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Oh no not sweet Bernie!

Missed her last night and wondered what had happened. Oh praying praying sending sending.


Blessings to Bernie, her husband and all of their family.

What a dear dear husband for letting you know. ???


villager, deetoo, TriciaCT and 3 people reacted
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As the coronavirus inches its way into the area my family lives in we have become worried because I have a 2 year old and my fiance grandmother has stage 4 copd. We fear for our survival. I want to send all of y'all healing light as we making it through this challenge ?

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Holding you all in the light. You are all together and there is power in that. 


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Been so caught in the coronavirus threads, I'm just seeing this now.

Dear One, my heart goes out to you. Hang in there, we each have our challenges. Thank you for sharing your struggle, sharing it makes the burden a little lighter, I always think.

❤️ ❤️ 


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Well, it looks like my ex- landlady isn't going to mke it. Because she was on meals on wheels and they didn't deliver on Sunday, I'd fix her a meal. I'm grateful that on the last Sunday I was able to tell her how much I appreciated her friendship.

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Sorry everyone for the constant posting today, I have just be so worried about my family and child, if fear something will happen to us and I wont get to see my son make a difference in this world one day. I have been trying to make every day worth it and make a place for myself in it. We have been in the works of getting a home, I have a feeling feel down that its the one, but my fears make me feel like ill never get to experience it. 

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@pikake I have heard emu oil ok for pain in pets but can be a blood thinner, so ask vet first.


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@jeanne-mayell  Due to fatigue and sometimes because I do have empathy, it's tough to find people that are uncomplicated, so sometimes I find I have to try to choose the less bleh option.  Send sharp and compassionate people who are willing to stay, and have not so many mental health issues.. my way if possible.

 Having much trouble navigating health system in the bear state. If anyone has time, I also suggest sending strength to those with immune system issues, as infectious disease doctors likely swamped at this time, and the doctors and patients vulnerable.  let's hope there are more doctors willing to step up and work the current system in a clever manner so that everyone can get the care they need.


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Posted by: @laynara

Sorry everyone for the constant posting today, I have just be so worried about my family and child, if fear something will happen to us and I wont get to see my son make a difference in this world one day. I have been trying to make every day worth it and make a place for myself in it. We have been in the works of getting a home, I have a feeling feel down that its the one, but my fears make me feel like ill never get to experience it. 

I wanted to reply because I can relate to your post so much. I also have a 2-year old (daughter) and a grandmother with respiratory issues. I’m so terrified of the projections I’ve been reading in the news (for the US). To top everything off, I’m home recovering from strep and I’m set to start a new job next week. I’m so scared that I’ll never have the opportunity and/or (even worse) that I could lose my husband or I could die and not be a part of my daughter’s life. I’ve been having panic attacks all day which I’m sure isn’t helping my condition any. My husband keeps telling me it’s going to be alright and I wish I could believe him. Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you and  yours (and everyone!). I hope this whole ordeal is more of a wake up call than a horror movie come true.

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@nelysthealchemist and @laynara. I remember how I felt when my kids were small. There is nothing that comes close to that urgent need to protect them 24/7. This pandemic is merciful in that way - children under 9 are not getting sick. Pandemic statistics usually show a U-shaped curve of mortality rates -- very high for under 2 years and very high for the frail elderly.  But this one is different.  There are no deaths from this virus for very young and almost no one under 9 has even gotten sick.   When I take a breath and feel my spirit guide flowing through me as I think of you both, I hear, they are all safe, safe, safe. 


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@jeanne-mayell Oh no, this is not good.  I will send healing prayers for Bernie's complete recovery.  thank you for letting us know.  


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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this right.  Our older population is very vulnerable  right now and those who need to work are caring such a heavy burden during this time.  I will keep your family in my prayers.  Please keep us posted.

Also, healing prayers for Bernie.  I will also put her on a prayer list at our church.  So sorry to hear that news.


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@herondreams Prayers, white, healing light and loving thoughts to you and your family, especially your niece.  I imagine an angel with soft white wings wrapping them around her to heal and protect.  


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First, I am sending you both a big virtual hug. Second, keep Jeanne's chart in mind when you are most worried about your little ones.




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@lovendures and @jeanne-mayell Thank you so much for your responses  (and especially for the chart)- I feel so uplifted and hopeful. I had been reading about how the US is trending like Northern Italy and how even teenagers and young adults are dying there now that hospitals are overwhelmed, and I’ve just been allowing everything to scare me. I so appreciate your support and know that I’m praying for everyone here and sending love and light to all of you. This forum is truly a godsend. <3 you all!



