I've seen too much in this life to not know that it all exists. 

We all have journeys to make, and we aren't always the ones in the driver's seat on the route, much as we'd like to be, or believe we are behind the wheel. 

I marvel at it all sometimes, and as you all know, I look for reasons and connections. I found @jeanne-mayell 's site years ago, before there was a forum, just like @dannyboy. We count ourselves among some of her first members. It has been a great place for all of us. I've learned that if I want to know the answer to something like why, or when, I will find the answer-I just have no clue when it will be revealed to me. 

I remember things in my life that leave an impression. For example, Monica and I were going through a catalog 30 some years ago. There were necklaces and earrings made of Egyptian cartouches that were custom-made with your name in the old hieroglyphs. Oh, how cute we noted. When Christmas came, I opened the box from my ex to find the set, and suddenly it wasn't cute. I had a visceral reaction. I dropped the box like it was on fire, or it was a ticking time bomb. I've never had such a reaction. It perplexed us all. The first day mail resumed after Christmas, I shipped it back. It had to leave my house ASAP. I've never returned something like that before or since. Once I was divorced, and was exploring the spiritual, I had an online friend who was researching Egypt. I helped. I found it familiar and interesting. I finally thought of the jewelry and my reaction. I came to the conclusion that I must have known my ex in a past life in Egypt, and that caused the reaction. Fast-forward a few decades to this summer and my ex's death. In the aftermath I had a friend over, who is psychic, and a psychologist. She was inquiring about how I was doing as we swam in my pool. During our conversation, I could tell her that I knew we had been together in a previous life in Egypt, and about the jewelry incident. Her first words were that I was a slave, and he was the master, and she noted some of his behaviors. She could see him looking disappointed and confused with himself on the other side. I could clearly say he hadn't changed in this life, having made the same mistakes, and this is why he was dejected. I could also tell her that even tho weeks had passed since his death, Monica had yet to visit him. She concurred. In the evening, as I was trying to figure out what to stream for that night's entertainment, it dawned on me how complex things had been to bring us together again. He was from the Midwest, me from the mid-Atlantic coast, and we randomly met in on a beach in the southeast on a day my boss and I were playing hooky from work. Oh, the logistics of it all, the broken relationships, the variables necessary to put us in the same spot at the right time to make us meet again! Knowing that there are things that are meant to be helps me to deal with life's ups and downs. He was given a second chance by the heavens, and I'm asking that there will be no more. I've tried twice, this isn't baseball. The truth is, there are things we are here to learn, and if we don't learn them, we come back and try again. 

So, when I fail at something (unlike Dannyboy) like keeping the weight off, I know there's a reason, and either I'm meant to be this size, or it's to keep me from diverting something that is meant for my future. We are to learn to respond to things with love. 

Oh, and Jeanne, you were talking about the future of travel and EVs. I feel that EVs aren't the future so much as hydrogen fuel cells. A friend who is a fan of Musk (business-not his personality or antics) and I got into a debate two weeks ago, where she noted he was just trying to save the planet. She noted his giving away EV technology to other companies. I felt it odd when she said it, but reserved judgement till I could get home and research. What I felt as I read of his 'gift' was that the poor billionaire realized he invested in beta instead of VHS and was trying to turn the tables in his favor, not that he was trying to save the earth. He wanted to guide the market into electric. In the two weeks since that conversation and research, I've had a number of articles pop up without my researching noting that Honda, GM, BMW and others are now looking more into hydrogen vs EV technology. My gut says this will be an up-and-coming thing, vs EVs being 'the' green technology. 

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Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the day!  My transplant coordinator and my team will present our case to K’s transplant team and make the final decision on the process.

I’m not at goal weight yet.  But I’m super close.  And honestly, I think the final approval from the team will be the final impetus I need to get there and below.  It’s been really hard the last three weeks to get the motivation to finish even though the cause is noble.  It was one part stress from last weeks’ appointment, and one part being ready for the next step.

So tomorrow is my next step.  

The last time it took them several hours to do … whatever the hell it is that they do.  So while it’s been a good run weekend without me worrying about this too much I’m simply… how did I put it in my email to @Ghandigirl… ready.  I need that next goal to reach for.

So, let’s get er done.  A positive outcome and that final weight lost!

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I award you the ephemeral gold medal for tenacity!!!

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@dannyboy Oh, all the best of luck and light! Will be thinking of you.

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@dannyboy good luck and positive thoughts prayers and light shining on you on this journey.   Waiting to hear this amazing story.  Peace.

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I’ll post here when I get my call :-). Here are two very interesting facts I learned.

1). February 14th is national organ donor day.  That’s tomorrow, but today’s the day I find out if I’m donating and it just feels really like the universe is joking lovingly with me by lining decision day up with this.  I mean, hell - if I cross the international date line isn’t it tomorrow?  (Thus making it National organ Donor Day somewhere?)

2).  I’ve been targeting April because of its impact on my school year but I also recently learned that April is Donate Life month - a whole month dedicated to donation.  If the universe wasn’t lovingly joking with me about today, a date in April will be the gentlest and most stress relieving punchline I’ll have encountered in these 44 years on the rock.  

The two things I want today:  A yes from the transplant teams, and if not a date, a date range.  Even hearing “Sometime in the last two weeks in April” will be enough for me to move forward with my plans for salvaging the parts of my calendar that I booked into my ideal recovery time last year before I knew this was happening this year for sure.  Those two things will take a load off!

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Thanks for the update, @dannyboy.  I've just lit a candle that your prayers be answered.  Sending you calming light as you wait for the decision from the transplant team.  Spirit is with you, and so are we!  

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Praying for you, for "YES" and a date. The word that comes to me is "trust". Trust that you have done your best to prepare. Trust that the team has K's and your best interests at heart as they move through the process. 

"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul."  - from the old poem The Desiderata 




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@dannyboy H.L. Mencken said " God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh" So it's either Divine comedy? Or.... confirmation/affirmation you are indeed in the right sequence of events to fulfill the quest you have undertaken - to give you reassurance that Creator/Universe is with you all the way giving you the support you need.

I know it is affirmation to you that yes... you ARE doing this - a Divine living example of Light and Love made manifest that inspires way more people than you know and strengthens all of us in a time it is sorely needed to remind us... that the hatred and selfishness we see in the headlines is NOT who we are as a people.

We are... the Light, the Love we seek  You? Are an amazing warrior of Light and Love.



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@Dannyboy  I am praying for you today.  All shall be well, my friend.  Thank you for setting this highest example of love and compassion.  We are with you in spirit.

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@dannyboy I will definitely pray for you.  Please give us an update soon!  Take care and God bless you with alot of light!

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To my virtual waiting room:

The last test is never the last test lol.  BUT - I've heard (And I have a tentative date because they're feeling good about it) - Basically all the tests they took in August, they now send off to a company in Germany for 3D modeling.  They'll ship back some 3D models of my insides.  Part of this is to inspect - they want to make sure the 3D model looks like they expect it will when they open me up.  The modeling process will render things that maybe the naked eye couldn't see like extra blood vessels, etc.  It's rare but not unheard of for this to knock someone out, but she emphasized it's rare.

Meantime I'll keep dropping weight like it's my job :-) 

Bottom line:  The transplant team approved me in October pending weight loss.  They've now approved me again in February pending results of this modeling process.  When the models come back (they also use the model to practice - I wholeheartedly approve of this process!) they'll make the date I'm holding on my calendar in late April official and I'll happily share it with you all then.

I feel good about the modeling process.  I think it's all smooth sailing from here.  


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@dannyboy Wonderful news! And what a process! I had no idea they did a 3D modeling process. Very cool. Keep on, keeping on, good sir!

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@cc21 It (the modeling process) was news to me as well :-)  But at the end of the day, do I want my surgical team to get the weirdest 3D printed model (of Dannyboy's insides) to both inspect and practice with before the big day?

Yes.  Yes I do.  Thank you.  Please.

it apparently costs a boatload - I did ask why they didn't send it off earlier and it's because it was uncertain I'd lose the weight or not.  Makes sense.  A little frustrated to wait another couple of weeks but her giving me a date (again I'll share when it's official) was a good sign in my mind that she thinks we're moving forward.  This is her job. This is what she does.  She's great at it and she's done it a long time.  She doesn't let things slip out her mouth without purpose :-) 


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@dannboy, I'm so happy for you.  That is totally wild about the 3D model!  These medical advancements amaze me.  

My prayers continue ...  

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@dannyboy Right?! Yes, please. Do *all* the detail work you need before you get inside there. :)

And you are right - they wouldn't be telling you possible timing without some solid backing. So, more patience and hard work on your part, but you've got that part down to a science. We are all keeping you and this whole process in good thoughts, light and positive forward momentum!

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@dannyboy, you are giving the gift of life. There is no greater gift.  Praying for you both.  And you will have this whole community sending love and light the whole way through.

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My Spirit Guide, Dr.Gin, who said he has been working with you whether you realize it or not, wants to say to you that one of your greatest healing gifts is HUMOR! This is your strength and it has actual healing energy within it.

You and K have gifted one another in other lives. You are gifts to one another in this life. Your laughter is your extra-special power, and you are loved deeply—not only here in this community but by those in Spirit as well.


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