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It is amazing that just a few months ago this forum was a godsend in dealing with the Occupier in MisChief and all the pain and despair his actions have caused around the world.  It has also been a beautiful gathering of like minded individuals advocating for climate crisis actions and causes.  I doubt Jeanne had any idea when she created this beautiful community, it would become a refuge during a terrifying pandemic for so many around the world.  It is a true beacon of light and hope as well as a critical source to share knowledge and compassion during this continued crisis. 

Jeanne works unceasingly to mold and hold this community together and has graciously allowed us to build a family which is full of light workers, hope spreaders and advocates.  We are more enlightened, supported, and encouraged individuals because of this blessed gathering of beautiful souls.  

@Jeanne-Mayell, look at this  bright, majestic lighthouse you have build upon the rockiest of shores that guides her ships through the darkest of storms.



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I was told by my psychic medium friend to stick with this group. 

I was given the name Ghandigirl from a "friend" of a friend. It was meant as an insults but another dear friend dubbed me ghandigirl and reframed it as a strong stance. 

I love tihs group. I admit I can't follow everything that is said but I am beleiving that I begin again to feel the energy.

I am feeling a bit fearful in the moment, and am relaking, medicating myself, and keeping my risk low with yesterday being the last day I go anywhere. Read my man the riot act after him shaking hands with someone, then rubbing his eyes, no hndwash or sanitize. If he brings this virus home I have a medical histry that puts me at a bit greater risk, so I am self isolating but went to view a house, and go to the

dollar store yesterday. No more outings, No more people at the door. 

As my sensitivites return I feel a heavy weight pressing down. It hums with the collective angst. I am hearing a swarm of voices and covid 19 in letters above it ,changing all colors to represent all infected at all stages. 

Feels huge and again grateful for Ambien. Would not have slept a wink in old days of stress.

Please join me in saying  a brief prayer for Our Planet in whatever language you speak to your Higher Power

Thanks to all for many kindnesses. I do better with groups then on my own, especially now when my stress is bubbling up.

I picture the top of my head as a conduit tunnel to light moving upward. I release the fear from the back of my neck, my shoulders, and envision white Light Surrounding my lungs and pulsing throughout my body and immune system.

Tiger-n-Owl, villager, Jeanne Mayell and 17 people reacted
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I love the name @ghandigirl.  The name suits you -- it contains such peaceful power, wisdom and strength.  I feel that strongly in you, even when you have your periods of deep anxiety.

I love you, @ghandigirl, and everyone in this community.  And I am praying with you, every single day.

Tiger-n-Owl, Jeanne Mayell, Laynara and 9 people reacted
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I just want to remind everyone of something we remind each other of very often: get outside in nature. There are no restrictions requiring everyone to stay indoors. Get to a trail, park, etc., where you know it tends not to be crowded. Take your dogs with you if you have any. There's no harm in being outside as long as you are not right on top of other people outside cities.

Has anyone here ever read The Decameron (by Boccaccio)? It was written in the 1300s. It's a collection of folk tales. Boccaccio describes how he and a few friends fled the Black Plague in Florence, and they head to the countryside to camp out and have picnics. He even describes the food they make as each friend tells a story on each night. By the time everyone in the group has told a story, it is safe to return to Florence. COVID-19 is not bubonic plague, so keep that in mind.

For those who suffer panic attacks, I want you to try something I've mentioned on here a long time ago. It's called a Valsalva Maneuver, 100% harmless and drug free and works better than you think it will. Panic attacks kick in when the Vagus nerve gets irritated by an overactive brain, and transmits signals to the heart, and also irritates the diaphragm as it passes through. This is why it feels like a heart attack. So here's what you do:

1. Sit upright in a chair.
2. Take a big breath, hold it.
3. Take a small sip of room temp water, keep holding that breath!
4. Hold the water on your tongue/in your mouth.
5. As you hold the water, swallow as hard as you can (don't let the water go down!), bearing down with your abdominal muscles as if for bowel movement (or childbirth).
6. Then swallow the water(hard again but don't bear down) and release the air slowly.

This seems like a lot of steps, but it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds total. Bonus - it can also help with hiccups.

Lastly - for the sporty types, my husband and I realized there's one sport perfectly suited for this situation: TENNIS!  2 people who are 20 feet apart, outside in the sun hitting a ball with a racquet. Get out there and hit a ball around if you can't get into nature.

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@ghandigirl we all need each other and I am thankful for each and every one of you here.   The noise and fear will increase but we should try to shut it out.  Get some fresh air, get some sun, pray, sing, meditate, laugh, practice gratitude, whatever brings you peace and calm.   We will come through this and we have this place to express what weighs us down.   We are not alone.    

I am so grateful to have found you all.   It brings me peace and quiets the noise in my head.   Stay safe, smart and aware my dear ones.   
peace and blessings to you all



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